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My proposed explanation for the great pyramids.

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  • Answer to Al, part 2:

    Originally posted by ANTIQUER View Post
    Hardly a tale [ Sumerian Myths ] to inspire belief in these ancient "gods", much less build a theory on how advanced they were, or how they inspired and taught a people to do great things.
    That the Sumerians were well advanced in relation to other cultures of the same period is indisputable. As Wikipedia states, concerning Sumer, "It is the earliest known civilization in the world and is known as the Cradle of Civilization." Sumer dates to the 6th millenium BC, the same time period as Nabta Playa, so both sites yield evidence of people with advanced knowledge who existed long before the dynastic Egyptian period. And as I pointed out in my previous post, your Egypt's Lost Legacy and the Genesis of Civilization link in post #185 offers compelling evidence that the Sumerians were actually ancient Egyptians who had left Giza because of the cataclysmic events that occurred there. If this is so, then they likely left behind much of their previous knowledge and expertise, having to basically start over from scratch, and thus it is amazing that they advanced as quickly as they did. Without the prior knowledge that existed in their minds, they probably could not have accomplished so much. Just think of how it would be today if a cataclysmic event caused us to migrate to other regions, taking along only what we could carry on our backs, and then starting over with nothing but personal knowledge to guide us.

    Originally posted by ANTIQUER View Post
    The Mayans, Incas, etc. were no different; different people's, different "gods" and mythology, no mention of advanced anything from earlier races.
    As I have mentioned before, the pyramid complexes of South America, as with the ones in Egypt, were laid out to mirror specific constellations at specific time periods, and the last known true alignment was at 10,500 BC, which corresponds to the end of the last ice age. If these complexes had been built later, as you suggest, then they would have been laid out to mirror the constellations at such later date, and not the alignment that existed in 10,500 BC. Now this very strongly suggests that the pyramid complexes were built either close to, or long before, 10,500 BC. Since the cataclysmic event that likely brought about the end of the ice age would have made building such pyramid complexes at that time extremely difficult, it would seem that they were built at or before an even earlier precessional astronomical alignment date - in other words, likely 26,000 years prior to 10,500 BC. And this would correspond closely to the ancient Egyptians own account of their recorded chronology. Both the ancient Egyptians, and the ancient Mayas, Incas, and Aztecs were highly advanced civilizations. Have you ever considered the models of flying machines that were discovered both in Egypt and South America?
    World Mysteries - Strange Artifacts, Ancient Flying Machines

    Originally posted by ANTIQUER View Post
    Why is it so hard to believe the Egyptians went from their first true pyramid (Djosers) to the Great Pyramid in about 100 years?
    Who can say with certainty that this is the correct time frame or sequence? Perhaps Djosers actualy was built by the dynastic Egyptians, as you suggest, while the Great Pyramid was most likely built around 36,500 BC or earlier, for the reasons I explained above. Six hundred years after Herodotus, the Roman scholar Pomponious Melas recorded in "De Situ Orbis" that, "The Egyptians pride themselves on being the most ancient peoples in the world. In their authentic annals one may read that since they have been in existence, the course of the stars has changed direction four times, and that the sun has set twice in the part of the sky where it rises today." This would equate to one and one half precession cycles, or around 39,000 years.

    So once again, Al, let's drop preconceived notions that mainstream Egyptologists and contemporary scholars have fed to us, and instead concentrate on what we know the true ancients to have said, and passed on to us from the earliest times of civilization. And even then, let us consider that there may well have been several prior civilizations on Earth that were possibly even more advanced than the Egyptians or ourselves, and that they may have become largely extinct due to prior cataclysms. Scientists tell us that perhaps 8 or more ice ages have come and gone, so these thoughts are not at all unlikely or impossible.

    Last edited by rickoff; 03-29-2010, 01:29 PM.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • The speed of light calculations are close. The discrepancies may be due to the miscalculations of theoretical speed of light to actual speed of light. See the true speed of light claculation here. speed of light This could make the discrepancies much closer than was realized considering the distances involved.Good Luck. Stealth
      Last edited by Stealth; 03-29-2010, 03:14 AM.


      • Originally posted by ANTIQUER View Post
        Why is it so hard to believe the Egyptians went from their first true pyramid (Djosers) to the Great Pyramid in about 100 years? We went from the first Wright Brothers airplane in 1913 to going to the moon in approx. 65 years
        No Man - during the so called Apollo Missions - has ever left the Safety of low Earth orbit (<500 miles).

        Van Allen Radiation Belt
        YouTube - Van Allen Radiation Belt

        MoonFaker - Jarrah White
        YouTube - WhiteJarrah's Channel

        WAS IT ONLY A PAPER MOON - James M. Collier
        Was It Only A Paper Moon?

        A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Moon - -- Hare Krishna Video Sharing Community

        WHAT HAPPENED ON THE MOON - Ronnie Stonge, David S. Percy
        058 - 3223X9053R - NASA - What Happened on the Moon - 2 of 2

        Apollo 11 Post Flight Press Conference
        YouTube - theduderinok's Channel

        Did we really land Men on the Moon - FOX Television stated that such skepticism increased to about 20% after the February 15, 2001 airing show; Seen by approximately 15 million viewers.
        Did we really land Men on the Moon?


        We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle - Bill Kaysing

        NASA MOONED AMERICA - Ralph Rene

        - Schpankme

        "Houston, we've had a problem." - James Lovell


        • All such reports are matched with contrary claims, that space travel is actually way more advance, and way more secret than a faked moon landing. Look up John Lear's coast to coast interview. If even only half of his ideas is even loosely based on facs, it's mind blowing.
          It seems more in line with tyical US/NASA propaganda to under-claim their technological advancements than the contrary. People who find out about the doability of space travel stop paying taxes.

          More on topic. As long as thinklers and resources will remain scattered, will keep playing catch-up to the level of engineering and consciousness of the pyramid builders, whomever they were.


          • Originally posted by Cloxxki View Post
            ... space travel is actually way more advance, and way more secret than a faked moon landing.

            It seems more in line with typical US/NASA propaganda to under-claim their technological advancements than the contrary.

            People who find out about the do ability of space travel stop paying taxes
            Incredible, let me see if I'm in sync with your knowledge base.

            1) NASA faked the Apollo Moon landings because in reality, they actually have secret space technology that the tax payers may not see.

            2) NASA and the Military assigned Astronauts who swore an Oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, actually committed treason by embezzling money (taxation) and faking the Moon Landings, because they (NASA) need to keep the Space-Race activity secret from the Tax Payers.

            3) NASA and the Astronauts actually went to the MOON using advanced space technology and found there incredible wonders and aliens; which they then reported their findings to an ex-Commercial Pilot named John Lear and informed him directly of the secret missions.

            4) NASA is currently redesigning a new 'Orbital System' to replace the Space Shuttle, because the Shuttle is completely inadequate for putting payloads and people safely into Low Earth Orbit. In fact the the Shuttle can only carry 1/6 the payload of the 1960 - Saturn Rocket. After all, why use the most successful technology known to man; you and I both know if the American Tax Payer ever found out that NASA can already do it better with secret space technology then taxation will stop.

            5) If you need to know about the Secret facilities built on the Moon and Mars just ask John Lear; he is able to find the Secret NASA photographs and tell you what he sees on them.

            Let me also point out that NASA is now telling the American tax payers, that the unmanned Mars Landers are able to make it to the Planets Surface via Parachute. So, the Martian atmosphere is 1/10 that of the Earths atmosphere, which makes it IMPOSSIBLE to open a Parachute and if you could get the chute open it would carry NO LOAD (lack of resistance).

            YouTube - WhiteJarrah's Channel

            Note: I will not be debating the NASA FRAUD further in this thread.

            BTW - You can see the Pyramids from Space.

            - Schpankme

            'Your mileage may vary." - unknown Author
            Last edited by Schpankme; 03-29-2010, 11:28 AM.


            • @Schpankme,
              Those are pretty much the sources and claims I came across yes. Far-fetched to say the least, but it makes more sence to me than billions being put into zero-payload shuttles, not significantly improved for decades. While in the 70's we already had Concorde (the flying pyramid one might sat), and recently Burt rutan "just" went into space self-funded.
              I helped out a buddy when he was designing a kite descend mission to Mars, to analyse Mars' atmosphere. Not sure it was ever allowed to be launched. The payload requirements were silly low. The kite was self-stabilizing.

              The secrecy part is the most far-fetched of the whole story. But easily explained with some mind control meds/techniques. If you don't let a soldier remember his mission or simulation, you can brief him better each next time, until performance is optimal. It's the conspiracy upon conspiracies though, and I have pretty much decided to believe nothing until I've seen it.
              Last edited by Cloxxki; 03-29-2010, 11:45 AM.


              • Originally posted by Cloxxki View Post
                It's the conspiracy upon conspiracies though, and I have pretty much decided to believe nothing until I've seen it.
                How could you "see it" if your not looking for it? I've given you some excellent material to review, all showing the actual NASA Footage or Photographs.

                "Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way." - Patton

                - Schpankme


                • Disinfo is everywhere. Hints of the truth are sponsored by those trying to obscure full truth. Don't know what to think, but I'll keep taking in strong pointers, and consistent data that adds up, and not from repetion.

                  I don't believe that someone who can build a pyramid, will be extinct to the point of their ancestors forgetting. I seem to remmeber having heard of later Egyptian attempts at smaller pyramids meant as tombs, which were sad failures?


                  • Originally posted by Stealth View Post
                    The speed of light calculations are close. The discrepancies may be due to the miscalculations of theoretical speed of light to actual speed of light. See the true speed of light claculation here. speed of light This could make the discrepancies much closer than was realized considering the distances involved.Good Luck. Stealth
                    Yes, the difference between the measurements of the ancients, and our own, considering the enormity of them, are very slight, and we can't say with certainty that ours are any better than theirs. That is what is so amazing about this. For my own calculations in post #210, to convert to miles, I rounded down the speed of light to 186,000 miles per second for simplicity. My whole point in carrying out the calculation was to show just how astoundingly far away Betelgeuse actually is (about 2 quadrillion, 522 trillion, 249 billion, 280 million miles). It is difficult for most of us today to even comprehend a number that large, so the question we must ask is how could the ancients, just barely emerging from what we know as the "prehistoric age," have had that knowledge? To my thinking, there are only two possible answers:

                    1. The ancients either had a civilization, or were descended from one, that was equal to, or more advanced than our own. This is certainly plausible, especially when we consider that there have been at least 8 ice ages that have come and gone, with the likelihood that civilizations grew and flourished during the periods between these ice ages, and then were all but totally eliminated by them, or by the cataclysmic events that ushered in or ended those ice ages. To think that we are the only civilization to have ever possibly reached our current state of development would be very presumptuous of us.

                    2. The Nabta Playa megalyth, and perhaps the Giza pyramid complex, were engineered and constructed by beings of superior intellect who came from either a different planet or a different time (time travelers). In either scenario, these beings would have been considered "Gods" by the terrestrial people existing at that point in time. It is known that the Aztecs at first believed that the Spaniards were the fair skinned, bearded Gods that their ancestors had told stories of, so they welcomed them. By the time they realized their error, it was too late. The Spaniards were amazed by the accomplishments of the Aztec civilization, and didn't like feeling inferior, so they slaughtered all the Aztecs (and later the Mayans) of high intellect and destroyed countless and priceless records which could have revealed a lot more than we know today. I think that much of what we see occurring in modern Egypt is similar to the suppression by the Spaniards, and that many records of the ancients have either been intentionally destroyed or hidden from us.

                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • I agree with you that we are not the first highly technological society to have lived upon this earth. The native americans(indians), especially the Hopi tribe, states that they came here from a misty planet. I suspect that misty planet was an early Mars, which must have had a large amount of water before some catastrophe caused it to escape. The Cherokee claimed that they hunted 10,000 summers before the white man arrived, and there was a huge civilization that preexisted before them, the mound builders. Evidence has been found that points to an extensive battle sometime in prehistory Arkansa, where two huge factions engaged in a battle of enormous proportions. Over an area of only 13-15 acres they are finding millions of arrowheads and spearpointsThere are also reports coming from the Pueblo and Anassasi tribes of giants, which were living there before they occupied the land.Although not technologically advance, these people, wherever they came from(Atlantis, Mu?),could have been descendants from a once technological society. Good Luck. Stealth
                      Last edited by Stealth; 03-29-2010, 04:30 PM.


                      • @Al


                        No comment on the scored lines?

                        You said I got "caught" with false info - first of all, I don't
                        appreciate that at all and you really should be mindful of
                        what you are saying - especially, when you don't even
                        research what is mentioned.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                          Anyone else know what I'm referring to? [The Great Pyramid Timeline] It is like a time line with significant years marked.
                          I have seen references to scribed lines that appear to coincide with historical and/or Biblical events. In quoting one of these references, found at Prophetic timelines in the Pyramid :

                          If we start from the outside of the north entrance and move down the descending passage about 40 feet, we come to series of so called "scored lines". These are straight knife-edge lines cut into the blocks from roof to floor. They are on each side of the passage and directly opposite each other. Also the descending passage is in exact alignment of true north. It can be shown that in the last 5,000 years, only at one time did the north star line up exactly with the descending passage and shine directly down. This occurred in 2141 BC and the north star at that time was Draconis also called the dragon star. The northern star changes gradually over long periods of time because of the precession of the earth on its axis (like a spinning top). Also only at that time, the star cluster known as the Pleiades in the constellation Taurus was in alignment with the scored lines. Thus this is the date that pyramidologists accept as the starting date at the scored lines. Measurements in inches from the scored lines represent chronology in years. Thus we count one year for every inch we move from the scored lines, starting at 2141 BC. Now, if we move down the descending passage to the beginning of the ascending passage, we have moved a distance of 688 inches. If each inch represents one year we are at (2141 BC – 688 = 1453 BC). This year 1453 BC is accepted as the date of the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. It symbolizes now the ascent of man towards god. If we move up the descending passage to a distance of 1485 inches, we come to the opening of the grand gallery. This year, 33 AD (1453 BC – 1485 = 33 AD) is considered to be the date of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. If we move up the grand gallery to its end, we move 1881 inches. This year 1914 ad (33 AD – 1881 = 1914 AD), was the date of the beginning of the first world war.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Hi Rick and Aaron;

                            In order to have a chronology, you must have a starting point. Let us see how this was determined in the great pyramid. If we start from the outside of the north entrance and move down the descending passage about 40 feet, we come to series of so called "scored lines". These are straight knife-edge lines cut into the blocks from roof to floor. They are on each side of the passage and directly opposite each other. Also the descending passage is in exact alignment of true north. It can be shown that in the last 5,000 years, only at one time did the north star line up exactly with the descending passage and shine directly down. This occurred in 2141 BC and the north star at that time was Draconis also called the dragon star. The northern star changes gradually over long periods of time because of the precession of the earth on its axis (like a spinning top). Also only at that time, the star cluster known as the Pleiades in the constellation Taurus was in alignment with the scored lines. Thus this is the date that pyramidologists accept as the starting date at the scored lines.
                            Great pyramid entrance tunnel not astronomically aligned.

                            Early in the Nineteenth Century, astronomer John Herschel speculated that the ancient Egyptians had constructed the Great Pyramid so that the downwardly slanting entrance would be aligned precisely with the pole star, Thuban (Alpha Draconis), when the star was at its lowest culmination. Over 70 years ago Percival Lowell ran through the calculations and found that Thuban was not near the tunnel's line of sight when the pyramid was constructed (about 2800 BC). No one seems to have listened to Lowell, even though he was quite correct. Most books on the Great Pyramid still insist on the fancied pole star alignment.

                            If the entrance tunnel wasn't pointing at the pole star, what other esoteric reason did the pyramid builders have for the 26°.523 angle? (It seems that everyone expects all dimensions of the Great Pyramid to have special significance.) R.L. Walker, of the Naval Observatory, has come to the rescue. He observes that the tangent of 26°.523 is almost exactly (actually 0.4991). Although there may be some occult significance to ½, this fraction also signals to us that 26°.523 is also the angle created when two cubical blocks are laid horizontally for every one installed vertically, as in the sketch. It seems that 26°.523 is simply the natural consequence of the internal pyramid construction process.
                            Great Pyramid Entrance Tunnel Not Astronomically Aligned

                            As far as the accuracy of the North-South alignment of the pyramid someone posted recently that the alignment is far closer to true North than we can could determine now.
                            How do we know that if our current instruments are that inaccurate? With what would we check the alignment of the pyramid to determine if it is precisely aligned?



                            No comment on the scored lines?

                            You said I got "caught" with false info - first of all, I don't
                            appreciate that at all and you really should be mindful of
                            what you are saying - especially, when you don't even
                            research what is mentioned.
                            Sorry you took it that way. I thought the made it clear I was joking. And you did say "Then in the Great Hall, there are marks along the bottom side", not going up the walls from floor to ceiling, which is why I did not immediately recognize what you were referring to. Anyway, it's not that important so let's just drop it.

                            Here's an interesting item I found concerning the lack of finding any plans for the Great Pyramid's construction;

                            One of the mysteries of the pyramid's construction is how they planned its construction. John Romer suggests that they used the same method that had been used for earlier and later constructions, laying out parts of the plan on the ground at a 1 to 1 scale. He writes that "such a working diagram would also serve to generate the architecture of the pyramid with a precision unmatched by any other means." He devotes a chapter of his book to the physical evidence that there was such a plan.[24] In fact, the Cole survey of 1925 discovered as part of some planning an actual Original Builder's Mark, engraved into the pavement perpendicular to the N face, suggesting definitely different slopes planned into the Pyramid E and W faces.
                            Great Pyramid of Giza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            I am doing a lot of research on this subject but it takes a lot of time, so please bear with me if I seem slow in responding to any post or question.

                            Thanks, Al


                            • What Was The Sign Of Jonah?

                              Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                              crucifixion of Jesus Christ
                              CHRIST” IS NOT A NAME
                              The Christian Religion(s) today blindly accept that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ, they use prophecies from the Jewish Bible (the Old Testament) to prove their claim that Jesus was the Messiah promised to the Jews. Let's examine the only unequivocal claim made by Jesus in the Gospels and examine whether he fulfilled his promise to the Jews. We must admit that the word CHRIST is not a name, it is a title. Take Note: The Greek word for “anointed” is Christos from which we get the word Christ. The name that was given to Mary (Luke 2:21) for her yet unborn son was JESUS and NOT Christ. It was only after his baptism at the hands of John the Baptist that he, Jesus, claimed to be the Christ.

                              MIRACLE AS PROOF
                              Matthew records that the learned men among the Jews - the Scribes and Pharisees - came to Jesus and asked, “MASTER, WE WOULD SEE A SIGN FROM THEE”. (Matthew 12:38). What they really wanted was some “magic trick,” some “sleight of hand” like producing a rabbit out of a hat. This is the type of “sign” or MIRACLE they were looking for. The Jews mistook him for a sorcerer, a wizard, a charlatan.

                              NO “SIGN” BUT ONE **
                              With righteous indignation Jesus replies: “An evil and adulterous generation seeketh a sign, but no sign (no miracle) shall be given unto it, save that sign (miracle) of the Prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” Matthew 12:39-40). Jesus says, “NO SIGN.” He does not refer the Jews to blind Bartimeus whose sight he had restored. He does not speak about the “woman with issues” who was healed by merely touching him; or about the 2000 pigs he had destroyed to heal “a man possessed;” or the 5000 and the 3000 people he had fed and satiated with a few pieces of fish and a few pieces of bread. “No sign,” says Jesus, BUT ONE! - “THE SIGN OF THE PROPHET JONAS!” Now, his claim to being the Messiah (Christ) stands or falls with the ONLY “sign” he was prepared to give.

                              Did Jesus fulfill the only sign he gave? Christendom answers with a unanimous Y-E-S! Without heeding the Biblical advice “Try all things, and keep that which is good.” (1 Thessalonians 5:21) ‘Don’t take things for granted’, but “PROVE ALL THINGS!”

                              JONAH FLEES HIS CALL
                              What was this “sign” (miracle) of Jonah? To find out we have to go to the “Book of Jonah” in the Old Testament. God commanded Jonah to go to Nineveh and warn the Ninevites to repent from their “yea, let every man turn from his evil way, and from the wickedness that is in their hands.” (Jonah 3:8) But Jonah was loath to go and warn the Ninevites, so he goes to Joppa instead of Ninevah, and takes a boat to run away from his Lord’s command. While at sea, there was a terrible tempest. According to the superstition of the mariners, a person fleeing from his Master’s command creates such turmoil at sea. They began to enquirer among themselves and said, “COME, AND LET US CAST LOTS, (like choosing straws, with one shorter then the rest) THAT WE MAY KNOW FOR WHOSE CAUSE THIS EVIL IS UPON US. SO THEY CAST LOTS, AND THE LOT FELL UPON JONAH.” (Jonah 1:7). Though here was a temporary lapse on the part of Jonah in fulfilling his mission, he manfully and most outrageously volunteers: “AND HE SAID UNTO THEM TAKE ME UP, AND CAST ME FORTH INTO THE SEA; SO SHALL THE SEA BE CALM UNTO YOU: FOR I KNOW THAT FOR MY SAKE THIS GREAT TEMPEST IS UPON YOU.” (Jonah 1:12)

                              DEAD OR ALIVE?
                              The question now arises, that when the ship-master and the crew threw him overboard, was Jonah dead or alive? Any Christian child who has attended Sunday school will give an immediate reply: “ALIVE!” The storm subsides. Next a 'fish' swallows Jonah. Was he dead or alive when swallowed? The answer again is “ALIVE”. Was he dead or alive when “JONAH PRAYED UNTO THE LORD HIS GOD OUT OF THE FISH’S BELLY?” (Jonah 2:1) Surely dead men don’t cry and don’t pray! The answer again is “ALIVE” For three days and three nights the fish takes him around the ocean: dead or alive? “ALIVE!” is the answer. On the third day it vomits him on the seashore: dead or alive? A-L-I-V-E, of course!

                              Now, what had Jesus prophesied about himself? He said: “AS JONAH WAS ... SO SHALL THE SON OF MAN BE” LIKE JONAH. And how was Jonah? Was he dead or alive for three days and three nights? Alive! ALIVE! ALIVE! - Is the unanimous answer from the Jew, the Christian and the Muslim!

                              UNLIKE JONAH
                              If Jonah was alive for three days and three nights, then Jesus also ought to have been alive in the tomb, as he himself had foretold! But Christianity hangs on the flimsy thread of the death” of Jesus for its salvation. So it has to answer that Jesus was DEAD for three days and three nights. The contradiction*between*his utterance and its fulfillment is obvious. Jonah ALIVE, Jesus DEAD! Very UNLIKE Jonah! Jesus had said “LIKE Jonah” not UNLIKE Jonah. If this is true then according to his own test Jesus is not the TRUE Messiah of the Jews. If the Gospel record is genuine then how can we blame the Jews for rejecting “CHRIST”?

                              THREE AND THREE = 72 HOURS?
                              The Doctors of Divinity these Professors of Theology will reply that in Matthew 12:40 under discussion, the emphasis is on the TIME factor - “as Jonas was THREE days and THREE nights in the belly of the fish, so shall the son of man be THREE days and THREE nights in the heart of the earth.” “Please note,” says the learned theologians, “that the word “THREE” is repeated F-O-U-R times in this verse to prove that Jesus was going to fulfill the prophecy as regards the length of time he was going to remain in the tomb, and NOT ‘As Jonas was’ in relation to his being alive or dead. If it is the time factor that Jesus was stressing then let us ask whether he fulfilled that aspect of his promise to the Jews as well. The Christian dogmatist answers: “OF COURSE!”

                              PUBLIC HOLIDAY
                              The question arises: when was Christ crucified? The whole Christian world answers: “FRIDAY!” Is this the reason we celebrate “Good Friday” - as a Public Holiday in every Christian nation? What makes Good Friday” so good? “It is the death of Christ on the Cross on this day to wash off our sins,” says the Christians. So he was killed on the cross on a Friday, 2000+ years ago? “YES!” says the Christians. From the Gospel records we gather that the Jews were in a hurry to eliminate Jesus. Hence the midnight trial, and then dispatching*him off to Pilate in the morning; from Pilate to Herod and then back again to Pilate. The vested interests were afraid of the general public. Jesus was their hero. He had been their benefactor. His enemies had to do away with him quickly, and succeeded in doing so. However, as much as they were in a hurry to hang him on the cross, they were in equal hurry to bring him down from the cross before sunset on Friday because of the Sabbath.

                              The Sabbath starts at about 6 p.m. on Friday and the Jews were warned in Deuteronomy 21:23 that the victim of crucifixion was an “accursed of God” and was not to be permitted to remain hanging on the Sabbath day, “that thy land be not defiled which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance.” To satisfy the religious scruples of the Scribes and Pharisees the “secret disciples” of Jesus took down the body from the cross. They gave the body the Jewish burial-bath, plastered it with “one hundred pounds weight of aaloes and myrrh” (John 19:39), and then placed the shrouded body into the sepulcher before nightfall.

                              WHY “SUPPOSED”?
                              There are numerous differences between the various sects and denominations of Christianity, but on the above they are unanimous. Jesus is SUPPOSED to be in the tomb on the night of Friday. He is still SUPPOSED to be in the tomb on the day of Saturday. He is still SUPPOSED to be in the tomb on the night of Saturday. Christians agree whole-heatedly with this. It will be noted that the word ‘SUPPOSED’ was repeated three times. The reason is that the Gospels are silent as to when exactly Jesus came out of the tomb.

                              In the final analysis, let us see whether Jesus was THREE days and THREE nights in the tomb:

                              EASTER WEEK IN THE SEPULCHER
                              FRIDAY - placed in tomb just before sunset (One night)
                              SATURDAY - supposed to be in tomb (One day & One night)
                              SUNDAY - missing before sunrise

                              TOTAL: One Day & Two Nights in the Sepulcher

                              You will no doubt note that the GRAND TOTAL is ONE day and TWO nights, and NOT three days and three nights. According to the Christian Scriptures Jesus had failed a SECOND time. FIRST he was unlike Jonah, who was ALIVE in the belly of the fish, which is the exact opposite of what the Christians claim had happened to their Jesus, who was DEAD for the same period of time as Jonah was – ALIVE. SECONDLY, we discover that he also failed to fulfill the TIME FACTOR as well. The greatest mathematician in Christendom will fail to obtain the desired result - THREE days and THREE nights. We must not forget that the Gospels are explicit in telling us that it was “before sunrise” on Sunday morning (the FIRST day of the week), that Mary Magdalene went to the tomb of Jesus and found it empty. - Ahmed Deedat

                              - Schpankme


                              • Originally posted by ANTIQUER View Post
                                Great pyramid entrance tunnel not astronomically aligned.

                                Early in the Nineteenth Century, astronomer John Herschel speculated that the ancient Egyptians had constructed the Great Pyramid so that the downwardly slanting entrance would be aligned precisely with the pole star, Thuban (Alpha Draconis), when the star was at its lowest culmination. Over 70 years ago Percival Lowell ran through the calculations and found that Thuban was not near the tunnel's line of sight when the pyramid was constructed (about 2800 BC). No one seems to have listened to Lowell, even though he was quite correct. Most books on the Great Pyramid still insist on the fancied pole star alignment.

                                Great Pyramid Entrance Tunnel Not Astronomically Aligned
                                The fact remains that Alpha Draconis did align perfectly with the descending passage in 2141 BC, and would also have aligned perfectly around 27,941 BC. These are the only times, unless you go back to earlier precessional cycles, when the light from Alpha Draconis would shine all the way to the bottom of the 300 foot long descending passage. No one would argue that it aligned at 2800 BC, so Lowell's calculation proves nothing other than the fact that the passage would not have aligned in 2800 BC. He based what he said upon the false assumption that the Pyramid was constructed around 2800 BC. If anything, his calculation serves to show the Pyramid was not built in 2800 BC.

                                Incidentally, Alpha Draconis aligns closer to the North Pole axis of our Earth than all of the other pole stars during a 25,800 year precessional cycle. It is also the only pole star in a precession cycle to be in the exact position to shine down the Descending Passage of the Great Pyramid of Giza, because the Descending Passage is in true alignment with the North Pole axis of our planet.

                                You still haven't attempted to show a reason why the pyramid complex was constructed to perfectly mirror the constellation Orion at the 10,500 BC, and 36,500 BC time periods. Can you think of any logical reason for that, or how they would have had knowledge of either of those aligments unless the pyramid complex layout was designed at one of those times of alignment?

                                Regarding the precise true north alignment of the pyramid vs modern structural alignments, yes of course we now have instruments that enable us to measure and lay out such alignments with as high a degree of precision. The question remains, though, as to where the Great Pyramid engineers obtained precision instruments that would appear to either equal or surpass those of modern man. I only pointed out, in an earlier post (#166), that the construction of the Greenwich Observatory in London that marks the Prime Meridian of the world with an inaccuracy of 9 arc minutes is three times less accurate than the Great Pyramid alignment. Of course designers and builders of the Greenwich Observatory, although highly respected engineers, and using the most sophistocated surveying equipment available at that time, did not have access to laser precision technology, but neither did the builders of the Great Pyramid - or did they?

                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

