Yes, 22/7 is the number I also came up with for Pi. It is these mathematics that I used to determine the parameters of the pyramid I built. It was a true replica of the original, as far as I could calculate. This is the first time I have come across the 22/7 number outside of my few friends who use it. The pyramids dimentions, in my opinion, were laid out with a wheel. This would automatically include Pi into the equation. It would also make a very accurate measuring tool, as a number of revolutions on a marked wheel would be easy to use. With the precision that the pyramids exhibit, someone would have had to posess a very high mathematical knowledge. It was not haphazardly or accidentally built to that precision. It was designed and built for a very specific purpose, or maybe more than one purpose. I have often wondered if it was not a portal of some kind,maybe to another universe or dimention? Such portal could also exist naturally, or man made, in other places around the globe,Bermuda triangle, being one. Teleportation being the highest order of knowledge.Good Luck. Stealth
No announcement yet.
My proposed explanation for the great pyramids.
Thanks for the reference Aaron. Interesting info on dimension and sunken kings chamber.
Originally posted by Aaron View PostSo probably means it was moved "in His name" or something to that effect.
Originally posted by Jbignes5 View PostNothing surprising there. In fact even if you take out the ropes theory the dome rocks back and forth at a set place as it is being lifted.
This is an ancient skill passed down through generation, you should see scattered pieces everywhere with ancient history. Should be no problem if egypt have this kind of help. But this still need to be proven.
Whatever the source is. It is impossible for King Solomon to not leave a single mark in egypt or around it. And it is impossible that people at King Solomon era to only capable of making copper tool level, they have ships! We should forget the idea of pyramid is build using stone age technology and the idea of people pushing the stone with hand.
About sound, is there a story from bible about King David use sound to heal someone or do something else? Trying to relate sound with pyramid.
Originally posted by 1NRG24Seven View PostAfter this 7 fetish of sorts it dawned on me that the angle of the pyramid was simply ONE SEVENTH of a CIRCLE...a great AH HA moment..
Hi Jbignes5;
I would rather take the bible out of the equation here since it can be proven that all or most of the stories have come from the Sumerian's texts. Well at
least the biggest stories, Creation of the world and the flood. So since it was predated to an Earlier society we must refer to the Earlier societies tellings of that.
Here is a detailed list of problems with the ‘borrowing’ theory:
• The early Hebrews as recorded in the Bible demonstrate a considerable familiarity with (and even indulgence in), the mythology of the people in their immediate chronological and geographical proximity (the Canaanites, Phonecians, Egyptians, Philistines, etc), but no familiarity with or indulgence in the vast mythology of the Sumerians and Akkadians
• This is no surprise, because by the time the Hebrews were writing their Scriptures both the Sumerian and the Akkadian civilizations had ceased to exist for over 1,000 years. How were the Hebrews were supposed to ask them what they believed, or copy their texts, when their civilization didn’t even exist any more?• The texts on which the Assyrian flood story were recorded were written in cuneiform, and kept in scriptorums, accessed only by professional scribes. How would the Hebrews gain access to the scriptoriums, as well as a knowledge of the cuneiform scripts which only professional scribes could read and write?
The one flood story which the Hebrews could most plausibly have had access to would have been the 7th century Assyrian flood story which was added to the earlier text of the Epic of Gilgamesh borrowed from the Akkadians (which had not originally contained a flood story).
But the flood story in the Epic of Gilgamesh is itself almost a direct copy of the Akkadian Atrahasis Epic (even to the extent of using the original hero’s name, when the name of the hero in the Epic of Gilgamesh is different), and is radically different to the Genesis account.
The Genesis Flood (1/4) « Bible Apologetics
Hi sucahyo;
So Moses and pharaoh did use the same language?
And they have money / coin at that time?
I don't think they used money then. The reference to Jewish shekels in building the Tabernacle is as a weight of silver or gold. The earliest money found so far came from much later during the time of Joseph.
I'll try to get back to you on the King Solomon video's.
Originally posted by Aaron View PostIn that that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord, and it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of Hosts". ISAIAH 19, 19-20.
So, if Moses wrote the account of the creation, the fall of man, the flood and other notable historical events recorded in Genesis, he wrote of things happening, if ever they happened, 2500 years more or less before his earthly time, and some of them before even man was created on earth; things which Moses of course could not personally have known.
Indeed, in the light of modern knowledge, it is quite evident that Moses and the “Hebrews” of his supposed time (1500 B.C.) could not write at all; or, if at all, on the theory of their 430 years in Egypt, only in Egyptian hieroglyphs. Not till many centuries later did the Hebrews acquire the art of writing.
Moses, as the traditional great leader and lawgiver of Is-ra-el, is worthy of very interested attention. In no accurate sense was Moses, if he ever lived, a Hebrew at all; indeed, he is expressly called “an Egyptian” (Ex. 2:19). Certainly he did not speak the Hebrew language, since it was non-existent as such, and after four hundred years in Egyptian slavery the slave descendants of Jacob the Syrian, had evidently ceased to have any knowledge of their old tongue and could speak only an Egyptian dialect. Just like the descendants of the African slaves, brought to America three hundred or more years ago, do not speak today the strange dialects of their native land.
As the story is recorded in Exodus II, the princess of Pharaoh (what was his name) spied the ark in the Nile, "had compassion on" the babe and rescued him; after-wards, when he grew, "he became her son". Now the remarkable incident: "And she called his name Moses: and she said, "Because I drew him out of the water" (Ex. 2:10). What has "Moses" to do with "drew" out of the water? In the original Hebrew it is a play on words: "and she called his name Mosheh, ... Because meshethi (I drew) him out of the waters" (Heb., mashad, to draw). The curious thing about it all is that the Egyptian princess is represented as speaking in fluent “Hebrew”; a language which came about centuries later.
The processes of the formation of the Hebrew Old Testament Scriptures are, however, interesting and intriguing, if sacred tradition is true. According to priestly lore, the man Moses, "learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians" (another Christian assurance; Acts VII, 22), sat down in the Wilderness of Sinai and under divine inspiration wrote his Five Books of prehistorical history, codes of post-exilic divine Law, and chronicles of contemporary and future notable events, including four different names of his father-in-law -- (Wz.: Jethro, Ex. III, 1; Reuel, Ex. II, 18; Jether, Ex. IV, 18, and Raguel, Num. X, 29, while a fifth name, Hobab, is awarded him in Judges IV, II).
Next we our lead to believe that Moses together with a graphic account of his own death and burial, and of the whole month after-wards spent by all Is-ra-el mourning his death. He also records the death of his brother Aaron at Mt. Hor (Num. XX, 28; XXXIII, 38), just six months before his own death; though, in amazing contradiction, he elsewhere records Aaron as having died at Mosera, just after leaving Sinai (Deut. X, 6), thirty-nine years previously -- and thus nullifies the entire history of the wonderful career and deeds of Aaron as high priest during the whole 40 years of wandering in the Wilderness, of which the Books of Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers are largely filled; as also many other matters and things occurring for some centuries after his death, and known as "post-Mosaic" to the scholars.
- Schpankme
Originally posted by ANTIQUER View PostI don't think they used money then. The reference to Jewish shekels in building the Tabernacle is as a weight of silver or gold. The earliest money found so far came from much later during the time of Joseph.
Stone is cut?
4 to devise artistic work -- to work in gold, and in silver, and in copper, 5 and in cutting of stones, for setting, and for carving of timber -- to work in all manner of work
Originally posted by Schpankme View PostIn no accurate sense was Moses, if he ever lived, a Hebrew at all; indeed, he is expressly called “an Egyptian” (Ex. 2:19). Certainly he did not speak the Hebrew language, since it was non-existent as such, and after four hundred years in Egyptian slavery the slave descendants of Jacob the Syrian, had evidently ceased to have any knowledge of their old tongue and could speak only an Egyptian dialect.
Hi Stealth;
Most skyscrapers are as much as two feet out of square. That is an acceptible measurement in that size of structure. Good Luck. Stealth
I worked on an engineering crew when the NASA complex was being built. We built the Radar Boresight Range which was an area 1000' long, 400' wide on the narrow end and 700' wide on the other end.It had to be graded (leveled) to 1/8" across the entire surface and the side angles were within 1/10 of 1 second of arc. They used it to establish that the Saturn rockets launched from the other side of the Indian River were going up on course. We used instruments called transits to lay out the angles. They have been replaced in general usage by theodolites which are even more accurate; some incorporate lasers. Any instrument man can lay out a perfect square on the ground the size of the pyramid using a theodolite and engineer's measuring chain (type of measuring tape). If he was really sloppy it might be out by 1/8".
I'm not sure what is meant by "orientation": Magnetic? Stellar? or relating the n-s axis 90 degrees to the e-w axis?
I'd like to see that show if anyone has a link.
Originally posted by ANTIQUER View PostIt had to be graded (leveled) to 1/8" across the entire surface and the side angles were within 1/10 of 1 second of arc.
- SchpankmeAttached Files
Roman cement
Hi Aaron;
Thought this would interest you; very thorough report.
The Riddle of Ancient Roman Concrete, David Moore, PE
Hi Schpankme;
The Most Accurate Level There Is ?
NMAH | Surveying & Geodesy | Automatic Level
How long a hose would you need to do a 1000' diam. circle. Plus hard to drag around when setting grade stakes on 25' centers on a grid that large.
Also hard to transfer the exact height you need to your grade stake. You also have an effect (I forget it's name) which is caused by the liquid crawling up the sides of the tube while staying lower in the center which affects the reading if using a clear tube.
Using the instrument and a surveyors "rod" you can transfer the height from a point of known elevation to any point you wish or use it as a base elevation and go up or down on the rod to the elevation you want. A special type known as a lenker rod makes it even easier.
The hardest part is driving the grade stakes into compacted limestone without shattering them.
The oldest known surviving concrete is to be found in the former Yugoslavia and was thought to have been laid in 5,600 BC using red lime as the cement. 5,000 years before the Romans.
I am lovin this....
Originally posted by Aaron View PostRavi posted something very extensive relating to this. I wasn't very
familiar with it but his document is somewhere in this forum.
Jbigness, if this is going too far off track let us know.
Just remember I want to explore the Pyramids. Not religion. Use references but when it comes to beliefs leave them in your heart. Although I understand that belief is a strong tool it is too easy to get off the facts. The number sequence is not off track here and only goes to show there is something behind it all. After all this is how Rodin got his ah ha moment.
Originally posted by ANTIQUER View PostHi Jbignes5;
With reference to your statement above;
Full article here;
The Genesis Flood (1/4) « Bible Apologetics
Since the Sumerian society was the predecessor of the Egyptian society and others around that area it would be only natural for them to borrow from what was available. I was only looking for a source of the stories told in the bible and this fits well with that search.
Although the translation was loose it still kept it's content and that is evident in the parallelism of the two when compared, like the creation and flood stories.
Here is a thought.
Could we start an experiment in thought.
With what we have gleaned so far do you think it would be wise to form a timeline based off of everything being discussed here.
Starting with the Creation story from the Sumerian and going from what is evident from our own knowledge as well. Maybe that could help us is seeing the whole to make more connections out of.