Several points can be covered.
One is that whether there is a push or a pull, if it is in the same direction, and the magnitude of the force is the same, there is no difference between pushing and pulling. When dealing with forces we are concerned with vectors, which have magnitude and direction. If we push a ball forward with 10N of force, or we pull it with 10N of force, mathematically we have the exact same situation. Therefore what we are interested is two vectors in opposite directions which somewhat cancel out, to give a net weight.
Second I think there are misconceptions about so called aether. Due to mass energy equivalence, we know of only one substance, energy. Its density and other characteristics mold it into various forms such as matter and space. All that there is is only energy. Energy always manifests in equal and opposite or inverse states. If there is equal and opposite, then there must be a meridian line, an equipotential plane, or a "Bloch wall" if you will between the two opposite conditions. This equal zone is equivalent to a fulcrum on a lever like a teeter totter. No matter how far in you zoom on the fulcrum you will never find a point of stillness. One could never be able to see the point of stillness from which the equal and opposite motion sprang, yet without it the equal and opposite movement could not exist. This is the problem of the aether. It refers to the zero state from which equal and opposite conditions can arise. Therefore It, is not physical at all in the sense that we think of.
It cannot be. Thus we cannot talk about it like a physical entity which can push, alter or change anything, because once it is endowed with these properties it ceases to be the nothingness you began with.
Again this also brings up the point of quality of zero. We may sit in a uniform 1 billion Tesla field. Because of its uniformity, to us it would be zero. We cannot tell that it is one billion Tesla because we have no benchmark on which to gauge. One could see how this could lead to the idea of a fundamental aether. If we lived in and knew only of the ocean, we may think we floated in similar aether. To us the pressure around and in us would be equal and we would note our environment to be zero, when we are really surrounded by immense crushing pressure. Personally, I think more philosophical thought needs to go into defining the true essense of zero, aether, and what some might call the "voidance principle".
One is that whether there is a push or a pull, if it is in the same direction, and the magnitude of the force is the same, there is no difference between pushing and pulling. When dealing with forces we are concerned with vectors, which have magnitude and direction. If we push a ball forward with 10N of force, or we pull it with 10N of force, mathematically we have the exact same situation. Therefore what we are interested is two vectors in opposite directions which somewhat cancel out, to give a net weight.
Second I think there are misconceptions about so called aether. Due to mass energy equivalence, we know of only one substance, energy. Its density and other characteristics mold it into various forms such as matter and space. All that there is is only energy. Energy always manifests in equal and opposite or inverse states. If there is equal and opposite, then there must be a meridian line, an equipotential plane, or a "Bloch wall" if you will between the two opposite conditions. This equal zone is equivalent to a fulcrum on a lever like a teeter totter. No matter how far in you zoom on the fulcrum you will never find a point of stillness. One could never be able to see the point of stillness from which the equal and opposite motion sprang, yet without it the equal and opposite movement could not exist. This is the problem of the aether. It refers to the zero state from which equal and opposite conditions can arise. Therefore It, is not physical at all in the sense that we think of.
It cannot be. Thus we cannot talk about it like a physical entity which can push, alter or change anything, because once it is endowed with these properties it ceases to be the nothingness you began with.
Again this also brings up the point of quality of zero. We may sit in a uniform 1 billion Tesla field. Because of its uniformity, to us it would be zero. We cannot tell that it is one billion Tesla because we have no benchmark on which to gauge. One could see how this could lead to the idea of a fundamental aether. If we lived in and knew only of the ocean, we may think we floated in similar aether. To us the pressure around and in us would be equal and we would note our environment to be zero, when we are really surrounded by immense crushing pressure. Personally, I think more philosophical thought needs to go into defining the true essense of zero, aether, and what some might call the "voidance principle".