i just want to add a few things i have found to the discussion and it may help and then again it may not.
in older times of the 1880's aether was the internal working of fields within an atom and the term ether was for the external forces acting on the atomic structure. Tesla often uses these terms and it is good to know how to use them for discussions about his thoughts.
there are a few thoughts i have come to except and they were hard learned as to physics there are allot of laws that are just theories and some things like torque that are rotational forces and as a law they have a center axis or could even have more but as a law if it spins it has a center point about which the rotation occurs. this is a law and will always exist.
here is just an oddball thought it came to me several years ago and has been serving me well since i found it physics has identified and established the atom as having a virtual proton and electron and a neutron core from this neutron the positive and negatives seem to be separated and the positive seems to have a greater attraction to the neutron so goes to the center and the negative pulled or surrounding the core and suspended by each others fields which they are repulsed from making them easier to be moved from the atom than there inner positives. this allows the voltage gradient to fill the ether. the magnetic orders the flow to some symmetry as best i can figure.
i have seen separating bowls in china and have seen this demonstrated by a man i work with and at the right frequency flour sugar and salt can all be separated from each other on a vibrating table with sugar moving rapidly to the center and the salt to the outside and the flour spreading over the rest of the plate. so wave action can account for many actions and reactions as aetheric to etheric.
as for the speed of light and radio waves they have both been slowed drastically by dense magnetic fields and in weak magnetic fields are much faster than what we use as the speed of light so this fact can be added to the list of field actions as well. it was documented by both NASA and MIT physics department about ten years ago.
i appreciate this thread very much and am enjoying what is proposed very much but i just wanted to pass on a few things i had to learn the hard way as for batteries you gave me an idea and i need to test it out and will get back to you with what i find out.
all the rest i pretty much agree with the discussion and goes with many things i have seen and done but you might want to add john Keely to your list of wave theory activists. I am sorry i do not relate well writing so please bear with me i am a practical guy and need examples to follow along.
in older times of the 1880's aether was the internal working of fields within an atom and the term ether was for the external forces acting on the atomic structure. Tesla often uses these terms and it is good to know how to use them for discussions about his thoughts.
there are a few thoughts i have come to except and they were hard learned as to physics there are allot of laws that are just theories and some things like torque that are rotational forces and as a law they have a center axis or could even have more but as a law if it spins it has a center point about which the rotation occurs. this is a law and will always exist.
here is just an oddball thought it came to me several years ago and has been serving me well since i found it physics has identified and established the atom as having a virtual proton and electron and a neutron core from this neutron the positive and negatives seem to be separated and the positive seems to have a greater attraction to the neutron so goes to the center and the negative pulled or surrounding the core and suspended by each others fields which they are repulsed from making them easier to be moved from the atom than there inner positives. this allows the voltage gradient to fill the ether. the magnetic orders the flow to some symmetry as best i can figure.
i have seen separating bowls in china and have seen this demonstrated by a man i work with and at the right frequency flour sugar and salt can all be separated from each other on a vibrating table with sugar moving rapidly to the center and the salt to the outside and the flour spreading over the rest of the plate. so wave action can account for many actions and reactions as aetheric to etheric.
as for the speed of light and radio waves they have both been slowed drastically by dense magnetic fields and in weak magnetic fields are much faster than what we use as the speed of light so this fact can be added to the list of field actions as well. it was documented by both NASA and MIT physics department about ten years ago.
i appreciate this thread very much and am enjoying what is proposed very much but i just wanted to pass on a few things i had to learn the hard way as for batteries you gave me an idea and i need to test it out and will get back to you with what i find out.
all the rest i pretty much agree with the discussion and goes with many things i have seen and done but you might want to add john Keely to your list of wave theory activists. I am sorry i do not relate well writing so please bear with me i am a practical guy and need examples to follow along.