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Tesla's little box (Pierce Arrow)

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  • #61
    As I said before..

    The Tesla coil that everyone uses is the ac version which Tesla stated himself as to not show any real effects. Read this link and you can go the same route as Tesla did. Yoiu can start to understand where he went wrong with ac. Here is the link... Go past eveything about the patents and the text will start to show you his movement in his thoughts as to what happened.

    Nikola Tesla - The Complete Patents of Nikola Tesla - The Man who invented the 20th Century

    Although I think I missunderstood the megnetic gap by my first attempt... I am sarting to understand how it was done. MY design has radically change in light of my new understanding of what I miss read the first time. But only in the placement of the components and the design of the magnetic arc gap. I will be testing out both ways as soon as possible. It is clear to me now after rereading the text fully that the collection of the radiant wave is to be done on the heavy copper connector in between the arc gap and capacitor. The coil must have a conical shape and must be the same mass weight as the copper bar to be in resonance. It could be that he used the pancake coils design in a conical shape around the copper bussbar. I would assume the steel was exactly what my original design was (antennas).
    You know if you took the gray tube and changed the grid on the outside to be a coil and added a magnetic component to the gap it has everything that Tesla was saying was the power. The gray tube is the radiant converter and when he said to split the positive he meant split it completely from the negative. That would mean you would have to have a pair of tubes as well. One for each polarity and make sure the bemf from the pulse never happens or flyback as he had mentioned.
    I think the gray tube is the modern version and I am gonna set that up and test it like that with the modifications that I think would be needed to match the Tesla original. I think Gray figured out what Tesla was doing but left key information out like the magnetic part and a coil not grid on the outside. Even the carbon would be needed to increase the resistance of current to a higher level like Tesla talks about. This is where the replicators can not seem to get it to work. It is because if he put in the patents the exact method everyone would know where that information came from. It would invalidate the patent and make the Gray tube public domain and that wasn't the spirit it was intentioned for. Gray was trying to secure rights to the method and profit from that right. Instead of giving credit where it was due and proving that Tesla was indeed right all along he tried to benefit from the deception. Thats why he never got anywhere with it. They the government knew exactly where the information came from since they have the original documentation from the seisure of Tesla's apartment and lab in NY city.
    Last edited by Jbignes5; 03-05-2010, 06:36 PM.


    • #62
      You are right AC has no way to go.
      DC rulezzzz


      • #63
        You are right about DC being the way to achieve FE or OU. AC doesn't have the capability to capture BEMF or aether. But, still anyone interested in Tesla should build and study the Tesla coil. Tesla was not afraid to try different ideas, but unlike Edison, he had a perception of what was going to transpire. Edison's experiments were only random, whereas Tesla had a clear direction in which he was going. His had a more focused attempt to zero in on a problem and find a solution.In his early years he learned how haphazard Edison's experiments went, and as a result, he struck out on his own. Edison was a great inventor in his own right, but Tesla was truly gifted in his scientific thinking. He came to the conclusion that others before him had discovered the principle of electricity and magnets, but he took their discoveries one step further, to truly tap into the aether and use it's energy to power his machines.Good Luck. Stealth


        • #64
          Originally posted by Stealth View Post
          You are right about DC being the way to achieve FE or OU. AC doesn't have the capability to capture BEMF or aether. But, still anyone interested in Tesla should build and study the Tesla coil. Tesla was not afraid to try different ideas, but unlike Edison, he had a perception of what was going to transpire. Edison's experiments were only random, whereas Tesla had a clear direction in which he was going. His had a more focused attempt to zero in on a problem and find a solution.In his early years he learned how haphazard Edison's experiments went, and as a result, he struck out on his own. Edison was a great inventor in his own right, but Tesla was truly gifted in his scientific thinking. He came to the conclusion that others before him had discovered the principle of electricity and magnets, but he took their discoveries one step further, to truly tap into the aether and use it's energy to power his machines.Good Luck. Stealth

          Well I think I will trust Tesla on the coil thing. He said the old way was nothing and manifested little if nothing. I am not interested in the old Tesla coil. I undestand the methods he did at that time. So I choose to build the converter and not the "Tesla Coil" that seems to be a party favor.
          I am understanding more and more about the new technology not the old. Nothing that I am doing now would be concidered hap hazard in my attempts to prove that this method is correct. Basically we are trying to make a dam and trying to generate a potential from the increased pressure like Tesla did in Niagra Falls. Very natural and very clean if done right.
          Tesla must have thought of that analogy after what he did in Niagra falls. If he could do it in real nature thru the falls then why shouldn't he be able to do the same with this other natural energy. Thinking like he did about this manifestation and how it seemed to be like a fliud only made things easier for him to envision.
          Although I have a greater understanding he has taught us all how to use it thru his writings about it. Yes I will be empirically testing it myself but I already know it is gonna work from other who have done this before, eg Gray tube, with modifications added back.
          Thanks for the encouragement but I will learn from Tesla's steps and skip all the dnagerous parts by not doing the relearning and starting from zero, that would be like taking the ac system and redoing the steps to learn what we already know about it. That would not be the smart way to do things. We have everything we need and Tesla made sure there was enough buried in all his patents and information to correctly understand it all and continue from where he left off...


          • #65
            As experimenters, we generally go through all the steps necessary to reach our goals. Leave no questions unanswered, question everything, is usually our motto. In doing so, there is no doubt as to what is occuring and what is happening and why. Most do not like doing all the scientific experiments before actually tackling a difficult pursuit. I think this is a mistake, because sometimes things are overlooked by other experimenters that is seen later on. I know I am guilty of this. This is why some replications don't work out for some people. Sometimes the most minute details are the most important thing to a project. Miss some degree or value by 1%, ad it may not work. In our pursuit of FE and OU, this is especially true. When using a system of balance, then deliberately causing the system to unbalance, in order to entice the aether to rebalance that system, is what we are attempting to accomplish. Tesla himself, in his later years went back to reevaluate some systems he had written off years before. After gaining new insight, he established a working system out of the chaos. Good Luck. Stealth


            • #66

              I do appreciate the encouragement. This could in fact protect us from anything from outter space. Just think of the shield that we could build with this old energy source. It has the ability to deflect or guide anything that comes it's way. Including a super nova which I suspect is the gonna be the cause of our 2012 ending that has been predicted. If they wanted to say something they would do it so no one could erase it. Thru crop circles they are telling us the conduit (sun) is closing. If these predictions are right we need to bring this to the forefront and protect ourselves.
              If the Mayan's were smart enough (or given this information) to predict the end then they knew what that end was. Since they fancied the solar calendar they would have been the first to figure out that the sun would be destabilizing like has been seen as of late. Our sun is pulsing like they have never seen before. These pulsings are x-ray level I believe. I'll have to recheck it.
              So I and others like Nassim are seeing a sun going out and a new suns birth being Jupiter. The activity at the north pole seems to be getting hotter and hotter. After all it is made of the same composition that is in our current sun. This is the transition that most predictions talk about. Even in revelations from the bible.
              I started another thread on what I believe would save us. The pyramids. Check it out and see if you can punch holes in the proposal.
              I know wow what a story but if you look at the facts behind the proposal you will see it is not that far fetched.
              Last edited by Jbignes5; 03-06-2010, 06:16 PM.


              • #67
                Earth Polar shift?

                I too, see that the sun is the cause of our severe weather, but scientists on the inside,those who do not comment on the media, have studied this phonomena for years of sun spots. They have concluded that we are in the path of a solar storm. They are still unsure as to what damage it will cause, but they all agree it will knock out the energy grid. The bible speaks of three days of darkness,is this years, or just days? We are on a timeline, but no one seems to know what that timeline is. Loss of power will strike a crushing blow to all the industrialized world. Earthquakes can also be a cause of suns solar activity, also causing sunamis over much of the ocean. But you are correct in the assumption that the single biggest threat to our civilization is an asteroid or comet.Although it has happened before, and will happen again, it is bout 1000/1 against a direct hit. What is more likely is that a large asteroid or comet will come close enough to cause a shift in the earths axis. Your weather could become like the north pole. Without the grid, you better be prepared to deal with it. It doesn't have to wait until 2012.Good Luck. Stealth


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Stealth View Post
                  I too, see that the sun is the cause of our severe weather, but scientists on the inside,those who do not comment on the media, have studied this phonomena for years of sun spots. They have concluded that we are in the path of a solar storm. They are still unsure as to what damage it will cause, but they all agree it will knock out the energy grid. The bible speaks of three days of darkness,is this years, or just days? We are on a timeline, but no one seems to know what that timeline is. Loss of power will strike a crushing blow to all the industrialized world. Earthquakes can also be a cause of suns solar activity, also causing sunamis over much of the ocean. But you are correct in the assumption that the single biggest threat to our civilization is an asteroid or comet.Although it has happened before, and will happen again, it is bout 1000/1 against a direct hit. What is more likely is that a large asteroid or comet will come close enough to cause a shift in the earths axis. Your weather could become like the north pole. Without the grid, you better be prepared to deal with it. It doesn't have to wait until 2012.Good Luck. Stealth
                  I doubt it will be a comet but the blowing out of our old sun and the new sun ignighting (jupiter). If there is a black hole in the sun the disconnection from the current sun could in fact reconnect to jupiter and contune from there. But like you said there will be a period of darkness to normal means of energy generation. Thats why I am going for the Tesla power system because it would work anywhere. In any event I believe the pyramids could in fact be reconstructed to work as they did the first time and shore up our own field around the planet. This would shield the incredible storm that would result from the snuffing out of our current sun or conduit closing.


                  • #69
                    As this sun to Jupiter sun scenario is also plausible, we would need to go to Mars to be close enough to Jupiter to live. Jupiter is smaller than the sun and therefore would not prduce enough heat to warm the Earth sufficiently for growing crops. Mars, on the other hand is closer to Jupiter, and could sustain life there if Jupiter became a sun. It would take a three month trip to reach Mars, plus time to build suitable shelter, since Mars has no atmosphere yet to shield the solar wind from the palnet, it would be an enormous undertaking, but could be accomplished if enough people pooled their resources. To live on the Earth in that case would require living underground in a sheltered environment, using solar energy and sun light to grow crops underground. The second option is the one I am considering. Whether a solar winter, or solar flares of EM radiation, underground seems to be the best choice. Unless we could actually create a shield to encompass the earth to from EM radiation barrier.Good Luck. Stealth


                    • #70
                      yeah check my other post..

                      Originally posted by Stealth View Post
                      As this sun to Jupiter sun scenario is also plausible, we would need to go to Mars to be close enough to Jupiter to live. Jupiter is smaller than the sun and therefore would not prduce enough heat to warm the Earth sufficiently for growing crops. Mars, on the other hand is closer to Jupiter, and could sustain life there if Jupiter became a sun. It would take a three month trip to reach Mars, plus time to build suitable shelter, since Mars has no atmosphere yet to shield the solar wind from the palnet, it would be an enormous undertaking, but could be accomplished if enough people pooled their resources. To live on the Earth in that case would require living underground in a sheltered environment, using solar energy and sun light to grow crops underground. The second option is the one I am considering. Whether a solar winter, or solar flares of EM radiation, underground seems to be the best choice. Unless we could actually create a shield to encompass the earth to from EM radiation barrier.Good Luck. Stealth
                      My other post is discussing just that. Enhance our field by use of the pyramids. The post name is
                      Check it out and see what you think...


                      • #71
                        New design based off of Tesla and Gray.

                        I have done some redesigning to fit my new theories as to the operation of the little box.
                        Weather or not there needs to be a carbon element in the normal spot of the Gray tube one can see how this works by following the descriptions of tesla. I am having a hard time of deciphering the correct orientation of the coil around the main pulser rod. It is either wrapped around the conductor or it is 90 degrees pointing out from the pulser rod.
                        Here is the around the rod diagram. It is a gray tube in essence with the exact description of what tesla told us it was.

                        One could simply add the carbon block back in the upper rod to facilitate a better dispursal of the radiant effect on the lower rod.
                        I will try to keep deciphering the Tesla method as best I can but I do think this is much closer to the Tesla method.


                        • #72
                          And here is the second version.

                          Since we have seen evidence that the tesla switch works from one potential only we could sumize that tesla did in fact use only one tube. Utilizing the difference between each end of the coil to provide current. Keeping that in mind here is the more correct version in my mind...

                          Give me some input on this would yah?


                          • #73
                            Absolutely not.

                            Originally posted by Stealth
                            I don't know whether it would work or not, but should be built to experiment with, just in case. The biggest issue that concerns me is that Tesla's box was AC. His electric motor was AC, the earths aetheric energy is AC at 60 HZ.
                            He could have rectified his current and used DC, it would have made speed control much easier,but he chose to use AC. This is the reason we use AC today at 60HZ. It is as close to tapping into the aetheric energy as we can get, without actually using it at it's full capability. This is the reason he wanted to use the earth as a conductor for his electricity,because AC will travel farther without loss than DC.Gray's tube I suspect was AC. All I have seen is him lighting an AC light bulb, with cold electricity. By splitting the positive, he was able to replicate what Tesla did earlier. We will never get the correct patent that Tesla left as it was confiscated after his death. I have come to the realization that all the patents have been altered or hidden to prevent replication. Tesla's gift to humanity was AC electricity. Without it there would not have been an industrial revolution. Good Luck. Stealth
                            I would suggest you read this link fully.

                            Nikola Tesla - The Complete Patents of Nikola Tesla - The Man who invented the 20th Century

                            Nature is not ac based. Nature is cyclic in nature because what drives it is the difference in potentials. With the more extreem changes comming from positive to negative. The Tesla switch proves that you can draw from the difference only of a single polarity.
                            AC in Tesla's own words just 3 years after giving it to us was this "AC is most unnatural" Meaning that it is not based off of what nature uses to run itself. AC is a forcing, consuming energy. You must pay to have that difference. With radiant energy it is everywhere because everything radiates in a wide range of degrees.
                            Impulse is radiant energy.


                            • #74
                              Please update this thread

                              Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
                              radiant energy
                              @Jbignes5, Do you have anything you can add regarding your results with this pursuit? I suppose your results were not as good as expected. Also, if you don't mind, what are your thoughts regarding the 1.8m "antenna" the nephew reported sticking from the box? In particular, I am trying to come up with a design for a radiant-energy receiving antenna. A simple long wire? Is 1.8m a good length for some reason? A square or rectangular metal "plate"? What size? These are some of the ideas I am trying to weigh. Thanks for your ideas.
                              There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
                                I would suggest you read this link fully.

                                Nikola Tesla - The Complete Patents of Nikola Tesla - The Man who invented the 20th Century

                                Nature is not ac based. Nature is cyclic in nature because what drives it is the difference in potentials. With the more extreem changes comming from positive to negative. The Tesla switch proves that you can draw from the difference only of a single polarity.
                                AC in Tesla's own words just 3 years after giving it to us was this "AC is most unnatural" Meaning that it is not based off of what nature uses to run itself. AC is a forcing, consuming energy. You must pay to have that difference. With radiant energy it is everywhere because everything radiates in a wide range of degrees.
                                Impulse is radiant energy.
                                Polarity is relative, even if a load is powered between two negatives of
                                different batteries one must be more negative or more positive than the other
                                for there to be a difference of potential, so the more positive one can be
                                thought of as the positive polarity as far as the load is concerned.


