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Building the golden section in various cone sizes?

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  • Building the golden section in various cone sizes?

    Hi ALL, Guys, does any one know about the sacred ratio or the golden mean 1.618 in the case of applying it to building a concentric metal cone?
    Its for Orgone research and a Write up, we built a pyramid or PYRAC, but want to build a cone for the PDF.

    Am trying to build and test various type of SIZED cones based ON THE GOLDEN SECTION for accumulators, For example, how can a cone that's 4 X 4 have the golden mean dimensions and a cone that's one meter high can have the same golden section? I guess like the Pyramids can?Apparently Boeing wind tunnel tested their designs to show that it likes the golden section and are based on it, any one know any thing about this how to build different sized cones on the golden section? apparently this book might have some clues.
    The power of limits: proportional ... - Google Books
    Trying to find how to build a cone that has the golden section.

    Its still beyond me how to vary the sizes, i found a pyramid book on the net covering how to do the golden section in a pyramid, guys i am waay too dumb to figure how you would do a cone with it, hope the book is useful for others tho. Pyramid Plans.pdf
    Pyramid_Plans.pdf - download now for free. File sharing. Software file sharing. Free file hosting. File upload.

    Last edited by ashtweth; 03-01-2011, 11:29 PM.

  • #2
    How about this:
    Golden rectangle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    According to wiki:

    If it is cone maybe its circle area vs it's height:
    height = (phi * radius^2)^(1/2) / 1.6180339887

    height equal to the square root of cone base area divided by golden ratio constant.

    height = (phi * radius^2)^(1/2) * 1.6180339887

    height equal to the square root of cone base area multiplied by golden ratio constant.
    Last edited by sucahyo; 02-25-2010, 07:07 AM.


    • #3
      Hi sucahyo many thanks for that man, i am gonna order the book and see if it can give us all some more clues. Many thanks for the information man.


      • #4
        Golden Cone?

        Hi Ash;

        Maybe this will help while you are waiting on the book.

        The Golden Christmas Tree « Let's Play Math!

        Good luck with your project!



        • #5
          Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
          Hi sucahyo many thanks for that man, i am gonna order the book and see if it can give us all some more clues. Many thanks for the information man.
          Here is another alternative.

          Based from great pyramid in giza

          According to The Great Pyramid: Measurements, the angle is 51.844444, base length 230.4 meter, height 146.5 meter.

          According to Great Golden Pyramid, the base is squaring the circle.


          cone height = cone radius * tan (51.844444)
          cone height = cone radius * 1.2728

          I think it is better if the cone dimension is a scale of real thing. Maybe radius of 115.2 cm and height of 146.5 cm.


          • #6
            Golden ratio

            Did'nt see this one in the list, good info and easy to understand:

            Energy Research


            • #7
              Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
              Guys, does any one know about the sacred ratio or the golden mean 1.618 in the case of applying it to building a concentric metal cone? Its for Orgone research..... Am trying to build and test various SIZED cones based ON THE GOLDEN SECTION for accumulators...... any one know any thing about this how to build different sized cones on the golden section? .... Ash
              Hi Ash,

              If anyone would know a lot about cones, it would probably be this bunch of guys............

              In all seriousness, though, it seems that you want to try and build an efficient "orgone accumulator," right? That seems like a rather tricky venture, as there really isn't any scientific method of determining how much orgone you are able to accumulate, if any. At least that is my understanding concerning orgone. And I'm wondering if your interest in orgone is for biomedical use, or as a renewable energy source. I know that Wilhelm Reich thought he was onto something with orgone, and that the FDA had him sent to jail and destroyed all his orgone apparatus and literature, and of course that all smells a lot like some strong-handed suppression, but then again it is possible that Reich was just bilking people with quack treatments. I know many people have said that orgone therapy sessions have made them feel better, but many people also feel better after taking placebo tablets that do nothing, and of course this is due to a positive attitude, and belief that the placebo will be effective.

              Perhaps another cone idea worthy of some experimentation with, and which might have a better chance of leading to a successful, useful, and quantifiable apparatus, would be the Clem Cone Motor, shown below. Have you looked into that at all?

              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • #8
                Rick, i know that the ratio is resonant with some thing and has harmonics, perhaps that's why their heads are slightly too the left LOL

                On a serious note thanks so much , ANTIQUER , sucahyo and rick123 .
                I received some cone dimensions apparently based on them so i need to try and back engineer it. Yes doing some orgone accumulators guys will post progress, test results and PDF's on it and include all your helpful links thanks so much for posting guys.

                @Rick, well i wonder if the Tesla pump would flow better with the same ratio and if that cone there would too, Boeing showed that wind tunnel testings likes this dimensions for flow, i think in mechanical application not to mention orgone devices this ratio is over looked, dont forget all of Trevor James constables etheric weather engineering devices are told by him in his video's to be based on the golden section.

                YouTube - Trevor James Constable's Airborne And Sea Operations

                So maybe this device you posted would benefit?



                • #9
                  Guys got this from a friend.

                  Hi Norm,

                  Did you ever see the one that I designed for Joseph Bender? He built it according to the plans that I gave him, to create a vortex of pure resonance. It might still be at the water plant. Its purpose was to balance the energies in the water. Once built, it was a very nearly perfect tornado shape, which tells us something about the power source of tornados as well.

                  It's called the "square the circle" vortex, because it uses 1/2 pi as the constant to determine the angular dimensions of the cone, based upon the vesica pisces of the overlapping spheres. This enables the cone to resonate at many base frequencies..which means that phi unwinds within its length. I think that Bose uses the same design in their radios.

                  Sony always used to design speaker enclosures based on phi ratios, for the same reason. Years ago, I bought Mel's old table saw to build my own speaker enclosures, using phi ratios. Even cheap car speakers resonated beautifully.

                  But I guess to answer your question, you don't directly design the phi cone. You design the "square the circle" cone, and it unwinds vibrations along the phi spiral between its ends.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                    It's called the "square the circle" vortex,
                    Squaring the circle is not what you think. It's a classical geometry problem with other significance unrelated to your practical needs. Only for it's significance I give you the reference from Wikipedia Squaring the circle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                    In short, graphically the problem is shown in the attached picture (Squaring_the_circle.gif)

                    Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                    ... because it uses 1/2 pi as the constant to determine the angular dimensions of the cone, based upon the vesica pisces of the overlapping spheres.
                    Just now I barely understood (I think) what you meant. Is about the approximation using the Fibonacci numbers? Again, this is an approximation and I think a better one is using "pentagons" - see picture pentagonal.jpg.

                    What I think you referred to is (again in Wikipedia Golden ratio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) shown in the picture FakeRealLogSprial.jpg. It is shown the real Phi spiral against the approximation using the squares.
                    If this doesn't bother you, then the solution to your question is to look at the squares in 3D and see them as cubes. Now see the funnelled Phi spiral?
                    The approximation is even worst though.

                    The problem I see is why do you want to use this shape? Because Sony and other corporations do? I know Phi is a cool number but there are many other cool numbers. Why wouldn't you use Sqrt(3) if you mentioned vesica pisces?
                    Or Sqrt(2)? Or "e", this is the "natural"?

                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      Hi barbosi, thanks for the extra tips and info interesting, it has to be a cone for the ORAC(orgone accumulator) , pictured here is a cone based on the golden section which is exactly how we are supposed to build the accumulator.
                      Apparently you can have various sized cones, this is a mystery to me how its done




                      • #12
                        Not sure if this is helpful at all in relation to this topic, but here's one way to look at Phi, also describing connection to the square and sqrt2 :

                        David Icke's Official Forums - View Single Post - The Vortex Maths - Marko Rodin Thread

                        Note regarding the previous post, it's helpful to note you can find these relationships dividing different fibonacci numers with different lenghts apart from each other.. not just Phi, but other √(x²+1)+x = 1/(√(x²+1)-x) type relationships as well.. Here we can also note a link of Phi to pythagoras theorem (!)

                        Here's how you can find these in a square of 1

                        David Icke's Official Forums - View Single Post - The Vortex Maths - Marko Rodin Thread

                        David Icke's Official Forums - View Single Post - The Vortex Maths - Marko Rodin Thread

                        divisions of sqrt3, as in 1.5, 0.75 etc. would be found in the inscribed tetrahedron of course..

                        Not sure of the meaning, if there even is any other than simple geometrics, anyway it seems funny we always refer to text book example of sqrt5 +1 / 2 when talking about Phi, which IMO in this light seems a rather backward approach.. Wouldn't you agree(?)

                        Here's some interesting links connecting pythagoras theorem (and 3-4-5 triangle) as part of a standing wave theory:

                        The Particle: In/out wave enigmas

                        Metaphysics: Philosophy of Science: Deducing Most Simple Science Theory of Reality

                        PS. Here's also a post describing how you can combine Fibonacci and Lucas number sequences and other similar sequences, all resulting with Phi:

                        David Icke's Official Forums - View Single Post - The Vortex Maths - Marko Rodin Thread
                        Last edited by jtstatic; 03-04-2010, 01:23 PM. Reason: paragraph order


                        • #13
                          One final note regarding square and tetrahedron, or equilateral triangle / square, I think it's always interesting to note that (sqrt2 + sqrt3) / 2 is actually quite close to Pi ... although apart from that, there doesn't seem to be much more to it. Pi is still unique, and although there are people who claim that Pi would be actually related to Phi, I don't think it could be true, because mathematically you can't accurately link them together. Anyway the circle can be connected to other forms like inscribing with platonic solids, and as such it is unique and has it's own place. So don't really know if there is any reason to "square the circle" (?)
                          Last edited by jtstatic; 03-04-2010, 12:14 PM. Reason: additional remarks


                          • #14

                            Perhaps if you measure the photograph you will get some numbers that help you.

                            A Phenomenon is anything which can be apprehended by the senses.


                            • #15
                              Rick i still get a laugh out of that.

                              here is the answer guys, its in this book
                              The Power of Limits By Gyorgy Doczi


