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1AU Universal Charger

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  • 1AU Universal Charger

    Tesla Chargers | Products

    YouTube - Universal Battery Charger | 1AU | Tesla Chargers

    I have a great testimonial for one battery I've charged over the last few
    days with the 1AU Universal Charger available at Tesla Chargers | World's Most Efficient, Effective & Advanced Battery Chargers

    My friend gave me a battery out of his Nissan Sentra that has been sitting
    since last spring or summer. It is a typical 12v car battery.

    When I measured the voltage, it was sitting at 0.76 volts!! Not even 1

    I hooked up the 1AU and put it on the #6 setting for the highest amps 12v

    After the first charge cycle, it charged up to the 12v range and dropped
    and settled at the mid 11's.

    I charged it 3-4 more times (without drawing a load) and it was getting
    close to 12. I checked the fluid only after these several charge cycles
    and it was a little low in each cell, but not much - still covered all plates
    so I just topped up to the bottom of the plastic hole.

    After the first charge after topping it off, the battery settles at 13.00v.

    I hooked an inverter to the battery and ran a 110v lamp that is adjustable
    with 3 settings..bulb is 60w and I would imagine it would be pretty
    accurate to guess the settings would be 20w, 40w and 60w.

    Anyway, I ran it on the middle setting for 40w and it held like a champ for
    about 5 hours and I couldn't get it below 12.43v over that period of time
    and I didn't want to wait. So I hooked the charger back up last night
    before going to bed (early this morning) - I just checked and the battery
    is settling at 13.35v!

    There is no question it pulls a load as I did it last night so the charge is
    real. I'm sure the battery wasn't in that bad of shape as the cells have to
    not be damaged to recover it and the sulfation was just sitting sulfation
    and not from deep damaging discharge.

    In any case, I have a battery that is rejuvenated almost like new after
    sitting in freezing temps outside throughout the winter at less than 1
    volt and here is is now at almost 13 and a half.

    After the current charge cycle ends, I'll load it to the full 60w bulb until
    it gets to 11-11.5 or so then recharge. I bet I can get it to sit at close to
    14v if not more.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO

  • #2

    Well done Aaron.

    That is testament right there.

    Ive NEVER seen a battery at less that 1 volt come back to anything near useable.

    "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


    • #3
      battery result

      I was surprised. If the battery is under a couple volts, this charger
      won't even kick on. But there is a button on the back of the charger
      that can be pressed and it gives a kick to the battery so the charger
      sees the required voltage - then it turns on. I had to do that for this

      I have another car battery that was at 0.25 volts when I pulled it out
      of an old car. It was sitting for about 12 years though so I think too
      many hot summers and cold winters killed it. I was able to get the voltage
      pushed to 12+ volts, but it settles down at 6 and I can't break past that.
      In any case, it was amazing to see this one even get to more than a couple
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #4
        I see we can build a universal battery charger, but can't for the love of God buy a cheap microphone and put it on the person speaking. Instead we record with an ambient microphone on the camera, nice...not, as this is 2010 and not 1990.
        Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


        • #5
          charging success on big batt

          The 30a12 or 15a24 chargers are more made for rejuvenating the bigger

          However, I have used my 1AU on many different kinds of batteries including
          big car batteries and it does fine from my experience but it is a bit slow,
          but worth the wait. Smaller batts are pretty quick to charge.

          If I was going to get one charger only for car batteries, it would be the
          bigger ones but that is because they also have automatic
          loading/charging cycles. So when they're done, they're done automatically.

          2 hours ago, I check the volt meter and the 1AU was pushing 15.00v!
          I just checked it again and the green light was on and the
          battery was resting at at 13.51v.

          Tomorrow, I'll load it with 40-60 watts until it hits at least 12v this time,
          then I'll charge it back up and I think I'll be done with it.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #6
            2a12 and 1au

            Chasson, that is close to the results I'm getting. But you don't have to wait
            as long as I do.

            For anyone that doesn't know. The 2A12 means 2 amps at 12 volts. The
            1AU is 1 amp and does batts from 1.5 up to 24v.

            That 2A12 is the first in the series and has just proven to be such an
            incredible 12v charger!

            I'll try to post some vid and pics of this battery and it getting charged.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #7
              Originally posted by Aaron View Post
              Chasson, that is close to the results I'm getting. But you don't have to wait
              as long as I do.

              For anyone that doesn't know. The 2A12 means 2 amps at 12 volts. The
              1AU is 1 amp and does batts from 1.5 up to 24v.

              That 2A12 is the first in the series and has just proven to be such an
              incredible 12v charger!

              I'll try to post some vid and pics of this battery and it getting charged.
              Hi Aaron,

              That's great about the charger.

              I am interseted to know if you have measured the output amps to the battery. I know we aren't supposed to but it would be helpfull in understanding how his commercial units are operating. (compared to our home builts)


              You can view my vids here



              • #8
                no output measurements

                Originally posted by dambit View Post
                I am interseted to know if you have measured the output amps to the battery. I know we aren't supposed to but it would be helpfull in understanding how his commercial units are operating.
                Hi Steve,

                I haven't measured the output of the charger.
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • #9

                  Glad to hear someone is having good results from the 2A12. My personal experience hasn't been so great. Works good for 2 or 3 cycles then the batteries start going downhill.


                  • #10
                    battery condition?


                    What condition is your battery in to begin with?

                    The battery I'm charging now seemed to just have sitting sulfation but
                    would normally have been destined for scrap measuring less than a volt.

                    So for this battery to respond like this, the cells would have to have been
                    in good shape.

                    Is it possible you have bad cells?

                    I have charged many, many batteries with this 1AU - mostly small
                    AA's, 9v's and lots of gel cells all with incredible results. I've used it on
                    maybe 6 big batteries and all had success like this except for the one that
                    was sitting for 12 years or so. The other big batts I had success with
                    weren't as drained to below 1 volt. I definitely have never seen this
                    decline over several cycles.

                    My lawnmower success I discussed in the other thread, which Steve
                    started as a question to Peter.

                    Without the 1Au - using stock charger lawnmore has 2X12v 10ah
                    batts or so...have to check but I could cut the front yard and a small part
                    of the back and the red light came on (homelite electric mower).
                    With 1AU, I can mow the entire front and back yard on one single charge!
                    And it is only down to one of the yellow lights and not red. That is probably
                    my favorite success because it was the biggest time saver. I didn't have
                    to wait to charge the mower again before I could finish the yard. These
                    results were consistent throughout the entire summer and into fall last
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #11

                      @ Aaron
                      I have been using older automotive batteries most of which I used successfully with my SSG and solid state energizers for months. Don't get me wrong the first 2 or 3 cycles do wonders for the batteries and I still consider the 2A12 an important tool in my toolbox. After 3 or 4 cycles one of 2 things occurs. Either the load times measured on a cba II start decreasing or the battery will not hold a charge over 10.6 volts indicating a cell has dropped out. I am to the point now that after 2 or 3 charges I shift back to using the SSG and would not consider using it for more than a couple cycles on a new battery.


                      • #12
                        1AU Universal Charger

                        Originally posted by Mavrick23 View Post
                        @ Aaron
                        I have been using older automotive batteries most of which I used successfully with my SSG and solid state energizers for months. Don't get me wrong the first 2 or 3 cycles do wonders for the batteries and I still consider the 2A12 an important tool in my toolbox. After 3 or 4 cycles one of 2 things occurs. Either the load times measured on a cba II start decreasing or the battery will not hold a charge over 10.6 volts indicating a cell has dropped out. I am to the point now that after 2 or 3 charges I shift back to using the SSG and would not consider using it for more than a couple cycles on a new battery.
                        Maybe Rick can comment if he sees this.

                        I don't have one of these battery analyzers so can't comment. I only
                        have a cheap resistive load tester.

                        But for my test on load draw, what I've done with some of my other
                        big batts is just power a lamp from an inverter and see how long it takes
                        until the inverter shuts off automatically...10.5 or 10.05 volts, I don't
                        recall which one. I have seen consistently that the time it takes to get
                        down to that shut off voltage was longer and longer and that was always
                        consistent with good batteries. I can definitely see it with my lawnmower,
                        but of course there is a plateu where it can't get better.

                        This current battery I'm charging I only let the lamp/inverter draw battery
                        down to low 12 v's. Only a couple times so far. I didn't have the patience
                        to wait for it to get down that low on a 40w load and wanted to get it
                        recharging overnight without having to be up late to see when the inverter
                        shuts off and starts buzzing.

                        I'd actually like to test these car batts with the 2A12 and the bigger
                        rejuvenators because they're simply more powerful and are more suited
                        to the car batteries. Every couple months, I'll hook my 1AU to both
                        my car's batteries and run one charge cycle just to give a little preventive
                        wake up.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • #13
                          bigger batts

                          Battery seems to be back in shape. Charger pushes it to little over 15 volts
                          and it rests at low 13's when done. It definitely works but the 1AU hums
                          a little louder than the smaller batteries so it may strain the charger on
                          anything over 14ah size - I actually think the 14ah is the size of my
                          lawnmower batts.

                          Anyway, the 1AU has done wonders for this batt but I think I'll only use
                          it on my batts up to 14ah size for 12v.

                          I can't remember what batt capacity 2A12 is meant for but that is the most
                          affordable charger for anyone and if it is rated for car batteries, then I'd
                          use that instead of the 1AU for car batts. It will obviously charge faster
                          and may be better for the bigger batts.

                          If that charger isn't suited for bigger batts, then the 30a12 or 15a24 is
                          the way to go.
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • #14
                            Car Battery Rejuvenation video

                            YouTube - Car Battery Rejuvenation

                            This is a test using the 1AU to rejuvenate
                            a car battery. This charger is NOT intended for
                            car batteries. For car batteries, see the other
                            chargers at Tesla Chargers | World's Most Efficient, Effective & Advanced Battery Chargers

                            You can see how many times this battery
                            after being charged was used to crank over
                            the engine without hearing any reduction
                            in the cranking power.
                            Last edited by Aaron; 02-24-2010, 08:09 PM.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • #15
                              Thanks Aaron will update the PDF and page for ALL
                              do these work in Australia? for example 50 hertz?

                              Last edited by ashtweth; 02-25-2010, 04:45 AM.

