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The OTG Pulse Generator Paper

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  • #16
    My results so far.

    YouTube - Video 97 OTG group Freq generator test run.wmv

    Still trying to figure out why the frequency generated is slanted. I think there still may be a part that is not right on my setup.

    See my experiments here...

    You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


    • #17
      Originally posted by theremart View Post
      YouTube - Video 97 OTG group Freq generator test run.wmv

      Still trying to figure out why the frequency generated is slanted. I think there still may be a part that is not right on my setup.

      Hi Mart,
      Great vid, it helps a lot. Firstly, the pulse circuit will not trigger the SSG circuit while the rotor is spinning, the signal from the passing rotor magnets is stronger than the output pulse of the circuit, they will both fight each other and the rotor usually wins. As for your slanted waveform... It could be your scope or scope probe. The signal is DC and your scope should be set to DC. You seem to have your scope connected to the astable, showing a square wave of equal duty (more ore less), this is correct. I don't thing the output of the monostable is pulsing your transistor's base from what I could tell. You may be driving the transistor from the astable which would turn your rotor, this is not the purpose of the circuit though. I will try to make a vid next week to help you set frequency and debug the circuit with your scope.

      Regards Lee...


      • #18
        Thank you !

        Originally posted by smw1998a View Post
        Hi Mart,
        Great vid, it helps a lot. Firstly, the pulse circuit will not trigger the SSG circuit while the rotor is spinning, the signal from the passing rotor magnets is stronger than the output pulse of the circuit, they will both fight each other and the rotor usually wins. As for your slanted waveform... It could be your scope or scope probe. The signal is DC and your scope should be set to DC. You seem to have your scope connected to the astable, showing a square wave of equal duty (more ore less), this is correct. I don't thing the output of the monostable is pulsing your transistor's base from what I could tell. You may be driving the transistor from the astable which would turn your rotor, this is not the purpose of the circuit though. I will try to make a vid next week to help you set frequency and debug the circuit with your scope.

        Regards Lee...

        What you say helps me alot as I am a computer geek and an electronics kindergartner. The scope is very suspect, but so is the circuit it did get a blast of a short and it took out the pot. The pot has been replaced as well as the 2 555 timers chips. However, I found in testing if I remove one of the 555 timer chips it still performs the same way ( same signal on the scope ) I also replaced the diode, but perhaps the resistor also needs replacing... ( I bought spares of all parts just in case )

        My scope has been thru the war, and I do need to re test the base line again to see if it is root cause. But I have really got my value out of this $50.00 scope.

        I will retest putting the SSG into Solid State mode, and I will also make note of the settings on the scope. I am not familiar with the term astable, but I will do my homework and hope to report back.

        Thanks again, my main target with this project is to learn more about the 555 timer chip, and it is teaching me alot.

        See my experiments here...

        You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


        • #19
          Originally posted by theremart View Post
          I am not familiar with the term astable, but I will do my homework and hope to report back.

          Hi Mart,
          Astable refers to the mode of operation of the 7555 timer, it simply means that the timer oscillates without the need for a continuous trigger input.

          555 Timer/Oscillator Tutorial

          This is possibly one of the best resources for the 555 Timer and many other circuits.

          Regards Lee.


          • #20
            New Video

            Hello All,
            I have uploaded a new video in two parts to youtube. A little more information on the pulse generator circuit itself.

            YouTube - OTG Pulse Generator_pt1

            YouTube - OTG Pulse Generator_pt2.MP4

            Regards Lee.


            • #21

              thank you very much for the vids Lee.


              • #22
                Ups and downs of Pulse generation.

                YouTube - Video 100 Sucess then Failure of Pulse Generator.wmv

                I had this working then something went wrong.

                Oh well more diag work.

                See my experiments here...

                You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by theremart View Post
                  YouTube - Video 100 Sucess then Failure of Pulse Generator.wmv

                  I had this working then something went wrong.

                  Oh well more diag work.

                  Hi Mart,
                  Good work, I'm glad you cracked it, kind of. I looked at your video and I noticed that the diode and the 4k7 resistor are not sharing the same track and this is not correct. The diode and resistor need to share the same track as the monostable side of the 330pf capacitor. Look at page 16 in the paper, capacitor C3, the diode and resistor.

                  Best regards Lee.


                  • #24
                    Same track..

                    Originally posted by smw1998a View Post
                    Hi Mart,
                    Good work, I'm glad you cracked it, kind of. I looked at your video and I noticed that the diode and the 4k7 resistor are not sharing the same track and this is not correct. The diode and resistor need to share the same track as the monostable side of the 330pf capacitor. Look at page 16 in the paper, capacitor C3, the diode and resistor.

                    Best regards Lee.
                    it was something to do at that point. I moved those around and it is working again, even better than before as there is a single dot at the top.

                    I hope to hook it up today and see what it can do.
                    See my experiments here...

                    You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                    • #25
                      WORKING is good!

                      YouTube - Video 101 Sucess Pulse Generator working

                      Kool! I have this hooked up to the SSG and I am seeing spikes. So another step forward.
                      See my experiments here...

                      You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by theremart View Post
                        YouTube - Video 101 Sucess Pulse Generator working

                        Kool! I have this hooked up to the SSG and I am seeing spikes. So another step forward.
                        Hi Mart,
                        Great news! I have two suggestions based on your SSG wave. First, you will need to reduce your base resistance to prevent self oscillation. You need to allow the pulse generator to control when the SSG transistor conducts. I'm not too sure of your coil configuration but I would start with 680 ohm (reduce to 220 ohm if necessary) in the base circuit, include a potentiometer and maybe remove the bulb if you have one. This will help to prevent self oscillation, the pulse generator should start your SSG just fine as soon as you connect a battery to the circuit. Second, your SSG solid state wave seems unbalanced as if your charge battery negative was connected to to primary battery ground rather than primary battery positive. I'm not too sure but it may be worth checking your circuit.

                        Best regards Lee...


                        • #27
                          RE: self oscillation.

                          Originally posted by smw1998a View Post
                          Hi Mart,
                          Great news! I have two suggestions based on your SSG wave. First, you will need to reduce your base resistance to prevent self oscillation. You need to allow the pulse generator to control when the SSG transistor conducts. I'm not too sure of your coil configuration but I would start with 680 ohm (reduce to 220 ohm if necessary) in the base circuit, include a potentiometer and maybe remove the bulb if you have one. This will help to prevent self oscillation, the pulse generator should start your SSG just fine as soon as you connect a battery to the circuit. Second, your SSG solid state wave seems unbalanced as if your charge battery negative was connected to to primary battery ground rather than primary battery positive. I'm not too sure but it may be worth checking your circuit.

                          Best regards Lee...
                          Ok I did not realize that you were letting the 555 control the firing. This is awesome! I can see that in the future I could use my pic controller to control the firing.

                          What I like about what I see I you can turn the circuit completely off by disconnecting the 555 timer, and leaving the batteries connected.

                          I have started the circuit without the it being in Solid state mode with the pulse Generator. As for most of the waves you were seeing it was because I use ferrite beads for a core. They were jumping around inside like Mexican jumping beans, I put a pair of pliers in on top and the wave form went solid.

                          So that you are on the same page the circuit I am using is not the SSG, but rather the monopole circuit with 2 transistors. That may explain some of the noise you are seeing in the scope shot as well.

                          This looks like exactly what my Solid State Bedini needs, a battery powered firing mechanism which will give me granular control. ( using your pulse generator as the firing mechanism.

                          Ok a step at a time, I think I will swap out the core with perhaps solid iron rod to get a stable wave form or welding rods, I have both.

                          So nice to see this baby purr :-)
                          See my experiments here...

                          You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by theremart View Post
                            Ok I did not realize that you were letting the 555 control the firing. This is awesome! I can see that in the future I could use my pic controller to control the firing.

                            So nice to see this baby purr :-)
                            Success! Well done Mart.

                            Have a look at this video. YouTube - Frequency Controlled SSG The SSG is triggered by a 5uS pulse just like the pulse generator but the pic also monitors battery voltage and adjusts pulse frequency to suit. This had the best charge performance of any SSG based circuit I have built.

                            Regards Lee...


                            • #29
                              More work On Pulse Generator.

                              More progress...

                              Swapped core for Iron rod.

                              When I had the 100K pot hooked up for a short duration I could change frequency and it had direct impact upon the current draw. which was very kool. Then I blew a few transistors ...

                              YouTube - Video 102 Pulse Generator hooked up to Monopole.wmv

                              I am down to using standard 555 timers as all of my 7555 are bunt up, but circuit is stable, if I use a standard power supply.

                              I had a glimpse of what it is to have full control of the circuit via frequency shift. I really like that, but hate killing transistors... Oh well they are the cheap kind.

                              I like your pic setup. Not sure where I will go from here. Guess I will strive for best charging rate that yields the best load times.
                              See my experiments here...

                              You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                              • #30
                                It is nice when..

                                you find the root of a problem.

                                Found that my IN4007 was blown, replaced it and I have full control over the target circuit.

                                I have some 7555 on order, I am charging up a battery tonite. I am amazed at the different H wave patterns i am getting at different frequencies, this is the first time I believe I have found the negative 'H' wave pattern that John Bedini talks about. I will have to go back and review that video but all is well with my new toy :-)
                                See my experiments here...

                                You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.

