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“The Secrets of Cold War Technology” by Gerry Vessilato

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  • “The Secrets of Cold War Technology” by Gerry Vessilato

    I've been reading “The Secrets of Cold War Technology” by Gerry Vessilato. The amount of infomraitn and detail in the Tesla section is quite amazing. Does anyone know where he got his information from. I have read most if not all the available documents written by tesla and find little to no mention of things he discusses in his book

  • #2
    Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
    I've been reading “The Secrets of Cold War Technology” by Gerry Vessilato. The amount of infomraitn and detail in the Tesla section is quite amazing. Does anyone know where he got his information from. I have read most if not all the available documents written by tesla and find little to no mention of things he discusses in his book
    Where did Vessilato get his information. I should have a references section to the book. Usually in the back. If there are no references I would highly doubt he had credible information. There are tons of Tesla stuff on the internet and they are very very detailed in the references section citing publications and notes or diary quotes. Tesla, if not obsessive about his work, was also as obsessive about documentation.. Especially patents. With over 700 patents that we know about You can gleen how he worked thru the Later Aethric years.
    I can not believe that no one is actively researching his Aethric technology. It was reported by his nephew in the later years of Tesla's life that he refined the method to run a car off of it.
    I myself am going the Aethric magnefication route and re engineer the box he made for the car. Since we have a clue as of the report of what parts he bought we can surmize the makeup of the box. We have to look at his work to see how he put it together with the parts he didn't buy or made. Tesla was a craftman and employed highly skilled people to make his experimental gear. Tesla made plans for this event including having his nephew there to document it and be a witness.
    Always try to see if you can verify the documentation and look for the clues. Thats what I am doing.


    • #3

      Well said... Can you give any puplication that Tesla describes the Aetheric technology with references to original Tesla documents or even better Tesla documents dealing with the technical aspects of ether??


      • #4

        Yes I can it is buried in every patent he made after discovering the effect. He doesn't explain the process because he is an empirical experimentor. Some say he was a physist but I believe he was a doer not a mathematician. He hated those guys lol.
        Read anything on the Radiant effect and it will tell you how it works. He was a very detailed man. Right down to his method of eating and staying healthy.
        The box was a mini creator of this effect and then also was two mini conductor(focuser or magnifier) to use as a pure potential. He indeed made the first method to creat a mono pole that could filter in the wire across an arc (the arc space being the control of frequency), the opposit potential was created essentially a pressure difference and then fluttered the connection like a garden hose to control the energy being manifested. With every release creating this potential to draw from.
        If you decide to try this understand the method first with frequency of the fluttering controlling the draw, much like how one pulses a dc motor the draw goes down with more fluttering. This I believe is the most important discovery to Humankind! It is weather we have grown up enough to handle such a revelation. Obviously we were not ready when he first discovered it and now you see what has happened to our world for being to greedy for material things.
        Even if we discover this massive power supply, will we use it for good or to further our greed and go down hard. This is what Tesla was in a quandry about. Everything that was done to him after discovering this one fundamental truth only showed him that we indeed were not ready for such a powerful revelation. And thats why he left our universe in such a beatened state. He tried to be a positive influence and never wanted it to be for anything else but to provide humanity with the most basic of needs, energy.
        I think if you look at when he got desperate and tried to sneak it into our known world by trying to give it to our nations leaders as a weapon. This he thought would encourage them more since it appealed to thier war like tendancies. This attempt didn't even work and he retired into obscurity not out of exastion but out of frustration. The box incedent was the final push and he was so tired of proving what he had observed and could replicate at will.
        Last edited by Jbignes5; 02-20-2010, 02:12 PM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
          I've been reading “The Secrets of Cold War Technology” by Gerry Vessilato. The amount of infomraitn and detail in the Tesla section is quite amazing. Does anyone know where he got his information from. I have read most if not all the available documents written by tesla and find little to no mention of things he discusses in his book
          According to an article by George Trinkaus that was recently published on the Borderlands Sciences website ( The Tesla Mystique | Journal of Borderland Research )Vassilatos obtained Tesla’s notes in archives found in the annex of the New York Central Library. Vassilatos also wrote a 3000+ page, 11 volume work called the Vril Compendium, which was probably the source for most of the information written in "Lost Sciences" and "Secrets of Cold War Technology".


          • #6
            Originally posted by phi1.62 View Post
            11 volume work called the Vril Compendium, which was probably the source for most of the information written in "Lost Sciences" and "Secrets of Cold War Technology".
            Vril Compendium was all related to Earth currents, signal transmission and ground radio. Those two books were a project of their own.
            Last edited by lighty; 02-27-2010, 12:51 PM.


            • #7
              New Books

              If anyone is looking for a NEW copy of this book (Secrets cold war technology) let me know as I have a few left. Also have new copies of “lost science”.


