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Dirty electrcity

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  • #16
    Back to Dirty Electricity/Stray RF Environment - What to Do?

    Hi All,
    I'm back to work in 3 weeks in the tech department, surrounded by servers and hi-powered wireless units, and lots of standalone PCs. To say the area's swimming in dirty electricity doesn't cover half of it. I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for trying to stay emf-free.

    My workplace won't do anything about it, I'm sure, until lots of people really get sick.

    I bought a bracelet for this purpose about a year ago, and it helped. It had some kind of resin and metal matrix composition, similar to orgonite. Anyone have any suggestions? Should I mix up some orgonite?

    Ash, if I'm too far outside the theme, let me know, and I'll start another thread.



    • #17
      Bob, also have you seen this before?, apparently there is certificated proof we got one and will add it to the presentation and try and validate it for all, maybe it will help balance some thing there?

      Zero Point Energy Technology at your Fingertips! Natural Healing Breakthrough!

      not sure about organite my friend, here is some ting i found, we are taking to this guy later. Orgone Effects Australia



      • #18
        Thanks for the links Ash,
        There are a number of companies out now making pendants, bracelets and other wearable items that make claims along similar lines (in varying price ranges). I think they all use the same principles as the chem busters and their orgonite bases. The resin and metal matrix evidently becomes a kind of sink for absorbing negative energy (noranur - the negative counterpart to orgone) and some kind of condensor and transmitter of orgone itself for a feeling of positive energetic well-being and negative energy (chemtrail) dissipation.

        Like the ad says, this does appear to be related to zero point technology, in the sense that it involves tapping into the omnipresent sea of energy in and around us. I believe the principle here is similar to what happens in the joe cell, and Peter's atmosperic work using the JC.

        All the best to you in your work. I'll let the group know if I come up with any other solution.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
          Hi All,
          I'm back to work in 3 weeks in the tech department, surrounded by servers and hi-powered wireless units, and lots of standalone PCs. To say the area's swimming in dirty electricity doesn't cover half of it. I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for trying to stay emf-free.
          Reduce the number of flourencent lighting, use open 1 loop copper coil as shield, place a radiant oscillator on your desk and use a cup of water as detector.

          See if open looping your necklace improve it's protection. I read experiment about removing plant sickness by placing it inside a one open loop copper coil. It remove the sickness in few weeks while other plant die. Forget where I read it.... maybe at hf healing.


          • #20
            Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
            See if open looping your necklace improve it's protection. I read experiment about removing plant sickness by placing it inside a one open loop copper coil. It remove the sickness in few weeks while other plant die. Forget where I read it.... maybe at hf healing.
            Here is one: Mark Clement - Waves That Heal.pdf
            Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


            • #21
              Thanks for the info, Suchayo. Here's a related link, I think. I had never thought about it, but it may be helpful - Lakhovsky coils:
              The story of the Lakhovsky Oscillating coil
              Take care,


              • #22
                YouTube - Dirty Electricity Explained


                • #23
                  Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                  What concerns me is that someone has excluded the 400kHz frequencies from the intermediate bands by stopping early at 300kHz. We have enormous amounts of electronic equipment and chips specifically designed for 400kHz operation (see this design guideDigital Controller Chip Set for Isolated DC Power Supplies)

                  Nearly all of our computer power supplies operate this way. If 100-300 kilohertz is harmful, what makes that last 100khz different from a biological standpoint? Has the study purposely been tailored to exclude the 400kHz band because of its wide use? How do we remove the end product radiation that is optically or inductively isolated from the mains as are our computer supplies? The GS filter will not work on that.

                  "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


                  • #24
                    Ok, so here are the papers they mention supporting this:

           - STETZERiZER-Related Research

                    And how about something practical finally, that everyone can try here?

                    Combined Microsurge Meter and Filter with a peak detector

                    Dirty Electricity mono-phase filter

                    Dirty Electricity poly-phase filter

                    *schematics source: Graham/Stetzer
                    Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                    • #25
                      Brilliant Amigo, thanks so much for posting these man, we will build one of these for the video, got every ones stuff ready just need to finish the scrip

                      Guys this lady is one of the leaders in the field, look all these effects, we maybe should use shielding in a lot of our experiments
                      Dr. Magda Havas, PhD



                      • #26
                        Iron core transformer as dirty electricity filter

                        We know that iron core is not suitable for high frequency. Can't we just use a simple big 1:1 transformer? The high RF dirty electricity will automatically eliminated without having to figure out which one to filter. No matter what the input is, iron core should only produce low frequency AC at output isn't it?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
                          Good choice of topic, Ash. Here's a link to the site of Canada's Dr. Magda Havas (Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, CDA). She's widely rocognized as a world leading expert in this area:
                          Dr. Magda Havas, PhD
                          You folks might find some useful data there.

                          There's a lot of work to be done in this area, especially regarding children in dirty electricity ridden schools, and behaviour problems, not to mention the poor stiffs who have to work in offices under fluorescent lights and in IT departments. Hope you and your gang run with this one and make lots of noise!! )
                          Thx, i found this video from one of the links of this website, interesting:

                          YouTube - Dirty Electricity - Part 4 - Electrical Shock

                          edit: same test on CFL light bulbs: YouTube - The dark side of the CFL
                          Last edited by digitz; 04-06-2010, 09:55 AM.


                          • #28
                            Good One Digitz!

                            Hey Digitz!
                            Glad you posted these links. People need to know about this.

                            Good on you, man, for running with this one. The more that know about it the better.
                            Take care,


                            • #29
                              Guys i have been out filming for our dirty electricity production, we are doing
                              energy RV saving PF correction tests (it filters dirty electricity) and using
                              dirty electricity filers, you should see the EMF radiation difference between
                              normal induction motors vrs energy savings and using the RV with these filters.

                              RV , EMF meter, filters and power saver
                              Yfrog Image :

                              Dirty electricity is no joke, its gonna be the biggest health issue of our time.

                              Dr. Magda Havas, PhD » What is Dirty Electricity?
                              Silent Fields :: VIP Launch

                              Here are the open source filters

                              The RV difference will be in the video, the RV energy saving is now a pubic
                              health issue and i can prove it.


                              • #30
                                Ashtweth, can you try measuring 1:1 iron core transformer dirty electricity output?

                                Just find it hard to believe that iron core which said to hamper high frequency operation of solid state bedini is actually able to transport dirty electricity.
                                Last edited by sucahyo; 04-29-2010, 03:01 AM.

