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Magnetic electricity

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  • Magnetic electricity

    BBC NEWS | Technology | 'Magnetic electricity' discovered

    Researchers have discovered a magnetic equivalent to electricity: single magnetic charges that can behave and interact like electrical ones.

    The work is the first to make use of the magnetic monopoles that exist in special crystals known as spin ice.

    Writing in Nature journal, a team showed that monopoles gather to form a "magnetic current" like electricity.

    The phenomenon, dubbed "magnetricity", could be used in magnetic storage or in computing.

    Magnetic monopoles were first predicted to exist over a century ago, as a perfect analogue to electric charges.

    Although there are protons and electrons with net positive and negative electric charges, there were no particles in existence which carry magnetic charges. Rather, every magnet has a "north" and "south" pole.

  • #2
    22Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail,

    23Which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war?
    Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question

