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Free Energy Grandfather Clock

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  • #16
    Daniel Drawbaugh

    The Daniel Drawbaugh clock is a real free energy clock that works. I came
    across it about 8 years ago.

    The pendulum uses an electromagnet charged with by plates in the ground.

    Notice the use of carbon on a plate - some of the best results I know of
    from earth rods or plates are ones that use carbon. Different from a contained Earth battery.

    MAGNETIC CLOCK - Google Patent Search

    You can see his other patents here:
    daniel drawbaugh - Google Patent Search
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #17
      "Environmental" input is very different from magnetic energy (e.g. it will not work in outer space). One of well-known (and with working prototype) examples is self-winding clock.

      Часы без завода

      We're talking here about getting some useful work out of superposition of two forces - magnetic and Earth gravity.

      Interesting quote from wikimedia -
      Perpetual Motion/Overunity has not been achieved with a SMOT. While it has been demonstrated that the ball can be cycled from the starting point of one SMOT to the starting point of a second SMOT (and third and fourth) [1] nobody has yet cycled the ball back to the first SMOT, which would be necessary for the system to run continuously (at least, until the ball or track wore out or the magnets become too weak to overcome friction).
      Simple Magnetic Overunity Toy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      No logical explanation provided...



      • #18
        After searching Youtube it is amazing how many people build the ramp but overlooked cutting a hole near the top...



        • #19
          increase elevation of each successive base of ramp?


          Have you seen anyone use a ramp where the base is elevated a little
          higher than the last ramp so the ball winds up getting more height than the
          peak of the first ramp as it goes from ramp to ramp?
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #20
            Felix Ehrenhaft

            Here is maybe the simplest perpetual motion machine. Completely magnetic.

            Take a horseshoe magnet where the n & s are so close together
            you can touch both poles with a single drop of water. You use
            water that has ferrous chloride (if that is the proper term).

            Under a microscope, the particles in the water are rotating around a circle
            from the magnetic current.

            Felix Ehrenhaft did that but I don't know if that demo is listed on Rex
            Research's page or not. It is in an old popular science or popular mechanics
            magazine story from the 60's.

            Felix Ehrenhaft said he created the first magnetic motor that operates
            just on magnetic current.

            Popular Mechanics, October 1944, it is in

            It of course isn't giving us practical work but it shows a principle and
            if it really does that, I bet the magnet won't deplete in our lifetime.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #21

              I scanned those articles some time ago. You can find them at Magnetic Current - Radio Craft Articles 1944


              • #22
                Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                You can buy those magnetic ramps at many toy stores,
                but without the hole in the ramp where the ball drops out.

                Perhaps the ball can fall onto a ramp below it
                where a circle of them are all piggy backed over one another - in a circle
                and it keeps going.

                Never tried it myself but I've seen 100% failure rate of anyone trying
                to get the magnetic ramp concept like this to be continuous. That is
                without a hole though.

                I haven't see the concept of it dropping out the bottom until now.
                Yes... This is a v-gate design that works in a linear fashion, but is difficult to create in a circular fashion on the cheap... Here's a couple of 3D design ideas I did a while back to illustrate the concept...

                Double gate:
                Dual V-Gate Permanent Magnet Motor/Generator Concept

                Single gate:
                Single V-Gate Permanent Magnet Motor/Generator Concept

                ~ Golden Mean

                If you're interested in healthy living, please check out my site on aquaponics...
                I also have various videos on the new paradigm unfolding on My YouTube Channel

                "Giving with ANY expectation isn't giving... it's bartering."


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Golden Mean View Post
                  Yes... This is a v-gate design that works in a linear fashion, but is difficult to create in a circular fashion on the cheap... Here's a couple of 3D design ideas I did a while back to illustrate the concept...

                  Double gate:
                  Dual V-Gate Permanent Magnet Motor/Generator Concept

                  Single gate:
                  Single V-Gate Permanent Magnet Motor/Generator Concept

                  100% incorrect, sorry. What we're talking about here is superposition of two different forces. The work is not free but to us it is.



                  • #24
                    I bet this motor is doing the same thing as the "grandfather clock":
                    YouTube - Free Energy # 5 - MAGNET ONLY MOTOR from SOUTH KOREA
                    the 90-deg mag motion trick.

                    Hob Nilre

