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Free Energy Generator- The real deal!

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  • Free Energy Generator- The real deal!

    YouTube - Free Energy Generator- The real deal!

    Hi folks, let me know what you folks think of this, it sure looks promising.
    It is NOT my video.
    peace love light

  • #2
    I would have to see a little more than that to be a believer. After all he spun it up on frictionless magnetic bearing. So long will it spin before coming to a stop with out any power?
    Where's the meter?



    • #3
      Hi Matthew, thanks for reply. I myself wouldnt accept any information without in depth investigation, therefore your comments are a little hasty would not you say. It's a very simple idea that i see in the video and it sure makes sense that it may be a geometric layout that may get around lentz, though counter emf may still be present, but would be less of a nuisance with this design. He does have other videos that seem to show an increase in speed when he loads a dc motor connected to shaft using power from coil. Doubt before investigation is one thing that has created a mess in this world. Any constructive comments are welcome, meaning build one then doubt all you like, since it doesnt seem a difficult build. I'm going to try and build a small model.
      peace love light


      • #4
        All I was saying is that video didn't look to promising. I go look at his other videos.



        • #5
          I watched the other video's. Thing thing appears to speed up while under load. Thats while its running off of a battery.
          BUT... Why does the meter attached to the generator hold steady. Even while set on AC as slow as thing is moving the voltage holds steady, while climbing in voltage. Almost like capacitor is in line.
          I would expect that since his magnets are spread that far apart from hitting the coils that at least you would see a small vibration in the needle of the analog meter.

          But hey if you like it Hammer Down get one built. I do think the spinning magnet thing might have some potential. I just personally don't trust the self running thing.



          • #6
            Hi Matthew, thanks for reply. I notice in video part 3, he shows a schematic with a capacitor after bridge, so that may be why the voltage is not dipping. I am going to replicate this, but i have to get some magnets with a hole in the center or maybe i could make it out of multiple magnets which might not work the same. Just thinking about the interaction of the spinning periphery magnets, when the magnet comes toward the coil it will spin the opposite direction of the main rotor and when the periphery magnet leaves the coil it wants to attract the spinning disk magnet in the same direction it was spinning in as when it approached the coil. This is like trying to spin car wheels on ice, the coil just cant grab the magnet to slow it down or the main rotor, though maybe initially due to inertia of disk magnet it slows it down a tad, but once spinning it is not noticeable. This also reminds me of an idea someone had of putting pinwheel windmills at the periphery of a rotor similar to this though attached to pinwheels were small generators and so the current draw load would not be fully reflected back to source drive. Just a few thoughts.
            peace love light


            • #7
              Hi folks, for those that may be interested, here is a cad pic of the replication model i am building. I will be putting together wood frame next, as magnets are finished and ready to mount to rotor. Any comments welcome.
              peace love light
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Every day something new pops up regarding the permanent magnets thing powering itself plus a load...

                I must admit this is something innovating in its approach though, that to me at least resembles (intuitively) to a homopolar generator (i do not know why actually )
                Is this so simple to cheat mother nature?

                Anyway, if you can skywatcher, replicate it (since i know you are involved in magnetic/mechanical setups) and please do report any unusual behaviour that should be striking at least.

                Have fun


                • #9
                  Originally posted by baroutologos View Post
                  Every day something new pops up regarding the permanent magnets thing powering itself plus a load...

                  I must admit this is something innovating in its approach though, that to me at least resembles (intuitively) to a homopolar generator (i do not know why actually )
                  Is this so simple to cheat mother nature?

                  Anyway, if you can skywatcher, replicate it (since i know you are involved in magnetic/mechanical setups) and please do report any unusual behaviour that should be striking at least.

                  Have fun
                  that had crossed my mind as well...
                  "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

                  “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
                  Nikola Tesla


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                    Hi folks, for those that may be interested, here is a cad pic of the replication model i am building. I will be putting together wood frame next, as magnets are finished and ready to mount to rotor. Any comments welcome.
                    peace love light
                    could another coil be placed underneath each magnet at each location of the coils?



                    • #11
                      Hi folks, thanks for replies. Hi 1NRG24Seven, more coils like you say could be placed in the setup, but right now i'm building it just to see if it indeed can work around lentz. Cut the wood supports today and putting that part together. Hi baroutologos, if this design works as is hoped, i dont think its cheating mother nature, unless you consider the invention of the permanent magnet cheating and that is where the energy would be gated from.
                      peace love light


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                        Hi folks, thanks for replies. Hi 1NRG24Seven, more coils like you say could be placed in the setup, but right now i'm building it just to see if it indeed can work around lentz. Cut the wood supports today and putting that part together. Hi baroutologos, if this design works as is hoped, i dont think its cheating mother nature, unless you consider the invention of the permanent magnet cheating and that is where the energy would be gated from.
                        peace love light
                        I just watched this video and this guy claims that the magnets on the back of smaller speakers have a little hole in them and they were round, maybe this is the source of magnets he used for this build, check it out.

                        YouTube - Project Camelot looks at George Green's magnetic motor



                        • #13
                          Hi folks, i've been building the replication and i can see why he used the magnetic bearing idea on the magnets, because its hard to get smooth rotation without it. At any rate, i have come up with an idea that might serve a similar function and since i have a bunch of 1" diam. neo magnets and since i dont have neo ring magnets nor do i think they would be very cheap if you could find them, i've made a cad pic of my idea. All the coils would have to be wired together to use commutator takeoff. I did some small tests with neo magnets on rotor and thick piece of aluminum passing by and it does seem that this could work and aside from the commutator, could be an easier build with more parts readily available. Let me know what you folks think.
                          peace love light
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            history will mark my words, please consider what i said in future for post titles



                            • #15
                              some observations

                              Hi SkyWatcher,

                              thanks for posting your drawings and good luck with your build of this interesting setup.

                              From the videos I gather, that Wendell Ray Walker's pickup coil(s) have a smaller diameter than the 'spinning generator magnets'.
                              And his coil is mounted in an eccentric way, so that it will never cover even one half of a passing magnet.

                              The fact that his pickup coil(s) never come to sit directly/concentrically under a magnet is important and intentional, as far as I understand.
                              Well, because otherwise the repelling force ("Lenz Force") which acts between magnet and coil, will not spin an aproaching magnet around its axis, but will push directly against it, which would be felt as opposition.

                              To me the all important trick in Wendell's construction is, that the Lenz Force is not permitted to press directly against a magnet but is USED UP SPINNING THE APROACHING MAGNET. To achieve this, the coil needs to be positioned to attack outside the center of the magnet - not going straight against it.

                              And regarding the way the magnets are held vertically:
                              Each one is suspended between two other magnets, (one support-magnet is above and one is below each 'turning generator magnet' - as far as I understand).
                              So each magnet can oscillate in its height, i.e. up and down, as if it was sitting on a spring.
                              Maybe each magnet needs to have this possibility: to oscillate up and down - apart from being able to rotate around its own axis.
                              Last edited by marxist; 03-23-2010, 06:05 PM. Reason: attempt to clarify

