Originally posted by Aaron
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I agree to an extent. Every piece of matter is by nature dipole in one form or another, meaning that it will mirror its effects throughout its surrounding environment, where ever that may be. All matter has particular frequencies which are not only its fingerprint, but also define its characteristics. I believe in mass energy equivalence as you know, and I also believe energy manifests in cyclic alternations about a local zero. Therefore all matter is harmonically related. A favorite paper of mine which goes into this, which is based off of a very very simple ma thematic principle, describes how a frequency can loose energy to its many harmonics, how frequencies can feed and sustain other frequencies.
Harmonics Theory Physics and Maths
But also, amazingly, it works the other way around too! the many frequencies which were fed, can also work in tandem to feed many other frequencies! Everything is cyclically fed and feeding, in alteration.
In this chart you can see heavy energy flow dictated by thick blue lines, You can see that energy input at "1" breaks up (many times we call this heat or loss)among many harmonics. However you can see that as you go down the line the energy eventually accumulates again, that is incredible to say the least. Also, reality is not limmited to this, the graph would be infinitely larger covering an infinite spectrum of frequencies and harmonics, and the number one would be fed as would all frequencies.
So essentially you are correct. However I do not agree with the terminology of aether, but we can agree to disagree on that point.
The thing is that many of the things you hold and know to be true such as what you described above, probably are true, and can fit in easily with a theory which is in line with reality.