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Open letter to P. Lindemann

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  • #61
    Common confusion

    Originally posted by carbideTip View Post
    Show me a AC unit or air compressor that runs itself. You understand why its C.O.P>1 right?
    Just because unit can demonstrate C.O.P>1 it doesn't mean it can self run.
    BTW, yes, I understand what C.O.P means

    'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

    General D.Eisenhower


    • #62
      Ps, read my first post in the series on the previous page, and then the two on this page will make more sense.

      Love and light all
      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
        Ok, first things first, this will be hodge-podge and presented awkwardly; such is the way my brain works..

        All overunity devices I have run across tend to run cooler than the ambient temperature. It is possible to shift heat from one area to another with these machines. If something is hot, something else will be colder.

        Now, that is astonishing. Period.

        Using a simple battery and a resistor across the terminals (which spends most of it's time destroying the work done to charge the battery) we can make heat, but nothing else gets colder.

        With an ou system, we find that if it is not properly balanced in a state of imbalance (like a boulder atop a mountain which threatens to do work but never does) then the heat we lose in one part can manifest in another and burn out our LED's or transistors etc.

        Sometimes, like with the ainslie device, we can fine tune the system to place the extra heat (work added) where we want.

        People, we are doing something that can cause heat to move, or apparently turn heat into a more useable part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

        Now, that doesn't make sense, and when something doesn't make sense as a causal property, then the what we thought was a causal property is indeed an effect, and we will find a previously unknown cause underlying the heat loss or transfer of energy. This underlying cause will make sense.

        So, what are we doing that can make our machines cold? To understand where our heat is going, we need to understand where it came from.

        Now, one might go conventional and say that heat is distributed to earth by the sun. That is mostly correct, but not entirely.

        The lightest element, helium or hydrogen (i can never remember which name goes where), never turns from a liquid into a solid. Never, even at absolute zero. At zero Kelvin, it remains a superfluid.

        From whence does the energy to sustain this energetic state come from? Not from the sun. We have to assume it is coming from somewhere else outside of the atom's mass. If this energy had mass, it would freeze. But we know it cannot because it keeps the hydrogen? fluid.

        So, the source of this energy must have no mass. It is massless, and has a minimum ground state energy which it is not permitted to go below.

        This is important to realise, because it cannot have a minimum ground state energy and also be a static force.

        The 'energy source' must be kinetic; it is in a constant state of flux, and therefore if we push on it by displacing it with the one thing it cannot be - mass - then it will push back on that mass.

        Now, given that we know it is kinetic, the force it applies on mass will have to go into the mass. This force cannot be static like water in a cup; and we have established why above.

        So, why does mass not grow more massive? where does this extra energy go? Where does the river flow?

        The aether hits mass on all sides, either macroscopically re the planets or the sun, or microscopically as in an 'elementary particle'


        How many bs we need to read

        Guys Over-unity is only a question of knowing how energy interact with matter. It don't violates any laws of thermodynamics. Its simple and stupid and a 12 years old child can understand easily how it works.

        Aether ? come on! grow up! there is many more other sources of energy.
        in the earth for example we are surrounded by a magnetic field of 5 tesla from other planets. We don't even use this. and we have ability to construct self running plants for any desired output power. We multiply energy by a factor of 150 and than reuse some of it about less than 1% to recharge the essential start up battery.
        what do you think about? is it enough?
        This is just energy applied reacting with matter. The energy output is in the form of hydrogen. We have a meaning to transform this h2 into electricity with 95 % of efficiency.

        What do you think about? is it Real ?

        Do you want to help?

        Your choice is what you chose to be.


        • #64
          Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
          in the earth for example we are surrounded by a magnetic field of 5 tesla from other planets.
          Five tesla?
          "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

          “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
          Nikola Tesla


          • #65
            @ Sebosfato, you're probably correct about there being no aether. Tesla's theory of electrogravitics was probably a bunch of bull. I'm sure that his flying machine just had long strings tied to the clouds to keep it aloft.

            I'm sure there's no need for challenging currently accepted thought; after all, if we went around never questioning the status quo and simply ignored every anomaly or piece of evidence that disagreed with our beliefs system... Well, we wouldn't have all those nuisances like radio, telephones, flight, and medicine.

            I mean, truly, whatever was I thinking. The currently inconsolable scientific theories like quantum mechanics and relativity theory, well, the things they don't explain like gravity - must just be unexplainable.

            Thank God we have politicians to tell us everything is ok..

            Or one might start feeling like a fool for noticing the elephant in the room.

            Edit; I feel I must amend my first post in this thread. Apparently if you teach a man to fish, you may not feed him for a lifetime if he persists in casting his line in the sand for the want of believing in water.
            Last edited by Inquorate; 01-13-2010, 11:43 PM.
            Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


            • #66
              Man i just said study the real accepted science enough to know how it really works, is much more important than trying to find something that don't exist or that don't work the way most free energy researchers believe. Over unity devices works, definitely, but you need the energy source to make it work. You need to understand that first. Than you just need to feed for the losses.

              You see is not that hard to understand. Forget bout this aether energy think to your self if this aether thing wasn't created to mislead people. Is the same example for the components of the periodic table, why do we need to create more elements if we don't even know all the possibilities of all elements?

              Find out about Paul Brown and his atomic batteries for example.

              Yes 5 ntesla sorry


              • #67
                cancer cure

                Originally posted by carbideTip View Post
                I guess my point is there are many people who have changed this world in there fields and are held in high regard. I'm not here to debate what can and cannot be done. I don't mean any disrespect to Mr Lindemann. I know he has work hard in this field and is respected by many including me. But the statement seems a bit disingenuous does it not? It's like saying I know the cure for cancer but I don't have the time or money to make it happen and I'm not going to tell you how to do it.
                Fortunately, many cures for many kinds of cancers are cheap enough that
                anyone can put them together at home.

                Flax see oil and cottage cheese
                Maple syrup and baking soda
                Panels of Red LED's

                I give you a dozen of them in one my recent posts and you follow the
                research to see the documentation on every single one of them.

                NONE of them are held in high regard and are ignored by the entire
                corrupt medical system.

                EDIT: except for the red led's.
                Last edited by Aaron; 01-14-2010, 01:23 AM.
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • #68
                  please reread the thread

                  Originally posted by carbideTip View Post
                  Show me a AC unit or air compressor that runs itself. You understand why its C.O.P>1 right?
                  You may be able to see that what you're asking implies something that
                  isn't a valid argument - if you reread this thread.

                  Runs itself?

                  Do you understand what I posted to Richard and UZ?

                  Your question has already been answered and there is no reason for
                  anyone to have to repeat it over and over.
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • #69
                    the real question

                    Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
                    Just because unit can demonstrate C.O.P>1 it doesn't mean it can self run.
                    BTW, yes, I understand what C.O.P means

                    Again, self running is irrelevant. Over 1.0 cop is.

                    Self running is a PREFERENCE, but NOT a requirement to be a free
                    energy machine! There is a huge difference.

                    It is not even debatable if there are free energy machines.

                    A man-made self running, self sustaining machine that takes the output
                    and puts it to the input to keep itself going is only one embodiment of a
                    free energy machine.

                    If I power my house on 2 battery banks. One is powering the home while
                    the other is charging from potential supplied from the first bank and I
                    have to MANUALLY go to the basement to throw a switch to swap
                    battery banks and run on the other and charge the first, that is a free
                    energy machine that violates all the conventional thermodynamics
                    beyond question and demolishes everything in the standard textbooks.

                    If the switch switched itself, that would be PREFERRED but has absolutely
                    NOTHING to do with the nature of the energy characteristics of the device
                    itself - how much is being made, the validity of more out than we have to
                    supply, etc...

                    The "self running" argument needs to be a distinction because it is
                    MISLEADING for many people to see that the lack of an easy self runner
                    means there is no free energy machine and this kind of misinformation
                    is destructive to progress unless it is kept in proper context.

                    You may personally have said that because a machine shows over 1.0
                    cop doesn't mean it self runs. NOBODY has made any of these claims.

                    Are you arguing...

                    A. There are no over 1.0 cop devices shown in Energetic Forum


                    B. There are no self runners shown here or elsewhere


                    C. Both A & B...not only is there no self runners, there are no over 1.0
                    cop devices here.

                    This very valid question flushes out INTELLECTUAL HONESTY and will
                    tell the entire story of any skeptic in the way they answer.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #70
                      earth resonance

                      Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
                      in the earth for example we are surrounded by a magnetic field of 5 tesla from other planets. We don't even use this.
                      Every compass is a mechanical motor powered by the Earth's magnetic
                      field. Doesn't matter if it doesn't spin, it is still mechanical work, which is measurable
                      in joules of energy, small but real and is 100% completely free and is a
                      COP of infinity since there is no input required by the operator.

                      There is a difference between simply tapping that and tapping the
                      Schumann Resonance, which is where the real gains are to be had from
                      the Earth's magnetic field.

                      I'm very interesting in learning more specifically about this if you have more
                      info or want to start a thread about tapping the Earth Resonance.
                      Last edited by Aaron; 01-14-2010, 04:41 AM.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • #71

                        Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
                        Is the same example for the components of the periodic table, why do we need to create more elements if we don't even know all the possibilities of all elements?
                        Mendeleev had a few "elements" smaller than hydrogen in the original
                        periodic table of elements. To him, elements weren't necessarily different
                        atoms, they were elements. Those fundamental components are essentially
                        the aether.

                        Dark energy exists and is a name given to the aether because the scientific
                        community has no integrity to admit they were wrong for the last century
                        about the aether - call it dark energy and pretend it is all a new discovery.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
                          Man i just said study the real accepted science enough to know how it really works, is much more important than trying to find something that don't exist or that don't work the way most free energy researchers believe.
                          Show me your REAL accepted science sebosfato.

                          From what I can gather, along with most of the other people on this forum, so called "accepted science" isnt sufficient to explain half the things written about in this forum.

                          Perhaps you mean the real accepted universal science, but this is not what they teach at school, nor is is "accepted" by the general population. You may baulk or frown at the term "aether" but PROVE to me with YOUR science that it DOESNT exist!? Im not saying it is right, I just want you to back up your arguement. Just because it doesnt agree with how YOU see the world doesnt make it wrong.

                          "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


                          • #73
                            They actually splash it in our faces on high school but at that age we are not able to understand. They teach you on the university but aways pass over it as it was so normal that was not important.

                            Energy is free

                            The device not.

                            For accepted science i mean very old chemistry books and i mean very old physics books. I mean this technology exists since 64's and no gov has taken part until today.

                            I knew tesla made a very dangerous resonance with the moon field that caused a catastrophe in siberia. I think is better for us to use things we have here in this planet that for now is more than enough for all us to have free energy and a more fair world for living. We don't need radioactivity at all. we don't need to pollute too.

                            We can help our brothers and sisters because together we will make it true.


                            • #74
                              Sorry Aron i don't have much info on earths resonance maybe the same you have or less. i read many tesla documents, and i found that if that is possible or would be by the way of moving a shield stopping sequentially the magnetic field being able to create a harvestable alternating flux, obviously is much harder than that and to experiment with material like magnets and shields motors you need some money i still don't have it yet. but soon i believe there will be a job for many researchers interested in learn and construct new devices for the good of the people.


                              • #75
                                @ Sebosfato - I'm more than happy to reconsider my theory if I find ANY evidence that suggests otherwise.

                                However, I have investigated the conventional theories for many years. I wrote this book (which is free) on every theory available, and one of every exception to the known ''laws''.


                                And when I put it all together, using conventional theory, it simply didn't fit. I've since found out more that doesn't fit the accepted understanding, but even one exception means the rule cannot be true. It can only be an indication of the norm, not a description of all possibilities.

                                Years after I wrote that book, I've come to the understanding that, to the best of my knowledge, and without exception - only by the inclusion of a kinetic massless aether, and the consideration of mass as being formed by vortices of strain in the aether, can the anomalies be explained.

                                So, forgive my response to you earlier. I am well informed, and as such resented your comment about having to listen to 'BS'.

                                Read the book I wrote, and see that it doesn't fit together without a dynamic massless aether.

                                All that you are does not end at your fingertips, nor stop at your toes. You are the light that enters your eyes and the soil beneath your feet. And you are a brother, who deserves my respect and understanding.

                                Love and light
                                Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.

