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Who's controlling us?

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  • Who's controlling us?

    The free energy community is a loosely knit bunch of folks interested in changing the current paradigm of limited forms of fossil fuel which are exclusively used for energy production. This laudable and necessary transition is a natural progression towards a clean and sustainable future.
    Nevertheless, there are those evil, greedy bastards in power who don’t want this to happen. Nothing new here.
    The point I’m trying to make is the following. Most of us think that the slimeballs merely sit back and wait for someone to build a device, then they swing into action to crush it. However, we need to give them more credit than that. It is the full time job of some individuals to make sure that “Free Energy” never sees the light of day. This was relatively easy back in the days before the internet, but times have changed. Now the information of a device can be spread faster than it’s possible to suppress.
    This changes the control dynamic considerably. It’s not enough to passively wait and react to a threat. There has to be a proactive effort to monitor and control the movement.
    Part of a proactive effort means to produce “credible” leadership in the community, who can then lead the flock astray. It also means providing a “safe haven” where we can all come together in one place to be monitored and guided.
    First we need to sit down and take a long hard look at who the big names are in this movement and whether they are truly fighting for free energy, or are they leading us down the garden path.
    A good place to start is with folks who publish books and DVDs which imply or promise to impart the secrets of free energy, but which invariably come up just short of actually providing any useful information. In any other venue this would be considered fraud. In this community it is generally passed off as caution against the big, bad men who would hurt us if we spoke the truth. I’m calling BS on all of them.
    If any of these guys really wanted us to have free energy, all they would have to do is to circulate an anonymous PDF with it all spelled out in black and white. The lack of a document of this type speaks volumes about the real motives that some of our “leaders” have.
    We also need to diversify and spread out. This forum is great, but we need more. We need lots of forums. I started one and it’s pretty easy, you should too.
    The opposition is serious about keeping us in the dark, and they have been pretty successful so far. We need to take them seriously and start thinking in terms of a more realistic strategy to keep progressing forward instead of getting sidetracked.
    Whadda ya think?


  • #2
    There is a lot of truth there. I think it is important to ask ourselves if a concept is worth 'proving' if it can have no practical use. Why build a device if it can only power one LED and cannot be scaled up. I have no problem with building such devices if it is probable they can be scaled up or even for the fun of demonstrating something like Zero Point energy but we need to focus now on things that can be useful for home power and transportation power.

    I have followed one researcher for many years and I do see some reasons why he would not want to circulate a file with complete details on his concept or device. It comes down to wanting either money for it or wanting the credit for the research. It's very easy for a wealthy interest or company to take such info if they should get it and redo it just enough to call it their own. Then they build a device and make the money and get the name or credit. Or at least I believe that is the fear of those people who may have working concepts. That and the threat of the PTB.

    I remember reading the rather unusual situation of Bedini thanking people for giving him a hard time and saying his device didn't work or couldn't produce OU. He said because of that he was finally left alone or something to that effect and the PTB figured he had been discredited enough that people would not waste time on his devices.

    I do have word that one researcher will be soon releasing such info. There is also Greer who says they will have something by this April - not sure if that is proof of concept or something to actually sell. I won't hold my breath for that but we can hope. Good topic...
    There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


    • #3
      I have long been convinced there is a concerted and determined, well funded disinfo and psy-ops operation running in free energy for a long, long time now; just as there is in the "UFO", alternative medicines, and other genres.

      Yet it is important to realize that a "witch hunt" that points fingers actually serves their plans better than their own low-life and lame tactics do

      I think the key here is to not confuse honestly-held differences in opinion with ulterior motives. And it is an important fact to remember that people profiting from DVD's or books is not automatic proof of anything... However it is a valid reason, imo, for us to examine them from a different light than those who do not attempt to profit. This is also true for those who actively and constantly ask for money, this to me is even more deserving of scrutiny than those who sell things. And the key perhaps, is "what do you get in return for your money?" .. What do we EVER see from these people besides promises?

      For instance, in the case of WITTS or Orion Project, i have not heard of anyone getting ANYTHING tangible in return except words. Orion has never given out any information about their "technologies" that has any meaning... And last year they were claiming the "Stanley Meyer Equipment" was in their possession. We now know this was not the truth.... but they certainly used it to fund-raise on. then two months ago, Dr. Steven Greer comes out with a frankly ridiculous and incredulous story that "his" scientist was kidnapped and held hostage by M.I.B.'s in an underground NWO bunker. This story conveniently came out at a time when he was being pressed to explain why "Disclosure" did not happen in October 2009 as he had repeated claimed it would; and why there is absolutely nothing to show regarding the technologies he has talked about raised money for.

      I would ask folks this: Why the THE HELL would you tell such a story with absolutely nothing to back it.. EVEN IF IT WERE TRUE!! It only goes to help make the entire genre sound ridiculous. Dr. Greer's calls to make himself the "leader" of the free energy movement are also absurd Lol the last thing we need is a "leader" to make it absurdly easy to have a coup at the top.

      But these are ISOLATED INCIDENCES. Not indicative of then entire picture, and have NOTHING TO DO with Open Source Energy. Yet we get tarred with he same brush, with those who are unaware of the full facts. AND THAT IS THE POINT of the ridiculous claims of both Orion and WITTS, imo... They are using a tactic i call "the absurdity gambit".

      There is a saying i love repeating, that goes like this: "Put 3 free energy researchers into a room, and ask them what is the best technology to follow, and you will get 4 answers". Meaning there is a lot of room for honest disagreement, and each of us have our own pet projects and technologies. this is the danger we face when talking about this stuff: NOT TO TURN IT INTO A WITCH HUNT, that throws the baby out with the bathwater... And does their work for them.

      Having said that, there certainly are dis-info games being played in the free energy genre, and have been for a long time. For instance, the "mylow" affair last year was a professionally-done dis-info "psy-ops" scam. Lol, but what they didn't realize was, it was a failure. If it was designed to embarrass and turn away people from Open Source (as i believe i can prove it was...), it didn't really work as planned

      If it had worked, we would have heard a lot more about it.

      There are clues and methods of determining these things... They are not as hard to find as many may think

      One very obvious thing i will share: All these objective-oriented scams have one Achilles heel: they are projects that require periodic results, and often work on pre-set time tables. At some point, they must prove to their bosses they are "doing something" that is worth the budget and time put into it

      Perhaps the best way to combat this is, is to learn to simply laugh at them; and like the shadows they are, they will simply melt away


      • #4
        I get tired of being treated like a sheep. I get tired of the government telling me what I can and can't have, what I can do and what I can't do, how much money I can make and how much they will confiscate.
        I am required to buy gasoline, electricity and natural gas to fulfill all my energy needs. I can't own anything without the government taxing it, which is a form of control.
        Enough! If I want to produce my own energy, from my own efforts, that's my own business. I don't need any psychopathic control freaks, or their *lackeys telling me not to or trying to lead me astray.
        I'm drawing the line.


        * A note to the lackeys: You work for psychopathic criminals who have illegally usurped the control of our country. You're an accessory to this, which also makes you a traitor and a criminal, as well as their W*H*O*R*E. Are you proud of yourself?

        Just curious... Are the rumors true, do they make you swallow?
        Last edited by Ted Ewert; 02-02-2010, 07:05 PM. Reason: Spelling


        • #5
          The trouble is, Ted, most lackeys don't know they are lackeys. Another problem is that those of us who do know we are lackeys, simply by being in the employment system/slave trade, can't opt out without losing our food and shelter.

          The real problem lies in division. They have been dividing us for centuries into nations, cultures, races, classes, ages, colours, genders, sexual preferences and on and on.

          It will get worse before it gets better but the more we do of what we can actually do the quicker it will happen.

          One World Project is one of many contributions we can make.

          Distributing the knowledge is another. You are doing that, Ted. Well done mate.
          Last edited by life4living; 02-02-2010, 09:07 PM.
          I know that you are part of me and I am part of you because we are all aspects of the same infinite consciousness that we call God and Creation.
          David Icke

          My website PATHS-Life4Living How PATHS Works


          • #6
            I think you have hit the proverbial nail on the head. By inventing new companies or forums to disqualify the results of researchers and experimenters trying to tye it all together, they can put disinformation in whatever design we build. By simply eliminating or adding one component to an existing design or patent can make it totally useless. I think most patents on line have already been tampered with or changed to make them unworkable as presented. We need to look beyond the normal patent designs to find what was really there before they were changed. I have copies of many patents and none so far have proven workable. Disinformation is at the heart of most of the games that are played out to discourage and reshape our thinking. Brainwashing is a very solid tactic to employ on the unknowing or unthinking individuals in our society. Good Luck. Stealth


            • #7
              Originally posted by life4living View Post
              The trouble is, Ted, most lackeys don't know they are lackeys. Another problem is that those of us who do know we are lackeys, simply by being in the employment system/slave trade, can't opt out without losing our food and shelter.
              By "lackey" I meant only those who are working directly against our efforts at free energy.
              We all have to put a roof over our heads, nothing shameful in that.




              • #8

                i agree with pretty much everything youve said fully,

                to give my answer your question you asked them " do they make you swallow?"....ill let Bill Hicks answer it....

                "suck Satans c*ck, slide that scaley pecker deep down into your gullet, drink that black worm jism, drink it, DRINK IT ! "

                I must admit, i am frothing at the mouth to let rip at some of these Free Energy "Leaders", theyre modus opeandi is starting to show, same old game again & again, lots of semi-logical sounding promises, techincal phrases, name dropping helps ( tesla etc ), and even......some devices.....and at the end of it all, in terms of the so called free energy that they proclaim.........nothing.


                david. d


                • #9
                  I totally agree with Ted. There is something fishy going on. Thats why i do my own research.

                  I get the impression people are holding out to make money on their inventions. Thats fine generally speaking but the powers that be wont give you the light of day so you might as well post it up on this forum or elsewhere so everyone can benefit. The sad reality is that noone will make any money out of it and that a grand transition needs to occur away from the monetary system. Everyone has to start thinking about helping humanity and the planet and posting what information they have just in case you get knocked off by the MIB's or whoever.

                  If everyone has free energy..Money won't be needed so much. We wont have to be slaves to the system of going to work everyday...maybe only work4 days instead of 5 or more days.

                  anyway my 2 cents...


                  • #10
                    Hi folks, you said it nat,
                    I get the impression people are holding out to make money on their inventions. Thats fine generally speaking but the powers that be wont give you the light of day so you might as well post it up on this forum or elsewhere so everyone can benefit. The sad reality is that noone will make any money out of it and that a grand transition needs to occur away from the monetary system. Everyone has to start thinking about helping humanity and the planet and posting what information they have
                    I fully agree with that quote, yet i get flack from others in another thread about steering clear of the control paradigm of money or anything resembling it. The problem they say with giving up money, is that i'm being to idealistic and living in the future and not being practical. Excuse me, but these systems and the conditions they have created for humanity proves beyond doubt that money systems are not practical and only serve the few and not the good of all. Also these systems have been the fuel to suppress the excess energy devices. Seems obvious to me that any money or intermediary tool of exchange system between people would always serve to cause others of a greed or power trip mentality to suppress anything that would circumvent the need for middle man tools of control called money and its many guises. However in the end, this is a spiritual learning experience and it is all good.
                    peace love light


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ewizard View Post
                      There is a lot of truth there. I think it is important to ask ourselves if a concept is worth 'proving' if it can have no practical use. Why build a device if it can only power one LED and cannot be scaled up. I have no problem with building such devices if it is probable they can be scaled up or even for the fun of demonstrating something like Zero Point energy but we need to focus now on things that can be useful for home power and transportation power.
                      ... I won't hold my breath for that but we can hope. Good topic...
                      Well I would like to add to this thought some.
                      A little more than one year ago it was thought that a joule thief only lit one led. (please refer to amigo's thread about the joule thief right here. It is one page long and all pretty much agreed that although cool, there was not much point to research it.)

                      I have made the very same joule thief light 30 and now 40 leds IN SERIES which is a lot of scaling up.
                      It took a kind of tenacity that made my son frown when he was little, but it did not take an engineering degree.
                      In fact, the engineers who have helped me a lot, often helped by trying to discourage me.
                      Now, if you can light your entire home with a handful of 1.2v or 3 volt batteries with one year's research by a novice smart but un-electrically educated person, what can happen in 2 years?

                      Lets keep on doing this, guys!
                      We really are on to something.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jeanna View Post
                        Well I would like to add to this thought some.
                        A little more than one year ago it was thought that a joule thief only lit one led. (please refer to amigo's thread about the joule thief right here. It is one page long and all pretty much agreed that although cool, there was not much point to research it.)

                        I have made the very same joule thief light 30 and now 40 leds IN SERIES which is a lot of scaling up.
                        It took a kind of tenacity that made my son frown when he was little, but it did not take an engineering degree.
                        In fact, the engineers who have helped me a lot, often helped by trying to discourage me.
                        Now, if you can light your entire home with a handful of 1.2v or 3 volt batteries with one year's research by a novice smart but un-electrically educated person, what can happen in 2 years?

                        Lets keep on doing this, guys!
                        We really are on to something.

                        Good for you Jeanna, that's the way to get it done.
                        I have no illusions that somebody else is going to hand me a solution to my energy needs on a silver platter. Like Jeanna, I'm working every day to improve my designs and concepts, and I'm confident I'll get there pretty soon. I'll also hide nothing. Your welcome to see what I've done so far at:
                        Heretical Builders - Powered by vBulletin
                        My goal is to not only build a device for my own needs, but for everyone's needs. If I'm fortunate enough to get a viable device running, it would satisfy me to no end to see it get built and used by as many people as possible. The more people who can send the banksters the one finger salute, the better off we'll all be.



                        • #13
                          I have to agree with Jeanna. Time and persistence is the key. You must find one thing to work on and not give up. No matter the results in the intermediary.
                          I don't personally give any thought to people who sell anything. I do buy some things but I never expect to get "The Key To it all". I look for the little info, the stuff that may pertain to my chosen projects.

                          And I guess I'll be the first to say it. If the Items I am working on pan out well and scale up, and they have so far' I FULLY INTEND TO MAKE MONEY. But not in the traditional sense. I do not wan to sell anything to you. Plans, kits working devices, none of it. I will make money by taking money from the greed that is in control. And it will be legal.

                          Most have no clue how lax and flexible the laws are now around power production. Green Energy is the smoke we need on the battle field.
                          I recently enrolled in a sell all program in the state of North Carolina. In the county I live in no one has even seen (out side of TV) and some have not even heard of solar panels. For Real!!
                          The contract stated that I would be inspected 1 time by the public utility commission. To date this has not happened. When I inquired as to why they told me they do not have enough inspectors to inspect all the power production facilities in the state. LOL. To date NC has just over 200 personal power production facilities in the solar category. A couple thousand methane generators from the pork industry. And some coal and nuclear plants.
                          They also informed me the only inspection is on the AC side of the inverter.

                          Nothing else in my power plant is there business. NOTHING!!

                          Like I said it the smoke on the battle field.

                          I wouldn't sit around and worry about any kind of regulation. I would not be able to count more than a hand full of people in this state that would be concerned if I was selling power via a device and batteries.

                          And even if they find out that I am What are they going to do. Shut it down? Not without the the courts they aren't. Even the EPA, if for some reason they got involved, would have to use the courts.
                          What are they gonna say in court to twelve people. "He has device that produces free or extra energy.". LOL I dare them.
                          So what do they do next? How many people do you think there are that can really do anything to you. One threat on your life warrants conceal and carry at least in this state. You can always unplug all but one computer from the Internet. You can give up bank accounts and credit cards, or have them monitored for activity.
                          And all the while you can keep taking there money. You can sell the carbon credits you make back to them and take more money.

                          There are simple devices to build that work. You do not need to worry about the boogie man. He retired and he's going fishing soon with his grand kids.



                          • #14
                            The same greedy goolish things that stopped Tesla

                            They're either very long lived or they can breed?

                            Either way they cant be human, because they have done so much inhumane.

                            They are gools sucking the life from the planet and living on it like a lazy parasite.


                            • #15
                              ok how about this

                              anybody who is sitting on a free energy device that can power my house and car should immediately post all the details

                              it will get replicated very quickly provided

                              then wait for the donations to come. I will gladly donate $$$ provided it works once powering my house and car. I am sure others will follow suit. This should satisfy those that are after the enslaving mechanism known as money. Many thanks goes to the bankers who created the fractional reserve system to enslave humanity.

                              Think of it. You will be placed as a GOD. You have caused the elevation of humanity to the next level. Think of how satisfied you will be knowing that you have raised the standard of living for the whole planet.

