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Cop>17 Here's Why This Result Was Predicted

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  • I take it that the cannon ball analogy didn't work. LOL. Sorry about that. I'll try a different analogy but it will need to wait until I've learned how to take photos and upload them. Next week should do it.

    Here's another analogy. Imagine in your mind's eye strings of zipons. They're spherical and one half is blue and the other half is red. The reds face east and the blues face west. They join up in a string red to blue. The east facing reds are just too many. The balance in the field requires some strings where the reds face west and the blues face west. It needs an equal dispersion of this. Too many reds facing east and charge balance is disturbed.

    Now. In your minds eye - take a line of these zipons. Reds facing east are always reds facing east. But now put that line in a circle. Now half the reds facing east are reds facing west. That's what the current flow manages when it completes it's path through a circuit. All it's done is that it's formed an orbit or a circle. One half of the reds now face east and one half now face west. Then - when it goes back into that amalagm, that battery acid, it still goes back and joins up those atoms. But when it joins up it can keep changing the reds to face west until it's got enough. Again. It takes the balance in charge of that full circle to introduce an alternate charge. It needs this alternate charge because it came from a position of imbalanced charge. It wants to get as many east facing reds and west facing reds. The minute it does this - by completing an orbit through a circuit it is able to 'rearrange' its 'spin' - or it's red east facing charge. Again. It does this by forging a path through a circuit. All it's done by moving through that circuit is that it's completed an orbit.

    This is because the reds are always reds. The blues are always blues. They cannot 'swap' places. But they can then join up again - inside the battery acid - that liquid amalgam - through that 'back door' - with a different spin or justification. And then they can change the direction of their 'spin' as required. They can keep adding west facing reds until they've managed enough to have exactly the same number of both colours - both charges. Then the charge imbalance at the source is changed. The atoms in the battery acid have not changed. The arrangement of their molecules has been varied. And this has managed to NEUTRALISE the charge imbalance. - And as a courtesy to our American readers - to NEUTRALIZE the charge imbalance.
    Last edited by witsend; 03-11-2010, 02:26 AM.


    • Now just as another level of complexity - but it's not difficult at all. Just think of this. If the circle is made up of a joined string of zipons - red to blue - in equal dispersion - then you've got a balanced charge. Now if you spin that circle 'clockwise' or anticlockwise you still have perfect change balance.

      Now. When the first cycle of current flow is introduced to a circuit the orbit is - say, clockwise. That's from the battery from house belonging to Man A. Now take that same circle - and spin it anticlockwise. That's from the inductive resistor from the house belonging to Man B. The only difference is this. When Man B takes over he first takes out Man A's zipons and then adds his own extruded zipons to that circle. And in the same way, when Man A takes over he takes out Man B's zipons and adds his own. That 'break' in that circle to add those different zipons is also the 'motive' force to induce the changed 'orbit'.
      Last edited by witsend; 03-11-2010, 02:28 AM.


      • And Suchayo, you asked about the relevance of mass in the resistor. The 'strength' at which those fields are 'knocked out' of the resistor by the battery's zipons? That is measured as voltage. But the number of fields that are extruded is a function of the mass - or the amount of material - available in the resistor. The greater the width - or the more material available in the resistor's wire, then the more fields that can be extruded. In other words the voltage level across the resistor is consistent with the applied current from the supply. But the quantity of fields available is the required condition to ensure a successful resonating relationship between the supply and the resister. And the simple rule is that the thicker the wire the better the resonance. I have not explored either the upper or lower limits. It's just the condition I applied to all my resistors. I always looked for thicker wire.


        • Thanks. So potential difference or voltage is a properties of zipon?


          • Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
            Thanks. So potential difference or voltage is a properties of zipon?
            RIGHT ON. The measure of voltage is the measure of the transitory state of fields of zipons that are imbalanced. The point is this. Fields of zipons are synonymous with magnetic fields. They move toward establishing a charge balance. They're 'plastic' in the sense that they can move through space and through material or simply through air - always in their efforts to establish a charge balance. They always need as many 'reds' as 'blues', as many souths as norths, as many negatives as positives. I've termed that an 'immutable imperative'. They move towards a state of balance. The easiest accommodation is in an orbit. Then with an orbit they can adjust their justification and alter their spin and redistribute their charge. Lose that orbit and they look to regain it. And that's what they do in current flow. They're looking to redistribute their charge. They don't change the atoms. They only change the molecular state of the atoms. When they detatch from their orbits in the battery acid they also detach those atoms. Copper plates inside the battery acid first form weak magnetic fields. These are enough for the zipons to use to start that 'dismantling of the molecular state'. Then the gas atoms are freed from their previous molecular stranglehold and they 'bubble' out of the amalgam. This is proof of the zipons' systematic congregation into fields - broken away from their previous positions. These fields orbit the circuit. And they recongregate at the 'back door' so to speak - at the negative terminal of the battery. Then they re-enter the amalgam and they rejoin those molecules but this time they're free to adjust their spin when they 'join them up'. They do this. This systematically reduces the 'charge' or voltage imbalance. It does NOT change the atoms. It only changes their molecular state. The zipons are the 'binding' material of atoms and molecules and amalgams. But they operate outside the atom. They're extraneous. But they're always responsible for the 'bound' condition of any amalgam and the distribution of charge inside that amalgam. They re-enter the amalgam and they rebind those atoms into new and different molecules.

            I get it that this is becoming clearer? I do hope so.

            Another example of this is to see two magnets. They can't just realign their charge. They have to move the entire magnet through space in order to join up. They have to line up north with south. The same with fields. They can't just 'change' their spin. They have to reposition themselves to change that spin. In effect EXTRUDED MAGNETIC FIELDS OR EXTRUDED FIELDS OF ZIPONS ARE THE FIELDS THAT ARE MEASURED AS VOLTAGE. But a separate field can run concurrently with this measured voltage and that's current flow. Both are separate but both are interdependent.

            Current flow is only enabled when there is a circuit path. This lets the imbalanced magnetic fields at the source make an 'orbit'. But when current flows through that circuit material it is actually extruding that materials' own magnetic binding fields of zipons. They become extruded from the material. The amount that is extruded relates precisely to the amount of current flow or the amount of zipons that extruded them. This flow of current that extruded those circuit components' binding fields was done to ensure a smooth path - a smooth passage - for itself. through the circuit to make that required orbit. The strength of that extrusion is exactly proportionate to the strength of that current flow. Therein lies the correspondence between current flow and voltage or, as it known, potential difference. This is measured across any of the components in that circuit - as voltage. That - in any event - in terms of the model. Same thing as mainstream. The only difference is the identification of an energy source in the material itself. This energy source is the binding fields of zipons that hold the material of those components together as an amalgam.

            Last edited by witsend; 03-12-2010, 06:25 AM.


            • Thanks. Can you explain the relation between zipon voltage and matter, like what happen in orange juice battery? Why one electrode become positive and other become negative?


              • Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                Thanks. Can you explain the relation between zipon voltage and matter, like what happen in orange juice battery? Why one electrode become positive and other become negative?
                I've never heard about an orange juice battery but I'm sure the same principle applies. There has to be some 'balanced' conductive material in that 'acid'. The point about any such acid 'amalgam' is that it has an imbalanced valence condition. In other words - the molecules that make up that amalgam are inherently 'the same' charge. And that 'same' charge means that there's a continual 'repulsive' field established. Imagine it as a magnetic monopole. That's going to create a repulsive force. Now. That's how the molecules are lined up. And since the molecules are bound together by these 'hidden zipon fields' that's how the zipons are lined up. Inherently an 'imbalanced' condition.

                Now. Put a balanced conductive material inside that amalgam - in most cases copper plates. Now that 'imbalanced' condition in the amalgam sets up a sympathetic magnetic field in the copper. Think of it like this. The amalgam in the acid or the juice is acting as if it's a monopole. Let's say it's a 'north'. But the copper is balanced. It's got a north and a south. No imbalance. Therefore it's binding fields have equal numbers of norths and souths. It's outer 'binding fields' sense the presence of a magnetic monopole. It prefers a balanced condition. So it extrudes one of it's TWO potentials. It extrudes a 'south', say, to balance out the NORTH from the acid. This gradually establishes a weak magnetic field that orbits the structure of that coper. But now that a 'SOUTH' is available to these zipon fields in the acid - they use it to interact with it in a balanced way. For the first time since that 'acid' has been formed - it has finally 'found' a path where it can get a better balance. It moves to interact with that field - but by so doing it starts 'unravelling' the bound condition of the molecules in that acid. This sets up a chain reaction - not unlike a fire that unravels the atoms in a stick. They move in fields and systematically align themselves so that their norths start pointing the same way. All this time more and more of the molecules keep unravelling. The more orderly the zipon fields become, the more chaotic the atomic condition becomes. Gradually charge 'builds' up by the orderly formation of those zipon fields. The alignment is now let us say north to south. The zipons themselves are magnetic dipoles. They've now arranged themselves north to south in a continuous line. Their norths face the postive terminal their south faces the negative terminal. They've created a transitional voltage imbalance. What they now want to do is to find a path to generate their own orbit. Then they can find the 'opposite' charge in that orbit. They can use this so that when the 'get back' to the acid amalgam they can 'rejoin' those atoms and reformulate them back to their previous condition but with different spins. This changes neutralises the 'acid' but does not change the atomic condition of the molecules. It just varies the molecules themselves.

                EDIT The fields recongreate as souths and they then tie up those loose atoms again. When the amalgam - that 'juice' or that 'acid' has finally got as many molecules with a north binding as a south binding - then the magnetic field in the copper disappears and the battery is no longer charged. Effectively the 'juice' has lost its monopolar condition. And that's the overriding imperative of these little binding zipon fields. They're always looking to create a condition of balance.
                Last edited by witsend; 03-13-2010, 04:09 AM.


                • Ok thanks.

                  Why zipon has to have mass?


                  • Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                    Ok thanks.

                    Why zipon has to have mass?
                    Suchayo. You ask good questions. But this one is complex. I need to work on it. I'll try again during the day when I get time. I actually propose that a zipon does have mass. But it's a variable. It depends on whether the zipon is in a field - fast, cold and small or - in a transitional state of imbalance - slow, hot and big. The transitional states in the battery have both. The alignment of the zipons - head to toe - between the two battery terminals is fast, cold and small. Those fields that are left in the acid - binding those atoms, - they start unravelling and become slow hot and big. Those fields that want to become current? If and when they find a path they change their spin and start 'binding' those molecules with a different justification. They stay fast, cold and small. Those molecules that simply got unbound by that 'unravelling'. They now also 'rebind' into their previous state. Technically speaking this means that if the battery continued to recharge without any 'relief' so to speak, from current flow - then the battery would eventually cook - it would become that hot.

                    But I'll explain this better later. Bear with me. I now have to do a whole lot of chores - not least of which is organing that appliance test of mine.


                    That's such a nice problem to deal with.
                    Last edited by witsend; 03-16-2010, 06:32 AM.


                    • I'm posting this comment here as I've been asked not to post on the appropriate thread. It seems that they do not want dissention. LOL. And it also seems that our advocates of electron current flow can advocate two contradictory opinions with relative ease. Here's an example.

                      First this,

                      Originally posted by **** View Post
                      Electrons are the primary charge carriers for Electric Current - proven, end of story.
                      And then this?

                      Originally posted by **** View Post
                      ... This thread ... has been established to expound the reality that while the majority of Electric Current in use today is from Electron Motion, Electric Current is not confined to only electron motion but can consist of any charge carrier in motion through any medium. Electrons are only one of the many electric charge carriers known to science.
                      ... When we appreciate that we are not confined to the electron alone for electric current a variety of possibilities open up for energy extraction and conversion into usable electricity.
                      (colour emphasis my own)

                      These comments are difficult to reconcile. Golly. I understand that mainstream physicists consider the reality that there is no such thing as electron current flow. I have been taught that it's an impossibility and this pointed out in the early published works of Pauli which - I think - was established around 1920's or thereby. Certainly at the first forging of quantum mechanics. Very simplistically - it states that no two electrons can share the same 'path'. This was a profound insight albeit based on a relatively straight forward observation. The fact is that electrons all have a negative charge. No 'like charges' can move together, any more than two norths or two souths of a magnet can move together. The best it can manage is 'away'. And intrinsic to the concept of current flow is that the 'charges' whatever it is that they comprise - absolutely 'flow' in the same direction. The justification for the concept of electron current flow introduces compounded confusions including the concept of 'holes' and electron 'drift' and goodness knows what else. All nonsense. As mentioned, not even our mainstream phsyicists buy into the concept.

                      The alternative proposals to this are actually absent. The question is still out there. My zipons may conform to the required but I have many questions myself - especially as it relates to the variations in the 'changing paths' on circuits. I simply do not know how they 'join up' or 'join in' when alternate energy sources come into play - as proposed. But thank goodness we can still grapple with these concepts. Hopefully we may yet find answers. But electron current flow is defintely a non starter. So are any other proposed 'ion flows'. It would proscribe any possibility of exceeding that elusive unity barrier and we all, I think, understand that these barriers are breakable.


                      • Why A Zipon May Have Mass

                        Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                        Ok thanks.

                        Why zipon has to have mass?
                        Hi Suchayo. Thanks for the reminder to your question here. I've been absorbed in a 'fight for survival' elsewhere. LOL

                        Ok. You asked why the zipon is proposed to have mass. Here's the logic, for what it's worth.

                        All known particles, even nuances or 'virtual particles' have been detected and their charge - mass - and sundry properties have been carefully analysed scheduled and logged and incorporated into mainstream science. In terms of this work - no-one has ever found a particle within a magnetic field. If therefore it exists at all - then it is purely speculatve, thus far, undectable.

                        Now. If there is a particle in a magnetic field and if it is stationary, or if it moves at some speed that is slower than or co-incident with light, then light would deflect off this at some angle - eventually - and regardless of the 'size' or mass of that particle. This, by default, would then show that such a particle is extant. But light passes right through a magnetic field. Light is known to bend within the greater magnetic fields of space but is definitely seen to pass through any magnetic field in a straight line. No restrictions. Therefore one can conclude that - IF there is a particle in a field - this question is still not answered - but again, IF there is this particle then it certainly CANNOT be stationary.

                        By default therefore - IF a magnetic field comprises particles then that particle must have a velocity that EXCEEDS light speed. But we are taught by Einstein and by our classicists that no particle can exceed light speed. However, the counter argument is this. If a particle exceeded light speed then light itself could never find that particle. It would be invisible to light. Here's the analogy. We can see a balloon being blown by the wind. We do not see the wind. The suggestion or the 'possibility' here is the proposal that light itself may 'somehow' be moved by the field. YET the field may remain undetectable. And this would be possible provided ONLY that the particle is both faster and smaller than a photon. Therefore in the progress of this argument the proposal now is that a magnetic field may comprise particles or 'matter' only IF the particle is both faster and smaller than a photon.

                        If therefore the particle is extant - and if it is the material structure of a magnetic field, then the particle has mass - irrespective of whether that mass is neglible or gross. Does that answer your question?

                        Last edited by witsend; 04-06-2010, 04:54 AM. Reason: added the title


                        • Thank you.

                          I still confuse about why it has to have mass as a magnetic material.

                          Is zipon is the particle that make something magnetic? Is zipon magnetic field or magnetizer?

                          What is the thing emitted by magnet? Since it seems eternal while the zipon will neutralize each other.

                          Which one has changing speed, the magnetizer or the magnetic field?

                          The electromagnet theory mention right hand rule, do that means slower zipon created at right hand rule of fast zipon or I get it wrong?


                          • Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                            Thank you.

                            I still confuse about why it has to have mass as a magnetic material.

                            Is zipon is the particle that make something magnetic? Is zipon magnetic field or magnetizer?
                            Nearly there suchayo. You are looking at the particle as separate from the field. Try this. Imagine the 'lines' of force that Faraday proposed. You see this as streams or lines coming out of a magnet - say at the north and then moving around the magnet to re-enter the body of the magnet at the south. Then imagine that the line continues through the body of the magnet and 'closing' the string at the north again. I've got a video on this and will post a link when I find it.

                            Now. Imagine tiny little spherical magnets joined head to toe - making up each line or 'string'. Then close that string to form a circle. Then imagine more such lines beside that first line, and then more and more. And each 'line' is simply a line of little spherical magnets with a north at one end joined to a south at the other end. What you then have is a FIELD of tiny little spherical bar magnets. That is what I propose is a magnetic field. Those little magnets are SO small and SO fast that we simply do not see them. Light cannot FIND them. But it is a material - it is a real 'thing'. Just way too fast and too small to be measured individually. We only know the field.

                            Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                            What is the thing emitted by magnet? Since it seems eternal while the zipon will neutralize each other.
                            I'm proposing that the magnetic field itself is made up of these little spherical magnets. The 'thing emitted by the magnet' is strings upon strings upon strings of little particles that align in closed loops and they are joined up 'north to south'. Lots of necklaces, so to speak. Think of each 'line of force' as a necklace of beads. Each bead is coloured - black for north - white for south. Lots of beads make up the necklace. Those beads belong to the material of the magnet. They remain in orbit 'forever'.

                            Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                            Which one has changing speed, the magnetizer or the magnetic field?
                            No changing speed. The rate of the orbit is precisely 2C. Because each closed string or circle is aligned against other closed strings or circles - think of many ropes of a necklace - then there's a lateral repulsion of 'like charge'. This forces those strings into a continual orbit. Again I'll try and find that 'link' to the video on this.

                            Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                            The electromagnet theory mention right hand rule, do that means slower zipon created at right hand rule of fast zipon or I get it wrong?
                            Electromagnetic interaction is a different thing. It's a progress of the zipon thesis. At this stage, please just try and conceptualise the magnet on magnet interaction. And please let me know if you get this. Otherwise I must try again.

                            YouTube - aetherevarising's Channel

                            I think that's it. There are a couple of videos above and below this that also sort of explain what I mean.


                            • Thank you. I will watch the video later.
                              Originally posted by witsend View Post
                              Imagine tiny little spherical magnets joined head to toe - making up each line or 'string'. Then close that string to form a circle. Then imagine more such lines beside that first line, and then more and more. And each 'line' is simply a line of little spherical magnets with a north at one end joined to a south at the other end. What you then have is a FIELD of tiny little spherical bar magnets. That is what I propose is a magnetic field.
                              I ask because previously you mention that when those zipon are inside the closed wire loop, the zipon in the acid bath neutralize when they complete the circle.

                              Zipon loop at magnetic field is eternal, but zipon at an electric path neutralize, why? Or are they different?
                              Last edited by sucahyo; 04-06-2010, 08:49 AM.


                              • Suchayo - if you get the 'structure of the field' that's good. I'll go over the electric current flow again but right now I must dash.

                                Thanks again for the questions. I get it you see the general shape of the pure magnetic field? I'll work on the balance of the question when I get back.

                                Take care

