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Open letter to P. Lindemann

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  • RE: Nonsense

    Originally posted by darkwizard
    Theremart, Rick is using John account. Don't make nonsense.
    I went back and read the explanation... spoke before I read, removing posts..

    See my experiments here...

    You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


    • Darkwizard.
      No Rick is not using anything without me standing here, just call him in to answer questions about the 10 coil Monopole.

      Originally posted by darkwizard
      Theremart, Rick is using John account. Don't make nonsense.
      John Bedini


      • I think 35% is too low too. I have that result when measuring the output directly using meter, not by battery discharge measurement procedure.

        My 555 circuit have 50% efficiency. However I found better battery life by charging using lower current:
        Input is computer power supply at 10.5V, input current:
        Without load = 0.56A
        With 12V battery as load = 0.22A, battery charged at 0.065A (~35%)
        Output diode connected to source positive (shorted) = 0.01A
        I confirm that charging nicad with radiant charger is a lot quicker than when using usual charger at the same output current, about 3 or 4 times faster. Times to charge two nicad using 60mA 6V transformer with half wave rectifier = 12 hours not full. Times to charge two nicad using 60mA output of radiant charger = less than 3 hours, overcharge. Manual said we need around 1 Amp to do that (based from 2700mA for 1 hour charge).

        I do not care if my charger do not reach COP>1. At least my charger charge much faster and have much better battery life than any commercial charger at similar price (<$10). Very grateful for that .
        Last edited by sucahyo; 01-16-2010, 03:22 AM.


        • Aaron & JB

          I'm preparing my prototype, JB innocently has asked me for pics... hehe that was unexpected...

          Like you've said when we understand the basic principle we can make our owns designs and schematics etc. Then I'm working on it, my purpose is precisely HIGH MECHANICAL POWER. I've using the exact part from each system about pulsed magnets motors, like Adams or SG. I've experimented with some Newman theory too and this man is on right.

          Now the motor is like Monople with bycycle wheel but circuit is a little different, I've to say this was product of pendulum was made some months ago, but was disabled very big for my little room.

          But was very productive I've learned very so much with that device (pendulum), that has bring me to my actual motor, above all because with the pendulum I've tested many types coils and circuits, setup magnets etc. I've really learned the different between kinectic energy and potential energy, or well Newman theory of Obvious work & Unobvious work. Like for example the pendulum was more powerfull with a very short pulse of 200 volts @ 20 ms, than a pulse for example 100 volts @ 40 ms. Kilo Volts-Amperes is a very important on this systems.

          The better rank was move the pendulum on 120 degrees only using 20ma of current input, that was great. it's good considering 4 pounds of weight to make oscillate @ 120 degrees. Then my mind burst....ok what if replace the pendulum with a big wheel?. And I'm on the way, is simply powerfull this BEAST can move a stepper motors used like GENERATOR, if you look a motors like this is a very inefficient generator, is 100% LENZ all the time. Turning this stepper motor with a charging batt connected can turn on about 180 rpm meanwhile the motor only consumes 5-6 Watts. Only using a coil...

          So 35% efficiency is very low maybe something is wrong in the circuit.

          My idea is because the big 10 Monople that you (JB) show on DVD is a excellent machine with high power output but look is pulling >200 Watts. Now my question: 200 watts is near to ¼ HP Does this motor can make that mechanical work?

          Then thinking on it my mind told me I need to find a way to create a very high mechanical power with a very low input. I've tested a coil SG standard too but was inefficient (my poor construction) but the same reason I've posted, this coils need many wires in paralel twisted litz type and put a transistor per wire, this create a very powerfull magnetic field so is very easy move the wheel consuming a decent amp drawing. (I have not try the multi wire coil because here in my conuntry I couldn't find the R60 rods, if yours know some to replace this core but equally efficient please I'm hearing).

          I've noticed the pulse are shorter when the motor takes higher speeds this is the reason because amp drawing is realtively stable when the is making mechanical work like the FAN on monopole. For this reason I've decided use the trigger coil system in my concept is far superior than halls ic or reeds, because this makes pulses very long on low rpm.

          Now my prototype is running with 150 Volts DC I was testing many circuits to avoid blown out the transistors in many circunstaces in Bedini SG thread everybody defend the transistor MJL21194 like the best, but is possible use transistors with high capacity to manage inductives loads, runs cool in my case and is harder to burn out. Remember in my designg is fundamental one shot very strong with less resonance.

          With respect to the Monopole really I'm not sure I think the only way is buy two big batteries and make a multifilliar coil to get the results everybody wants to see a really COP>1 system.

          I hope show the video soon in some days. Below the only pic of the pendulum.

          Last edited by patmac; 11-10-2010, 01:37 AM.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs. Apple CEO


          • When will this end it's getting boring now.

            Originally posted by linesrg View Post

            You know I really must be missing something here as this old chart of Sterling's simply shows something that was happening to a battery under charge and the figures are therefore, IMHO, misleading to say the least.
            Richard, yes you are missing something. Sterlings Chart was proof of concept, that you say you could not reproduce. There are three groups of people that have reproduced the same thing with the Energizer.
            35% is a really bad machine must have been burning up. something is not working. So I will disregard your comment here.

            I have to contest your claim that an SG is truly a COP=1 or greater.

            Contest all you want a bad machine will do 75%

            I don't need any help understanding COP and I maintain an SG, broadly speaking, has an electrical COP approximately equal to 0.35. I'm not misunderstanding anything. I measure the DC coming out of the drive battery and I then measure the DC coming out of the charged battery. The maths is simple I'm not dealing with complex pulses.

            Then if you knew all this why did you not correct Dave's figures on that group, stop playing games here.

            By capacative discharge are you talking about the trifilar patent because I've built those two, inverted whatever.

            Yes you have built them, but how did you build them I have never seen them, is this a secrete mission, I think so.

            I have still to see anything that screams out hey you need to look closer at this - maybe this is where I fall down.

            Oh yes you have. cause I posted it

            But it's not only me - it's an awful lot of people and I am on your side so to speak.

            Your saying one thing here but your not on my side, just to get information only. But the game will not work. It's a dead give away.
            There is indeed something wrong - I'll leave others to decide where.

            Others have already said a bad SG is 75%

            I don't believe that Dave has finished with the Kromrey or that anything has been written off or that we believe everything about it has been done properly. It is as we believe it to be from what you have shown us so far plus other information you have, very kindly, provided. I don't wish to impact on this good will.

            Clive has already written it off, and yes you did impact this. it's been posted. and some how that post got around, wonder who?

            There is a determination to see the device succeed. The problem remains how we define success. In the EFTV DVD you stated 120 or 180% and that 300% was possible. I'd settle for 120%. This assumes you are referring to the relationship between energy in and energy out and clearly we are currently a very long way short of this.

            Multi-pole machines.

            A defeatist would say that we are so far short it amounts to mission impossible - we're not defeatists. All we ask is that we get straight forward answers to questions even if the answer moves in to the territory where you have to say you can't provide that information.

            These are demands I do not half to provide anything. You have got a straight forward answer, it's hard to build.

            I was on the phone to Dave R. earlier this evening re the coil resistance figures. Right now I think we're struggling to see how the coils on the machine in the DVD could possibly be the figure you quoted you obtained on your bridge but I'll let Dave progress that.

            I'm just telling you what the bridge said, I had pictures but they did not come out on the old machine, not the new machine. 500 turns on each coil.

            With regards to leakage of documents from those files you posted on the OTG you will not find me to be the source. I have stuck by the unofficial NDA I agreed to several years ago when I was privy to certain things I learnt via RS with your agreement. Nothing has changed in my mind.

            You will find out who, I did not say you. I have seen this stuff scattered everywhere. That group was the only group who had that information. until I moved it to a private set of pages no one can get into. Where did you think I pulled the information from that your reading right now. I'm just waiting to see if this shows up.


            John Bedini


            • Good work, your on the right track to developing a good energizer. Keep this up. I understand how hard it is to get parts sometimes but it looks like you will get everything working.
              Thank you
              John B

              Originally posted by patmac View Post
              Aaron & JB

              I'm preparing my prototype, JB innocently has asked me for pics... hehe that was unexpected...

              Like you've said when we understand the basic principle we can make our owns designs and schematics etc. Then I'm working on it, my purpose is precisely HIGH MECHANICAL POWER. I've using the exact part from each system about pulsed magnets motors, like Adams or SG. I've experimented with some Newman theory too and this man is on right.

              Now the motor is like Monople with bycycle wheel but circuit is a little different, I've to say this was product of pendulum was made some months ago, but was disabled very big for my little room.

              But was very productive I've learned very so much with that device (pendulum), that has bring me to my actual motor, above all because with the pendulum I've tested many types coils and circuits, setup magnets etc. I've really learned the different between kinectic energy and potential energy, or well Newman theory of Obvious work & Unobvious work. Like for example the pendulum was more powerfull with a very short pulse of 200 volts @ 20 ms, than a pulse for example 100 volts @ 40 ms. Kilo Volts-Amperes is a very important on this systems.

              The better rank was move the pendulum on 120 degrees only using 20ma of current input, that was great. it's good considering 4 pounds of weight to make oscillate @ 120 degrees. Then my mind burst....ok what if replace the pendulum with a big wheel?. And I'm on the way, is simply powerfull this BEAST can move a stepper motors used like GENERATOR, if you look a motors like this is a very inefficient generator, is 100% LENZ all the time. Turning this stepper motor with a charging batt connected can turn on about 180 rpm meanwhile the motor only consumes 5-6 Watts. Only using a coil...

              So 35% efficiency is very low maybe something is wrong in the circuit.

              My idea is because the big 10 Monople that you (JB) show on DVD is a excellent machine with high power output but look is pulling >200 Watts. Now my question: 200 watts is near to ¼ HP Does this motor can make that mechanical work?

              Then thinking on it my mind told me I need to find a way to create a very high mechanical power with a very low input. I've tested a coil SG standard too but was inefficient (my poor construction) but the same reason I've posted, this coils need many wires in paralel twisted litz type and put a transistor per wire, this create a very powerfull magnetic field so is very easy move the wheel consuming a decent amp drawing. (I have not try the multi wire coil because here in my conuntry I couldn't find the R60 rods, if yours know some to replace this core but equally efficient please I'm hearing).

              I've noticed the pulse are shorter when the motor takes higher speeds this is the reason because amp drawing is realtively stable when the is making mechanical work like the FAN on monopole. For this reason I've decided use the trigger coil system in my concept is far superior than halls ic or reeds, because this makes pulses very long on low rpm.

              Now my prototype is running with 150 Volts DC I was testing many circuits to avoid blown out the transistors in many circunstaces in Bedini SG thread everybody defend the transistor MJL21194 like the best, but is possible use transistors with high capacity to manage inductives loads, runs cool in my case and is harder to burn out. Remember in my designg is fundamental one shot very strong with less resonance.

              With respect to the Monopole really I'm not sure I think the only way is buy two big batteries and make a multifilliar coil to get the results everybody wants to see a really COP>1 system.

              I hope show the video soon in some days. Below the only pic of the pendulum.

              John Bedini


              • Darkwizard
                Yes I have seen the same thing with some of my machines using neos, but your right a poor one is 75%

                Originally posted by darkwizard View Post
                I will post some work here soon, my SG is at least 75 % efficient with a very bad enginering, it has Neodymiun magnets and a air core coil, this sunday will add another power coil, and a generator coil. It has good torque...
                John Bedini


                • Originally posted by darkwizard View Post
                  I will post some work here soon, my SG is at least 75 % efficient with a very bad enginering, it has Neodymiun magnets and a air core coil, this sunday will add another power coil, and a generator coil. It has good torque...

                  Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                  I think 35% is too low too. I have that result when measuring the output directly using meter, not by battery discharge measurement procedure.

                  My 555 circuit have 50% efficiency. However I found better battery life by charging using lower current:


                  I confirm that charging nicad with radiant charger is a lot quicker than when using usual charger at the same output current, about 3 or 4 times faster. Times to charge two nicad using 60mA 6V transformer with half wave rectifier = 12 hours not full. Times to charge two nicad using 60mA output of radiant charger = less than 3 hours, overcharge. Manual said we need around 1 Amp to do that (based from 2700mA for 1 hour charge).

                  I do not care if my charger do not reach COP>1. At least my charger is much much faster and have much better battery life than commercial charger at similar price (<$10). Very grateful for that .

                  Originally posted by Mark View Post
                  Just thought I'd chime in hear with what I'm doing, I'm not as high tech as most of you.

                  I'm running the 3 battery TS. But my load is a 3-pole monopole, running at 10.3 volts and around 100ma. I'm running it with a half bipolar switch and charging another battery with the output. The output is around 18ma.

                  The 2 charging batteries are gaining more than the 24v bank is losing.

                  Experiment is at my house up north and had to come back to city home until Friday when I will resume testing. Will let you know if anything significant is found.


                  Come on people, use your imaginations
                  Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                  • SSG charged batteries, damaging semiconductors?

                    Hi John Bedini

                    I appreciate so much your input here. I have built several SSGs in the past few years, and I can tell that is has been a good LEARNING for me, nevertheless, and also it has enabled me recover some old batteries, into a good condition. I have also built a recent unit with super-pole configuration, and I am happy with it.

                    I have recently had a problem, with some of my batteries charged with my Energizer. The problem is that the battery was a AAA Ni-Cd battery and it was charged really well. It was used in my Wife's Mp3-player, but eventually the mp3 player now does not turn on after using it several times with the battery charged with SSG , this has also happened with my shaver, The battery is REALLY charged and it can drive loads for hours, but I think that this "negative energy" in the batteries may have damaged the semi-conductor circuitry in my shaver and also the creative mp3 player.

                    I would be glad if you could explain what the problem is? My conclusion is that I should never use Radiant charged batteries in a semi-conductor device again. If others have encountered the same problem please share.

                    Kindest Regards
                    Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                    • My only post on this thread

                      I have just read this thread after it was pointed out to me.
                      I am not going to get involved in this discussion, even though my name is being used.
                      There is far too little time to waste on non-technical issues which the g-field I have built may have.
                      Just to state, I am focused on the G-Field. I am very appreciative of ALL the information and notes and pictures you have posted on the OTG and they are of great help. I have said this again and again and as I am the one who has the machine in front of me and am the one who is focused on getting it working, there is no-one else who can help me, other than you John, and as far as I am concerned, you are helping as best you can.


                      • misc


                        I'd definitely recommend using one of these because it takes out all the
                        guesswork - I use mine all the time. 1AU Universal Charger

                        It isn't as fun as building these circuits ourselves, but it is a time saver
                        for me since you turn it on and it stops charging when it is REALLY done
                        all by itself.

                        @ All

                        I have a Homestead electric lawnmower with 2 X 12v 10ah batts gel cells.

                        With the stock normal charger, over a dozen charges/discharges, the 25%
                        power indicator turned on. It was the yellow right after red (totally dead).
                        Then I could start mowing maybe 1/5 my backyard until the red came on.
                        I'd charge it back up and a few hours later I could mow the rest hetf the
                        back yard. When I was done, I had 25% left. The backyard is about 50%
                        bigger than the front yard.

                        Anyway, after the first few cycles with the 1AU, I can cut the ENTIRE
                        yard - front and back completely and have 25% without it every hitting
                        red! And that is on one charge.

                        It was a ridiculous for me to have to wait a few hours to finish my

                        From all that to being able to cut the entire lawn on one single charge
                        and still not bring it red.

                        I wired a connector to the batts inside, and brought the lead out with
                        the right kind of connector so I can just plug it into the 1AU and
                        disconnect when done.

                        I've seen the same benefit on all other battery sizes as well. I'm not
                        making COP claims or anything here... just that no other universal
                        charger can touch this work of art.

                        Anyway, this is addressed to anyone in general but anyone that wants
                        these technologies out, well they're out. Even if this charger is COP 0.6
                        for example, it still pays for itself and MORE. The bigger your battery
                        expenditures, the more you're going to be saving. And the option to
                        make money rejuvenating other people's batteries - this is a free
                        opportunity as a bonus and is making people some very good money.

                        Because these chargers absolutely pay for themselves - there is no
                        valid argument that for the world to be saved self running generators
                        have to be demonstrated and released to everyone - or we're all going
                        to die. It doesn't take a whole lot of power to charge batteries compared
                        to industrial air compressor usage and its toll on the grid. Some say

                        And the environmental benefits! Keeping potentially who knows how many
                        millions of batteries from being tossed. Longer running time from batts,
                        etc... lasting longer, not having to replace them as often (I've never had
                        to replace one yet and many of my aa, aaa, c, d, 9 volts, I use the
                        cheap harbor freight nicads and nmhs)

                        A newly defined industry within the battery charging industry has been
                        created and handed to the world on a silver platter.

                        This economy is getting worse and people need money and anyone
                        that lives close to a decent population most likely will have access to
                        many rechargable batteries that are being thrown out. Be creative to
                        locate them or have them brought to you. Then rejuvenate what you can
                        and sell them and the ones that can't be rejuvenated, sell them for
                        scrap. That is practically a free business minus transportation of batts
                        to scap recyclers.

                        I'm not as excited about a charged battery as I am about the fact that
                        this technology enables people to put food on the table. I don't have a
                        need to do that business myself but I can tell you that hardly anyone
                        is doing it and it is wide open. Your only competition is really not going
                        to be considered competition compared to what these chargers can do.

                        If you don't have money to buy a charger. Attract some free car batteries
                        to you or go find them and sell all the bad ones to scrap yards. Build that
                        money up and buy a charger and start charging the good ones. Sell them
                        as rejuvenated batteries. Collect more batteries and repeat.
                        Anyone can do this with ZERO money out of pocket!

                        Tesla Chargers | World's Most Efficient, Effective & Advanced Battery Chargers for more info or email info@ (the domain

                        If anyone that thinks they're owed some self runner in order to save
                        the world isn't being reasonable.

                        R100 insulation on any building and you can practically heat it with
                        cooking heat, lights, appliance heat, fridge heat and body heat.

                        If you hold on to what you want and keep out what you don't -
                        extreme insulation package, all these circuits already here in small
                        scale size suddenly is practical.

                        Not much sense in using a net to carry water but that is what the
                        industry is building for buildings and homes.

                        Need a self runner to save the planet? It is irresponsible to have
                        poor building codes for insulation. If anyone wants someone to point
                        the finger at, go tackle the building industry and get them to focus on
                        R100 standard for new buildings. The technology is here and costs less
                        than what they're already using.

                        That is what needs to be done. Then suddenly the building needs 90%
                        less to heat and cool it. A home has 50% into heating and cooling. If you
                        reduced that to 5-10%, you freed up the grid a MONSTROUS amount
                        and on the business/industrial scale? It's ridiculously big.

                        Insulation is the boring piece of the puzzle that IS the main thing that
                        will cut one of the largest energy needs - way down.

                        Claiming a self-runner will solve everything is pouring good resources
                        down the drain and is irresponsible to allow such poor insulation codes.
                        It is one of those elephants the industry doesn't talk about. "Let's
                        focus on a wind farm development" (while 50% of all the homes heating
                        and cooling costs that are powered by the wind farm is being lost through
                        leaks and poor insulation.) It is hypocritical. They have everyone
                        looking in one direction while sorry insulation codes are making them
                        a bloody fortune.

                        If a skeptic gets a self runner, that won't save the world -
                        the insulation issue is a MUCH higher priority.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • Getting Boring


                          It may be getting boring but you are not answering the points being made.

                          Sterling's figures are taken from a battery being charged - this means nothing.

                          I am not the only one to get what you consider to be poor COP figures from machines following what you have posted for us to follow.

                          The EFTV DVD showing the 10 coil device was scientifically meaningless as there was no demonstration of how long the batteries were being charged and what energy was going into the machine to achieve this and there was certainly no measurement of the energy extracted.

                          I could have run much the same demonstration with my 6 coiler and two 1350AHr banks of batteries using a proportionally smaller set of lamps.

                          I am going to withdraw form this exchange now as there is nothing to be gained from it.

                          My offer to travel to see a working device remains. It has been around for some time now and nobody has taken the offer up. I would not say who or where if it happened but I would publicly concede that what is commonly understood to be OU does exist.




                          • Inquorate

                            I'm not sure what you meant by your last post quoting me and 2 others. Are you saying that I'm wasting my time trying this or what?



                            • Originally posted by Mark View Post

                              I'm not sure what you meant by your last post quoting me and 2 others. Are you saying that I'm wasting my time trying this or what?

                              I think he was being ironic
                              "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

                              “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
                              Nikola Tesla


                              • Dear John B and Peter L,
                                I have no doubts in your knowledge or experience.

                                I do understand that you can not make much money on your knowledge or freely share it.

                                What keeps you going in your research?
                                What is your goal?
                                What are you planning to do with all knowledge you have?
                                Last edited by mlurye; 01-16-2010, 03:21 PM.

