Let me tell you a story...
During the stimulation of a member in the overunity.com forum, it came as a revelation to me so as how to have been possible to Tesla, (if he succeeded) to capture Free-energy out of the environment. (radiant energy)
I will try here to develop my thoughts demistyfied and as practical i can.
Colorado Springs and Tesla progress
Tesla moved in Colorado Spring s in 1899 to study the potential for transmition of electrical signal accross great distances without any wires. Back then, the aerial EM radiation and Marconi transatlantic signalling (based on basic tesla principles) was not accomplished.
Tesla greatest discovery in Colorado Springs was that, by using the earth as a conductor and via one wire high frequency (relative) currents, managed to send at great distances, NOT only signals, but large amounts of power.
Actually he managed to light lamps to a great distance (several plus miles) from the resonator unit.
Tesla, again in his New York law office interview in 1916* restates that fact and acknowledges that whereas the energy trasmision via the Hertzian waves (EM) falls at the square from the emmiting source, the energy emmited via a resonator connected to ground, hardly falls with the distance.
This is a most keypoint. Tesla regarded the Earth as a polished conductor almost lossless, able to transmit energy at large amounts.
Critical Question:
Is the amount of energy that can be received a given resonator depended upon the Square of the distance form the source? The answer seems to be NOT.
The emmiter could send a kilowat energy via oscillations to ground and receiver, to accept a considerable of that amount ata a great distance. HOW?
The answers seems to that: Although the receiver at its ground point accept feeble alterations (few volts), the Q factor of it, works more or less as a magnifying glass or better a concentrator and somehow tunnels the energy.
Actually via this method, Eric Dollard, said, he managed replicate those results and tramsit energy to great distances.
But, What's the gain?
Tesla firmly believed that there was NO gain via this procedure. It was actually a loss. It just was a method of power transmition without networks and too many facilities, having the potential at being directed all over the globe. No free lunch here. Period.
What Did Tesla discovered
Tesla was the first to believe that earth has standing frequencies developed based on natural phenomena, long before Shumann and his team officialy discover them.
Actually those interesting phenomena exists either in the atmosfere as standing EM radiation or in the earth as TELLURIC currents.
We all know here about earth batteries. We all know about the potential between two ground rods suitably possitioned. Besides the DC effect, there are also telluric (or earth) currents of various frequencies.
Telluric current - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia take a look here.
For some time now i have wondered why the ground is an intergral part of many so called free energy devices. The telluric currents also are of diurnal nature, thing that demistifies much in the FE literature.
We can readily have a FE earth battery by sticking two rods into the ground. Yes, but this device would produce rediculously small amounts of energy. (running Joule thieves, leds, small FLs or even for telegraphic signalling as used in the past)
How those currents are being created? It is known that those currents are created by the thunders around globe and via the solar wind, someday in the past called "radiant energy".
How much power have those telluric currents??
Even though i have not read about any conclusive number, those are expected to be of anourmous value attributed to natural causes (as solar wind and thunders). Bear in mind that telluric currents can be created and via human activity. (e.g. a grounded Tesla coil)
Going back to Tesla methods
Tesla visualized a sender forcing an oscillating current in the earth and various receivers at great distances abling at drawing the specific amount of power injected to earth.
Now lets suppose the natural causes (solar winds and thunders) work more or less as a pumping Tesla coil and energize the whole earth with enormous power.
The only equipment we should possess is a suitable receiver, tuned to a suitable telluric frequency via a solid ground connection and... extract energy.
That kind of energy initiated by our sun and with one way or another goes lost and converted to heat.
That will be the end of my story.
Some discusion concerning the above key points will be nice
During the stimulation of a member in the overunity.com forum, it came as a revelation to me so as how to have been possible to Tesla, (if he succeeded) to capture Free-energy out of the environment. (radiant energy)
I will try here to develop my thoughts demistyfied and as practical i can.
Colorado Springs and Tesla progress
Tesla moved in Colorado Spring s in 1899 to study the potential for transmition of electrical signal accross great distances without any wires. Back then, the aerial EM radiation and Marconi transatlantic signalling (based on basic tesla principles) was not accomplished.
Tesla greatest discovery in Colorado Springs was that, by using the earth as a conductor and via one wire high frequency (relative) currents, managed to send at great distances, NOT only signals, but large amounts of power.
Actually he managed to light lamps to a great distance (several plus miles) from the resonator unit.
Tesla, again in his New York law office interview in 1916* restates that fact and acknowledges that whereas the energy trasmision via the Hertzian waves (EM) falls at the square from the emmiting source, the energy emmited via a resonator connected to ground, hardly falls with the distance.
This is a most keypoint. Tesla regarded the Earth as a polished conductor almost lossless, able to transmit energy at large amounts.
Critical Question:
Is the amount of energy that can be received a given resonator depended upon the Square of the distance form the source? The answer seems to be NOT.
The emmiter could send a kilowat energy via oscillations to ground and receiver, to accept a considerable of that amount ata a great distance. HOW?
The answers seems to that: Although the receiver at its ground point accept feeble alterations (few volts), the Q factor of it, works more or less as a magnifying glass or better a concentrator and somehow tunnels the energy.
Actually via this method, Eric Dollard, said, he managed replicate those results and tramsit energy to great distances.
But, What's the gain?
Tesla firmly believed that there was NO gain via this procedure. It was actually a loss. It just was a method of power transmition without networks and too many facilities, having the potential at being directed all over the globe. No free lunch here. Period.
What Did Tesla discovered
Tesla was the first to believe that earth has standing frequencies developed based on natural phenomena, long before Shumann and his team officialy discover them.
Actually those interesting phenomena exists either in the atmosfere as standing EM radiation or in the earth as TELLURIC currents.
We all know here about earth batteries. We all know about the potential between two ground rods suitably possitioned. Besides the DC effect, there are also telluric (or earth) currents of various frequencies.
Telluric current - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia take a look here.
For some time now i have wondered why the ground is an intergral part of many so called free energy devices. The telluric currents also are of diurnal nature, thing that demistifies much in the FE literature.
We can readily have a FE earth battery by sticking two rods into the ground. Yes, but this device would produce rediculously small amounts of energy. (running Joule thieves, leds, small FLs or even for telegraphic signalling as used in the past)
How those currents are being created? It is known that those currents are created by the thunders around globe and via the solar wind, someday in the past called "radiant energy".
How much power have those telluric currents??
Even though i have not read about any conclusive number, those are expected to be of anourmous value attributed to natural causes (as solar wind and thunders). Bear in mind that telluric currents can be created and via human activity. (e.g. a grounded Tesla coil)
Going back to Tesla methods
Tesla visualized a sender forcing an oscillating current in the earth and various receivers at great distances abling at drawing the specific amount of power injected to earth.
Now lets suppose the natural causes (solar winds and thunders) work more or less as a pumping Tesla coil and energize the whole earth with enormous power.
The only equipment we should possess is a suitable receiver, tuned to a suitable telluric frequency via a solid ground connection and... extract energy.
That kind of energy initiated by our sun and with one way or another goes lost and converted to heat.
That will be the end of my story.
Some discusion concerning the above key points will be nice