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Ammonia (NH3) as fuel for car

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  • #46
    Performance of Ammonia-Fired Gas-Turbine Combustors

    Defense Technical Information Center Accession Number : AD0657585
    Descriptive Note : Technical rept.
    Personal Author(s) : Pratt, D. T.
    Handle / proxy Url : writeHandle(""); Check NTIS Availability...
    Report Date : AUG 1967
    Pagination or Media Count : 35

    Abstract : A theoretical and experimental program was undertaken to investigate scaling and combustion in gaseous ammonia-fired gas turbine combustors. Theoretical analysis of performance and scale test data previously performed strongly indicates that the final size chosen for an operating gas turbine is performance-limited almost equally by chemical reaction kinetics (residence time) and by turbulent diffusion or mixing processes (velocity or Reynolds number). Experimental results confirmed that a small-diameter combustor is chemically rate-limited at pressures very slightly less than the minimum previously reported, and becomes limited almost equally by chemistry and mixing at higher pressures. The fundamental problem with utilizing gaseous ammonia as a turbine fuel is certainly the relatively slow (compared to hydrocarbon fuels) chemical reaction between ammonia and air. As air flow is reduced, to allow sufficient residence time for the reaction to progress, diminished Reynolds number effects lead to less efficient mixing. This in turn leads to decreased combustion efficiency. The only apparent solutions (apart from chemical enrichment by cracking or use of additives) are to use a smaller fuel nozzle orifice to create a more vigorous fuel jet in the primary zone, and to use two or more combustors in parallel rather than build a single larger combustor.

    Subject Categories : COMBUSTION AND IGNITION

    Distribution Statement : APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE

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    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #47
      Ammonia cleaning nox

      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #48
        Experimental Study of Rankine Cycle Using Ammonia-Water Mixture as a Working Fluid

        Experimental Study of Rankine Cycle Using Ammonia-Water Mixture as a Working Fluid

        Document Number: 929010
        Date Published: August 1992
        Masato Taki - Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc.
        Tsunehiko Sugiura - Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc.
        Tadashi Tanaka - Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc.
        Isamu Osada - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
        Tokuji Matsuo - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
        Yasushi Mori - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.

        The rankine cycle using ammonia-water mixture as a working fluid has been studied theoretically by several researches. Analytically, its plant efficiency is higher than that of a conventional steam rankine cycle operating at relatively low temperatures. Typical applications are gas turbine combined cycles, geothermal power plants and ocean thermal power plants.
        The purpose of this study is to investigate experimentally the applicability of this cycle to a bottoming cycle of a gas turbine combined plant. Authors' major concerns are plant efficiency, durability of materials and stability of ammonia-water at relatively high temperature region, as well as plant economy.

        This paper describes the results of the experimental studies on the above problems
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • #49
          Wow, nice info . Especially this:

          Originally posted by Aaron View Post
          The minimum ignition energy of ammonia was 8 millijoules compared to less than 0.5 millijoules for propane. At stoichiometric conditions, the quenching distance for ammonia-air was 0.275 in. The corresponding reported value for propane-air is 0.08 in. In the flame stability experiments, ammonia would burn at only one-half the air-flow velocity possible with hydrocarbon fuels and the range of equivalence ratios for stable flame was much narrower than for hydrocarbon fuels. These characteristics were essentially substantiated in gas-turbine-burner testing. It was concluded that neat ammonia cannot be used as a substitute fuel for hydrocarbons in conventional gas-turbine burners unless the ignition-system energy is increased, the combustion linear diameter is increased by a factor of approximately 2, and the ammonia injected in the gaseous state.
          I guess this is the reason for thermal cracking device and differently tuned fuel controller.


          • #50


            See reference from Lateral Science page posted in this thread about Langmuir
            and atomic hydrogen. You might find something new if you read it.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #51
              Great posts

              Hi Aaron great posts,

              Seems we are not the only ones that have developed a gas turbine, but will they be able to put it to good use, or will it be put on the back burner, "pun intended"

              The ammonia has to be cracked into H1 just before or in the flame tube, I prefer in the flame tube in the 1st zone, this is where plasma comes in and the small amount of HHO as the catalyst.

              If this tech: was used for power generation just think how cheap your electric COULD be.

              As long as there is air and water it is a self runner, and plant costs are very cheap with a very low number of moving parts.

              The trick is to produce NH3 by none coventional means and this is where we gain as others have not looked at it YET, or HAVE THEY?



              • #52
                on demand ammonia production

                Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
                The trick is to produce NH3 by none coventional means and this is where we gain as others have not looked at it YET, or HAVE THEY?
                Would be very interesting to see any public reference to it!

                I noticed the drone reference - I wonder if anyone else noticed.
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • #53
                  Development of Gas Turbine Combustor for the Gasified Fuels


                  Development of Gas Turbine Combustor for the Gasified Fuels

                  Accession number;04A0100621 Title;Development of Gas Turbine Combustor for the Gasified Fuels Author;SATO MIKIO(Cent. Res. Inst. of Electr. Power Ind., JPN) HASEGAWA TAKEHARU(Cent. Res. Inst. of Electr. Power Ind., JPN) HISAMATSU TOORU(Cent. Res. Inst. of Electr. Power Ind., JPN) KOIZUMI HIROMI(Hitachi, Ltd.) HAYASHI AKINORI(Hitachi, Ltd.) YAMADA MASAHIKO(Toshiba Corp.) ONODA AKIHIRO(Toshiba Corp.) MANDAI SHIGEMI(Mitsubishi Heavy Ind., Ltd., JPN) INADA MITSURU(Mitsubishi Heavy Ind., Ltd., JPN) Journal Title;Denryoku Chuo Kenkyujo Yokosuka Kenkyujo Sogo Hokoku
                  Journal Code:L0154A
                  VOL.;NO.W17;PAGE.120P(2003) Figure&Table&Reference;FIG.133, TBL.22, REF.279 Pub. Country;Japan Language;Japanese

                  Abstract;Development of the integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power generation of various gasifying methods has been preceded in the world for near future thermal power plant. The gasified fuel is chiefly characterized by the gasifying agent and the synthetic gas clean-up method, and divided roughly into four types. That is, the calorific value of gasified fuel differs according to the type of gasification agent used in the gasifier. If the gasification agent is air, then gasified fuel forms a low calorific fuel of around 4MJ/m3, which is about one-tenth of LNG. The flame temperature is low because gasified fuel contains about 70 percent nitrogen different from LNG, and it is necessary to stabilize the flame of low calorific fuel. On the other hand, if the agent is oxygen, then the gasified fuel becomes a medium calorific fuel between approximately 9-13 MJ/m3, the flame temperature is higher than that of LNG, and so NOx production from nitrogen fixation in air is expected to increase. It is necessary to control the thermal NOx emissions. Moreover, to improve the thermal efficiency of IGCC, it is necessary to use a hot/dry type synthetic gas clean-up system, but ammonia (NH3) originated from nitrogenous compounds in coal in the gasifier is not removed. This NH3 is then fed into the gas turbine where it forms fuel-NOx in the combustion process. For these reasons, the combustion technology for each gasified fuel and the ammonia removal technique from gasified fuels are important. In this research, We clarified the combustion characteristic of these four types of gasified fuels through experiments using a small diffusion burner and through numerical analysis based on reaction kinetics. We propose the low-NOx combustion technology for each gasified fuel, design the gas turbine combustors, and verified the combustor performances by the combustion tests using the simulated gasified fuels.... (author abst.)
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • #54
                    I find it weird that this "simple" process is not revealed yet. After all, everyone that have been working on Meyer tech are staring at it everytime.
                    There is a reason why I do not post it, but it is interesting to follow the debate. There are other important materials surrounding ammonia and not just production. So keep it guy's - this is a good tread
                    - Behold the truth -


                    • #55
                      on demand ammonia


                      I agree 100% on the way to go being producing nh3 on demand.

                      I'm just posting these references for a record - although on demand
                      production is the only thing I'm interested in. At least many of the references
                      that show benefits of Ammonia apply to on
                      demand ammonia production, which of course could be used in multiple
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • #56
                        Selective catalytic reduction


                        Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems selectively reduce NOX emissions by injecting
                        ammonium (NH3) into the exhaust gas stream upstream of a catalyst. Nitrogen oxides, NH3, and O2 react
                        on the surface of the catalyst to form N2 and H2O.
                        The exhaust gas must contain a minimum amount of O2
                        and be within a particular temperature range (typically 450oF to 850oF) in order for the SCR system to
                        operate properly.
                        The temperature range is dictated by the catalyst material which is typically made from noble
                        metals, including base metal oxides such as vanadium and titanium, or zeolite-based material. The removal
                        efficiency of an SCR system in good working order is typically from 65 to 90 percent. Exhaust gas
                        temperatures greater than the upper limit (850oF) cause NOX and NH3 to pass through the catalyst
                        unreacted. Ammonia emissions, called NH3 slip, may be a consideration when specifying an SCR system.
                        Ammonia, either in the form of liquid anhydrous ammonia, or aqueous ammonia hydroxide is
                        stored on site and injected into the exhaust stream upstream of the catalyst. Although an SCR system can
                        operate alone, it is typically used in conjunction with water-steam injection systems or lean-premix system
                        to reduce NOX emissions to their lowest levels (less than 10 ppm at 15 percent oxygen for SCR and wet
                        injection systems). The SCR system for landfill or digester gas-fired turbines requires a substantial fuel
                        gas pretreatment to remove trace contaminants that can poison the catalyst. Therefore, SCR and other
                        catalytic treatments may be inappropriate control technologies for landfill or digester gas-fired turbines.
                        The catalyst and catalyst housing used in SCR systems tend to be very large and dense (in terms of
                        surface area to volume ratio) because of the high exhaust flow rates and long residence times required for
                        NOX, O2, and NH3, to react on the catalyst. Most catalysts are configured in a parallel-plate, "honeycomb"
                        design to maximize the surface area-to-volume ratio of the catalyst. Some SCR installations incorporate
                        CO catalytic oxidation modules along with the NOX reduction catalyst for simultaneous CO/NOX control.
                        Carbon monoxide oxidation catalysts are typically used on turbines to achieve control of CO
                        emissions, especially turbines that use steam injection, which can increase the concentrations of CO and
                        unburned hydrocarbons in the exhaust. CO catalysts are also being used to reduce VOC and organic HAPs
                        emissions. The catalyst is usually made of a precious metal such as platinum, palladium, or rhodium.
                        Other formulations, such as metal oxides for emission streams containing chlorinated compounds, are also
                        used. The CO catalyst promotes the oxidation of CO and hydrocarbon compounds to carbon dioxide
                        (CO2) and water (H2O) as the emission stream passes through the catalyst bed. The oxidation process
                        takes place spontaneously, without the requirement for introducing reactants. The performance of these
                        oxidation catalyst systems on combustion turbines results in 90-plus percent control of CO and about 85 to
                        90 percent control of formaldehyde. Similar emission reductions are expected on other HAP pollutants.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Aaron View Post

                          I agree 100% on the way to go being producing nh3 on demand.

                          I'm just posting these references for a record - although on demand
                          production is the only thing I'm interested in. At least many of the references
                          that show benefits of Ammonia apply to on
                          demand ammonia production, which of course could be used in multiple
                          Yes, AFOD - Ammonia Fuel On Demand. But wait, this is not everything. There are more key compounds used. With water + air + energy you are going to make and use 3 molecular structures as the fuel mixture. It is a fuel mixture.

                          Remember; We started with only hydrogen as fuel, then several months later we found that this was not the case. We then added a process - namly water manipulation, now we are going to add another compound in order to get a combustion going. Aaron, you have mantioned that compound in a prior post.

                          3 compunds is what?
                          - Behold the truth -


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Oneminde View Post
                            Yes, AFOD - Ammonia Fuel On Demand. But wait, this is not everything. There are more key compounds used. With water + air + energy you are going to make and use 3 molecular structures as the fuel mixture. It is a fuel mixture.

                            Remember; We started with only hydrogen as fuel, then several months later we found that this was not the case. We then added a process - namly water manipulation, now we are going to add another compound in order to get a combustion going. Aaron, you have mantioned that compound in a prior post.

                            3 compunds is what?
                            Before I mentioned ozone o3 and nitrous oxide n2o.
                            I mentioned no2 but was more hopeful to there being n2o.

                            ammonia + oxygen +
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                              Before I mentioned ozone o3 and nitrous oxide n2o.
                              I mentioned no2 but was more hopeful to there being n2o.

                              ammonia + oxygen +
                              Hmm. Nitrous Oxide N2O has nothing to do with this one, if that would be the case, then we are dealing with 4 compounds.
                              I was reffering to the original fuel mixture.

                              Never mind oxygen right now, oxygen is used as an oxidation compound only.

                              So - we have NH3 + ?(g) + ?(l) .. give it another try

                              (It is possible that Meyer made N2O, I am not going to argue on that one - not yet)
                              - Behold the truth -


                              • #60


