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What is Tesla's "Rosseta Stone" - Another Radiant Energy Investigation

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  • What is Tesla's "Rosseta Stone" - Another Radiant Energy Investigation

    I am investigating Tesla's notes on Colorado springs, Nolit, Beograd Yogoslavia written by the original notes and under supervision of Tesla museum in 1978.
    The diary starts at June and ends Semptember of 1898.

    From my reading in this book, I have not find any hint of radiant electricity as proposed by Dr. Lindemann's book that Quotes Gerry Vasillatos that Tesla found out in his attempts to replicate Hertz's experiments in New York in 1889, a decade before Colorado springs experiments.

    Yet, all considerations for constructing the magnifier and still other issues fall well withing RF technology - rather than radiant science.
    Have anyone anyhow spotted any radiant reference in that Colorado Spring Notes? or the book is MIB fixed?

    Actually as Dr. Lindemann suggests the "Rosseta stone" is discovered by asilatos (a Greek-American). I have not read that book only the excerpts in Borderland science site.

    My view, supposely the whole thing started by the peculiar phenomena observed at the high voltage DC in the old power stations at the very moment of switch closure. ( * any written reference will be nicee to have on this)

    According Gerry Vasillatos Tesla (in 1889) observed that this phenomenon was attributed to pulsing a high voltage source to heavy copper bars of insignifficant resistance. THe phenomenon intensified greatly by applying a condenser and discharging it rapidly instead of the dynamo alone.

    QUESTION: What has the condenser and does not have the dynamo? More voltage? At best equal. No. What? More energy per discharge for sure. How that is translated? Current. So a caps discharge has more current especially in a non-resistant conductor. What is the difference between a ignition's coil high voltage and a power plant's high voltage? the current. Voltage can be equal in both cases.
    (voltage alone does not say anyhting actually. can be a spark of tremendous voltage yet insignificant to be perceived)

    Easily is infered that Tesla was experimenting with the hairpin circuit (from 1889) and in 1891 issued the very simple yet great importance to his technology patent of electrical conversion and distribution. (462,418)

    Vassilatos refers that magnetic-quenched gaps of Tesla reached rates of nanoseconds. Any third party written reference for that?
    Hard to believe Vassilatos sayings...

    For a typical Tesla's kind of dynamos, usually Westinghouse 20-50 HPs of frequency 200-1000 say Hz, it is difficult to imagine a spark-gap to fire a thousand times per cycle. (In Colorado notes nothing similar to this is mentioned)

    Perhaps a mixed of Tesla technology with too much speculation and mysticism?
    I urge anyone who possess original Tesla era documents can post them here for further investigation.


  • #2
    It is DC which is important. DC generators current cannot change direction.
    Now you tell me what is the difference of produced magnetic field when someone interrupts circuit with coil when there is AC flowing and what is when pure DC is inside ?
    What is the difference between blast and trembling ?

    For me it is TIME but I think you are right that big current is also required.
    That's why capacitor discharge.


    • #3
      Tesla was a master of high frequency resonant circuits and has several patents just on producing high frequency impulses... I'm sure he didn't just rely on the direct output from a dynamo.

      we know classic tesla coils can operate in the mhz ranges so it seems certain that Tesla could produce pulses that last nanoseconds...
      "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

      “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
      Nikola Tesla


      • #4
        I have a copy of a book written in 1893 in which Tesla describes his vision of a wireless system of power.
        This was transcribed from a lecture given earlier on a tour of 4 similar lectures.
        I am being vauge, about the time because I made a copy of this exerpt and some others because it is not possible to "flip through" a pdf of a book as easily as a book. It was definitely before 1893, however, that he was already thinking about this enough to present it.
        Here is an excerpt.
        He has just finished describing the hairpin to them and continues...

        ================================================== =

        In connection with resonance effects and the problem of trans-
        mission of energy over a single conductor which was previously
        considered, I would say a few words on a subject which constantly
        fills my thoughts and which concerns the welfare of all. I mean
        the transmission of intelligible signals or perhaps even power to
        any distance without the use of wires. I am becoming daily
        more convinced of the practicability of the scheme ; and though
        I know full well that the great majority of scientific men will
        not believe that such results can be practically and immediately
        realized, yet I think that all consider the developments in recent
        years by a number of workers to have been such as to encourage
        thought and experiment in this direction. My conviction has
        grown so strong, that I no longer look upon this plan of energy
        or intelligence transmission as a mere theoretical possibility, but as
        a serious problem in electrical engineering, which must be carried out some day. The idea of transmitting intelligence without
        wires is the natural outcome of the most recent results of electrical investigations. Some enthusiasts have expressed their be-
        lief that telephony to any distance by induction through the air
        is possible. I cannot stretch my imagination so far, but I do
        firmly believe that it is practicable to disturb by means of power-
        ful machines the electrostatic condition of the earth and thus
        transmit intelligible signals and perhaps power.
        In fact, what is
        there against the carrying out of such a scheme ? We now know
        that electric vibration may be transmitted through a single con-
        ductor. Why then not try to avail ourselves of the earth for
        this purpose ? We need not be frightened by the idea of dis-
        tance. To the weary wanderer counting the mile-posts the earth
        may appear very large, but to that happiest of all men, the as-
        tronomer, who gazes at the heavens and by their standard judges
        the magnitude of our globe, it appears very small. And so I
        think it must seem to the electrician, for when he considers the
        speed with which an electric disturbance is propagated through
        the earth all his ideas of distance must completely vanish.A point of great importance would be first to know what is the
        capacity of the earth ? and what charge does it contain if electri-
        fied ? Though we have no positive evidence of a charged body
        existing in space without other oppositely electrified bodies being-
        near, there is a fair probability that the earth is such a body, for

        by whatever process it was separated from other bodies and this is the accepted view of its origin it must have retained a charge,
        as occurs in all processes of mechanical separation. If it be a
        charged body insulated in space its capacity should be extremely
        small, less than one-thousandth of a farad. But the upper strata
        of the air are conducting, and so, perhaps, is the medium in free
        space beyond the atmosphere, and these may contain an opposite
        charge. Then the capacity might be incomparably greater. In
        any case it is of the greatest importance to get an idea of what
        quantity of electricity the earth contains. It is difficult to say
        whether we shall ever acquire this necessary knowledge, but there
        is hope that we may, and that is, by means of electrical resonance. If ever we can ascertain at what period the earth's charge, when
        disturbed, oscillates with respect to an oppositely electrified system
        or known circuit, we shall know a fact possibly of the greatest
        importance to the welfare of the human race. I propose to seek
        for the period by means of an electrical oscillator, or a source of
        alternating electric currents. One of the terminals of the source
        would be connected to earth as, for instance, to the city water mains* the other to an insulated body of large surface. It is pos-
        sible that the outer conducting air strata, or free space, contain
        an opposite charge and that, together with the earth, they form a
        condenser of very large capacity. In such case the period of
        vibration may be very low and an alternating dynamo machine
        might serve for the purpose of the experiment. I would then
        transform the current to a potential as high as it would be found
        possible and connect the ends of the high tension secondary to the
        ground and to the insulated body. By varying the frequency of the
        currents and carefully observing the potential of the insulated body
        and watching for the disturbance at various neighboring points of
        the earth's surface resonance might be detected. Should, as the
        majority of scientific men in all probability believe, theperiod be
        extremely small, then a dynamo machine would not do and a
        proper electrical oscillator would have to be produced and perhaps
        it might not be possible to obtain such rapid vibrations. But
        whether this be possible or not, and whether the earth contains a charge or not, and whatever may be its period of vibration, it cer-
        tainly is possible for of this we have daily evidence to pro-
        duce some electrical disturbance sufficiently powerful to be per-
        ceptible by suitable instruments at any point of the earth's surface.


        I think that beyond doubt
        it is possible to operate electrical devices in a city through
        the ground or pipe system by resonance from an electrical
        oscillator located at a central point. But the practical solution
        of this problem would be of incomparably smaller benefit to man
        than the realization of the scheme of transmitting intelligence, or
        perhaps power, to any distance through the earth or environing
        medium. If this is at all possible, distance does not mean any-
        thing. Proper apparatus must first be produced by means of
        which the problem can be attacked and I have devoted much
        thought to this subject. I am firmly convinced that it can be
        done and hope that we shall live to see it done.




        • #5
          Originally posted by baroutologos View Post
          I am investigating Tesla's notes on Colorado springs, Nolit, Beograd Yogoslavia written by the original notes and under supervision of Tesla museum in 1978.
          The diary starts at June and ends Semptember of 1898.

          From my reading in this book, I have not find any hint of radiant electricity as proposed by Dr. Lindemann's book that Quotes Gerry Vasillatos that Tesla found out in his attempts to replicate Hertz's experiments in New York in 1889, a decade before Colorado springs experiments.

          Yet, all considerations for constructing the magnifier and still other issues fall well withing RF technology - rather than radiant science.
          Have anyone anyhow spotted any radiant reference in that Colorado Spring Notes? or the book is MIB fixed?

          Actually as Dr. Lindemann suggests the "Rosseta stone" is discovered by asilatos (a Greek-American). I have not read that book only the excerpts in Borderland science site.

          My view, supposely the whole thing started by the peculiar phenomena observed at the high voltage DC in the old power stations at the very moment of switch closure. ( * any written reference will be nicee to have on this)

          According Gerry Vasillatos Tesla (in 1889) observed that this phenomenon was attributed to pulsing a high voltage source to heavy copper bars of insignifficant resistance. THe phenomenon intensified greatly by applying a condenser and discharging it rapidly instead of the dynamo alone.

          QUESTION: What has the condenser and does not have the dynamo? More voltage? At best equal. No. What? More energy per discharge for sure. How that is translated? Current. So a caps discharge has more current especially in a non-resistant conductor. What is the difference between a ignition's coil high voltage and a power plant's high voltage? the current. Voltage can be equal in both cases.
          (voltage alone does not say anyhting actually. can be a spark of tremendous voltage yet insignificant to be perceived)

          Easily is infered that Tesla was experimenting with the hairpin circuit (from 1889) and in 1891 issued the very simple yet great importance to his technology patent of electrical conversion and distribution. (462,418)

          Vassilatos refers that magnetic-quenched gaps of Tesla reached rates of nanoseconds. Any third party written reference for that?
          Hard to believe Vassilatos sayings...

          For a typical Tesla's kind of dynamos, usually Westinghouse 20-50 HPs of frequency 200-1000 say Hz, it is difficult to imagine a spark-gap to fire a thousand times per cycle. (In Colorado notes nothing similar to this is mentioned)

          Perhaps a mixed of Tesla technology with too much speculation and mysticism?
          I urge anyone who possess original Tesla era documents can post them here for further investigation.

          Hello Baroutologos,

          I only recently purchased Colorado Springs Notes myself so I couldn't tell you whether or not he makes reference to radiant energy. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe what others have said is missing from the book is the specific circuit that Tesla used to successfully transmit energy, hence the lack of replication attempts.

          While Vassilatos' books are eloquantly written, he does not make any citations throughout his texts, only a list of references at the back of the book. In the case of his chapter on Tesla's Radiant Energy in Secrets of Cold War Technology, it would be frustrating for anyone trying to find a source to a specific piece of information in his that chapter unless they are willing to obtain and read every book on Tesla listed in the reference section.

          Vassilatos did write a 11 volume, 2000+ page book called the Vril Compendium ( VRIL COMPENDIUM ) which I assume was where most of the information for his books came from. Tesla's paper in which he describes radiant electric waves is in Volume Ten. In spite of the price of the whole set, I am considering purchasing it to see what other details there are on Tesla's work on Radiant Energy.

          I trust that Peter Lindemann cited Secrets of Cold War Technology because he was certain that the information had not been fabricated.
          Last edited by phi1.62; 01-31-2010, 08:50 AM.


          • #6
            Thanks for the sources reference Phi! I will certainly investigate those in the future.

            Radiant Energy or Radio Frequency?
            In this topic, the matter of discussion is Radiant energy and its potential production. In my oppinion,, there is little if ANY, distiction between Radiant Energy and Radio frequency stationary waves or not.
            By the way few hints and several oddities make someone wonder.


            In Lindemann Book the nano-sec pulses are the spark-gap pulses, not the frequency obtained in circuits. Can a spark-gap have rise and quenched times in the nanosec-range?


            Thanks my lady for the contribution here, but i think what you mention require a thread of its own. Its about creating oscillations to match earth's frequency or harmonics so as to... ???


            • #7
              Only my opinion on high frequency

              I am new to this forum but not to the concept of radiant energy and tesla's work. I fully recommend the Vassilatos book "the secret of ..." If there were not any refrence for his claims there is many disclosure on tesla's works for producing radiant energy. Only those who replicated tesla's work according to the book explanation know this book is INVALUABLE!!

              Tesla high frequency alternator for me was not more than a tool to make his magnetic quenching spark gap works properly. He attached the electromagnet wires of his Magnetic Quencher to the High Frequency Alternator and the alternating magnetic field cause the sparks to be blown out and make a very high frequency switching to make a pure Aether flow void of electron particles(spark itself). Then producing high frequency pulsing DC not seems so unattainable. If you change the tesla HF AC alternator Diameter you will get mor current reversal per one rotation of wheel and by applying very high rpm to it you will get more frequence for the output current and faster swithing even in nanoseconds!! it depends completely on RPM of alternator and its Diamete.

              Fore me it is clear.

              Just my opinion.



              • #8
                Can you elaborate?

                We know that basic spark-gap had magnetic quenching. We also know that he used a powerful electro-magnet for doing so.

                As you suggest the electromagnet was connected to the same alternator Tesla charged his condensers, then the poles of the electromagnets were also alternating. At least not they were not constant in strengh. Why an alternating magnetic quencher to be more powerful than a permanent field one?

                Any benefit of this? You know something or just speculate?


                • #9
                  Not an expert on tesla coils so I'm not certain, but a google search is showing results for spark gaps with anything between 30 - 300ns spark durations...
                  "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

                  “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
                  Nikola Tesla


                  • #10
                    Electromagnetic is like throwing a ball of paper with information written on it.Somebody can catch it and read.
                    Radiant energy is like need to throw anything just a sound wave


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by baroutologos View Post
                      Can you elaborate?

                      We know that basic spark-gap had magnetic quenching. We also know that he used a powerful electro-magnet for doing so.

                      As you suggest the electromagnet was connected to the same alternator Tesla charged his condensers, then the poles of the electromagnets were also alternating. At least not they were not constant in strengh. Why an alternating magnetic quencher to be more powerful than a permanent field one?

                      Any benefit of this? You know something or just speculate?
                      I'll speculate while we get the other answer...

                      If the magnetic quencher is connected to Tesla's HF Alternator, I presume that would put the whole system in sync. Then Tesla could choose whether he would charge the caps, or whatever else is connected, in phase or out of phase, by selecting the proper output from the HF alternator.

                      In example, when the EM field is on in the magnetic quencher, the spark is extinguished and only Radiant Energy event occurs. He could charge the caps with it only. During the non-quenched event, he could push some current to the alternator to keep it going, you know the occasional nudge.

                      Though, I'm just talking out of my a** here anyway, as I do not know what the circuit really is...nor what Tesla really had in mind.
                      Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                      • #12
                        The Truth

                        Originally posted by baroutologos View Post
                        Can you elaborate?

                        We know that basic spark-gap had magnetic quenching. We also know that he used a powerful electro-magnet for doing so.

                        As you suggest the electromagnet was connected to the same alternator Tesla charged his condensers, then the poles of the electromagnets were also alternating. At least not they were not constant in strengh. Why an alternating magnetic quencher to be more powerful than a permanent field one?

                        Any benefit of this? You know something or just speculate?

                        Dear baroutologos

                        Those I mentioned are my findings on Tesla's works beside studying vassilatos book.

                        IMHO Tesla did not use alternator for charging the capacitor because the radiant energy will appear only with unidirectional DC pulses, for charging the capacitor he used a Dynamo and as you know dynamos are DC generators. you know output of a dynamo is pulsive current and he needs a regulated current flow and then used a capacitor for smoothing the output of Dynamo(like the capacitors used after full bridge rectifiers) then without a Quencher you will have a continuous spark flow(or electron flow) in spark gap and with Quencher you can blow out the continuous flow of spark pulsively and Dynamo is charging the cap and maintain the amount of charges on the capacitor plates to be fixed.

                        Alternator as I mentioned in the previous post IMO is ONLY connected to the quencher for diminishing the spark continuous flow in pulse wise fashion. Simply by connecting the alternator to Quencher ONLY and changing the alternator RPM for example by a diesel motor you can have a high frequency Quencher and can change the frequency. FYI I must say that this Tesla's Quencher Alternator specially designed for HF alternating current and you must see it's patent simply by searching on google "tesla high frequency alternator" key phrase. Yes you have not to use an alternator for actuating the Quencher, you can use a DC generator but the one that can produce high frequency DC out put for activating the Quencher and I think making and alternator with HF alternating current was easier than DC one. There is no connection between the Quencher Alternator and the Dynamo. You can change the RPM of alternator INDEPENDENTLY form the dynamo RPM and the KEY is the Alternator RPM not Dynamo rpm. The more RPM you apply to the alternator the more frequency you have in quencher and needless to say that for each cycle of Sinusoidal Current you send to Quencher you get TWO SPARK CUTTING or DIMINISHING . See Eric Dollard on you tube:

                        YouTube - Part 1 of 6: Eric Dollard Tesla Longitudinal wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio with Chris Carson

                        That is part one but in Part 5 Eric says that the RPM IS THE KEY. Please forget about charging the cap by alternator. Eric Dollard as you may know is the one who disclosed the real secret and truth behind Tesla's works and Vassilatos's book in fact is the output of Dollard researches on Tesla's experiments.

                        Hope be useful and Excse me for my English

                        Edit: In above When I mentioned Dynamo I did mean DC generator and when I mentioned Alternator I did mean AC generator.
                        Last edited by leedskalnin; 02-01-2010, 10:52 AM.


                        • #13
                          Thanks for the feedback.

                          Actually Tesla used both Dynamos and alternators for charging his caps, having a preference to former.
                          By the way why you think a electromagnetic (variable quencher) will be better than a static magnetic one? (say rare earth magnets e.g. note Tesla's era not supermagnets were available)

                          Secondly, if the HF alternator was employed fro running the quencher and if we assume every half-cycle of alternator's frequecy equaled to a break, again we are left with very few breaks. Tesla alternators at BEST reached 20Khz frequencies.

                          The quenching suggested in the Book of Vassilatos (nsec) is orders of magnitude higher than that. Simple and clear.
                          Concerning the video of Eric Dollard mentioning that Tesla's machines run at horrific RPMs i am not sure that he talks about Alternators running quenchers.
                          Last edited by baroutologos; 02-01-2010, 11:27 AM.


                          • #14
                            Interesting reading

                            While i examined Tesla's Colorado Springs notes i stumbled across notes of July 30, 1899 having Tesla speaking about his magnifier coil, his overal technology for sending-signals / power based on highvoltage stimulations and considerations about making the equipment.

                            Particularly in pp 114-115, Tesla recognises that more METAL MASS in transmiting systems is better for two reasons as he explains.
                            1) Due to lower resistance hence higher Q (ωL/R)

                            and secondly and is a new concept for me... read and comment. I cannot really grasp it yet.
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by baroutologos; 06-09-2010, 07:41 AM.


                            • #15
                              Sorry to interject here to this great thread, but the high voltage put to asymmetrical-sized electrodes are very reminiscent of the "Biefield-Brown Effect" of measurable force being created by such a HV field (Thomas Townsend Brown of "lifter" theory fame). Lol a clue where Brown originally got the idea from?

