And there is the entire possibility of his wife being the one that did much
of the work for him and she never got credit. In their personal letters,
he thanked her repeatedly for her assistance and contribution, etc... it is
almost as if she came up with most of it and verified it and possibly was
doing the math that he didn't understand. His wife is possibly one of his
main sources that he was hiding
It will be impossible to know all the facts about this but it is an absolute
fact of him giving her much appreciation and thanks for doing all kinds of
work for him on all of this, which makes it very questionable as to who was
the real brains behind it - it certainly wasn't him by himself. His wife did
play a big role - whatever it really was.
On the simple side of things, isn't the distinction pointed out that nothing
with mass is supposed to be able to travel faster than the speed of light?
There are "massless charges" of the aether or whatever you want to call it,
that pure massless potential. That wouldn't be limited.
I personally believe the positive potential of the "quantum flux" is exerting
a push on the proton of mass to give the inertia and if with high voltages,
that aether can be deflected around the shell of mass/ship, then there
is no inertia and the entire game changes. The whole light speed limit
concept, even if true, only applies to something subject to that which gives
the resistance to movement (aether in my opinion).
I saw mention of slowing light down to a crawl. I remember when that was
done. There was also the cesium chamber experiment with a photon pulsed
into the chamber and it completely exited BEFORE it fully even entered! It was like 350+
times the speed of light. That was done by some NEC lab I believe about
10 years ago. I'll try to find the reference but I'm sure there are others
here that remember that.
This is why I said they used his contribution to lock people into a religion.
Same as the human genome scam project. The establishment will use
whatever perspective it needs to push its agenda. Reality is that only 2%
of diseases in people are "genetically predisposed" like cystic fibrosis,
down's syndrome and others.
Diabetes, heart disease, etc... the main thing inherited by parents aren't
diabetes causing genes, it is HABITS and DIET and LIFESTYLE that is
passed down from generation to generation. That is what causes all those
problems that are 99%+ preventable. Take those people and put them into
a different lifestyle with healthy diet and those things go away, it is just
an absolute indisputable fact. And their children are no longer "predisposed"
to those problems.
As long as the mass majority are brainwashed into believing they aren't
responsible for their own health and that genetics are blamed, people think
they can't do much about it, go along with quack advice and get hooked
on meds for the rest of their life making the criminals rich.
Human Genome
AWG (manmade global warming)
this is a very long list...
15 years ago was the first time I really read Einstein and meditated on it
quite a bit. My tendency was to buy most of it with very limited
understanding but I have to admit that his descriptions of imagining being
a beam of light and all those mental explorations was very inspiring and
influential for me.
As an interesting tidbit, he had multiple affairs behind his wife's back and
has multiple illegitimate children and some are alive and well today.
Originally posted by Bob Smith
View Post
of the work for him and she never got credit. In their personal letters,
he thanked her repeatedly for her assistance and contribution, etc... it is
almost as if she came up with most of it and verified it and possibly was
doing the math that he didn't understand. His wife is possibly one of his
main sources that he was hiding

It will be impossible to know all the facts about this but it is an absolute
fact of him giving her much appreciation and thanks for doing all kinds of
work for him on all of this, which makes it very questionable as to who was
the real brains behind it - it certainly wasn't him by himself. His wife did
play a big role - whatever it really was.
Originally posted by lamare
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with mass is supposed to be able to travel faster than the speed of light?
There are "massless charges" of the aether or whatever you want to call it,
that pure massless potential. That wouldn't be limited.
I personally believe the positive potential of the "quantum flux" is exerting
a push on the proton of mass to give the inertia and if with high voltages,
that aether can be deflected around the shell of mass/ship, then there
is no inertia and the entire game changes. The whole light speed limit
concept, even if true, only applies to something subject to that which gives
the resistance to movement (aether in my opinion).
I saw mention of slowing light down to a crawl. I remember when that was
done. There was also the cesium chamber experiment with a photon pulsed
into the chamber and it completely exited BEFORE it fully even entered! It was like 350+
times the speed of light. That was done by some NEC lab I believe about
10 years ago. I'll try to find the reference but I'm sure there are others
here that remember that.
Originally posted by broli
View Post
Same as the human genome scam project. The establishment will use
whatever perspective it needs to push its agenda. Reality is that only 2%
of diseases in people are "genetically predisposed" like cystic fibrosis,
down's syndrome and others.
Diabetes, heart disease, etc... the main thing inherited by parents aren't
diabetes causing genes, it is HABITS and DIET and LIFESTYLE that is
passed down from generation to generation. That is what causes all those
problems that are 99%+ preventable. Take those people and put them into
a different lifestyle with healthy diet and those things go away, it is just
an absolute indisputable fact. And their children are no longer "predisposed"
to those problems.
As long as the mass majority are brainwashed into believing they aren't
responsible for their own health and that genetics are blamed, people think
they can't do much about it, go along with quack advice and get hooked
on meds for the rest of their life making the criminals rich.
Human Genome
AWG (manmade global warming)
this is a very long list...
15 years ago was the first time I really read Einstein and meditated on it
quite a bit. My tendency was to buy most of it with very limited
understanding but I have to admit that his descriptions of imagining being
a beam of light and all those mental explorations was very inspiring and
influential for me.
As an interesting tidbit, he had multiple affairs behind his wife's back and
has multiple illegitimate children and some are alive and well today.