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Balancing electronic friction in the engine

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  • Balancing electronic friction in the engine

    Guys i just came back from a demonstration of the most bizarre device i have
    ever seen, its a fuel saver and proven technology been in the paper, whats
    interesting (I am told by the inventor) is that it would also aid other systems
    like open source Hydroxy systems, GEET, HH2 , gadget man groves and GEET
    variants, (basically all the retrofitting mods).

    Also the understanding on how it balances out electronic friction in the engine, stops the alternator fields from friction and helps burn the fuel better
    (generates negative ions and photons according to the inventor, dont know how he tested that, still need to find out more).

    PLUS, it also has rust proofing applicators on the car and helps keep the driver awake longer (oxygen and ions theory). Now here is where we get really strange.

    One of the Panacea trustee's has also witnessed it modify the Weather. And wait for it, its only a bunch of specially conditioned and pre treated (in a chamber) stainless steel plates with symbols on them.

    He is not releasing how but i am sure some way we can get into the faculty
    aspect of it (Study of FE etc) from him down the track and work towards helping and security and public access. I would like to see if it helps the other mods ill try and get to that ASAP

    He has a dyno from RACQ (accredited here in Australia)
    97% reduction of hydrocarbons at idle. UNBELIEVABLE.

    This explains why Andrew (From Panacea) could sit back and smell the exhaust, i could hardly believe it, there is even a little water vapor coming out in the exhaust.

    Yfrog - rimg0177

    And this is just a bunch of 4 plates with the symbol on them (all plates
    apparently with out the symbol it wont resonate) pre treated in some chamber. Was very hard for me to swallow but i have spoken to many now who have it fitted and got their testimonies and know the guy with this vehicle well (not the inventor) he is a trust worthy character.

    I dont know if you can get them out side of Australia guys ill try and find out.
    Ill do my best to ask him to share the technology. If there really is electronic
    friction in a vehicle, all the electric cars will benefit from this and it is
    some thing to think about.

    Here are some more snaps guys.

    Side view of the plates (all have the symbol)

    Front View and Symbol


    Apparently the installer has to take a field detector and find where your
    friction is, the device is then place where it can balance all the fields the


  • #2

    I am naturally skeptical that this is genuine and not a scam, however I have no proof either way so I am going to keep an open mind and see what happens.

    What I found interesting on the emissions test linked above, was that the "97% reduction of hydrocarbons at idle" after the device was fitted seemed to only apply when the air conditioning was turned on. With the air conditioning off, the hydrocarbons were higher after the device was fitted.

    I guess that means you must run your air conditioning all the time to gain the benefits of this device if that emissions test is correct.


    • #3

      Where can I purchase one?

      You are right, that's so strange must be seen to believe!

      No need to replicate, Just need to purchase one and use it.

      Will it work on a Home? Large industrial complex? Power station?



      • #4
        Interesting .

        Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
        PLUS, it also has rust proofing applicators on the car and helps keep the driver awake longer (oxygen and ions theory).
        Don't we get that if we connect radiant oscillator HV output to car body?

        Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
        One of the Panacea trustee's has also witnessed it modify the Weather. And wait for it, its only a bunch of specially conditioned and pre treated (in a chamber) stainless steel plates with symbols on them.
        That make me believe it is the power of another substance. Lets hope that it can be replicated by other and not just by it's inventor. We may have trouble if it is the last one, the device may not work when the inventor dies...

        Off topic note: I got hard time explaining how cloud buster work to my brother in law. He sell herbal cigarettes. The usual herbal sympton is understandable. It cure fever or cough if you smoke or drink it. And many smoker already use it to reduce pain/sickness from common cigarettes.

        What make me hard to try to explain that cloud busting is a science is the way the cigarettes change your body balance when you hold it. He try it on me by pushing or yanking my body. If I hold the cigarettes, I am unmoveable. What's more, last monday he proof that it also work when he put the cigarettes on top of my signature. Bad thing is, he think cloud busting phenomena work the same way. Since I call cloud busting science he call the way the cigarettes weird behavior as science too.


        Hopefully that device is not one of obscure thing.... If it is it should work via resonance or whatever that when you alter the symbol, it may no longer work or do different thing.

        One thing to try is sticking a print out of that picture to your car. Unless it has to be made with strict requirement.
        Last edited by sucahyo; 02-04-2010, 06:49 AM.


        • #5
          effect of symbol

          Rather related, the power of imprinted symbol:
          BARCODES: "Mark of the Beast" By Peter A. Lindemann with Ajna Luminaria
          Last edited by sucahyo; 02-05-2010, 12:37 AM.


          • #6
            Hi sucahyo, Dave, Down under and ALL

            I got a lot of emails of list on this device, i promise all we will get to the bottom of it. The fact that The Panacea pilot (for weather engineering) owns the car i posted and has the device means the world of credibility to us, but ill share some more hard data in a sec. Yes some times because its not in the text books conditioning tells us that its not possible, you might find that the Shakespeare's quote" there are more things between heaven and hell than what are dreamed up in your philosophy" is quiet REAL (just dont before its too late), .Now i have seen more hard data , dyno's and testimonies, i know some one from GREENFEST (remember your non profit org went to green fest its in utube) he got one on his car and did an economy test, he has one of the best results, he did liters per kilometer same load and route.

            I have seen more dyno's which ill post later, the thing is this particular person we met at greenfest wanted to test it for its rust proofing capacity and it does that according to him.Guys we are going to pay for one in the interest of science (sadly its not open source but better to test it) and get some Dyno's at least then you can trust your Non profit org.I am told also if your doing a dyno with this, if you go where there are a lot of electrical (electric motors) that will interfere with the balancing of the fields, (it already happened on one dyno) So make sure there is minimum electrical motors around when getting the device.

            Guys not sure who you can buy it off yet, ill try and find out and post here i know a lot of people have emailed me give me some time to find out. I am always looking for open source and any other things to find for you guys in that way .Sadly no could not get any measurements i think the dimensions are important with the way they are pre treated which he wont reveal YET sadly .

            @ ALL How about electronic friction tho?, makes you wonder what fields your alternator is doing and engine etc, apparently that's why you cant burn your fuel as well too , but man i am still trying to get my head around this.

            I couldn't believe my eyes, its especially harder for me as i know the guy with the car does notBS , he is the non profit organizations pilot and a great man, he has had all sorts of tests done, i have not posted them all yet just gathering them. I still cant believe what i was seeing.Andrew could literally smell the exhaust, i did too, hardly any thing there even at rev. Never a dull day at the office here guys.

            >Will it work on a Home? Large industrial complex? Power station?
            Dave ill ask the guy and try and find out ASAP my friend.

            Last edited by ashtweth; 02-05-2010, 02:30 AM.


            • #7
              Hull Effect similarity?

              How about Hull effect for explanation? Maybe those small metal are preconditioned in a Hull Effect way. The successfull replicator also mention more awareness, less friction, more power, etc. Hull effect create magnetic field in cars by HV-ing engine oil. Maybe it is some sort of special magnetic device.

              How the installer measure the field. By hand or by device?


              • #8
                Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                How about Hull effect for explanation? Maybe those small metal are preconditioned in a Hull Effect way. The successfull replicator also mention more awareness, less friction, more power, etc. Hull effect create magnetic field in cars by HV-ing engine oil. Maybe it is some sort of special magnetic device.

                How the installer measure the field. By hand or by device?
                most Stainless Steels are non magnetic like 304 SS a few types are magnetic but not as magnetic as regular steel, has to do with Nickle content of the Stainless.

                I'm thinking it works off the principles of what is called "sympathetic magic" or like orgon devices.

                Draw a picture of a coil inside of a pyramid shaped box and the coil representation becomes an amplifier. make the pyramid hollow so that you can write on a piece of paper a wish or desire so that "intent" can be magnified into the aether. This is a sympathetic magic generator. I had a natureopathic/chiropractic retired doctor once tell me he believed a good friend of his was murdered using this technique using a similar type of device. He claimed if a picture (with negative still in existence) was placed inside the unit with a poison on top of it that it had the power to magnify that intent several magnitudes and accomplish the dirty deed. I was shocked anyone would even do such a thing, but like anything else anything can be used for good or for evil I guess. But lets say your intent was 50% better fuel mileage...or running your car without ever refueling, some claim this and more is possible with these types of units...I would be willing to bet that one of the symbols on those flat metal pieces represents a coil, maybe ash could confirm this. Also I would be willing to bet the conditioning process is not nesesery at all and as long as you believed it was it would negate the effect, but the guy would never admit it. These devices work on your FAITH in them.

                Interesting thread to say the least.
                Good Day!!!....24


                • #9
                  Hi Ash,

                  My machinist has something almost identical to this. His plate is alot larger. He was telling me about it a while back. It sounded a bit fishy to me, or rather, too simple to be useful? He gave me a smaller one to try in my car. Said it should double my mileage, lessen wear and tear on the tires etc. Didnt notice any difference that I could tell. From what I gathered it cost a small fortune (thousands) for the larger plate, specially ordered from china.

                  I seem to remember it having something to do with negating some of the AC field projected from the alternator, apparaently it is detrimental to the driver over time or something. I'll see if I can get some more info.

                  Last edited by ren; 02-06-2010, 12:31 AM.
                  "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 1NRG24Seven View Post
                    most Stainless Steels are non magnetic like 304 SS a few types are magnetic but not as magnetic as regular steel, has to do with Nickle content of the Stainless.
                    Hull effect made the alumunium/diral block magnetized too, the whole car body said sucessfull replicator.

                    Originally posted by 1NRG24Seven View Post
                    These devices work on your FAITH in them.
                    Not always. If you've seen martial arts that include remote punching, it will hurt anyone targetted. Does not matter if they believe it or not.

                    The pyramid may be just a medium, not the source of killing power it self. At least here, some people use a bucket of water to kill/heal people. Other media exist too.

                    It is interesting that one of protection mechanism, gelang akar bahar, is aerial root of plant wound in rodin coil way.

                    Originally posted by ren View Post
                    I seem to remember it having something to do with negating some of the AC field projected from the alternator, apparaently it is detrimental to the driver over time or something. I'll see if I can get some more info.
                    That is scary. However, on magic side, I was once offered an antibomb protection mechanism that should never be activated in side a car since it will damage the car. I guess human protection has opposite behaviour than that imported chinese one. If those chinese plate do not work accross the sea, if it work by magic, see if adding a handfull of chinese soil would make it work.
                    Last edited by sucahyo; 02-06-2010, 04:17 AM.


                    • #11
                      Okay found a guy who does the installs in BRISBANE , dont know of any where else yet guys, will have more details in a few days ,we are gonna Dyno one for all.

                      Balancing electronic fields is not a joke, check it out
                      Welcome to Silent Fields :: The Growing Cancer Cluster Story

                      Meter to detect them
             - STETZERiZER Meter Overview


                      • #12
                        Just some Ideas:

                        I have some Idea on Hull Effect:

                        The approch to this method of energy generation IMHO is based on Bedini works and RE generation. As you know if you connect the the output diod to a big fat wire you will get more RE because when you charge a coil and let it's Mag field to be collapsed in an open circuit all the universe press the coil and every thing connected to it in order to reach it's before state of equilibrium and can make huge amount of Cold Energy!!! In the dimmer circuit you have a coil that excited by the alternator and a Triac the same as Bedini power coil and the power transistor that causes collapsing field goes to the oil pool that act as a diod in SG (oil blocks the electron flow) and then to the body of motor and since the body of motor is a BIG FAT body relative to wires connected to oil stick then all the universe presses this body and you get huge amount of RE in this manner that make a cold arc toward the battery negative pole via the spark plug. and this Aether PUMPING can continue even without exciting the coil in dimmer circuit. Remember that Tesla said his Magnifying Transmitter after some excitation from primary could continue working without excitation via Dynamo and the condenser and spark gap. You know better than me that Joe's cell works similarly in this manner too. Another misunderstanding I think exist is that the alternator final output is DC because the output will be rectified by diods and connecting a battery to an AC current cause the battery to be damaged and the only current goes to dimmer circuit is DC not AC!!

                        Please check the attachment for the Diagram I got it from thehulleffect yahoo group.

                        Thanks for reading and Excuse ME for my English.

                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Based on much of the information here on this forum, current doesn't run through the wire, it runs on the surface of the wire. So while most people think in terms of cross sectional area it's more about surface area. Wouldn't foils be better in this regard?


                          • #14
                            The meter description sounds like an orgone meter I read somewhere else except orgone is replaced with high frequency....

                            My speculation now for hull effect are it caused by fluid rotating at high speed. While HV electron in oil will create magnetism, the rotating oil fluid will perform different effect which relate to enclosed air like to the car so there is less wind resistance dragging the car. Just a rambling because I can not find a sane idea for why my bike got 10km faster top speed after I put two small pipe of copper rotating part of the air coming into the air filter. Maybe it just a placebo effect that I fell less wind even on windy condition. True or not, my bike 10kmph faster....

                            I am not sure if we need the electricity to be a disruptive one. Since diode has response time, if the AC frequency exceed diode reaction time, we should still have AC signal propagate anywhere.
                            Last edited by sucahyo; 02-13-2010, 01:37 AM.


                            • #15
                              Here ya go guys i told you this device was strange, panacea production coming with a dyno soon filming next week

                              YouTube - Optimum Energy Environment Gas Flame Test

