In this document, it is explained to the masses, its not a scientific paper.
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Dirty electrcity
My friend, in order for more people to understand something, the focus has to be narrowed to certain subject, asking questions is of course legitimate, but once it goes too far off the topic, people will get lost, and their and our good intention with it.
The questions you ask are good, but maybe that should be better fitting its own totally new thread.
Originally posted by digitz View PostSucahyo, i remarked that the problem on these forums is very often the focus on the topic of the thread.
The discussion here is about dirty electricity in homes, it concerns 95-99% of worlds population. The radiant and rife devices you talk about concern 0,000001% of population or maybe even less, it's just an estimation. It merits it's own thread as it is very narrow focused compared to "general dirty electricity".
What it means is that changing the focus of the discussion to radiant devices will lead some people who want improve their homes to go on a road not leading anywhere (as they have nothing to do with radiant devices). And it doesn't change if these devices are good or bad for health.
Thanks for bringing your ideas on this subject i am interested as well, here is just not the best place.
When John Bedini was on the Tesla Switch thread, he wanted to help with the Tesla Switch, for ppl to get it, understand it, the discussion was all focused on Switching batteries.
I think a discussion on safety is good, and it is worth being concerned about. But i hear a lot of what i consider "dis-info" in the Yahoo groups lately on this subject.
I spent about 23 years being around high frequency electronics; most often with the shielding covers off. I also did a lot of study and practice on the subject of "shielding", to help my employers' products meet either European Union's CE Mark (IEC34), or "ISO9000" type self-requirements. We had a 40' truck trailer specially built as a faraday cage; we even leased out our services to other local electronics manufacturers trying to meet CE, back in the 90's when the requirements first hit, and ever since anyone who wants to sell to Europe has to meet them.
Although i did get cataracts in my early 40's (which could also possibly be related to my working with lasers, "backscatter" being still dangerous to the eye over time without looking directly at a laser, or possibly also because i am a recreational sailor who spends long hours staring at horizons with lots of sun reflection from the water.. Or also because i often flew into and out of Washington DC looking out the airliner windows while they were admittedly using invisible high power lasers in the area)... Otherwise i did not have any other serious health issues. Nor did my coworkers that i can remember or am aware of. I once supervised a technician who was in his mid 60's, he was from the old tube days and he retired after 40 years... Still in good health.
If there are serious health problems from high frequency radiation from every-day electronic devices, it would stand to reason that us guys who work with it should be affected more than the general population.
On the other hand, there is no question microwave radiation, such as broadcast by RADAR's, can have serious health risks if close to the beam. I believe that is from the molecular heating effects of that particular F range; and not specifically from "electromagnetic" reasons, tho.
We hear alot about the Kapanze devices being dangerous in this way, now (i am sure it IS "dangerous" for the usual conventional HV reasons... as an AC Mains wall plug can be, too lol)....
Well, lets see a working Kapanze, then worry about shielding it... I assure you all this shielding is NO PROBLEM as it is done in commercial electronics EVERY DAY.
Non-anodized aluminum (important not to have anodized), steel, metal foil or thin sheet with fish paper insulator backing for close-to-circuit work, good grounding techniques (thick BRAIDED steel ground wire, the stuff with green / yellow stripe insulation, what is required to be used in Medical and is what is generally recommended for relatively low current grounding applications.. prolly up to about 5 amps).
Take your scope probe, clip the ground lead to the probe's tip in a "loop", set to fastest time base, move it around the area suspected of radiating. Note the RF coming out. Place the ** WELL GROUNDED ** shield over it, test again... Move the probe close to the shield.. Note the attenuated RF is "floating", kind of "hovering", just above the metal shield (but cannot be detected from, say 2 cm's away)... Shields appear to not work like most people think they do
Practical RF shielding ain't rocket science (and you don't need a PhD to do it), and it is no reason for us to give up research on a promising project.
Electropollution can cause diabetes (type-3)
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) Most people are familiar with type-1 diabetes and type-2 diabetes, but did you know researchers have discovered a third type of diabetes? Type-3 diabetes, as they are calling it, affects people who are extra sensitive to electrical devices that emit "dirty" electricity.
Type-3 diabetics actually experience spikes in blood sugar and an increased heart rate when exposed to electrical pollution ("electropollution") from things like computers, televisions, cordless and mobile phones, and even compact fluorescent light bulbs.
Dr. Magda Havas, a PhD from Trent University in Canada, recently published the results of a study she conducted on the relationship between electromagnetic fields and diabetes in Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine. In it, she explains how she and her team came to discover this about why electropollution is so dangerous for many people.
Blood sugar goes haywire
One of the most interesting finding in her study was that electro-sensitive people whose blood sugar decreases when they go for a walk outdoors actually experience an increase in blood sugar when walking on a treadmill.
New research: Electropollution can cause diabetes (type-3)
Risk of grounding yourself
Grounding yourself will increase death probability in case you get electrocuted by faulty insulation. During my elementary school there is commercial in local TV that teach you to use rubber mat to isolate your feet from ground. At that time, there is many cases of dead maid because of they get electrocuted during ironing. During that time there is development for introducing electricity to rural area.
At least, it hurt a hell lot more. You don't need to try it yourself.
And if your electronic have junk power supply, you can get electrocuted by your electronic even more, up to the point that it can make a pace maker to malfunction.
I don't see explanation of why getting zero reading with the ground is important in the video. During FE experiment, I can get more than 1000V difference from the ground measured with analog meter. As long as I don't touch the ground, I don't feel a thing.
For me, ungrounding is safer. When my son playing with computer, I teach him to raise his feet from the ceramic floor. I am more worried about him getting electrocuted by computer casing than being bombarded with EMF. I use other way to compensate.
Originally posted by ashtweth View PostHi sucahyo, eventually i would like to get a GS meter built from the schematics over there to your house, i want to see how many GS units are there.
However, I intent to try this kind of very cheap solution:
Hi. I know I'm supposed to introduce myself on the first post. Suffice it to say for now, I am an "alumnus" of the old cloudbusters forum.
In 2007 I opened a small budget recording studio for Indie artists. I noticed that the electrical noises in the place such as switches popping and motors revving would find its way into the tracks. An inspiration hit me. I made a Logan-style continous mobius coil from gauge 18 electrical wire and buried it in orgonite. The leads were put in series with my DAW station and all audio equipment (yeah that's a puny spec for all the load i put through it, I know).
The pops, crackles and motor revs disappeared. | finally had an inexpensive alternative to those power conditioners.
I wasn't looking out for my consumption back then so I didn't have a baseline, like you do. In fact my electricity bill shot up as the number of customers grew.
I set up a new recording studio but this time made another orgonite device of the same time, using gauge 12 wire. I'll snap a picture of it if anyone's at all interested.
Originally posted by ashtweth View PostK, i am interested to see the wall side first, not sure those radiant ones would do the same thing, but want to be sure, the last thing i want is you getting sick man.
Ash. So far I don't notice bad effect. I only felt less healthy when I assemble my simple orgone bucket. From this little uneasyness I became more carefull when dealing with orgone. Especially when many orgonomist mention that orac amplify EMF bad effect.
RFID Implants Causing Cancer
Proof of RFID implants causing fast growth cancers. Sterling had claimed last year that Bob Boyce had gotten his Cancer from two Verichips that were unknowingly implanted in his back and shoulder.
DailyTech - RFID Chips Linked to Fast-Growing Cancer
OK if these work the same as commercial RFID chips that i am very familiar with (as they almost certainly do), they have no internal power source, and are activated by the RF of the given Frequency range...powered by the signal itself.
However, it is conceivable they can also collect power from other F's; meaning they may be active nearly all the time; if RF in large enough amplitudes exists to saturate the "roll off" of the F Response. They can be activated by as little as 1/16 watt i believe; and supposedly don't transmit more than 1/4 watt (usually less). I suppose it is even possible, that they are activated by the body's own electromagnetic fields.
The F range is critical in knowing what is going on with them. For example, as an aside... The range now used in commercial applications (labels for cartons/skids used to do inventory in warehouses, and what WalMart insists every one of its suppliers' use), is "13.56 Mhz" .
Oddly enough, this is the same F as Dr. John Kanzius' discovery for disassociating / igniting "salt water" meaning that commercial RFID transceivers, costing as little as $300 and available to anyone online, could be used as F-generating controllable "front ends" that are then current stepped-up to produce the Kanzius effect in a closed chamber/pipe systemThese transceivers can even be controlled via HTML GUI's; with sub-freq "channels" available that can also be finely tuned... Something to remember anyway
What the implantable Verichip's F range is, i don't know for sure (and it could have changed anyway in the 3 years since i worked in the RFID industry). I have heard "134 KHz" recently but they are available in different F's.
It would be possible, to "ping" in the desired F (generate the base F and radiate it), then use a scope with the ground lead "looped" to the probe tip, to move it all around the body to see if a chip was responding (apparently how Mr. Boyce did it according to Sterling's report). But i would note that these reports have not been independently verified; although Sterling claims he is in possession of a X-Ray showing the chip in Mr. Boyce.
If these things really are being secretly implanted in people like F-E inventors, they should be removed or destroyed soonest. Destroying them would be fairly easy... they can be burned out as they have no "circuit protection", and probably all it would take would be about 1 watt for a few seconds. But it is still unknown if leaving them implanted even if burned out is just as bad for getting Cancer anyway.
Thanks Jib found some more resources worth a look
The BioInitiative Report - Last Update 18 May 2010
EMFacts Consultancy
Will be getting down to interview Donner fisher for the Panacea production, will have a good FREE resource fro others to spread this education. This is another reason why we need a FREE energy device off the grid AC power is dirty.
Orgonite solution
Because of puharich teslar watch, I now seriously considered orgonite, orgonite effect vs EMF metering start from post #5:
Etheric Warriors Forum :: A grassroot movement fighting tyranny with orgonite devices
Teslar watch is hard to build, but orgonite is easy. With mix and match of orgonite info and my FE knowledge, I now testing it on my monitor. The result is (very subjectively) good.
There are people who start using nano technology for orgonite material.
David Icke's Official Forums - View Single Post - Orgonite Experiments: RESULTS!
Here is part of a patent application (not mine) referencing Microwave absorption by Nano Iron.
The present invention relates to a metal oxide nano-composite magnetic material, fabrication method, and method for linkage, enrichment, and isolation of phosphorylated species. The metal oxide nano-composite magnetic material comprises the magnetic iron oxide nanoparticle, a silica layer immobilized onto the magnetic iron oxide nanoparticle and a metal oxide layer coated onto the silica layer. The magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles can be used for absorbing microwave radiation to accelerate the enrichment and linkage for phosphorylated species onto the metal oxide nano-composite magnetic material.
OK , I won't get crazy with the technical stuff. Suffice to say that this is commonly accepted as cutting edge nano engineering technology.
As side note, my relative in other town mention that there is handphone "shield" being sold for $5 with demonstration of pop corn making with 10 mis-call cellphone or egg with 2 cellphone. From his description, the shield is similar to orgonite. I told him how to make it himself for a lot less money.
Last edited by sucahyo; 08-11-2010, 08:59 AM.