@ schpankme: I was only quoting from a website to provide information to Aaron concerning the wheareabouts of the scribed marks in the descending passage that are said to mark the beginning of the so-called "pyramid timeline." Many believe this timeline to be of great significance, while others believe it is purely coincidental. I don't necessarily subscribe to, or attempt to promote either line of thought. My only intention was to show that there is indeed a scribed mark, associated with a timeline, as Aaron had stated, and not to spark a debate over religious beliefs or the meaning of scripture. I never would have dreamed that the quote would lead to a lengthy Bible lesson, and this thread doesn't seem like the appropriate place for that. I would suggest deleting your post from this thread, and placing it in either an existing Bible thread, or perhaps even starting a new one titled, "Jesus was a fake," or something along those lines. I would also suggest that anyone contemplating a rebuttal to your post take it up either in private messenging or elsewhere. Let's save this thread for discussion of pertinent material directly related to the topic at hand, which is a "proposed explanation for the great pyramids."