A story appeared on CBS Sixty Minutes on Sunday about an energy device manufactured by Bloom Energy called the Bloom Box. Basically, it's a compact and cheap fuel cell that can not only use hydrogen gas as a fuel source but also gas derived from biofuels and natural gas. The device has been trialed by a number of high profile companies over several months, which include Ebay, Google and Wal-Mart, amongst others. The inventor of the device hopes that within ten years it will be available to purchase for the domestic consumer at a cost of around $3000. A link to the Sixty Minutes story can be found here:
The Bloom Box - 60 Minutes - CBS News
Bloom Energy has been quite secretive about the device but will be revealing it to the public in the next two days.
The Bloom Box - 60 Minutes - CBS News
Bloom Energy has been quite secretive about the device but will be revealing it to the public in the next two days.