Hello all,
I was sitting in the bathtub and playing with an empty bottle. The bouyancy force while pushing something under water is quite noticable.
I started thinking how to utalize this.
So i came up with a concept and would like some opinions.
I think that the bouyancy of a submerged object can be utalized by using a balanced rotating setup.
The force it takes to turn a balanced wheel seems less then the force created by bouancy.
If that is true, then you can think of utalizing it. This can be mechanical, electrical, or whatever you think of.
I made an example animation and a picture, with a linear generator. (But this could also be a mechanical setup)
The tubes are filled with water, and two have magnets inside with floating endcaps, this will also streamline the waterflow.
The other two tubes have magnets with caps that doesn't float.
When you turn the wheel, it stays balanced, so the force needed to turn the wheel could be less then the bouyancy/sinking created.
Its just a concept drawing, not in scale. Magnets are a bit large compared , to the floating caps. The magnets with the green caps float, and with the red caps sinks.
(PS. I noticed in the animation a strange jump.. sorry for that)

I was sitting in the bathtub and playing with an empty bottle. The bouyancy force while pushing something under water is quite noticable.
I started thinking how to utalize this.
So i came up with a concept and would like some opinions.
I think that the bouyancy of a submerged object can be utalized by using a balanced rotating setup.
The force it takes to turn a balanced wheel seems less then the force created by bouancy.
If that is true, then you can think of utalizing it. This can be mechanical, electrical, or whatever you think of.
I made an example animation and a picture, with a linear generator. (But this could also be a mechanical setup)
The tubes are filled with water, and two have magnets inside with floating endcaps, this will also streamline the waterflow.
The other two tubes have magnets with caps that doesn't float.
When you turn the wheel, it stays balanced, so the force needed to turn the wheel could be less then the bouyancy/sinking created.
Its just a concept drawing, not in scale. Magnets are a bit large compared , to the floating caps. The magnets with the green caps float, and with the red caps sinks.
(PS. I noticed in the animation a strange jump.. sorry for that)
