Ok so you can only tune the oscilator with L and probally C as well, very interesting. I would probally still use resistance so you use the least amount of power to trigger the gate. Ive run some more figures for you. With the Main toroid of 117mH and with the 0.002uf cap the resonant frequency is 10,406 Hz. Im going to go with the assumption that the oscillating trigger toroid needs to resonate at that frequency too. Using your other toroid at 19mH as the oscilating trigger you dont have enough inductance to get to that low of a frequency. But i believe we should be able to add capacitance to reach the frequency. At 19mh you will need to add 0.012317uf capacitance to the trigger toroid. Im still not sure if you need to put it in series or parallel with the trigger toroid, you may have to test that. Or maybe that wont work. The other option of course would be to wind another trigger coil with higher inductance and use your magnets to tune the inductance on the trigger core, im assuming thats how your tuning it now. Its hard to say exactly what inductance you need because i dont know the self capacitance of the coil so you may just have to start adding turns if you want to go that route. The other option would be to decrease the capacitance on your main toroid. This would increase the resonant frequency to a level that your trigger toroid has a frequency range in. Ill recalculate the frequencys if you decide to go that route. You should be able to use a lower voltage once you get the trigger toroid in resonance because it will develope resonant rise to give you a higher voltage for your gate i think. Unfortunatly i dont think your going to be able to hit the optimum voltage level for your setup due to the low amperage capabilities of your toriod. But thats ok, we can still learn a lot from it. If you decide to make a new main toroid sometime, we can do some calculations to engineer it up for best preformance at a desired voltage level. Keep us posted and great work!