SpringerLink - Journal Article
Piccardi and Capel-Boute have previously indicated a number of physical parameters which describe the physico-chemical evolution of pure water over time. Electrical conductivity is such a parameter. Experiments have been carried out in order to investigate correlations between the conductivity of pure water and various parameters. Based earlier work by Halla and Novotny we used an electrical voltage (5 V) of weak frequency (3.4 KHz) to ''activate'' water. Results have been positive, the stimulus producing an increase of 10% in electrical conductivity. A biomass test with this water confirmed the observations of Violet that such water produced an increase in vegetation. Measurements of the electrical conductivity of pure water over time showed that ''external phenomena'' acted upon control water but did not act upon ''activated'' water. In a third series of experiments, water from the same source was put in two bottles: the first was a screened one and the second was a normal one. In this experiment, the influence of variations in electrical atmospheric fields on variations in the electrical conductivity of pure water was confirmed.