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Passive Magnetic Bearing

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  • Passive Magnetic Bearing

    This thread is for information on PASSIVE MAGNETIC BEARINGS.
    NOT active ones.

    Halbach Array and other things can be posted here.


    I think this guy is speaking Russian.

    YouTube - magnetic bearings ...магнитные подшипники Николаева

    Is that M.Ya.Nikolayev or Dr. Mikhail Fedorovich Ostrikov?

    This seems to be the most simple passive magnetic bearing system I've

    The person posted this link: - - -

    I read it in english from google translator and mentions Ostrikov. That page
    seems to have some plans but the explanation doesn't seem to be very
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO

  • #2
    Inventor is Nikolaev and I suspect he is the guy at the video.

    At the beginning of article they say that experiments done by Mihail F. Ostrikov shows that in a magnetic field of donut magnets there is a zone where magnetic field changes it's direction (polarity most probably). BTW- I detected same things years ago by using Gaussmeter with 3-axial probe. One can even see the same effect when using simulators like CST. So if one puts something metallic in that zone where polarity is changed it will get suspended between two polarities. That zone is rather small so one can use two magnets in tracking mode but they shouldn't touch each other. In that case it seems that such neutral zone formed between magnets is stronger (look at the figure 3). It will produce equilibrium on YZ axis but not on the X axis.

    He then goes to state that for that kind of arrangement one would need tremendously powerful magnets. Next he shows that by adding additional larger magnets one can also produce X axis equilibrium (in between two such assemblies). (figure 4).

    Finally he explains what should be the placement of the axle in order to achieve both YZ as well as X axis equilibrium. Thus on figure 5. blue axle represented in blue colour is dielectric material which in this case is wood. Green colour represents metallic washers. I suppose what he wanted to say is that the axle is non-magnetic and washers are ferro-magnetic.

    BTW- there is another video YouTube - magnetic bearing - Experiment ... магнитный подшипник - эксперимент which is rather self-explanatory which I suspect was made by a guy attempting on replication. I noticed two things on that video. First of all he used nut which is not an ideally round body (like washers are). Secondly he used only one set of magnets and it was explicitly said by inventor that it won't work properly because of disbalance of the forces on X axis. In order for washers (and thus axle) to be fully suspended in magnetic fields on YZ and on X axis one needs two assemblies as shown in illustration 5. A good thing about this video is that it shows that there is indeed a point of equilibrium.

    BTW- the guy who wrote article speaks about Nikolaev as if he knew him personally and he speaks in past tense so draw your own conclusions.

    I'm subscribed at Skif and I can check out what they have to say on their forums (if there is anything since this article is from 2005). BTW- I do visit Skif forums quite often since there are a number of knowledgeable guys and it gives me a good insight into Russian "scene". However using online translation is useless and you really ought to know Russian.

    Now it's 2:30 AM CET and I'm off to bed.
    Last edited by lighty; 01-19-2010, 02:05 AM.


    • #3
      neutral zone

      It seems the existence of those 2 neutral zones, points 1 and 2 in
      the first diagram violate Earnshaw's theorem just like Halbach array in
      circular arrangement. Or at least is a way around it.

      I was wondering why that guy was using a hex nut instead of something

      I spent quite a bit of time in Skif/skiv? with the google translator. There
      is a lot of good stuff in there.

      I came across references to Ostrikov elsewhere where he demonstrated
      perpetual motion with a ring magnet and 3 balls.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #4
        I attached an illustration showing how the bearings in the video might be working. But even if it's not exactly the same the concept should still work.
        Attached Files


        • #5

          Here is the Russian article:

          Содержание - Магнитные генераторы
          Проекты генераторов на основе магнитного и электромагнитного полей
          Магнитный подшипник Николаева

          Экспериментальное подтверждение магнитного подшипника Николаева. Как выяснил недавно (из опытов к.т.н. Михаила Федоровича Острикова), в кольцевом магните есть зоны, где магнитное поле меняет направление (рис1).

          Провел тот же опыт, и подтвердил для себя его выводы. И вспомнил про Николаева с его некой потенциальной ямой, вроде появилось хоть слабое, но видение процесса получения зависшего вращающегося маховика. В общем, получается чтоб позиционировать шарик внутри кольцевого магнита по центру и на одном месте (чтоб его не притягивало внутри к стенкам да и еще не гоняло внутрь или наружу), достаточно на него воздействовать на него двумя разнонаправленными потоками, что и соблюдается. Но эта точка равновесия уж очень мала. Следующий шаг превратить точку равновесия в нечто побольше. Оказалось, сделать это не сложно. Вспомним Николаева с распилом магнита и переворачиванием оного, и получением некого скалярного магнитного поля. Не знаю как там скалярное, но на стыке точно что то меняется. Я так думаю это проявление того что датчик (железный шарик) охватывается сразу двумя потоками магнитного поля. Т.е. шарик много больше той области, которая получается на стыке. Тогда нужно увеличить эту область. И, в общем, распиливать ничего не надо. Достаточно взять еще один такой же магнит и совместить их, но НЕ СОЕДИНЯТЬ.

          Тогда мы, по идеи уплотним потоки между ними и расширим зону равновесия. Что и подтвердилось в следующем опыте рис.3.

          Металлическая заготовка при прохождении кольца пытается прилипнуть к магниту, но дойдя до определенной зоны надежно фиксируется по осям YZ. Пол дела сделано, но зона для по X все еще мала. К сожалению мощных магнитов не имею, поэтому пришлось идти по другому пути.
          Раз есть влияние от двух потоков, то можно добиться такого момента, при котором есть удержание по осям YZ и отсутствует по X. Что это даст? Если создать это влияние на некую металлическую заготовку с двух сторон, то она уже находясь в покое по YZ, еще и получит покой по X, который получается компенсацией от сложения сил выталкивания заготовки правой и левой части конструкции (рис.5)..

          В связи с отсутствием мощных магнитов получили (рис.4) набор из обычных (кольцевые от динамических головок), но соединенных вместе. Диаметры (внутренние, которые и оказывают влияние) разные для того что б зона покоя YZ проявляла себя а X-зону сместить в сторону где магнитное поле мощней. Т.е. такой конструкцией добились смещения X-зоны относительно YZ-зоны в сторону трех малых магнитов. Также необходимым условием остается пересечение металлической заготовки обеими частями полученного пирога (заготовка меньшей частью находится в большем магните и большей в меньших), для чего сама заготовка по оси X , была немного увеличена (но не выходила за пределы этого пирога).
          В результате чего и получена ось рис.5 надежна (более-менее при таких магнитах) висящая в воздухе, свободно висящая или просто парящая.
          Ось состоит из диэлектрической несущей (обозначено синем, использовалось дерево) и металлическими шайбами (зеленые).

          Bablefish TRANSLATORmagnetic generators Pour on the designs of generators on the basis of magnetic and electromagnetic Magnetic bearing of Nikolayev Experimental confirmation of the magnetic bearing of Nikolayev. As it explained recently (from Candidate of Technical Sciences Mikhail Fedorovich [Ostrikov]'s experiences), in the annular magnet there are the zones, where magnetic field changes direction ([ris]1). [ris].1 Was conducted the same experience, and it confirmed for itself his conclusions. And it recalled about Nikolayev with his certain potential pit, like appeared although weak, the vision of the process of obtaining the overhanging revolving flywheel. On the whole, it is obtained in order to position ball inside the annular magnet on to center, also, at one place (so that it would not attract inside to the walls yes even yet it would not chase inward or outside), it suffices to it to act on it by two differently directed flows, that also is observed. But this equilibrium point is already very small. Next step to convert equilibrium point in something a little more. It proved to be, to make this is not complicated. Let us recall Nikolayev with the cut of magnet and revolution of the afore-mentioned, and obtaining nobody scalar magnetic field. I do not know as there scalar, but at the joint accurately which that changes. I so think this manifestation of the fact that sensor (iron ball) it is covered by the immediately two flows of magnetic field. I.e. ball much more than that region, which is obtained at the joint. Then it is necessary to increase this region. And, on the whole, to saw nothing is necessary. It suffices to take one additional the same magnet and to combine them, but NOT TO CONNECT. Then we, on the ideas " condense the flows between them and let us " enlarge the zone of equilibrium. That also was confirmed in the following experience of [ris].3. [ris].3 Metallic billet with the passage of ring attempts to stick to the magnet, but after reaching the specific zone reliably it is fixed along the axes YZ. Paul the matter it is made, but zone for on the X is still small. I do not have unfortunately powerful magnets; therefore it was necessary to go along the different way. Once is influence from two flows, then it is possible to attain such moment, with which there is retention along the axes YZ and it is absent on the X. that this it will give? If we create this influence on the certain metallic billet from two sides, then it being already found in the rest through YZ, still and will obtain the rest on the X, which is obtained by compensation from the composition of forces of the ejection of the billet of the right and left side of the construction ([ris].5):. [ris].4 In connection with the absence of powerful magnets was obtained ([ris].4) the collection from the usual (annular from the dynamic heads), but connected together. The diameters (internal, which have an effect) different for that b the zone of rest YZ appeared and X- zone to displace to the side where magnetic field more powerfully. I.e. they attained by this construction the shift of X- zone relative to YZ- zone to the side of three small magnets. Also the necessary condition remains the intersection of metallic billet with both parts of that obtained the pirogue (billet of smaller partly it is located in the larger magnet and greater in smaller), for which billet itself along the x axis, was a little increased (but it did not exceed the limits of this pirogue). As a result what is obtained the axis of [ris].5 it is reliable (more- less with such magnets) hanging in air, freely hanging or simply hovering. Axis consists of by dielectric the carrying (markedly dark-blue, it was used tree) and metallic washers (green).
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #6
            neutral spot location

            This is the diagram with points 1 and 2 that are clearly indicated as a
            "neutral" zone.

            The other diagrams show that the zone is at the location where the
            large ring magnet meets the 3 smaller.

            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #7
              I know this is not the exact replica of the magnetic bearing as mentioned above, but the YT related videos section had this one, and I thought it was neat since it's very easy to replicate

              YouTube - Do It Yourself Magnetic Levitation! (updated)
              Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?

