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Muammer Yildiz

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  • #16
    PHP Code:
    Not to speak of how the  piramids were build thousends of years ago
    We are  not able to replicate these even if we have gps and laser cutting tools,big machines etc at this time.
    But they are there !!! 
    We can 't  say that it can not be done, because it is done.
    Even if we do not know how its done.

    It is time for A next step. 

    Jeroen, I like your comments you typed here man! What I also believe that, mas-media most specially in USA it's very critical of these technologies for the reason that, they'r all bought by the money changers in the land. Oil companies, utility companies you name it. They sponsor every type of academic and educational system in order to create nation full of skeptics
    and a Nation damn full of ROBOTS. They don't want thinking or creative people, period.
    However if the truth to be told, it's even beyond science fiction movie.
    For example the earths speed in orbit is about 18 miles per second, and we live on this massive totally self sustained spaceship generally speaking no body wants to admit it let alone to offer a little bit of appreciation about it.

    Mankind is totally powerless when it comes to powers of the nature, and yet their full of arrogant ignorant about it.

    it's totally unbelievable how close minded human educational system has gone! Terribly disgusting even to think about it.

    But anyway, Muammer Yildiz by the way Yildiz means Start in English,
    He truly become an star as he was named after one.

    The technology is without a doubt is real and there is no question in my mind at all. The fact that the way he starts the magnet motor totally make sense.
    I have downloaded he is world patent it's quite clear what he talks about it.


    • #17
      Yellow Magnetic Star


      Not totally powerless, it is the choice of the individual.

      “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

      Nelson Mandela

      ^^ Authored and published by Marianne Williamson ^^


      ""Yellow Magnetic Star""

      Yellow Magnetic Star
      A bit ''vague'' but interesting (not to be taken to seriously)

      Tone 1: Magnetic - Unity


      By the way one of the first inventions by Mr Yildiz was called the Ocean Star
      Look at Mr Yildiz Eyes and decide for yourself

      Jeroen +=
      Attached Files


      • #18
        Hi Jeroen,

        Good to see that our nation's tech unis are actively working with the alternative energy research, beyond our ancient and too low numbered wind mills, and the Solar car races we tend to dominate.

        I hope that you'll be able to negotiate a deal with Mr. Yildiz to replicate his device, at similar scale, from the ground up, for the ultimate confirmation. It should teach your students a lot, give them new goals in their professional lives, and help Mr. Yildiz somehow eventually make a buck from his research.
        If he doesn't allow you to replicate, doesn't share the secret, I can safely bet it will die with him. No one free energy inventor ever got his invention "out", supposing it was ever there that is. No university ever managed to get tpo the bottom of such invention. This will need to change. New kinds of talents are required of inventors and those associated to their work, o get this into the world.
        First, verification through replication. No company will invest in a 40kg device that (maybe) offers 250watts.
        The self-destruct, on slo-mo video, of a replication with the coils, would be a huge step.
        Mr. Yildiz will need to open up though, universities can take care of him to ensure his family's future wealth. He can teach, he can do work for companies to develop on to his reasearch. Sell the rights for millions to Shell or Eneco, will only result in his untimely passing and diappearance of his secret, which no-one wants.
        Replication can't be that hard, with a full university eager to make this happen. Mr. Yildiz could even disassemble, let seperate teams replicate parts, and then oversee a small team to assemble, and start, on camera.

        Proof, then freedom!


        • #19
          Hello to everyone.

          I am new in the foro, i am from Spain and I had pattented a magnetic motor very simple, but it is not works how i can wait.

          I would like talk with Muammer about his invent, somebody know the way for do it?.

          I would like to know why it did not works well. My system it is based in one rotor and one stator but only one row magnets in each one. The problem is that rotor stay how blocked. I am working in another two new desings, i hope that it works this time.

          If somebody have any sugestions for get spinning rotor we could make a good invent.

          Thank you very much


          • #20
            free energy

            The problem of "free" energy has been discussed to death... Action is needed.

            People who have the ideas need to "open source" their ideas with 3D CAD models and then start to get these designs made in bulk so we can start to get these devices developed for application. When Free energy is out, money / lack will be less of an issue...

            Some interesting links:
            Project Camelot | Wade Frazier

            I was at this conference and was the guy in the green Tshirt on Brian's left...
            YouTube - Zurich Conference: Dr Brian O'Leary's workshop, 12 July 2009

            From here: Project Camelot | Zurich Conference, 2009

            Unfortunately until devices which can be made in bulk using scaletrix magnets and using CNC engineered parts (direct from the 3D / 2D CAD models). We will be no further forward on convincing people these devices work.

            I work in engineering specifically intake and exhaust and saw this at Amsterdam working:
            YouTube - GEET/Pantone Hybrid demonstration

            I'm an engineer, 15+ years experience. Now convincing people you actually work with you saw this running is another thing... people are too locked down with stress and meeting deadlines...

            I suppose people will start to listen when they are ready...



            • #21
              Over-Unity, Free Energy, How To Prove It

              Hello All.

              Personally, I like Yeron's comment the most. He/She is 100% correct when saying that this invention may very well be in its primitive stage.

              The Problem:
              Is it a hoax or not?? Everyone wants to see over unity become a reality. Everyone has a "Show Me" mentality and will not budge until there is proof, and that is very reasonable and understandable.

              The solution:
              American Media.

              The reason I say American Media is the answer is simply because of the concept of "When America Sneezes Or Coughs, The World Catch's A Cold". The entire world catches on to what is done in America so quickly. The faster it can be shown to American's, then the faster it will catch on to the rest of the world (despite the fact that Asian countries have been using technology that America has yet to utilize).

              Just like johnshore said, the topic has been "discussed to death." The machine needs to be brought to American Soil and shown in front of cameras from ALL angles, plenty of lights, thus making it impossible to hide a concealed battery. If the machine can be brought to a major American University, Research Center, or City for a live demonstration in those conditions, then i can assure you that American Media WILL discover the truth about if it is a hoax or not. I guarantee you American's WILL PAY BIG MONEY the moment its validity is confirmed!

              The BIGGER problem:
              Bringing the device to America for a "hoax/not hoax" demonstration.

              The Solutions / What he'll need:
              A WHOLE LOT OF MONEY. I'll bet given his claim to fame, he is most likely on the "No Fly" list. Meaning that powerful corporations have placed him on that list in fear that his invention may be the real deal, and will hit mainstream and crumble their business .

              He will need Support from professors, scientists, and especially support from Sponsors all over the world. People know that the world needs to see this because it will revolutionize the way the world operates.

              He will need a privatized personal security team as there will be many assassination attempts to keep him from unveiling the next step in pushing man kind to the next level of technology . The security can not be government funded or controlled because governments of the world can be easily sabotage the operation to make it look like a hoax, or worst, perform the assassination for the sake of the major corporations that don't want the concept of over unity to applied to actual homes and businesses.

              There will have to be a controlled environment. Most likely, the machine will have to be placed in the middle of a demonstration area with NO walls, camera's from all angles, and plenty of spectators, and plenty of lights. People will be looking for ANY and EVERY way to prove it is not real. So that will be the ONLY way to provide undeniable proof.

              Under these conditions, he will have to give a live demonstration, take the unit apart COMPLETELY. Not just showing the top half of it, but he will have to take it apart all the way to the last screw. The only thing he will most likely be allowed to keep assembled are any parts that keep the magnets in correct alignment. Everything else will have to be broken down. He will have to show all of the parts of the the unit to the spectators to prove that there is no battery and to show how it works in full detail, all under extreme surveillance of course.

              IF he can do all of of these things, and then put it back together only to have it work the same way it did before it was disassembled, then he will be one of the most admired, talked about, and richest people in the world.

              So, with all that being said, unless any of this is done, his machine will be held back from exposure until he dies. Once he dies, his work can be covered up and buried never to be seen again. I don't want to see that happen. Simply put, it is the only way for anyone to prove something that is supposed to be impossible to do.



              • #22
                NSUSCOOTER, you hit everything right on when you said he will need a full time security team and he will need to do more revealing. But even that won't be enough.

                I hate to say this. I really do. But no free energy is going to be commercialized. Not unless we somehow take over the elite who run things. Because as it stands, the ordinary citizens are not running the show. Too many of us are lost and incoherent. We cannot contribute because we are zombies. One guy can invent something amazing, but society won't support him. The government will always intervene and halt progress. Why? Because the elite ARE coherent. They know the game. They are enlightened. The citizens of the world are NOT enlightened.

                I am no longer mad at the elite. They are smart, and they have succeeded in controlling things. They deserve what they have because they are wise.

                My intuition tells me that no commercial company is going to make a free energy device. It is never going to marketed, at least not for decades. Instead, what will happen is that people will start making free energy devices on a grass roots level. We are already doing this now.

                What has happened now is the 100th monkey syndrome. It is apparent to me that there is an exponential "sudden" leap of intuitive inventive spirit that seems to have taken over thousands of people worldwide. This new spirit has motivated people to make working magnet motors and other free energy devices that used to be deemed impossible. At some point it is going to hit critical mass. When it hits critical mass, the public will know that there is an alternative to paying high prices for energy. Tiny little shops will build stuff and sell it. This is going to happen for many years. The big companies are going to continue to deny, deny, deny for as long as possible until there are no more profits to make from oil. The big companies WILL NOT give us free energy until the grassroots free energy begins taking profits from big oil (unlikely). What this means is that we will see grassroots free energy growing for 10 or 20 years, without the help of the mainstream government and oil companies, which is fine by me. We can do it ourselves.

                In conclusion: We will NOT be seeing the mainstream scientists and energy companies embracing any new free energy technologies unless the ordinary average citizens of the world can compete with the energy companies. This cannot happen until there is a massive shift in public awareness. This hasn't happened yet, but it could happen at anytime. As it stands right now, I'd have to guess 10 or 20 years will elapse before the government accepts, embraces and teaches us about free energy.
                Last edited by Huckmubb; 08-03-2010, 12:37 AM.


                • #23
                  A different video

                  Hey guys. I try to "keep up" as much as possible on these type of videos.

                  Didn't see the other video demonstration in front of a group of researchers and engineers posted here. Was back in july of 2010 I think but has only had 500+ views on youtube. Purposefully keeping view logging for videos low so that they do not snowball into popularity, is a very common tactic used on youtube.

                  Muammer has an very productive magnet motor running for 10 mins and then disassembles the device for inspection. Magnet placement and layout can be seen on several segments of the device (@7:30mins) as Muammer pulls them out an hands them over for inspection. Watch the VIDEO here.

                  Another "REAL DEAL" here. I'm sooo tired of the "nay sayers" proclaiming that maxwell's thermodynamics rules apply the same way in every situation. Man, Its ALL free energy isn't it? Considering the absolute source?
                  Last edited by thedude; 11-19-2011, 06:44 PM.
         - Where technology goes Live!
         - Your Portal Here on Earth


                  • #24
                    Hi Guys, I would like to say I don't think people being cautious and refusing to
                    believe everything without proof is being a naysayer. If so then so be it.

                    I think it is more harmful and more negative to just believe everything with no
                    proof. It makes no sense to do that.

                    I am always skeptical of magnet motors. This was demonstrated a long time ago.

                    It occurs to me if big energy wanted to distract people they would organize
                    some fakes and have them demonstrated for a couple of reasons.

                    1. To discredit individual people that support it when it turns out to be fake.

                    2. Distract a lot of people and have them trying to replicate a non working
                    device or two.

                    3. To discredit the whole free energy movement by having OU devices turn up
                    and be found to be fakes.

                    It would make sense in a lot of ways for big energy to organize and fund very
                    expensive fakes.

                    Every fake that is believed by a lot of people then turns out to be fake does a
                    lot more damage to the free energy movement than being cautious and not
                    just believing everything.

                    I don't understand why we as open source people even support people who
                    hold out for money and patents in these times of human development.

                    I don't believe it is genuine if it is and it gets patented it won't help us
                    anyway. We'll see in the long run if it is fake or not.

                    Just believing everything without proof makes no sense and is undermining the
                    whole free energy movement along with all the fakes that is.

                    When we promote fakes it makes us look either silly or deceitful.

                    I just think we should be more cautious about supporting things we have no
                    information about.

                    There is no need for any of us to believe these things if they are going to be
                    patented, it shouldn't make any difference if the device is real, if it is believed
                    or not.

                    If he was looking for investors by demonstrating and got good dollars
                    (which he should of if he proved it's real to the investors) then we should see
                    them on the market soon.

                    Somehow I doubt it. Looks like am a naysayer on this one.

                    I have one question. What possible good could it do for us all to believe
                    everything that is put out there without any proof ?

                    Seems to me that would leave us open to being deceived easily and repeatedly.



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                      Hi Guys, I would like to say I don't think people being cautious and refusing to
                      believe everything without proof is being a naysayer. If so then so be it.
                      I made no such reference to this definition of naysayer, so i hope that your comments aren't solely directed at me. :P

                      My only reason for "promoting" this video is that it is one that has sat in my archives to be uploaded to my site for more than a year and was around the same number of hits back then when i had grabbed it. It is my feelings that if "big energy wanted to distract people", that deliberately directing viewers away from technology already present on youtube is a significant issue.

                      As well, I consider magnetic propulsion motors a very sound and viable technology that and there are very many demonstrations of the use of magnetic gates used in this fashion. I'm not alone in this feeling. I may not personally be able to provide proof of this particular model of motor, nor have I been able to go see it personally, however that shouldn't preclude me from helping the issue from fading into darkness. As well, I run a youtube clone..... I'm doing my best to keep it real, so i hope that no one feels i'm spamming these forums with disinfo. I do try to post about things that I'm mostly working on or testing. But i'm not having any sort of final say on this subject.

                      My statements on maxwell are only referencing the stringent arguments where conservation is erroneously referenced due to poor definition of the states of energy which are very often misunderstood by the layman. This includes myself Farmhand.

                      In the end. Here on the forums, it can be presented without fear of having to defend it. Its for discussion and I personally feel it is valid. Not everone will and thats cool.

                      I think its a good Video for discussion.

                      Edit- Farmhand i did just notice that i used the words "Real Deal" in my first post. In my defence i did put it inside quotes to denote the video owners sentiment on the device. So in the future i will refrain from giving my opinion in such a way unless i have my own video to show. :P my apologies M8!

                      Last edited by thedude; 11-19-2011, 10:52 PM.
             - Where technology goes Live!
             - Your Portal Here on Earth


                      • #26
                        No probs Dude, I freely admit I have no right to tell people what they should
                        believe. And we all are entitled to our opinions no matter what they are so I
                        don't hold peoples opinions against them at all. I just like to give my opinion on
                        things sometimes as an alternative viewpoint. It is OK to disagree on things,
                        disagreeing should not need to cause big arguments. I commend you for your
                        being considerate of my opinion. Thanks. I hope it is real, but alas I hope more
                        than I believe.



                        • #27
                          well well.....indeed the motor works.....but nobody ask the most important question....for how long !!!will the motor run ??...answer is : NOT very long because it will demagnetise in a few weeks and the energy produced by the motor is much less than the energy used for magnetising the neodimium magnets.. so....scam...scam...scam
                          Alex Erauw
                          Aero & Hydro Engineering
                          Save the planet
                          E mail :
                          My Website
                          research center Belgium
                          Skype : alex.erauw1


                          • #28
                            magnet motor Muammer Yldiz

                            well well.....indeed the motor works.....but nobody ask the most important question....for how long !!!will the motor run ??...answer is : NOT very long because it will demagnetise in a few weeks and the energy produced by the motor is much less than the energy used for magnetising the neodimium magnets.. so....scam...scam...scam
                            Alex Erauw
                            Aero & Hydro Engineering
                            Save the planet
                            E mail :
                            My Website
                            research center Belgium
                            Skype : alex.erauw1


                            • #29
                              We may know about the Yildiz magnetic motor by the end of the week, as Sterling Allan has flown to Geneva to observe - along with many others -- the Yildiz device. His day-by-day blog is here:

                              Event:2013:Yildiz Magnet Motor Demos - PESWiki

                              Here is a magnetic motor going on public, international display beginning April 10, 2013.
                              Please note, there is no need to make pre-judgements about this motor; we can observe and decide for ourselves.

                              Sterling writes:
                              Update (as of April 5, 2013): Mr. Yildiz has been invited by the Turkish patent office to demonstrate his all-magnet motor at the Inventors Expo in Geneva, Switzerland, from April 10-14. They are paying his way. He plans to have more than one motor, and for at least one of them to run the entire duration. The idea is to run it more than long enough to rule out the possibility of hidden batteries inside. Yildiz has invited me to participate in this event, and thanks to so many of you who have chipped in, I will be attending and reporting from there.

                              This page is to provide an updated chronicle of events pertaining to the test of Muammer Yildiz' All-Magnet Motor at the Inventors Expo in Geneva, Switzerland from April 10-14, 2013. At least three universities will be involved in observing and documenting the demonstrations done there. After the Geneva expo, Mr. Yildiz plans to have the motor(s) tested in a university lab, in a more controlled environment. Yildiz is very determined to achieve vindication, after all these years of people questioning his technology and his motives.

                              As these things are accomplished, the scientific world [may] have to revise their models of physics that predict that such a motor is impossible. Also, Yildiz will have the verification he needs to bring this to market. He may also do an open license (allowing people download plans, build a company, remit royalty once commercial) on the lower power version in the range of 1 kW.


                              • #30
                                Sterling is keeping us apprised by his enthusiastic (not to say hyped) vids... Here's the latest I've seen, from earlier today:
                                20130409 Sterling Allan reports from Yildiz demo - YouTube

                                Sterling claims that copper pennies will stick to the device... strange if true.

                                Note that the public display/testing begins tomorrow, 10 April, and goes through 14 April 2013.
                                IS ANYONE HERE GOING TO THE DEMO?

