From Josh Garey post on The Free Energy Facebook Group.
Focusing 192 lasers on one little target
Focusing 192 lasers on one little target
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A very very expensive free energy device
In experiments at the lab's National Ignition Facility, the scientists successfully fired an array of 192 laser beams at a helium-filled target no larger than a BB shot and instantly heated it to 6 million degrees Fahrenheit. The gas vanished in a tiny explosion.
The laser will generate x-rays that will implode a tiny target containing frozen hydrogen isotopes and force hydrogen nuclei to fuse together, causing a fusion reaction that unleash more energy than the lasers that has pumped into it
The laser will generate x-rays that will implode a tiny target containing frozen hydrogen isotopes and force hydrogen nuclei to fuse together, causing a fusion reaction that unleash more energy than the lasers that has pumped into it
Focusing 192 lasers on one little target
Focusing 192 lasers on one little target
official site:
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A very very expensive free energy device
