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Very interesting developments...

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  • #61
    Originally posted by jibbguy View Post
    This is just getting more and more absurd.... I guess that is deliberate.
    I really don't see any good coming from continuing the discussion now, as apparently it will simply continue to degenerate and become more and more damaging to the rep of this forum and genre (which is the POINT of those sites after all).
    And if someone here doesn't like the implications, understand that you did it to yourselves with your own words and links... something i never could have done so effectively simply by statement.

    Absurd, yes, absolutely. But also full of love and hope!

    After all, we are the ones to decide where we want to go with discussion and thus wether or not any good will come out. One of the implications of the things I posted is that we're not alone, even far from that and we have never been. Another implication is that we are on the threshold of seeing huge changes in the world around us, and you can see this all around us. Climategate is but one of the examples that show that the times of secrecy are over.

    So, I believe things are looking very, very good. So, let me point you to some good news for a change

    Alfa Spaceship 14 Feb 2010 Kris Won |

    Some weeks ago, someone asked (we don’t miss those things) who makes up the crew of Alfa Spaceship, where do we come from and also if swans come from the Swan Constellation? The answer to the last question is yes, naturally the Swans are those beings who inhabit the Swan Constellation, and they are visiting you to give you a hand in your ascension progress. The Swans are very beautiful and highly evolved beings, mainly characterized by their high understanding of the sciences and arts. They are great mathematicians and physicists, and when it comes to building mechanical devices propelled by magnetic and isotronic energy, their creativeness exceeds that of any other civilization in their local universe. They help you mostly by influencing your minds to improve your knowledge in quantum physics and to advance technologically, since even though you have progressed a lot in the last years, you are still at primitive levels regarding vehicles for transporting people and in telecommunications, among other means, to evolve in the fields of mechanics and electronics.

    Your transportation capabilities are still too slow and require too much time to go from one place to another. With the knowledge that mostly Swans and also other civilizations will provide you with after we have had First Contact, you will be able to design small transportation ships that will take you at great speeds from one point of the planet to another with almost no risk of accidents, as you now sporadically have with your airplanes, and more frequently, with your four-wheel vehicles (these last ones will seem laughably obsolete after we teach you how to build much more advanced models that do not need tires to roll on the ground).
    NESARA FORUMS AND NEWS SOURCES: Benjamin Fulford - Comments by David Burton
    1. This announcement is meant to sound as a clanging cymbal signifying little or nothing as we have heard many before.
    2. If the meetings don't center on the criminal allegations concerning specific persons and a few states directly involved with the fraudulent finance operations around the world and real justice is not meted out to guilty parties, then nothing shall be accomplished. We must remind everyone that those who stand most accused would have the blood of at least hundreds of millions of human beings on their hands, down through the centuries, in fact more killed than all the religious wars ever fought down thorough history (to put to final rest that vile canard against Christians, though it is freely admitted that many "Christians" have been involved in these various games, wars, plans, schemes, scams and atrocities).
    3. We are talking the ultimate end of all secret societies for the very notion of needing that level of secrecy shall become abhorrent to the rational mind; no one worth knowing should ever belong to such an organization, those who do belong should resign immediately, those secret societies that have engaged in practices that were outlawed by the various states in which they operated should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This is done as much to preserve the honor of the law in public life and society as it is to see that justice is done.
    4. We are talking about a reset of the entire financial system, starting with the citizens not the banks: the next world revolution shall be financial, a forced year of jubilee and probably the instatement of a succession of these at every fifty year interval.
    5. Following upon this, we are talking about a massive default on public and private debt which shall never be settled except through total repudiation. This resultant transfer of wealth, perhaps the greatest in history, would reignite the economy worldwide.
    6. An end to captive patent ownership; if you own a patent on a technology that is in competition with your own and have no intention of ever developing it, in fact you have strenuously worked to have such innovations suppressed, then the patent shall fall from your grasp by worldwide demand, by fiat of the public will, and these new technologies shall be developed. Humanity shall no longer tolerate holding a technical innovation captive due to the special business interests of a limited few.
    7. We acknowledge that for want of a better and more universal system, that troy ounces of gold, silver and copper furnish a ready made worldwide currency. We don't even need one central mint for this currency. All we need are standards of weight and measure that all shall use. Since we already have most of this in the numismatic and precious metals coins markets, and as these markets are gaining prominence on the internet, we should use what is already there.
    8. As for banks, we are going to want to limit their risk entitlements, their size, probably their area of specific business expertise and make sure no family, people, or nation can predominate in banking administration. I see no reason for a bank to be directly involved in the insurance business either as that's really a different game.
    9. Why not settle all international trade in gold, silver and copper coins? They don't even need to travel as long as they are electronically traded.
    10. Then we have the various currencies. I'm sorry for the central bankers and their gang, but their game is called and their time is up. They have much to answer for if the evidence is good.
    Those of you who have your ears to the ground are aware how quickly events are moving, and it will not be long before they start to bring about a whole series of results. It will be the domino effect and it will be unstoppable once it commences. Much in your future lies in the revelations of our existence, and an open dialogue with us so that our plan can be presented to you. It is not only that you have invited us to meet you, but it is an integral part of all activities leading to Ascension. We have been chosen to assist you through the various stages of its process, because we have had immense experience in helping civilisations do so. You are in any event intended to join us so that we may continue the journey together, into the glorious dimensions of Light. We are One and it has always been so, and as time progresses we will come even closer together. We can tell you that we are your true family, and many of you are directly linked to civilisations in the Galactic Federation.

    When we seek out other civilisations it is never to colonise them, but some groups of ET’s who are not members of our Federation have that in mind. It has happened to you in the past, and the presence of the Annunaki some 5000 years ago in Sumeria is such an example. Much that has filtered through from those times has led mankind down the slippery slope to near annihilation. Whilst it is true that they falsely presented themselves as gods, Man was in that time at a low point in his vibrations and open to their rule. However, the time of the warriors of war has now been overtaken by the warriors of Light. By regaining your rights, you will also once again become the Sovereign Beings that you were born to be.

    And if you're in for a more close-to-home introduction to the subject of space secrets, I suggest this video:
    YouTube - Moon Rising - a JOSE ESCAMILLA film

    It shows the good old moon in all it's glory and reveals many surprises.
    Last edited by lamare; 02-18-2010, 11:48 AM.


    • #62

      Most of the NESARA websites are completely fake so watch out.
      Been around for several years.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #63

        Exopolitics is the hypothetical exploration of the concept of political relations between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations. Issues addressed by exopolitical enquiry include global warming and morality.
        Useregen Earthfast/Exopolitics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        exopolitics - Google Search



        • #64
          Originally posted by Aaron View Post
          Most of the NESARA websites are completely fake so watch out.
          Been around for several years.
          Thanks Aaron, it appears each and every bit of true information sooner or later ends up being mixed with mis-information somewhere. I'm now reading this book:

          *IF USED PROPERLY*
          1,000 YEAR ( + /-) WARRANTY
          (144,000 PLANETS TESTED)
          Here it is basically said that you have to learn how to judge for yourself, by asking your inner self or inner father:


          Achieve the wisdom of knowledge inasmuch as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of The Creation.

          This means to seek and demand the TRUTH be shown to you so that you must develop that ability to discern and judge all information, actions and behavior with self and others which go against the laws of balance given forth by GOD and The Creation. This also means that when information is put before your attention, you must ask the FATHER within you to show you whether or not it is true and ask for the Father to give you the verification you need for understanding the Truth in all information and situations which HE puts before you. THIS means you must have the courage and the determination to conquer the fear, apathy and ignorance within your altered ego to ACHIEVE THE WISDOM OF KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH!
          This book certainly gives lots of food for thought and is very confronting and sometimes controversial, yet it also gives valueable insights, like this:

          Now we will discuss the personal responsibility each of you Humans has toward harmonizing with and maintaining The Laws of Balance given forth above. Since you have been gifted with Free-will and reasoning intelligence by Your Creator, then so it is true that balance is a CHOICE made by each human, NOT the same as an "instinct" of maintenance and balance given by Creation to your animal and bird kingdoms.
          Did God therefore make you Lord over this his Creation? Yes, but not to improve this perfection, dominate, eliminate, and destroy. He gave you a physical kingdom to experience the wondrous and beautiful varieties of life. This is a place given for you to attain spiritual perfection by learning and wisely following The Laws given forth by God and Creation. Also, this is a place of learning through THE DIVINE SPIRIT WITHIN YOU how to HARMONIZE with all of Creation which you choose to experience in, including beloved Mother Earth. Unfortunately, with your free-will reasoning minds you selfishly thought that to "modernize" and "improve" upon this wondrous creation, you would make this a better place FOR YOU to live upon, with total disregard to the rest of the Earth, the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms.
          So as example, we will give honor to many of your "native" cultures who are known as the "ancients" or "Indians" who have existed throughout your world, throughout your planetary "cycle". These ones understood, because of the "richness" of their spiritual growth, that they were a part of this world, but not OF this world. They honored and blessed the Mother who gave them beauty, food and shelter. They honored and blessed the animals which gave them food and clothing. And they hon-ored and blessed THE FATHER, THE SPIRIT OF LIFE, which gave them their life experience. They knew that they OWNED nothing, but that of the SPIRIT OF GOD WITHIN them. THEY lived in harmony and balance as a part of the whole, NOT the dominant part, but complimentary to. This was their CHOICE by wisely following the Laws of Nature given of GOD and CREATION.
          And so then came the ones who arrogantly felt superior to ALL because they were "civilized". Civilization defined: "1. A state of human society characterized by a high level of intellectual, social and cultural development." What about the development of true "spiritual" wisdom and perfection? Well, of course the intellectual ones judged the importance of having a carefully prepared set of "religious" (not necessarily "spiritual") doctrines to guarantee for THEMSELVES the necessary degree of control, power and dominance OVER their brethren in their created "civilized" kingdom.
          The "native" ones were despised, called "primitive" and so were either forced to become "civilized" or be destroyed. Many of the ones who refused to surrender to the ***** of The Anti-Christ were simply destroyed. The ones who survived were sorry to live in the spiritual poverty of "modern" civilization. Now, many of the"survivors" have retained or regained the "ancient" spiritual teachings of balance and are working to reclaim their spiritually starved and lost brethren within this "modern" civilization.
          There are quite a lot of these Phoenix Journals, ( Phoenix Journals , Phoenix Journals - PDF ) which cover an incredibly large area. Thise one has a chapter talks about living in two worlds simultaneously, for example:


          The universal pump would not continue to unfold this appearing-disappearing two-world universe if it were not for that interchange of motion from one side of an equator to the other as long as the energy of DESIRE divides the undivided still Light into pairs of moving lights.
          Suppose that, instead of using the words “appearing-disappearing” universe in the above paragraph, we used the words “living-dying” universe--or “growing-decaying”--or “generating-degenerating”--or “compressing-expanding”--or “polarizing-depolarizing”--or “charging-discharging” or “centripetal-centrifugal” universe.
          No matter which pair of words used, they would all have the same meaning--explicitly. They are, all of them, the compression-expansion strokes of the piston which pumps opposite pressures FROM EACH OTHER TO MAKE BODIES SEEM TO APPEAR OUT OF NOTHING AND THEN DISAPPEAR INTO THAT SEEMING NOTHING WHICH IS THE ETERNAL REALITY OF ALL SEEMING.
          It is not helpful to talk abstractly about REALITY and UNREALITY. These phrases, and many like them such as the divided and the undivided, the physical and the spiritual or mortal mind and divine Mind, are commonly used, but if most people were pinned down with the necessity of explaining them to someone who “wanted to know”, they would find themselves in a quandary. But you who are acquiring this knowledge will be able to explain all of such phrases as you become better acquainted with “KNOWLEDGE”.
          Knowing what they mean gives you a supremacy of power over all things, of your own body as well as the universal body, of cultural things as well as physical, for out of the rhythms of the divided universe comes the expression of all of the arts--and from the undivided Light comes the Soul of idea which is extended to cultural and intellectual expression in the arts. Likewise, your knowledge of the secrets which lie hidden within the wave gives you mastery of universal mechanics, mathematics and energy expression. Conversations are too much filled with abstractions and affirmations without comprehension of their meaning.
          Recall what so many have called the great mystery of how solid and liquid bodies emerge from space and are swallowed up again by it, which means how the divided universe emerges from the undivided Light of Mind . Meditate upon this thought for a while.
          We are not trying to make you look upon Nature more simply, but we are trying to make you look upon life and death more simply--as simply as you look upon sound and silence. WE ARE TRYING TO MAKE YOU KNOW THAT YOU CANNOT DIE. MOREOVER, IF YOU CANNOT DIE THEN YOU MUST COME INTO UNDERSTANDING OF THE JOURNEY OF LIFE-STREAM.
          When you breathe in, you are manufacturing your body because you desire to live. When you breathe out, you are destroying your body because you desire to die. You desire to die just as much as you desire to live. Do not be too hasty in denying this. Think about it for a while. Let us think about it together and see if true thinking of Nature is not better than false thinking.
          This is the official source of these journals, but I prefer the OCRed ones:
          Official Source of Phoenix Journals Project, Contact Newspaper: Phoenix Journals
          Last edited by lamare; 02-19-2010, 11:49 AM.


          • #65
            Benjamin Fulford - Illuminati & Black Dragon Society Close To A Deal

            Benjamin Fulford - Illuminati & Black Dragon Society Close To A Deal

            NESARA FORUMS AND NEWS SOURCES: Benjamin Fulford - Illuminati and Black Dragons close to deal


            • #66
              Hi Lamare;
              Sorry to be slow replying, I've been ill.
              secondly because we must realize that it is an ancient script and has been worded by ancient humans from their point of view
              II Timothy 3:16 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable...".
              II Peter 1:20 "Knowing this first, that no prophesy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophesy came not in old time by the will of man:but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost".
              I Peter 1:10-12 " of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: searching what, or of what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into."
              So they wrote down or spoke what God told them to, not their own opinions. That's why Dr. Veith teaches as he does,take it as literal unless it obviously is not to be taken literally. There are rules of biblical interpretation that cover this.

              Num 12:6 And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.
              Are these channelers prophets? No. There are rules governing who is a true prophet and New Testament prophets due not foretell, they forthtell. The role of the Old Testament prophet ended with John the Baptist. Matt. 11:13 "For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John".
              I Cor. 14:3 "But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort." They are teachers and preachers. There is nothing left to foretell, Christ fulfilled all prophesies and told us all we need to know. See note here;

              1 Corinthians 14 - Scofield Reference Notes Bible Commentary

              As to the Catholic church I consider them a false religion for many reasons which I'm sure you read in the "Bible" thread. The Protestants came out of the Catholic church and were "protesting" the hierarchy and it's teaching and practices, but they retained much of the false liturgy and teachings. Baptists were never Catholics or Protestants, but started with John the Baptist and his teaching. So I am not surprised at the info you posted. I will add that you should research the Pope's crown. It has some revealing stuff inscribed on it, including "6-6-6" on the inside.

              But your interpretation as to the anti-Christ and false prophet is incorrect, they have not come yet. They will not be revealed until after the rapture event recorded in I Thess. 4:16-18 and I Cor.15:51-53. See resurection summary here;

              1 Corinthians 15 - Scofield Reference Notes Bible Commentary
              II Thess. 2:3-12. Vs. 6 "And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time''. "What withholdeth" is the Holy Spirit and "he" is the Antichrist. As the Holy Spirit now resides in the Christians, and they are taken out of the world in the "rapture" of the church, then his restraining influence is gone. See note here;2 Thessalonians 2 - Scofield Reference Notes Bible Commentary

              “Sunday is our mark or authority...the church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact.” Catholic Record of London, Ontario, September 1, 1923.

              “Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change (Saturday Sabbath to Sunday) was her act...And the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical authority in religious things.” H.F. Thomas, Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons.
              Thanks, this is a great example of how messed up they are.

              Christians do not observe the sabbath as it was part of the law and we are not under law, but under grace. Acts 20:7 "And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight." See also I Cor. 16:1-2.
              Galatians 3:24-25 "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come we are no longer under a schoolmaster. For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus".
              Romans 6:14 "For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law but under grace." See note here: [II: Christian doctrine of the law]
              Galatians 3 - Scofield Reference Notes Bible Commentary

              All right. So, we are to become "as the angels which are in heaven" and he shall return "with all of his angels":
              No, we do not become angels. Mk. 12:25 is saying that angels do not marry and neither will we in Heaven. Here's a good place to learn about angels;
              Hebrews 1 - Scofield Reference Notes Bible Commentary

              So maybe there's "nothing about spaceships or aliens to help him" in the bible, but there is a whole lot of stuff about angels, which are to accompany the Lord Jesus when he returns. How do you think these are going to get here, if they are basically our smarter brothers
              So angels are beings created millinia before man to serve Him. They are and have been with him and did not require a re-birth to be with him as mankind does. They are our guardians, not our brothers or especially our sisters as they are always spoken of in the masculine gender. They already go back and forth between earth and heaven without spaceships instantaneously. Jesus did not need one to go into Hell and return.

              As to "Aton" and others like him they are imposters, false prophets,wolves in sheep's clothing with an agenda of their own, not preaching the true gospel of Christ (necessity of salvation through Him) as in John 3. See notes here;John 3 - Scofield Reference Notes Bible Commentary The stuff you quoted from him is simply his paraphrasing of what is already in the Bible. Why do we need it? The KJB has been around for 400 years for anyone to read, we don't need his version, and remember this; I Peter 5:8 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil , as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour."

              There are two resurrections , Christ returns to Earth twice more, and there are two judgements, one for Christians, one for everyone else and the Devil and his supporters. If your name is not in "The book of Life" you are doomed (Rev. 20:15)Your name is written in the Book of Life when you are born again. See resurrection summary here;
              1 Corinthians 15 - Scofield Reference Notes Bible Commentary

              Until next time,


              • #67
                Abundant hope?

                Hi Lamare;

                This is a place given for you to attain spiritual perfection by learning and wisely following The Laws given forth by God and Creation.
                The only way to attain spiritual perfection is through belief in Jesus. His shed blood washes away your sin so you may stand before God guiltless. Also, creation does not make laws, only the creator.

                So as example, we will give honor to many of your "native" cultures who are known as the "ancients" or "Indians" who have existed throughout your world, throughout your planetary "cycle". These ones understood, because of the "richness" of their spiritual growth, that they were a part of this world, but not OF this world. They honored and blessed the Mother who gave them beauty, food and shelter. They honored and blessed the animals which gave them food and clothing.
                They were so advanced in their spiritual growth that they practiced human sacrifice, cannibalism,torture, etc. as the Mayans and the Aztecs, among most others.
                The worship of nature is a part of paganism called pantheism and is dealt with by Paul in Romans 1:18-32, especially vs. 21-23. "21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful ; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened . 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools , 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator , who is blessed for ever. Amen."

                The "native" ones were despised, called "primitive" and so were either forced to become "civilized" or be destroyed. Many of the ones who refused to surrender to the ***** of The Anti-Christ were simply destroyed. The ones who survived were sorry to live in the spiritual poverty of "modern" civilization. Now, many of the"survivors" have retained or regained the "ancient" spiritual teachings of balance and are working to reclaim their spiritually starved and lost brethren within this "modern" civilization.
                Rubbish. I have known several native Americans who are born again and happy here, including one Choctaw girl and her parents who was and is one of my daughters best friends. I also met several dozen Christians of the Samburu and Swahili tribes while in Kenya who are also very happy.
                Real missionaries are not like the Spanish conquistadors. They bring Jesus' message of salvation to lost tribes peacefully, they don't force them to do anything or enslave them. The best example;

                NTM - planting tribal churches : Png - PAPUA NEW GUINEA
                New Tribes Mission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                Jim Elliot Martyred Missionary Did They Have To Die?
                Be sure to read the last two. I have seen Jim Saint on stage in Chicago with the Auca indian who killed his father; they were like loving brothers spreading the Gospel. I have seen pictures of his aunt Rachel sitting on the floor of a native hut reading the Bible with the Auca who killed her husband. Only the Holy Spirit can work miracles like that.

                So how is it this author doesn't know about these kinds of things? They are not isolated incidents. Because it's rubbish.

                The rest of this is so much nonsense and not worthy of comment.


