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My proposed explanation for the great pyramids.

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  • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    What the Egyptians don't want
    is to admit that the builders of the pyramids were not their ancestors.

    I believe the pyramid is 12000-14000 years old seems like common sense
    when looking at just a few factors. Orion was rising above the horizon at
    a certain time of the year only back during that time frame of which the
    Giza complex is a mirror image of the Orion constellation. 3 pyramids are the belt and the sphinx is m42 or m43 (orion nebula location).
    I'm with you, Aaron, in thinking that the age of the Giza complex is likely in that range, if not older. An age of 12, 510 years, for example, would date the complex to 10, 500 BC, and as I pointed out in an earlier post this was the last time at which the Giza complex was aligned as a perfect mirror image to the constellation Orion. The last near alignment occurred around 2500BC, but was not perfect. Only by winding back the precessional clock to the year 10,500 BC is the Hermetic principle ‘as above so below’ discovered. The celestial skies as they occurred over Giza around 10,500 BC were perfectly reflected in the layout of the pyramids and the river Nile on the plateau. Around 10,500 BC Orion appeared perfectly over the meridian running through the Great Pyramid, and reached its lowest elevation of 9° 20’ in the 26,000 year precession cycle. Incidentally, The meridian running through the Great Pyramid deviates from the perfect North-South meridian by 3 arc minutes (3/60 part of a degree). With all our modern technology this precision couldn’t even be achieved in the construction of the Greenwich Observatory in London that marks the Prime Meridian of the world with an inaccuracy of 9 arc minutes and is therefore three times less accurate than the Great Pyramid! The Earth's axis moves through space in a cone shaped displacement during the presession cycle, which can be likened to the precession diagram of a gyrating, spinning top shown below.

    At any point in the circular north axial path, the Earth will align with a certain point in our galaxy, and sometimes that point is a star or a constellation. This is why a perfect alignment with the constellation Orion is only possible every 26,000 years.

    After reaching its lowest point, around 10,500 BC, the Belt of Orion started to climb back into the skies to reach an elevation of 45 degrees by 2500 BC, the time of the alignment of the southern air shaft with the brightest star of Orion’s Belt. In our current era around 2000 AD Orion has reached its highest elevation of 59 degrees and for the next 13,000 years of the precession cycle Orion will be descending until it is once again in perfect alignment with the Giza complex sometime around 15,000 AD.

    Due to the fact that the Giza pyramid was constructed to mirror the constellation Orion, the fact that the Great Pyramid is so closely aligned to true north (and probably was perfectly so aligned at one time), and the fact that the pyramid is an exacting standard of astronomical, geophysical, and numeric measures, it is only safe to assume that the builders planned the layout of the Giza complex to be in perfect alignment with Orion at a specific point in time. Their knowledge of the universe was so highly advanced that they knew precisely when that time of perfect alignment would occur, and therefore the Giza complex must have been completed by or before 10,500 BC. If designed and built to align correctly in 2,500 BC, the layout of the complex and the design factors of each component would have had to be different than what they are. Considering the mathematical and astronomical precision to which the Great Pyramid was constructed, would we be wise to assume that the builders simply goofed up the alignment to Orion in 2,500 BC? I don't think so, and for them to have built the complex in 2,500 to 5,000 BC to be in perfect alignment with Orion 5,500 to 8,000 years earlier makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    Consider also that the Sphinx faces East at the exact location where the Sun rises on the day of the vernal equinox (21 March). At sunrise on the vernal equinox around 10,500 BC the Sun aligned itself with the constellation Leo, its own celestial counterpart image in the sky. Scientists agree that erosion at the base of the Sphinx was caused by water, and not by wind and sand. The last known period of time when this could have occurred would have been at the end of the last Ice Age, which would have been around 10,500 BC. So this dates the Sphinx to a time more than 12,000 years ago.

    According to the late Edgar Cayce, the Great Pyramid was built by refugees of the legendary Atlantis that was destructed after a great cataclysm that happened around 10,500 BC, and this we know is certainly true of the end of the last Ice Age, which flooded the Earth and carved out mountains and valleys as the glaciers receeded. Around the world there are about three hundred known legends that speak of a great flood that once swept the Earth. The ancient civilizations of South America shared in these legends. Interestingly, latest checks of astronomical alignment of Tihuanaco, Bolivia, say that it was built about 12,500 years ago, the same time reference as the Giza complex. And similarly to the Giza complex, all of the South American pyramid complexes were constructed to mirror constellations with perfect alignment only occurring during the 10,500 BC time period. Coincidence? I think not.

    Much of the information reflected in this post is gleaned from Illuminating the Mysteries of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx - by Jan Wicherink

    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
      "In that that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord, and it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of Hosts". ISAIAH 19, 19-20.

      That is the great pyramid.

      As a note, in the biblical verse, how can it be in the "midst" and at the
      border of Egypt at the same time? Giza means Border And Giza really isn't in the literal middle or midst of Egypt, which midst is a very subjective term.
      Actually, Aaron, it is in the true center of ancient Egypt. In ancient times, before the unification of the country, there was lower Egypt (north) and upper Egypt (south). The borderline between the two Egypts goes right through the Pyramid, thus placing the Pyramid both in the center and at the border of Egypt.

      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Was the Sphinx documented by the Sumerians?

        Quoted from Ancient cities under the sands of Giza

        It was recorded in ancient Sumerian cylinder seals that the secret abode of the Anunnaki was "an underground place. . . entered through a tunnel, its entrance hidden by sand and by what they call Huwana. . .his teeth as the teeth of a dragon, his face the face of a lion". That remarkable old text, unfortunately fragmented, added that "He [Huwana] is unable to move forward, nor is he able to move back", but they crept up on him from behind and the way to "the secret abode of the Anunnaki" was no longer blocked. The Sumerian record provided a probable description of the Sphinx at Giza, and if that great creature was built to guard or obliterate ancient stairways and lower passages leading to subterranean areas below and around it, then its symbolism was most appropriate.
        While we know that the Sphinx has the body of a lion, the head appears to be human and of Egyptian characteristics, and that would seem to contradict what is stated in the above quote. But something isn't quite right about the proportions of the head to the body - it is way too small in comparison. An answer to this lies in the fact that there is hardly any sign of erosion at the head, while the body shows definite signs of water erosion. Thus, it is likely that the original head was eroded substantially, not having been protected by sand cover as was the lower body, and that the Egyptians cut away the eroded lion's head and fashioned a new and much smaller head bearing the features of an Egyptian, probably as ordered by one of the pharaohs. The Sumerian quote, shown above, says, "the face of a lion," and would therefore make sense as a reference to the Sphinx, especially considering the alignment of the Sun to the constellation Leo in 10,500 BC, with the Sphinx directly facing the rising Sun as reported in my 2nd previous post today.

        The above linked website offers a great deal of information concerning the underground passages and chambers in and around Giza. These are extensive, and not only provide a connection between the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid, but to the other Giza structures and to a labyrinth of rooms, courts, and halls 125 feet and more below the Giza plateau, and cut from solid bedrock. This also is said to extend into a massive, natural underground cavern that extends eastward from the Giza plateau and beneath Cairo. A virtual underground city. Ground penetrating radar has confirmed the existence of such passages and chambers, and recent satellite imagery has detected other nearby sites where underground cities are likely to be found. It would seem that these were built in expectance of a catastrophic event, rather than as the result of one, and would appear to have been included as part of the plans of the Giza complex. From eyewitness accounts of what was seen in these underground areas, they would appear to be no less spectacular than the above ground structures.

        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Roman Cement

          Originally posted by ANTIQUER View Post
          Hi Aaron;

          Thought this would interest you; very thorough report.

          The Riddle of Ancient Roman Concrete, David Moore, PE

          Interesting about Roman Concrete. Never heard of it until Captain
          brought it up.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • Hi Rick;

            Don't know if you have seen this, but it has a lot of good info. on the Sphinx, complete with drawings of the tunnels, etc. under it.

            Sphinx Facts and Schematics - Crystalinks

            There was also a program on PBS recently that was good. They talked about how the body and esp. the paws look out of proportion due to layers having been added over time by various Pharaohs to preserve it, and how the head is made of different limestone which is softer or harder, can't remember which. Perhaps with your skills you can find it on their website.

            Did you know there used to be a mate to this Sphinx? It was across the Nile and faced this one, and there were smaller ones near it.



            • Egypt, Mu, and Ainu


              That is interesting that Giza was the center of ancient Egypt.

              I just checked Google Earth but the sky search doesn't allow any rolling
              back for forward of the time line to see what the constellation positions
              were are will be. In the late 80's when I was in high school, I had a program
              called Galileo either on my Commodore 128 or Amiga 2000 and I could roll
              the date back 12000 years or whatever I wanted and change my position
              on the Earth to see what the positions are. Would be nice if Google Earth
              allowed that function. The 10500 bc seems to be the definite time that
              all the complexes around the world had this sky reflection alignment
              synchronicity. I don't think it is coincidence. There was definitely some
              global coordinated effort in all of this.

              As a note, the Dec 21, 2012 alignment date - I've never seen if anyone
              has used these astrological programs to see if the alignment is actually
              on that date according to our modern calendar that is probably off 4 years
              meaning 2008 could be the actual 2012 date - not sure but the Mayan
              calendar date may or may not be coinciding with our current calender
              12/21/2012 - but a star chart to roll the date to the actual alignment
              could tell us really when it is - unless the date we know of was
              coordinated with astrological positioning already and that date is actually

              I do lean towards the Atlantis survivor school of thought that founded
              the original Egyptian civilization. G.I. Gurdjieff actually has some very
              interesting information that points to the possibility that the original
              "Christian" teachings has their origin in the ancient Egyptian teachings that
              were brought form Atlantis. I would highly recommend that anyone watch
              Meetings with Remarkable Men - very profound in my opinion. Gurdjieff's
              story. And it is the Sufi's that have preserved this ancient knowledge
              from his own quest.

              There is a monument in Egypt depicting the story of the survivors taking
              a boat or arc to Egypt and spells out the entire cataclysmic event. Those
              survivors are the bringers of the knowledge. It has been a long time since
              I was immersed in this research but if I can find a reference to this
              monument, I'll post it.

              The Apollonius of Tyana the Nazarene writings by Philostratus point to the
              same connection to Ancient Egypt - but in those he shows that the
              teachings were preserved by the Upanishads that took it up into the

              There are too many references to these ancient teachings either being
              in those Himalaya regions, which are said to come originally from ancient
              Egypt. The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East by Spalding
              gives similar accounts. And the concept of Christ's "missing years" showing
              that he may have been through the ancient Tibetan monasteries and
              learned many of the ancient teachings, mastered them beyond all of them,
              eventually came back and taught.

              Then of course there is James Churchward of the Lost Continent of Mu
              and the sacred symbols books. Showing how he supposedly found many
              tablets in South America that were remains from the sinking of "MU" the
              Pacific Ocean equivelant of the Atlantic Atlantis, but is said to be much
              older. Possibly it is all the same because the stories are almost parallel.

              Anyway, for example, I showed this to my friend last night because it
              came up. 1999 - WHITEHORSE CROP CIRCLE
              I came across that quite a few years ago. Scroll down to the bottom 90%.

              Get this - the symbol Churchward showed - an ancient Swastica (a very
              holy symbol greatly misunderstood by most people - the Nazi version was
              a counter rotating one for the dark (black sun "S.S.") while the normal one is of the light and
              the 4 points represent the 4 major forces of the universe, etc...)
              Anyway, that symbol on tablets in South America, yet the old Okinawan
              man has the symbol tattooed on his hand. I recall seeing a much clearer
              pictures of this years ago but anyway - that rock has the symbol and
              was found by the underwater pyramids and other structures off the coast
              of Okinawa around the Ryukyu Islands, which has monstrous underwater
              complexes. Either the water was lower way back and that entire Island
              chain was above ground and connected Japan to Taiwan or the land sunk.


              In 1998, the excitement raged as Team Atlantis went to investigate an underwater site near Japan where a pyramid was found. To our surprise, an old gentlemen who lived on a nearby island had this tattoo on his hand:

              The tattoo of an elderly person who
              lived on the island from which the
              dives were made. This stone was found on the island
              where the underwater pyramids
              were discovered.
              When we saw that tattoo, we immediately knew it was an authentic ancient mark. This is it:

              I posted this on their site:
              July 22, 1998 - Hello everyone: When we came to this site, the underwater scenes were incredible, but what excited us even more was the photo of the elderly person and his tattoo in comparison with the stone. The stone shows the same picture as Tablet 1231 in Col. James Churchwards' 'The Sacred Symbols of Mu'.
              Churchward states: This cross is the most valuable writing which has come down to us from the First civilization both as regards religion and science. This cross tells us that all Forces throughout the Universe have their origin in the Deity. That these forces are controlling life and all movements of matter down to the atom and particles of atoms, either directly or indirectly. It shows us that the Forces called Atomic Forces are only indirect workings of Primary Forces through Atoms. It tells us how the Great Primary Forces are working in a manner to maintain regular and perfect movements of each and every body throughout the Universe.
              All of the arms of this cross are symbols of the Primary Forces coming from and out of the Deity. All of these arms or Forces are pointing towards the East - the four form a circle. Therefore, the Primary Forces are all working in a circle from a Center and proceeding in an Easterly direction.
              There is no explanation as to where this stone was found. How did the elderly person get the tattoo that matches it exactly?
              If what we suspect is true, this Atlantis team should be renamed the teamMU.


              Here is a link for anyone interested in seeing the underwater complexes

              at the Japanese Ryukyu Islands.

              World Mysteries - The Yonaguni Monument: unexplained underwater structure
              Some claim they are natural structures. However, tools, rocks with
              symbols, etc... have been found all over the place down there.
              Natural structures? Same symbol there and in South America...hmmm.

              It is though to be pre 12,000 bc.

              If there was that land connection back then, it could explain more of
              the connection between the civilizations around the world. Not that they
              couldn't build boats but land connection makes it easy for anyone to travel.

              Right here in Washington state, there was a cataclysmic flood. The

              Great Missoula Ice Dam flood from around 9000 years ago. Ice dam broke
              and an amount of water equal to 60 times the flow of the Amazon river
              or like 12 times all the rivers on the planet combined flowed at the same
              time from the Montana area straight through there and to the Pacific.
              It wiped out any civilization in its path.

              Around 10 years ago, the "Kennewick Man" was found. My Qigong Master
              mentor Rodger's step father Henry Clum used to own the island that the
              bones were found when they were discovered on the beach - just a

              serious synchronicity for us since at the time, were were wrapped up
              in a bunch of flood research. Anyway, the Kennewick Man as they

              discovered by the skull shape, etc... came down to being either Polynesian
              or Ainu (Aboriginal Japanese) - Polynesians wanted to sue for the bones,
              etc... it was a big political mess. Came down it it being an Ainu man that
              was killed during the Great Missoula Flood.

              That showed that the Ainu were in Washington state thousands of years
              before the "modern" day Native American's have any verifiable existence

              in the area. Churchward thought that there was a migration from Mu

              to South America and then upwards into North America, which is opposite
              of the Bearing Straight ice bridge theory that states there was migration
              from Asia over there then they migrated down. I don't see why it can't
              be both but in any case, in my mind it takes me back to the land

              connections that could have been there but are underwater now.

              Here is an interesting article about Ainu:
              Original Wavelength: Japan Recognises AINUs – First Colonizers of America
              Last edited by Aaron; 03-24-2010, 06:28 AM.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • hidden from View

                There are many accounts of underground passages under both the Sphinx and the Pyramids. Ground penetrating radar has confirmed this several times. The Egytian government won't allow any excavation of these subterranean passages though. We were told that all the information of the Egytian lbrary was lost in the fire at Alexandria, but may not be the case. They could have also had their secrets stored in the subterranean vaults. If and when we are allowed to excavate these and are allowed to explore their interior, we may indeed find out everthing we want to know about the Egytian culture and possibly who built the structures. maybe this is what the Egytian government is afraid of. They would like to keep hiddden any knowledge that might overturn their theory of Egytian built monuments. Especially as they are considered one of the seven wonders of the world. It could be this hidden agenda that is preventing acheologists from discovering the truth. Until policy changes, we will probably never know. Good Luck. Stealth P.S. The Pi numbers work out exactly to 22/7, it is accurate, thanks!


                • Very interesting Aaron! I remember Chinese or Japanese anchors found off the coast of Chile and California. That would fit the stories quite well. When I was in California, I had met a gentleman who had prominent oriental features and I had asked him about his nationality. He claimed to be 100% Mexican!

                  Did the Egyptian Pharaohs practice "Head elongation" like the American Indians did? I am curious now that I think of it. It was to be a show of royalty? Also, did the Egyptians or Americans practice circumcision? I have read many times, the "Gods" had no foreskin... Hence the want for circumcision, like head elongation, to mimic the Gods.


                  • Hi Aaron;

                    Here's an interesting take on the alignment of the pyramids;

                    Discovery News : Discovery Channel

                    There is a monument in Egypt depicting the story of the survivors taking
                    a boat or arc to Egypt and spells out the entire cataclysmic event.
                    Could this be what you are referring to?

                    Desert Secrets

                    I saw a site in the last 24 hours with a lot more pictures of what he is talking about. If I can find it again I'll post it.



                    • Stonehenge

                      Another nystery that involved cutting and moving large stones is the stonhenge monument. Erected around 3000 BC, the stones are 20 feet high and weigh about 4 tons each. Wahtever methods of moving and erecting heavy stones existed in ancient times, also existed in later times. It is not clear what the stonehenge circle was designed for, although it is aligned with the summer solstice. Either the knowledge existed later on in history or they weren't built by these primitive people either. This could prove to be the latest example of large stone cutting and erecting, that we have evidence of. If they did cut and erect stonehenge, then the knowledge was still being used in around 3000-2000 BC. Good Luck. Stealth


                      • Hall of Records

                        Originally posted by Stealth View Post
                        There are many accounts of underground passages under both the Sphinx and the Pyramids.
                        Edgar Cayce predicted that the "Hall of Records" would be
                        discovered in 1998.

                        This is from Cayce's official foundation website:
                        Hall of Records Update

                        It is possible that by now, anything under there has been taken out and
                        stored elsewhere. I wouldn't be surprised. I think most governments are
                        completely collaborating behind the scenes and I think the Egyptian govt.
                        will not open any of this to the public since it could upset the applecart
                        on the origin of different religions, languages, etc... The implications are
                        enormous and there is a lot to lose for the powers that be to allow this
                        ancient knowledge to be acknowledged publicly.

                        It would be on par with with ET disclosure.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • pre-sand Egypt, etc...

                          Originally posted by ANTIQUER View Post
                          Here's an interesting take on the alignment of the pyramids;
                          Discovery News : Discovery Channel

                          Could this be what you are referring to?
                          Desert Secrets
                          Thanks Al. Yes, interesting. The Orion theory is always debated but I find
                          that the corroboration between the other ancient building complexes in
                          South American and other places that also reflect the constellations in
                          their respective parts of the world at the same 10,500 BC time frame to
                          be nothing less than profound.

                          That Desert Secrets article about the rock paintings/carvings, etc... is
                          very interesting too. Never read about them before. But the one I'm
                          talking about are like the very sophisticated hieroglyphics that we usually
                          see associated with ancient Egypt. And from what I remember, it was on
                          a temple, a pillar, obelisk or something. I came across it when researching
                          Gurdjieff's path and it was from what I remember discussing survivors from
                          a cataclysmic island that went down.

                          As a very interesting note, Gurdjieff met a Catholic Priest on his journey's
                          and this priest showed him a pre-sand map of Egypt!
                          This isn't very well
                          known and I don't know if there are any copies of it. I thought Gurdjieff
                          copied the map - been a while. I have the survivor story "monument"
                          somewhere in my Gurdjieff archive, which I don't even know where it is
                          at the moment I'll post when I find it because it is very interesting.

                          In the meantime, check this out:

                          "Some of the ancient philosophers viewed Atlantis as fiction including Aristotle. However, in antiquity there also many that did believe in its existence and they too were historians, geographers and philosophers.
                          Even some of the great thinkers of our time have theorized that Plato’s writings concerning the lost continent of Atlantis were nothing more then the work of fiction to fuel his political career.

                          However, Evidence does exist that points to the reality that such a great continent and city did indeed at one time exist. Some of the relics and ruins that lay beneath the sea point to this.

                          Another fascinating discovery discovered at the Maya ruins at Coba, is a tablet with pictures that describe an escape from a cataclysm depicted by exploding volcanoes and collapsing temples.

                          The Maya legends state that their ancestors came from a great land in the Eastern Sea; it was destroyed by a great cataclysm and sank beneath the ocean. The Amer Indian traditions refer to this land as Azthan or Atlan and other similar names that, not-surprisingly, sound very much like Atlantis."

                          Here is one link with the pic above:
                          Above Top Secret - Ancient & Lost Civilizations - Mayan stone-frieze proves that a temple sank off the Yucatan

                          "From an unknown site in the Yucatan

                          The orginal photographer who took this snap shot was Mayan scholar Teobert Maler, who died in 1917. It is said that he took it at an unknown site in the Yucatan.

                          This event describes the reason why the Mayans left the mythical homeland of Tulan.

                          In my opinion this stone-frieze represents part of the Atlantis legend where the island or continent sank."
                          Last edited by Aaron; 03-24-2010, 05:53 AM.
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • Hi folks, Hi Aaron, im not an expert in ancient things, but there was a movie called ' Krull ' i believe and the guy in the movie carried something very similar to that cross you showed. Seems yet again hollywood knows things, or whoever writes the movies.
                            peace love light
                            edit: ok just checked, it actually has five blades or points, but looks similar.
                            Last edited by SkyWatcher; 03-24-2010, 06:44 AM.


                            • krull

                              Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                              Hi folks, Hi Aaron, im not an expert in ancient things, but there was a movie called ' Krull ' i believe and the guy in the movie carried something very similar to that cross you showed. Seems yet again hollywood knows things, or whoever writes the movies.
                              peace love light
                              edit: ok just checked, it actually has five blades or points, but looks similar.
                              I saw it on laser disc in the mid 80's

                              There is a lot of symbology in the movies for those that are "in the know."
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • On my previous post I refer to Ossama Alsaadawi correcting the name in the glyph to name mentioned in bible, now here is David Rohl view, expanding from Antiquer link:
                                NC Versus OC
                                NC Pillars
                                Israelites in Egypt
                                The Conquest of the Promised Land

                                cherry picked:
                                For decades archaeologist have been questioning the historicity of the Old Testament narratives as archaeological discovery upon archaeological discovery lines up to contradict the events recorded in Genesis, Exodus, Samuel, and Kings and Chronicles. Today, few archaeologist (or historians for that matter) see evidence for a Sojourn of Western Asiatics (i.e. proto-Israelites) in Egypt during the New Kingdom; nor do they find a pattern of city destructions at the end of the Late Bronze Age which they can equate with an Israelite conquest of the Promised Land as described in the book of Joshua; and more recently, the position of Solomon, as a wealthy merchant prince has been seriously questioned following Professor Israel Finkelstein's radical revision of Iron Age chronology.

                                So, is the Bible simply a collection of fairy stories? Or is there a basic misunderstanding here?

                                These are fascinating times. We are coming to a point when something has to give. Either the historical Bible needs to be assigned to the wastebasket of history or archaeologists need to rethink the relationship between their stratigraphy and biblical narrative history. The big question is: do we really have the correct archaeological framework to enable biblical historians to construct a cultural and political history of ancient Israel? And, following on from this, if there is any doubt whatsoever concerning the previous question, could we not attempt a reassessment of the chronology of the ancient Near East in order to achieve a fresh perspective on the cultural development of the nation of Israel – its origins in Egypt, its emergence in the hill country of Palestine and its establishment as a kingdom under Saul, David and Solomon?


                                (A) The biblical text should not be rejected as an historical source without first testing the 'historical' contents against the archaeological record. However, the archaeological record needs to have a reliable and well-defined chronology which, at this time, we do not believe is the case.


                                When explorers and archaeologists first set sail for Egypt at the beginning of the 19th century they were not just on a quest to uncover the exotic civilisation of the pharaohs. With trowel in one hand and Bible in the other, they were also hoping to find proof of holy scripture. Biblical Archaeology was born in Egypt with the search for Joseph and the Seven-year Famine, the Ten Plagues, Moses and the Exodus. However, the unfortunate reality is that, after more than 150 years of excavations, not one scrap of archaeological evidence for the Israelite Sojourn in Egypt has come to light. So, is Biblical Archaeology now in crisis?

                                In recent years all the talk in academic circles has been gloomy – the Bible contains limited genuine history. No substantial Israelite population in Egypt; no military conquest of the Promised Land by Joshua and the twelve tribes; no wealthy kingdom of Solomon. In other words the Bible is now seen as little more than a collection of fairy tales. As Old Testament specialist Professor Thomas L. Thompson of Copenhagen University puts it: to believe in a Bible based on real historical events is 'not only dubious but wholly ludicrous'. He is supported in his views, to a lesser or greater extent, by scholars throughout academia – even in Israel. A conference was held in Israel at the end of 1999 to discuss an article published in the Jerusalem Report by Professor Zvi Herzog which took a similar stance to Thompson. That article caused uproar in Israel which resonated around the world via the press. The irony of all this is that scholars have reluctantly concluded that both professors are absolutely right – there really is no unambiguous evidence for any of the biblical characters and events prior to the 9th century BC (the time of Kings Omri and Ahab). But I believe there is a simple reason for this which is so blindingly obvious that everyone has overlooked it. Archaeologists have been looking in the right places for the Israelites but in entirely the wrong time!


                                Everybody knows the story of Joshua and the Israelites who bring down the walls of Jericho with a blast from their trumpets. The fall of this mighty Canaanite city is one of the Bible's most colourful and dramatic episodes. Yet it never happened! At least that's what the majority of archaeologists and biblical historians will tell you. The story revealed by Jericho's archaeology lies at the very heart of the modern sceptical view of the Bible as an historical document.

