After charging the capacitor by means of the putting it in the near field of the joule thief coil - then removing from charging, the light did stay on continuously for 5 hours.
Under load (light on) the capacitor still reads 2.5v.
When I turned off the load (the led) the capacitor jumps up to 3.4v. Now this is AFTER the single light was left on for 5 hours.
When I got my flash lights I did a stand alone test and found that each light produced different results as to ability to stay lit, after giving each a fixed number of shakes. But even in the stand alone test I was surprised how long they individually would stay lit.
After charging the capacitor by means of the putting it in the near field of the joule thief coil - then removing from charging, the light did stay on continuously for 5 hours.
Under load (light on) the capacitor still reads 2.5v.
When I turned off the load (the led) the capacitor jumps up to 3.4v. Now this is AFTER the single light was left on for 5 hours.
When I got my flash lights I did a stand alone test and found that each light produced different results as to ability to stay lit, after giving each a fixed number of shakes. But even in the stand alone test I was surprised how long they individually would stay lit.