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Tesla's little box (Pierce Arrow)

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  • #76
    Originally posted by JvaB
    Hello !

    Is this Thread stil alive !
    It is now, LOL.


    • #77
      Interesting remarks by JB at the beginning about AC being so limited in Tesla's experience. I was following JB's progress on a toroid with caduceus windings (on the overunity forum) that he was only able to bring to resonance with AC. Until that point, I had assumed that pulsed DC was really the way to go. I guess it depends on the setup and its config.
      One way to get the AC in would be with an inverter, but a mag amp would probably be a better-sized option. I'd be interested to see where JB is now with the DC-AC issue.


      Edit June 7th: Terribly sorry -- It wasn't JBigness posting on the toroide with caduceus windings, but Jacknoskills. He maintained that only AC would get his toroid to hit resonance, and that DC didn't have the desired effect. I've always been a fan of pulsed DC, but Jack's post caught my attention. Hope I didn't mislead anyone. B
      Last edited by Bob Smith; 06-08-2013, 03:26 AM. Reason: Update and correction


      • #78
        Hi everyone, I cannot remember where I picked up this story from but my research tells me that Tesla ditched AC experiments completely after visiting the pyramids in Egypt.

        The other thing which seems more highly likely than sending power to the Piece Arrow via the air or ground is the battery that his last known living assistant of Tesla stated he witnessed.

        I know the inventor that tracked him down and carried out this interview:

        Arthur Mathews about Tesla

        I know what sounds more likely, a battery that does 500 miles with an interchangeable zinc rod.

        I believe the battery must have used radium or uranium to produce so much power for so long.

        Tesla's material finder sounds very interesting. I wonder who has their hands on that tech?

        Best regards,



        • #79
          Originally posted by Stealth View Post
          You are right about DC being the way to achieve FE or OU. AC doesn't have the capability to capture BEMF or aether..... [snip] Stealth
          An artificial sine wave produced with a flattened top and bottom by the use of two diodes may qualify for a DC 'capturing' of the aether while still accommodating an AC motor...

          Circuit Simulator Applet ported to JavaScript by Iain Sharp, from the original in Java by Paul Falstad, Used Here to Promote the Simulation of Surges Arising from the Judicious Use of Negative Resistance.

          Circuit Simulator Applet ported to JavaScript by Iain Sharp, from the original in Java by Paul Falstad, Used Here to Promote the Simulation of Surges Arising from the Judicious Use of Negative Resistance.

          Not twelve radio tubes, but twelve vacuum tube capacitors...
          Vacuum variable capacitor - Wikipedia


          • #80
            This is a lively discussion...

            ..over at DIY Electric Car forum on magamps used for overunity gain...
            magnetic amplifier to boost performance - DIY Electric Car Forums


            • #81
              Overunity can be Theorized to Depend on Series Resistance



              • #82
                Divide and Conquer the Synthesis of Electrical Watts



                • #83
                  Parametric Capacitance Powering Four Wires in 1 Coil of a 3 Phase A/C Induction Motor



                  • #84
                    Inversion of Location of an A/C Induction Motor's Voltage Source

                    It's quite possible that Tesla's Pierce-Arrow is an inverted A/C single phase induction motor. Inverted in the sense that, instead of 120V at 60 Hz feeding a voltage coil of many turns of thin wire wrapped around a bobbin positioned on the armature surrounding the squirrel cage of modern day motors, he may have fed 1Meg Hz of very low voltage (gathered from the aerial atop the backside of the car) to the pair of stout copper wires (conventionally known as starter coils on induction motors). These current-oriented starter coils are commonly wrapped around (and through) the laminations of a single-phase, A/C induction motor. But I suspect that Tesla may have been expecting to indirectly induce high voltage, low current nearby on the voltage coil/s instead of direct inducement (by standard conventions of today). Using the zipped schematic, presented here and simulated in Micro Cap, it's possible to speculate how simple was his setup!...

                    The project box would have merely contained a HF sinewave generator. The custom built A/C motor serves as its own step up transformer as per my simulation's requirements (if I'm anywhere near the mark). Since it's directly connected to the current coils of the A/C motor (not its voltage coil), the 1Meg Hz (or thereabouts) sinewave must pass through heavy cable (on its way to the front of the car) so as to offer as little resistance as possible to the massive current of low voltage traveling through it and emanating from its side (the side of a step up transformer in which current is expected to accumulate). The low voltage of these heavy cables supplies what little is needed to power this sinewave generator. This low voltage is sourced from the aerial on the backside of the car (according to what my simulation is suggesting and what an 8 ft. aerial is expected to gather from ground level).

                    Additionally, the A/C motor would have had to been custom made to handle HFs. Motors of today boast being developed for several thousand Hz to power hybrids. Since my simulation is merely a suggestion of what may be required to make this a successful venture, it's possible that I've slightly overshot bare minimums?


                    Category:Uploads by Vinyasi
                    From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository

                    Download Inverted EV Motor -- Micro Cap simulation --View Contents

                    HF Gravitics -- Here's a little something extra just for kicks.... [PDF]
                    Last edited by Vinyasi; 12-20-2018, 11:41 PM.


                    • #85
                      An important discovery...

                      ...linking Tesla's demonstration to the Ammann bros'.



                      • #86
                        It's staring right in front of our faces!!!

                        If we assume the height of the antenna at the back of the car to be two meters, and we further assume the two little rods sticking out of Tesla's project box were doubling as aerials one inch in height, each, then the ratio difference between them is 80 to 1: exactly the same frequency used by Tesla's Special Generator (according to Thomas Commerford Martin). In other words, a beat frequency of 80 Hz gets generated from the quarter wavelength aerial at the rear of the car resonating at 50 Mega Hz blended with the quarter wavelength from the two little aerials sticking out of his project box each resonating at 4 Giga Hz. Thus, he ran his motor off of a beat frequency of 80 Hz!

                        Beat Frequency Ran Tesla's Pierce-Arrow, pt1 of 2


                        • #87


                          • #88
                            Try again…


                            • #89
                              The gap between the two copper spheres of the Ammann device

