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Tesla's little box (Pierce Arrow)

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  • #31
    Free energy

    I have often wondered, but have found no explanation, to confirm the law of thermodynamics that states, ''energy can not be created or destroyed''. If in fact, energy cannot be created or destroyed, then what happens to the electricity we use in our electric machinery? Does it revert back into the environment from which it came? Then why can't we create a machine with a closed loop to keep recirculating this energy? Why would it not run uanabaded forever, except for periodical maintenance? If it is only changed from one form to another, it should be possible to continue to change this process until we no longer have need for it. Until the period in which we become so advanced as to be capable of producing all our basic needs upon request from our own thoughts. When we have access to the nature of the universe itself,and can become one with all creation. Is this our ultimate goal, to not only observe the universe, but become one with it?I have read of several people who, I think, have done just that, to a certain extent.Will there be a time when our very thoughts manifest themselves into matter? Good Luck. Stealth


    • #32
      Answers I hope to help.

      Well our current system only uses current as the strengthener to our device. More power scotty. But there are many devices on this forum that don't need the current to run or very little. Our current devices usually disapate a good portion to over come other layers of rules like resistance(heat) and friction (heat) to name a few. Most the return energy gets reused to destroy the same Dipole That Bearden talks about. It's all a shuffle game even with out current devices or methods. No energy is being consumed at all. It just gets disapated or returned to the battery or whatever source you are using and a good portion to the environment for it to be recycled by nature.
      As for the Free energy you are talking about well how can it be free if we don't have to pay for it even in our current system. It isn't free, it is just there. With the right conditions it could and most likely will be used as a potential for something else. It never stays still and is in constant motion no matter if you are there or not. Free is a buzz word of this type of con. If you divert or convert it in a current device it goes thru the converter to the other things like heat and such. But if you hadn't pulled it off it's course it would have done what it always has done and continue to move and help the next thing move. It isn't Free. The problem is this free implies it has a cost somewhere and if what I have observed just because you don't pay for it there is still a cost. The cost might not be what comes out your battery but then gets shifted to maybe em radiation or anything else concidered a byproduct or a certain pollution (disorganized byproduct). Even with the methods I have descibed in this thread there sure will be a cost. But one thing I know is that cost will not take much to readjust to go back to it's natural form. With other methods the cost gets shifted. Take for instance the battery for a Bedini motor charger. the batteries go thru a fundamental change. They say they are conditioned. Well what I have seen is the material looks the same but the molocules of the plates and even the acid get smaller. Because the battery has all the energy sucked from it from between the particles that make it up. This is why the batteries on the kromrey converter had to be charged for hours or days before they would take the charge. This energy they squeezed out of it had to fill back up which is a slow process even when charged conventionally since this natural energy isn't in high amounts when using regular electricity. It could be the exact reference I put to about the capacitor or coil works the same in a battery. If you take more from one side it creates a complex field in the battery and it takes a while before it disapates and returns the battery to the normal condition.
      We need to start thinking in the byproducts as a cost. Yes when left alone it will revert and disorganize into the natural form but in the mean time the cost is a poison to our environment with curent methods which can and will be a poison to us.


      • #33

        no offense, but I wish you used a new-line more often. Or condense your thoughts to shorter sentences. Or both.

        So far your posts are sooo long, they seem like one long uninterrupted least for me it makes it very difficult to read or follow.
        Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


        • #34
          Free is a relative term. There is always an upfront cost involved with building a unit to convert this energy. Also there is a periodical maintenance cost, and or repair cost for parts. These things are a given. There can't be perpetual motion, as any friction and or heat reduces the efficiency to fall below what is needed to fully sustain its motion. All observable systems have a definite lifespan, from terrestrial to extaterrestrial planetary systems. Even galaxies have lifespans, although they use their power and materials to create more galaxies, so in a sense , they seem to be perpetual in that sense. When we use systems to produce energy, we are only creating a system for energy itself to propagate. We do not create elctricity, per se, but only create a conduit to channel energy through it.We have not created anything, but have only allowed energy from the environment to be captured and or manipulated. This is what Tesla did, and I hope you are able to capture and increase the energy to do your bidding. Then, it will cost you very little, if not free.Good Luck. Stealth


          • #35
            I Agree!

            Originally posted by Stealth View Post
            Free is a relative term. There is always an upfront cost involved with building a unit to convert this energy. Also there is a periodical maintenance cost, and or repair cost for parts. These things are a given. There can't be perpetual motion, as any friction and or heat reduces the efficiency to fall below what is needed to fully sustain its motion. All observable systems have a definite lifespan, from terrestrial to extaterrestrial planetary systems. Even galaxies have lifespans, although they use their power and materials to create more galaxies, so in a sense , they seem to be perpetual in that sense. When we use systems to produce energy, we are only creating a system for energy itself to propagate. We do not create elctricity, per se, but only create a conduit to channel energy through it.We have not created anything, but have only allowed energy from the environment to be captured and or manipulated. This is what Tesla did, and I hope you are able to capture and increase the energy to do your bidding. Then, it will cost you very little, if not free.Good Luck. Stealth
            I agree with you Stealth!
            The best historical evidence is this: Why J.P. Morgan destroyed the Wardenclyf Tower?!! Because he wanted to put meter on energy receivers and Tesla said that is FREE ENERGY generation!! and then he(Morgan) destroyed it! Energy can be generated freely but there is some cost for maintenance and designing the generators unit.



            • #36

              Originally posted by Stealth View Post
              I have often wondered, but have found no explanation, to confirm the law of thermodynamics that states, ''energy can not be created or destroyed''. If in fact, energy cannot be created or destroyed, then what happens to the electricity we use in our electric machinery? Does it revert back into the environment from which it came? Then why can't we create a machine with a closed loop to keep recirculating this energy? Why would it not run uanabaded forever, except for periodical maintenance? If it is only changed from one form to another, it should be possible to continue to change this process until we no longer have need for it. Until the period in which we become so advanced as to be capable of producing all our basic needs upon request from our own thoughts. When we have access to the nature of the universe itself,and can become one with all creation. Is this our ultimate goal, to not only observe the universe, but become one with it?I have read of several people who, I think, have done just that, to a certain extent.Will there be a time when our very thoughts manifest themselves into matter? Good Luck. Stealth
              Stealth, I have often thought of electricity as a form with mass, when in fact electrons have no mass(Matter is made out of waves!) and have been proved to be wave forms .This may explain wirelesss electicity which we know can be demonstrated. This whole area of extracting and making Aether work for us seems to follow a pattern of discovery. If you think of the puzzle as a jigsaw and step back and take a look at the pieces people have uncovered ,history gives us a clue in that, Resonance,high voltage , creating a stressed electrical field ( capacitors) ,spark gaps, and Magnetic quenching all seem to be the ingredients needed to make things happen.It has been documented that magnets are in fact a radiant energy sink and that the north and south poles are in fact the entry and exit points for the Aether. Tap into or harness this work horse and you tap into ZPE. I have been working on this for quite a while, using this lead in the attached doc. I have a been working on a device which combines the following works, Aspens, Cooks, and Hubbards coils incorporating magnetic quenching of a spark gap. I make no claims, but with I have witnessed some very interesting results. I am convinced that by putting all the above in a mixing pot and through trial and error ,you will stumble upon the answer. Tesla was an engineer ,who had the resources to tinker his whole life and he to stumbled on the unexplained. Think of what we have today at our finger tips( Electronics abound), and ask how come we havent already found the answer, its simply because none of us work collectively and poole our approach and thinking .Any back to that tinkering
              Attached Files
              Last edited by braden; 02-25-2010, 07:58 AM.


              • #37
                I am sorry.

                Originally posted by amigo View Post

                no offense, but I wish you used a new-line more often. Or condense your thoughts to shorter sentences. Or both.

                So far your posts are sooo long, they seem like one long uninterrupted least for me it makes it very difficult to read or follow.
                I understand and you have to bear with me. It is the way I communicate. It takes some time to get the gist of my concepts. It is also my very essense that has led me to this concept.

                I appologize if i run together or rehash stuff so many times. I can be obsessive about explaining everything all at once and it jumbles my ideas. I will work on condensing ideas more and refining my communications from now on.

                I just think it is important to fully understand this and sometimes I go overboard.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by leedskalnin View Post
                  I agree with you Stealth!
                  The best historical evidence is this: Why J.P. Morgan destroyed the Wardenclyf Tower?!! Because he wanted to put meter on energy receivers and Tesla said that is FREE ENERGY generation!! and then he(Morgan) destroyed it! Energy can be generated freely but there is some cost for maintenance and designing the generators unit.

                  As I have suggested the cost shifts to what happens when you seperate the polarities. This shifting makes weird things happen if it isn't of a higher frequency like Tesla reported in his experiments. So thats the cost I am talking about. Somethin akin to pollution but has a faster disapating or disorganizing factor. This is because it is closer to this fundamental source and has little translating or conversion to return to it's natural state.
                  Last edited by Jbignes5; 02-25-2010, 02:19 PM.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
                    I understand and you have to bear with me. It is the way I communicate. It takes some time to get the gist of my concepts. It is also my very essense that has led me to this concept.

                    I appologize if i run together or rehash stuff so many times. I can be obsessive about explaining everything all at once and it jumbles my ideas. I will work on condensing ideas more and refining my communications from now on.

                    I just think it is important to fully understand this and sometimes I go overboard.
                    While I got straight A's in high school and college English I tend to write like you do on forums. I personally think this type of writing indicates an intelligence where you see the connectedness of everything. It can be hard for some people to follow. I wouldn't worry much about it as sometimes getting your ideas down in written form can be sidetracked if you spend too much time concerning yourself with correct grammar and and formal writing style. I don't want to discourage you from working on your writing style though if that's important to you but just don't let it stop you from getting ideas out.
                    There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                    • #40
                      Thank you...


                      There is one thing I need help in and you guys are my goto men or ladies on that topic. I encourage you to help me stay focused by the ocassional pointing out of things that make it hard to understand.

                      I wanted to tackle a much higher order of these more then microscopic particles or conductors. Think of a volume of these particles. All in order and lined up like little magnets that float on planes that are 90 degreese from the radiative source. This volume can be expressed in a simpler way as looking thru multiple lcd screens at the same time.
                      They tend to link and connect in 3d version of multiple lcd's stacked from you to the source. These connectors from each lcd link to the ones behind it and when you move them in front of you it allows the connections to automatically align from the source to your eyes. Even though it allows you to see the source it only allows what you can percieve and the rest is deflected away from you just by you changing your viewing angle from the set angle of the connectors.
                      This radiative event is just that, 360 degrees all around the source. Since you only can percieve 2 angles with your eyes thru the network of connectors, you only see a limited amount of the energy that it is radiating. Now light has a value that takes to travel a distance because it is a wave of the source. The light has limits and not the connectors. Hence why there is a darkness around black holes. Since light is dragged into these black holes the drag must be faster then light can do to escape the attraction.
                      So faster then light travel is being done already in nature. That travel is the potentials moving on the network of connectors twords the black hole. The energy is still there it is just moved faster then it can to show the radiative event outwards.


                      • #41
                        Teslas discoveries

                        Tesla imagined a group of rods extending into space. He then contemplated the temperature difference of the rod ends here on earth, compared to the temperature of the ends of the ones extending into space. He knew if he could create that difference, he could exploit the energy radiating from it. He did manage to create a similar experimental condition. What he discovered was that when such a condition exists, there is a great potential for energy capture. He now only needed to redirect and change the energies signature to be compatable with his own invention,AC current. What he really discovered is, that space is one polarity, and earth is another. This is why lightning strikes the earth. Replicate this scenario and you can supply energy to all the world, just as Tesla supposed. You will need to create negative ions to cause this to happen. Good Luck. Stealth


                        • #42
                          Now back to the particles.

                          ......|>(+)<|......Weaker potential bond condition to the outside potentials

                          ......<|(+)|>......Stronger potential bond or amplified by the source charge

                          {+}<|<|<|(-)<|(-)<|(-)<|(-)<|(++++)|>(-)|>(-)|>(-)|>(-)|>|>|>{+}.......Major amplified source charge

                          {}= potential of the source or Ghost charge. (-) these are attracted in the original field and are part of the balance of nature to the supplied (+) source.
                          Remember that the (+)|> the tip is a focal point of the charge as pure potential of the charge following the conductor. The tip makes this a natural amplifier on a one way basis with alittle backwards ability to feedback to the source. The feedback is only on real charges and not the ghost charges or potential.
                          This is a slice of the method these particles use to go any distance by just pure charge potential from the source. With distance adding deresolution of the charges organization thru less and less of the end potentials conduits. Like a light bulb looking like a dot farther from the source.
                          These particles align to the potential original charges or attain a balance. After the balancing they just stack with more uncharged connectors afterward that can carry the potential to any distance. These are the connections that I am working on to describe anything in our nature. They are unfinished but a basic guide for now to some of the basic static transfer of potentials. With a little sight related examples as proofs of this concept.

                          I believe the most fundament shape for this particle is a pyramid. Why? Well think about this for a bit and look the the conductor. Knowing how like charges repell why would two of them stick on the charge potential. As with the Tesla switch we know a viariable voltage like an ac signal is generated by just taking the difference of a more negative voltage. Tesla knew this parallel and series setup was just a focuser. Lets look at two real charges.. (-)<----> (-).... We can all agree they repell right? Well now we introduce our potential provider or perfect conduit over space for this charge.
                          This would attract from the very nature of the particle. More area to conduct from the larger left area surface. The right charge is strongly pulled to the to the left charge because it is focused more twords the tip. Remember these particles are superconductors. For some reason they are the very substrate of what I bellieve makes up iron or ferrous materials. The natural background has a thinner grouping of these like in space. When bigger masses are formed these conductors tend to line up in a radiative way going from the center of the planet to the outer of space. Not loosing the connection but just the potential is present outside of the real (matter) charge fields. The ghost image that is distance related is only a ghost of the real matter all connected via channels or vastly dense fields of these conductors.
                          Everything exists on our world in shells and there is a reason for that. The singularity inside our planet is channeling the radiative material into spears all pointing out of our planets center. This material I believe was not of the same as the superconducting background. It could be said that they have an attraction to our matter. The matter reacts in different ways in having a variable amount in each different type of material or alloys of these different conductors in the superconducting materials. The variable is in the amount it contains and the size of them. This radiative event going on in our planets core pulls on the matter because of the on rush of everything radiating around it in it's charge field. Meaning a transferance of all the radiative falling into its recievers or conductors. I believe as you go closer to the core things get pulled on harder. Can anyone confirm this thru conventinal dogma? If thats a yes then we now know what causes gravity. And you can see where I am going with that can't you?

                          We can take this further by deducing that the sun is the opposite charge singularity then earth or any other clestial body in our solar system. This is what causes the orbit by the attraction and pulls of the rest of our solar systems charge polarity. I would also like to say that we must have the moon because it completes our balance in the whole solar system. Push one planet out of the acceptable range of orbit and blam the whole system is out of wack. It would realign naturally by itself if left alone though.
                          This could also be the explaination of the Ice age that happened in our history. By a 13th planet exploding, wherever it was, would throw the entire solar system off and it would need to rebalance taking a pretty long time.
                          Last edited by Jbignes5; 02-25-2010, 09:43 PM.


                          • #43
                            Long messages

                            Too often people try to condense their thoughts too much when writing messages and end up leaving questions or misunderstandings about the details. I would rather see longer messages bearing on a single topic than too short and feeling still in the dark. Granted you can go too far (Beardon's wrings drive me crazy) but I don't normally see that in the forums.


                            • #44
                              I agree

                              Originally posted by Mavrick23 View Post
                              Too often people try to condense their thoughts too much when writing messages and end up leaving questions or misunderstandings about the details. I would rather see longer messages bearing on a single topic than too short and feeling still in the dark. Granted you can go too far (Beardon's wrings drive me crazy) but I don't normally see that in the forums.

                              The problem that I see with my writing is that it goes this way and that. I am trying now to keep on closely related concepts so as to not make it tough to read. But I find myself drifting from unorganized to a razor sharp thought about a concept and back again.
                              The problem is this concept and further concepts are completely comming to me the further I try to focus on the subject. I start from the basic rules of motion and potential creation and add a rules from there to explain little parts of physics.
                              The concepts there is in a roughed out shape and need refinement and maybe a mathimatical ruleset designed around the original base set of rules. Much like in my onion example.

                              The core set run it all. With each layer adding additional branches of complexity and interaction rules. The complexity comes from clumping of the connectors into groups and size of the connectors.

                              Matter seems be a condensing of these particles that drag other much larger matter into clumps or groups centered around much smaller singularities like the heart of the atom. The external being the Electron sphere or shell. One potential inside and one outside with the outside being a potential ghost charge that is opposite the internals polarity. Since atoms are still relatively small the ghost charge can effect the internal singularity because it is within it's charge field. This would allow you to shift to and from the energy inside the singularity. Maybe resonance applies here?
                              I lost my thought. I think I'll rest for a bit.
                              Last edited by Jbignes5; 02-25-2010, 11:59 PM.


                              • #45
                                Sorry for the delay..

                                I am a computer technician and when I was given the chance to test Windows 7 I jumped on it. Unfortunately my rc candidate ran out and I re installed my XP x64. So that the reason for my lack of posts as of late.

                                Is everyone following this stuff or do we have unanswered questions? I might be able to help you out with the methods I am trying to infer here. Any method that you are having a hard time with can, in the best of my ability, will be answered.

