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376.59 mpg

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  • 376.59 mpg

    I had posted this on another post, but felt it might need more exposure. It is another one of those technologies that was suppressed. I don't know why Shell oil was involved unless it was to suppress the technology by bying or getting a patent. In the 1939, Shell oil would sponsor annual contests for their employees and friends to compete in a high mileage run. In 1973,at the Shell oil companies annual contes, a highly modified Opel st the worlds record with 376.59 mpg at Wood River, Illinois.
    Green Options Good Luck. stealth
    Last edited by Stealth; 01-21-2010, 11:05 PM.

  • #2
    1957 Open 376 mpg

    Here is the technology:

    Shell Opel

    opel 1959 rekord p1 caravan shell oil 1973 experimental gasoline mileage 376.59 mpg gas
    www.376 presents :
    The Shell Oil 1973 Test Car 376 mpg BUYER BEWARE !!! There is presently an effort to sell this vehicle as a "roadworthy" vehicle. KNOW what you are buying...READ the SHELL report... Inspect this vehicle before purchasing. It is a TEST VEHICLE ONLY, and not practical for a daily commute, or a Saturday " Cruise " It was and is an Experimental Vehicle...and the test showed you could get great mileage if you didn't need ANY power for going uphill or stop & go traffic.A great piece of History, and conversation piece.If it had any practical value, we would still own it. Shell Opel loading Found !!! .... the secret is hidden away no more watch for this car to appear on highways near you ......ON A TRAILER it is NOT intended to be " roadworthy " where has it , and it's secrets, been hiding , for 35 years ??? ........................................ pictures loading click HERE to email us
    Gas Prices High in your Area ???
    ... you don't see a car like this for sale in your local car lot...........ever ! ...............376 mpg ............. This is not a joke ! <<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>> But don't be mislead into thinking this car could get you to town and back..... and the technology is hardly applicable to getting miraculous mileage on a family car. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From website : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    “ Do I believe there is a conspiracy of silence concerning decades old and current energy technology? Yes, I have experienced this for more than 25-years
    Some folks at Shell Oil Co. wrote "Fuel Economy of the Gasoline Engine" (ISBN 0-470-99132-1); it was published by John Wiley & Sons, New York, in 1977. On page 42 Shell Oil quotes the President of General Motorshe, in 1929, predicted 80 MPG by 1939. Between pages 221 and 223 Shell writes of their achievements: 49.73 MPG around 1939; 149.95 MPG with a 1947 Studebaker in 1949; 244.35 MPG with a 1959 Fiat 600 in 1968; 376.59 MPG with a 1959 Opel in 1973. The Library of Congress (LOC), in September 1990, did not have a copy of this book. It was missing from the files. I bought my copy from Maryland Book Exchange around 1980 after a professor informed me that it was used as an engineering text at the University of West Virginia. VPI published a papaer. March 1979, concerning maximum achievable fuel economy. This paper has several charts illustrating achievable and impossible fuel economy. About 1980 I contacted the author concerning conflicts between the paper and documented achieved "impossible" mpg. The author said, "I will get back to you.". I am still waiting for his response
    (The black and white picture on Page 223 is shown above ) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This car is unmolested and appears complete just as it was during Shell Oil Co's test. The team individual names who developed and prepared the car are painted on the rear deck. This car was ' forgotten' at the Talledega SuperSpeedway's Motorsports Hall of Fame, and was purchased from the Track when they liquidated some inventory. Thanks to the internet, we uncovered it's true history... which you can easily verify by googling " 1973 Shell Opel 376.59 " <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> The car came in April. We have put Marvel oil in the cylinders, and it should soak for a few weeks before turning motor. This car is in very solid and complete condition. It would make a nice display with very little effort. It would also be a very good candidate for restoration to " as tested, 1973 " Either as a static or operating display, this historical vehicle is a secret no more. Before we perform any restoration , we are considering all APPROPRIATE suggestions or proposals as this is definitely a one of a kind " attention-getting vehicle with documented history email us click HERE for the SHOP HOMEPAGE
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #3
      2 more pics

      2 pics that didn't fit in the first post.

      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #4
        This is not the current world record, although it was a world record at that time. It has been surpassed many times since then. But, I think we all would be happy even getting this kind of fuel mileage. Stealth


        • #5
          There really is no secret here.

          There are two methods that I can see just looking at the pictures that would explain the great gas mileage.... think about it.
          It's obvious, isn't it?


          • #6
            Lower weight, smaller engine, fixed RPM operation (in the engine's most efficient range), insulated engine to keep engine/fuels hots (fuel vaporization), low rolling resistance (hard rubber wheels), and level/smooth test track.


            • #7
              While all these things are readily apparent in looking at the photos, how many could build a bicycle with a small lawn engine that could get that kind of mileage? If you were challenged to build a bicycle to achieve 376 MPG, could you do it? Eliminating friction,reducing weight, achieving higher fuel efficiency,streamlining to reduce wind turbulance, all can be achieved, but I assure you this is no small feat. And to be done using a vehicle body is an enormous achievement, even if it could not climb a hill of any consequence. When the average gas motor scooter with a 50cc motor only achieves 100MPG, it becomes even more of an accomplisment to have achieved this kind of documented mileage. Good Luck. Stealth


              • #8
                I guess the point of that vehicle at the time, was to prove to everyone that Royal Dutch Shell Oil Corporation "cared about us". That they were not secretly shelving technologies and actively working with other cartels and international banks to keep up using as much oil as humanly possible for as long as they could get away with it.

                Once they got their TV commercial out of it, it sat in a field for 40 years.

                I guess it is silly to expect an oil corp to actually attempt to find ways to lower it's profits. But why would the auto corps care? When this thing came out, oil was still around 50 cents a gallon, and Pontiac's large enough to launch jet fighters from still ruled the road.

                Then the oil embargo hit in the 70's, and for a few years (until it faded into obscurity from LACK OF MAINSTREAM PRESS COVERAGE), we had some fairly fuel-efficient vehicles coming out... And the study of greater efficiency was at least being looked at.

                I have a friend who has a 25-year old Volkswagen Diesel pick-up truck, that STILL gets 45 MPG after over 250,000 miles on the engine, and that was the NORM for that vehicle. They stopped production of it many years ago

                Then in 2008, we had the Oil Price Bubble, a wholly-manufactured spike in prices that had nothing to do at all with supply and demand, and was based 100% purely on Speculation.

                But there was not even a new "Shell econo-mobile" that time... The only real difference was, the SUV's getting 18 MPG went to rock-bottom prices, with ridiculously easy credit terms being given so sales went on as usual

                We can't stop these corps from doing all they can to maintain their market positions and profit shares (which go directly against what is good for the planet)... UNTIL WE CHANGE THE RULES OF THE GAME... And they have no choice but to go along with it or die out altogether.

                Incremental change in ICE and Diesel to improve general efficiency is proved not to work (in new vehicles i mean, it is possible via retro-fits): These bastards are too greedy to give up a dime of profit. So their toys have to be taken away from them... Before they drag us all down with them and destroy the planet.

                The way each and every one of this can help do this, is by helping to increase Grass Roots Public Awareness of the true alternatives that are available. We still have about 80 million folks to get the word out to, to reach the "100th Monkey" point. When it is reached, suddenly the whole thing becomes too ridiculous to maintain, and oil stops being the fuel of choice on this planet... forever.

                Tell your friends, co-workers, family, and friends about free energy technologies. Get them to look into it and judge for themselves. Ask them if it is logical that we are getting less average mileage now than cars did in 1908. Ask them if we build space stations, why must huge traffic jams still exist in every major city on the planet... Despite over 50 years to work on the problem. Ask them does it make sense to believe that out of over 3,000 free energy-related Patents, that ALL of them are really "national security" dangers:The panels of Pentagon officials who make these decisions of which Patent Applications to "secretize", not being accountable to Congress or ANYONE.

                Then ask them if they want to see this change. If they do, then tell them they can help by spreading the word.
                Last edited by jibbguy; 02-03-2010, 03:04 AM.


                • #9
                  It is no small feat but to be fair, 40 years ago gasoline was just gasoline without all of the additives that prevent it from easily vaporizing like are put into it today. Add to this that it's written into law that no vehicle to be used on the street is allowed to heat the fuel. How many MPG could those scooters get if gasoline had a single low temp vaporization point and heated fuel lines and/or intake manifolds?

                  Secondly, while the oil companies are still making plenty of money on fuels, they're making far more money from oil being turned into the plastics that are being used to make everything these days. How often do you see glass used in the supermarket anymore? The only items that come in glass anymore are the acidic items like pickles and some tomato sauces. Damn near every container we get our food in anymore is either plastic or plastic-lined and it's slowly killing us by leeching plastic/oil carcinogens into all of our food & water.


                  • #10
                    Fuel to air ratio is always the same no matter how fast the engine rev. In other word, keeping engine revving high while cruising will give poor mileage. If we tune the engine to work most efficient at low rpm range and use it we will get huge mileage increase.

                    The problem is, modern car is tuned to force us to use higher rpm. Retuning the car can be costly (modification of firing, timing valve, ECU, etc) or introduce problem (not enough rpm to charge battery or to drive air conditioner) or reduce engine hp or engine response.

                    I got at least 25% better mileage just by changing gear ratio of my bike. I got better lower range rpm power by carburator tuning and using angle "halo" like plug which give me another increase of mileage.

                    Different way of driving can contribute to atleast 30% of mileage. Atleast this happen when I compare my car estimated fuel consumption with me driving vs my wife.


                    • #11
                      Yes, I agree that was back when gasoline was 100 octane, even for regular. When gasoline had anolin added to produce a greater explosion. Now, we can hardly get the stuff they call gasoline to burn. It is more akin to kerosene than gasoline. The Pogue carburator in 1935 produced over 100MPG, and it was documented that that engine ran at 67% efficiency. At over 376, what would the efficiency be? Mix up any fuel you can think of and try to duplicate this with your lawnmower engine on a bicycle. It is not impossible, but it will take a lot of experimentation to achieve these results. As presently built, a 5 HP engine will consume a half gallon per hour. Two hours run time is all you have. How far can you go in two hours, not 376 miles. Now imagine a 4 cylinder engine moving an automobile, even modified,that far on one gallon of gasoline. And engines of that time period were not as efficient as ones are today. An Opel with a 1.0 liter engine achieved about 25 MPG. Good Luck. Stealth

