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Nassim haramein dispute gravity being responsible for tying all the planet?

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  • Nassim haramein dispute gravity being responsible for tying all the planet?

    This is related to what Nassim haramein said in his second lecture video.
    (PART 2) Nassim Haramein at the Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library. 2003. (4 HRS)

    after 1 hour 45 minutes.

    Trimmed version:
    YouTube - Nassim Haramein explaining that gravity is not the one that tie the planet

    however, the gravitational field of an object that big going inside the mercury orbit should've pull mercury right into the sun. Look at the tail ..... is still in the earth orbit the gravitational influence wise. yeah we did, we shouldn't be here. Because of it did change the orbit of the earth the on calculation it will change it significantly. a significant change in our orbit will generate tidal wave ..... that we didn't see.
    I think Nassim Haramein do not believe that gravity is the one responsible for keeping all planet in orbit. Unfortunately, I am lost to what his opinion is about what actually tie all the planet.

    If you agree with Nassim, please give opinion about what actually tie all the planet.

    If you don't agree, please also explain about the event when a big object is hitting the sun and why it don't change any other planet orbit. Maybe you think jupiter sized object may have gravity much less than moon? That it do not have momentum/inertia?

    YouTube - SOHO Planets and Comets

  • #2
    Nassim is correct.

    Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
    This is related to what Nassim haramein said in his second lecture video.
    (PART 2) Nassim Haramein at the Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library. 2003. (4 HRS)

    after 1 hour 45 minutes.

    Trimmed version:
    YouTube - Nassim Haramein explaining that gravity is not the one that tie the planet

    I think Nassim Haramein do not believe that gravity is the one responsible for keeping all planet in orbit. Unfortunately, I am lost to what his opinion is about what actually tie all the planet.

    If you agree with Nassim, please give opinion about what actually tie all the planet.

    If you don't agree, please also explain about the event when a big object is hitting the sun and why it don't change any other planet orbit. Maybe you think jupiter sized object may have gravity much less than moon? That it do not have momentum/inertia?

    YouTube - SOHO Planets and Comets
    I believe I have refined my discussion of what Nassim means. These black holes are mono poled. I believe what ties us together to the sun is a conduit linking our black hole with the much larger black hole. The sun has such a huge black hole that it supports many connections to all our planetary bodies. What causes gravity is the black hole in our planet. It isn't a black hole (mono pole magnet) that can suck very hard so our planet could cool and form the solid surface that the more energetic sun's black hole could not. So lets take this a step further. Why do we have a south pole Well thats the balance the moon should be our south pole connected to our north pole and balancing out orbit out. My first assumtion that the earth has both mono poles in it and the moon is the reason. The connection between the two, our earth and the moon balances our orbit and makes it stable compared to the link that goes to the sun.
    I hate to dog on this but it is the mono pole that is the reason for all movement and life in our universe. Through the ability of this mono pole to accelerate the Particles or conduits of the basic energy we are floating in, the expelling ends of the poles seek out a balance or complimentary poles. The Earth and the moon equals the connection to the suns much stronger monopole and with all the other weaker black holes in celestial bodies it comes to a balance. It was very much like this in the begining when the matter that makes up our world and moon formed around these pumps. Hence the sphere shape. If the monopole isn't strong enough to colapse the matter it would collect and form until the forces were enough to gain mass. The more the mass the more the particles influence the pull twords the center. Where this black hole is probably pin hole in size. Even at that scale a pinhole size would be a tremendous force and thats why with the closer you go to the core the more energetic the matter is. This was done all at once in our solar system there were set amount of black holes in oposition to the suns completing the tethers and balance of the black hole system. When the matter was settled down it collected around the black holes input of particles and stoped the pull of material naturally. It became balanced and the system stabilized.
    That I believe is the reason why the objects could do what they did and not affect anything else. It was a mass with no black hole and when it got to close to opur sun the sun repulsed it. It could not have more mass so the mass was ejected. It was like lightning hitting the ground. When the potential got too great as the object approched the sun it equalized it thru ejection of energy. It didn't have a black hole in it and no connection thru the link our solar system compensated for the mass by giving more to the sun thru the connections it shares to each body that has a connection of the suns internal black hole.
    This can be shown by the experiments on this forum in the one magnet no bearing bedini motor that uses sheres as the single drive magnet. This sphere connects thru the tether it creates when two magnets come into range. once the connection is created it will run more and is not really influenced back thru the connection. There is some cogging effect but it is not enough to bother the satalites magnet coupling thru this teather. They stumbled onto the reason why our solar system works the way it does and didn't even realize that plain truth. It works and it is plain enough truth to me to believe.
    Have you ever seen the youtube video of the resonating magnets spining on glass bowls. All of them rotating in unison in the room.
    Last edited by Jbignes5; 02-15-2010, 10:12 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
      I believe I have refined my discussion of what Nassim means. These black holes are mono poled. I believe what ties us together to the sun is a conduit linking our black hole with the much larger black hole. The sun has such a huge black hole that it supports many connections to all our planetary bodies. What causes gravity is the black hole in our planet. It isn't a black hole (mono pole magnet) that can suck very hard so our planet could cool and form the solid surface that the more energetic sun's black hole could not.
      I am saying that the conduit is not gravity.

      A Jupiter sized object should have big gravity (or black hole from other perspective) and yet it doesn't change orbit or affect solar system.

      If earth black hole is considered, since the black hole do not detected at earth surface, then the black hole is not the conduit. The earth black hole is also possibly the effect, not the source.


      • #4
        comets and energy

        I found Nassim's presentation very interesting. Concepts of infinite structures inside finite spheres aside, the imagery of the "comet" that hurls itself through our solar system is hard to digest. This doesn't mean that it isn't a real video or that the rendering of the data in the simulation he is presenting didn't take place.

        I have recently been watching some documentary material that discusses the issue of our interpretation of cometary bodies and their tails being the result of hydrogen or frozen water being sheered off by the radiation of our sun or its gravity pull. The concept of comets simply being eroding balls of ice doesn't sit well with me. If their tails were simply evaporated ice the amount of matter which would need to be involved is too great to maintain that sort of disintegration. It does, however, make much greater sense if what we are seeing is in fact a plasma field that is trailing behind a electrically charged body that is experiencing a conductive interaction with our sun. Not actually being composed of ice and space dust, the "comet" being imaged flying through our system could travel through without effecting our earth's gravity if its actual mass were either much smaller and simply displaying itself in a very large energetic sphere. Discharges of this sort could take place as a result of the energy of the system/galaxy/universe and not just of the orbiting body itself and its own mass and energy.

        Really enjoyed the videos.
        Thanks for suggestion sucahyo.
        Last edited by thedude; 02-16-2010, 05:36 AM. - Where technology goes Live! - Your Portal Here on Earth


        • #5
          electrical solar system, etc...

          Originally posted by thedude View Post
          The concept of comets simply being eroding balls of ice doesn't sit well with me.
          You may like this:
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          James McCanney has a solar (system) capacitor model. If you dig into his
          info, you can see he seems to have a lot of it figured out that only recently
          others are catching on.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #6
            Thanks .

            He also dispute on gravity tie .
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            Astronomers in their haste and anxiety 50 years ago (and prior to sending out any space probes) decided on four Axioms of Astronomy

            1) incorrect axiom #1 states that there is only gravity governing the cosmos

            2) incorrect axiom #2 states that the solar system began all at one time 4.5 billion years ago

            3) incorrect axiom #3 states that comets were thought to be dirty snow balls

            4) incorrect axiom #4 states that the cause of galactic red shifts is due to movement (they failed to realize there is another source of red shift ... the induced electric dipole red shift) and they incorrectly concluded that the universe must be expanding

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            We are very much buffered from this energy because we have a huge magnetic field, and there are many other conditions in space which buffer us from this electrical energy which is just pouring by us, continually.

            Let’s look at a New Moon. The Moon moves in front of Earth, breaks that electrical flow, and then moves out of the way. It gives us tremendous bombardment after that Moon moves out of the way, the first and second day after the New Moon. That’s the condition that has been identified as being one of the leading causes of kicking-off major hurricanes and storms. What it does is: The Moon is interacting with the solar electric field. It’s that CHANGE which causes the storms, and causes the environment around Earth to change, and thus affects Earth weather.

            Planetary electrical alignments are another factor. There has been a lot of misinformation about planetary alignments regarding, say, earthquakes and all kinds of devastation when the planets line-up. There was one alignment back in the 1990s where we had, I think, 5 or 6 planets lining-up, and everybody thought the world would come to an end. People were predicting gravitational effects. They were ridiculous predictions based on a very poor understanding.

            Gravitationally, we are NOT affected by the other planets. What we are affected by are the electrical alignments that these planets hold with the Sun. When the planets line-up, there are electrical connections made which increase the energy flow around Earth. That can affect us and, in fact, does affect our weather.

            I’ve made a lot of weather predictions based on the electrical alignments of celestial objects—especially when you throw a comet in, for example, which is very large, electrically. The electrical size of a comet is very much larger than its physical size. That’s something that standard astronomy and space scientists and astrophysicists simply don’t understand.

            In fact, to date, astrophysicists, space scientists, and astronomers deny that there is anything electrical in outer space at all. They want to explain everything in terms of gravity and magnetic fields which, somehow, self-exist out there—which is another quagmire in modern space physics.

            These scientists, many of whom have very poor physics backgrounds, talk about magnetic effects. I’ll just name off a few:

            Io, the small moon of Jupiter, close to the big moon of Jupiter, carries with it a tremendous electrical current. The astronomers say: “This is due to the fact that Io is moving in Jupiter’s magnetic field and it causes the ‘dynamo effect’, and this causes the electrical current.” When, in fact, it’s the OPPOSITE.
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            But I sat and I talked to him about this. I talked to him about the fact that the Solar System had to be electrically active, and that comets were not dirty snowballs. And he looked at me and he knew, and Einstein knew, that—one of Einstein’s last things he did was very actively pursue Velikovsky’s work because he knew that general relativity was missing something very big, and that was the electromagnetic field. You could not have gravity affecting light without also having the electromagnetic field around stars affecting light as well. He knew that those factors were missing from General Relativity, and that’s what he was working on when he died. Hans Bethe told me that’s what Einstein was working on, he was trying to figure out that problem. I know he looked at me like: “I think this kid has figured out what’s going on here.”

            I asked him: “I’m having trouble publishing. They’re taking away my ability to publish. Do you have any suggestions for this?”

            And he said: “Try the German publications.” And I did. My work eventually began to be published in the Netherlands.
   : How to contact us
            what is it that NASA scientists do not see ??????? this has been defined since 1979 ... why does NASA have a major program called "Living With a Star" and another called "The Sun Earth Connection" when this page gives the answers for free??? They have 3 options ...
            1) continue to ignore this while the rest of the world looks at them like fools,
            2) try to create ridiculous after the fact theories based on gravity and the dirty snow ball comet model or
            3) steal this material far they have tried all three ... the only obvious honorable thing to do would be to recognize this work and go on to advance science ... i do not see that happening anytime soon


            • #7
              Originally posted by Aaron View Post
              You may like this:
     : Home Page

              James McCanney has a solar (system) capacitor model. If you dig into his
              info, you can see he seems to have a lot of it figured out that only recently
              others are catching on.
              Hey Aaron.

              Looks like James could be the source of the information i saw in a youtube video on a split tail comet. (tried to find it but it is evading me). Makes great sense. Why shouldn't all matter have its own localized exchange with the vacuum, ie: black hole. Helps to explain energy at a distance.
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              • #8
                A little off topic but here is a link to Ralph Jergen's electric cosmos concept here
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