Hi folks, i started this thread to share my thoughts which are not original or new and seems this basic principle for whatever reasons has been somewhat removed from peoples common sense or view of reality. And as the thread title says is 'sharing freely'. And i mean this literally, sharing everything including labor, time and thoughts or ideas freely, however when i say this i mean sharing in a balanced way, i dont mean open your house doors for everyone to loot you as that would not happen anyway if people were sharing freely. Also i would like to hear peoples thoughts and ideas and vision's of a world where this is commonplace and thus no poverty or suffering exists at all. Also i would prefer that only positive, constructive conversation is held here and would prefer that no individual, including me is attacked for supporting and sharing their thoughts about the simple message of sharing freely. Lets hear some ideas of how this type of world in whatever way you can think of may be manifested, a world where all SHARE FREELY.
peace love light
peace love light
