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Donald duck free energy generator

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  • #16
    Originally posted by stevie1001 View Post

    What do you mean with quack? Can you be a little bit more specific?
    Please add some facts to your comment.
    The reason i ask, is because from a sertain point of view, we all doesnt talk the same language.
    His video's with the spinning device make some sence.
    this is a scam ...
    in the french forum there is a lot of proof of :
    this a con man and he put lot of video of others but he is doing nothing
    but he look for a lot of money

    on overunity I put some proof ... look on internet ...

    I have the same thing than in this spinning device , but noting real


    • #17
      Being french, I understood 'Quack quack quack' as a duck's useless speech.

      People, I think we're ok that Yanicksonick didn't make or contribute to any of the devices he shows. Ok, now enough with him.

      I'd just like this thread to stay focused on the Donald Duck's device, since it seems it's based upon Hatem's theories (in French of course) which I went to give a look at, from links given in an earlier post from tagor.

      Not that I agree with Hatem's theory about cosmology, since I found my answers, which satisfies me now, in the book (yet in French) which I give a link to with the signature down my posts. But I can understand that someone who has not read this book is still on his own, trying to figure out how things can be better explained than with mainstream sciences (which are obviously not anymore any panacea since now some time).

      Then, Hatem's description of some conditions where he observes a dragless effect on separating poles of facing magnets, with the help of the both being in movement, is something that makes me have hope for it to work. I'd just like to see (or make) some tests around this idea, to be able to validate it or not. Until then, my inner questions will stay in my mind.

      @elias : thanks for your kind words; love and understanding always help
      They reminded me of my bases, those that I think I have started to acquire when I came here first, thanks to Imhotep's thread about his ssg bedini little fan. Since then around, my dreams are of far better quality. Because of the so many talented and incredible people in this unique forum.
      M.E. Who else ?...


      • #18
        Originally posted by marseye View Post

        Then, Hatem's description of some conditions where he observes a dragless effect on separating poles of facing magnets, with the help of the both being in movement, is something that makes me have hope for it to work. I'd just like to see (or make) some tests around this idea, to be able to validate it or not. Until then, my inner questions will stay in my mind.

        some test on hatem device in french

        Prototype machine de Hatem: photos et explications : Moteurs ou procédés surunitaires, débat et idées ?


        • #19
          and this one

          Forums de -> Theorie de M.hatem


          • #20
            Hi folks, i started a thread called, free energy generator - the real deal. I am building a replication right now, i thought this device looked really simple and could work and the only way to know is to try it and its a cheap build. The only way to know for certain if something works or not is to experiment yourself. With a trillion dollar energy industry, i would not trust any claim that something does not or cannot work, instead i would investigate and experiment, if within means.
            peace love light


            • #21
              @tagor : thanks for you repeated the links that already didn't help me much to decide before...
              Yannicksonic, whose video is pointed at by the first Sinergicus'post in this thread, didn't make any video.

              But instead, 'Donald Duck' did it, and he clearly shows that he manages to put 110w in and has 250w out. I hardly doubt this is a scam, since I'm always reluctant to think that an user who's hiding his real identity (for safety reasons?) would publish any video about a tricky device for fame...

              2 experiences, 2 contradictory results...

              So, I still must wonder. I don't think I'm naive, but looking for the truth.
              M.E. Who else ?...


              • #22
                Originally posted by marseye View Post
                @tagor : thanks for you repeated the links that already didn't help me much to decide before...
                Yannicksonic, whose video is pointed at by the first Sinergicus'post in this thread, didn't make any video.

                But instead, 'Donald Duck' did it, and he clearly shows that he manages to put 110w in and has 250w out. I hardly doubt this is a scam, since I'm always reluctant to think that an user who's hiding his real identity (for safety reasons?) would publish any video about a tricky device for fame...

                2 experiences, 2 contradictory results...

                So, I still must wonder. I don't think I'm naive, but looking for the truth.
                on these 2 forum
                ask to naca that did completed test on hatem device
                Last edited by tagor; 03-17-2010, 08:44 AM.


                • #24
                  @tagor: I went to see naca's replication, and surprisingly he comments :
                  "Prototype Hatem
                  Toujours rien de concluant malgré avoir doublé le poids des rotors (+ 2 Kg par rotor)et doublé la vitesse de rotation (3750 Trs/mn)Pourtant il se passe quelque chose, on ne retrouve pas la charge des generateurs sur le moteur. pour infos 60 Volts Dc sur moteur = 3750 Trs/Mn"

                  Let me try to translate in English :
                  "Hatem's Prototype
                  Yet nothing concluding, despite I have doubled the weight of the rotors ( +2 Kg a rotor) as well as the rotation speed (3750 RPM). Though, something is happening, as we can't 'feel' the generators' charges on the motor. An info 60 Volts Dc for the motor = 3750 RPM"

                  This is my word for word translation. The most challenging sentence to translate for me is the bold one. I understand it as I translated it. Means for me : whatever the charge from the gennys, it's not found on the motor (primary).

                  In his video, when the motor is slowing down, it's because Naca is measuring the current flowing in the motor with a shunt ! That's 2 amps. But he nowhere shows what is going out from the gennys to the batteries.

                  And more : what about the gennys specs nowhere seen ? Since all the wheels are turning at the same speed ? That brings me more questions than answers ... What with any other generators ?

                  'Donald Duck's device (or whatever his name, since Yannichsonic could have fitted the guy who really filmed what we saw with any invented name to blur out our search for the real one), has two mains differences with Naca's setup, IMHO :
                  1) he doesn't use a regular battery, but a caps-based one; and we all know that caps get their charge a lot easier and faster than regular batteries.
                  2) DDuck is measuring his output after an inverter which is feeding the bulb, with a wattmeter in between ; Naca doesn't.

                  That makes enough difference for me. Because I didn't see lots of measurements from Naca's video. We don't even know his mesuring procedures.

                  Many wind alternators give good power as low as 300 RPM. Does Naca means "We don't have 60v out where we have 60v in" ? That wouldn't mean a thing ! Despite he seems to be a good machinist, where are the measurements' reports and procedures ?

                  Please, tagor : we know now what's your opinion. You don't have to repeat again, over and over for us to understand it.

                  Let's now see what those who'll make other replications have to say.

                  I'm now waiting for news from SkyWatcher : keep up the good work, SkyW, and let us know soon. It's great if you can answer our questions better, far before I can finally afford the needed equipment. Much news to come, I hope so much for them !
                  M.E. Who else ?...


                  • #25
                    Hi marseye, i apologize if i led you to believe i was going to replicate what 'donald duck' showed in video. I'm replicating this device in the you tube link, it uses disc magnets at periphery of a rotor that a free to spin and may work around lentz so the drive source does not see a load. Sorry about that, 'donald ducks' device i could not afford to replicate with all those magnets.

                    YouTube - Free Energy Generator- The real deal!

                    peace love light


                    • #26
                      Hello SkyWatcher,
                      I apologise that I understood you wrong, so you don't have to be sorry.
                      I consider it's just a matter of time before it's replicated. Just a slight delay that won't kill me . Hehe !
                      M.E. Who else ?...


                      • #27
                        I do not think the magnetic coupling between the motor and the generator are anything special. They should perform exactly as gear or belt. Eliminating nothing.
                        But one thing nobody has mentioned is the potential difference between sides.
                        Who is to say that he has closed loop on the incoming AC power?
                        If the AC comes in on a 3 wire and he mentions 3 phase. (Hot, Hot,Neutral). Then it is conceivable that the ground of the Bat cap is attached to the Neutral of the AC.
                        The hot leg runs through the motor and out the neutral, which is run into a Bridge Rectifier. The rectifier is also on common ground via the other AC point.

                        What would happen is the power coming in would go through the motor. And out the neutral. The neutral leg would still have all the power on it at a slightly different ratio, and the would rectified. The positive aspect of the AC wave is then captured and the ground is left to travel back to the source on the AC side.

                        But the Bat Cap is being charged from the positive aspect. It also being charged via the generator. So now you have the total power of both the neutral line of AC and the Generated DC, converging on the BAT CAP.

                        I am not sure this what is happening but the difference in potential allows this to be possibility. Keep your mind open and you a$$ will follow....


                        Edit I refered back to some note an realized I misspoke about AC and made a few changes.
                        Last edited by Matthew Jones; 03-18-2010, 01:08 PM.


                        • #28
                          new video about spinner

                          The Vortex Motor

                          and here some interesting readings
                          RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting


                          • #29
                            Regarding that setup of 2 wheels with the magnets on the circumference;
                            If the theory is really what he calls "defreinage" (unbraking), we don't need a motor, generator nor any instrumentation to test it.
                            Just have the 2 wheels side by side and swing them by hand. If the rotation continues by itself and accelerates, the theory is OK.


                            • #30
                              While I'm on it, I might as well explain the theory in detail.
                              Basically, it says that when two attracting magnets are separated QUICKLY from each other, the force of attraction (which is still proportional to distance) will be LESS than the force at rest, or than the force of magnets closing in on each other.
                              It also says that the force that impedes the separation of the two magnets can be totally eliminated if the 2 magnets are being separated simultaneously very quickly. The speed of separation necessary is inversely proportional the the mass of the magnet.

                              He then goes on proving that the rotation of the planets is based on this theory, but anyway that's not what we're interested in right now.

                              So, the experiment seems easy enough to try. I think I'll order some magnets...

