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PANACEA urgent message

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  • #31
    Monsanto is very close to having all seed converted to hybid. Once that is done they will have full control of the food sources. If we get seed, we will buy it from them or starve. The only other thing involved in total control is religion. Once they have control of religion, they will have total control of our lives. There is only one business standing in their way as of now, and that is Seed Savers. They seem to be the only ones committed to saving open pollinated seeds. Good Luck. Stealth


    • #32
      Monsanto is very close to having all seed converted to hybid. Once that is done they will have full control of the food sources. If we get seed, we will buy it from them or starve. The only other thing involved in total control is religion. Once they have control of religion, they will have total control of our lives. There is only one business standing in their way as of now, and that is Seed Savers. They seem to be the only ones committed to saving open pollinated seeds. Good Luck. Stealth
      I get me seed from seed savers. I also am building greenhouse with HEPA ventilation to keep foreign pollination to a minimum. You can Too... So can all of us.

      You gotta look past the initial bill and see what is happening because of it. The opposition to the bill is sewing at a state level. They claim the federal government doesn't have to right under the constitution to mandate health insurance onto people who are not sick. AND THIS IS TRUE.
      So what will happen over the course of the next 18 months while this is playing towards the supreme court is everyone will benefit from there position in the health care reform. The real draw back don't start till 2014. Higher taxes on people including the wealthy and less profit for the insurance companies on larger scale.
      But back to the lawsuit. The initial attempts to give social medicine under a federal agency failed do to its label of Social Medicine. If the states win there case in the Supreme court, this will mandate that the Federal Government cannot impose private insurance on people. But everyone will have started to see the benefits of the health reforms.
      So at that point they will not be able to repeal the laws they will have to expand them into a "Medicare For Everyone" type scenario. Social Security, Medicare have already been ruled by the supreme court to be constitutional.
      So the opposition will have shot themselves in the foot.
      Sometimes reform has to work this way. It a big gamble on social engineering level.
      Its important to be able to recognize the possibilities of what could happen and not get clouded by the deception of the worse case scenario, and the nay sayers. Generally most of the info out there is based on misinformation and lies. Not the truth. And these lies come from the cooperation who have to the most to loose.
      Not all people in out government stand to gain at every moment from every decision. Somebody always looses. Who is our decision, we can dictate which way the government goes we just have to take an active role.
      It nice to see that someone else is actually writing letters and trying as opposed to crying and listening to the garbage fed to them.

      Last edited by Matthew Jones; 03-24-2010, 05:55 PM.


      • #33
        Decreased production

        I just read a story that is shocking. This year has had a devastating effect on honey bees across the US. As much as one third of bee hives are being found to be empty of bees. Some are blaming pesticides as the culprit. And there has been found signifigant amounts of pesticides in the honey and comb. Although they claimed there was not sufficiently enough pesticides to kill off the bees, there was enough to cause alarm. It has lead to the ban of certain pesticides but not others. In California where most of the worst decline has occured, ironically is the fruit and vegetable belt for the US. In the West and SW, there has also been found empty hives, full of honey, just as the bees left them. Others are claiming viruses and fungi are to blame. With the decrease in bees in the San Quacin valley,there could be a decidedly decrease in fruit,vegetables and nuts,as all of these are pollinated by bees.A scientist said in 2000,"when bees dissappear, humans will not be far behind."Good Luck. Stealth
        Last edited by Stealth; 03-25-2010, 03:33 AM.


        • #34
          As I grow my paltry garden in my back yard and harvest what free power the earth offers up, I can only think of the ones who cant' afford what I have. Afford the expensive natural foods, supplements, and time + internet to learn what needs to be learned. There IS a way to be shielded or hidden from what is happening, just buy all the honey and food you need and hide out in your house until its too late... but all that buys you is time... WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THE PRECIOUS TIME YOU HAVE BOUGHT?! .... It really is just an "acceptable" way of genocide on the poor. But what is the poor? How is a poor man any different then a rich man? (Pink floyd's Us and Them comes to mind)

          Dr Stiffler. You -ARE- a hero.

          I cant avoid it now. Even in entertainment they reference truths that I have to hide from to have a "normal" life.

          Soon, if not already, it will not be safe to grow outside using topsoil.

          I am just humbled at whats going on and how people accept this. The average person has no idea whats going on because they are slaved to their job or entertainment and have no way or interest in the real news. All attempts to awaken are met with disbelief/frustration/anger.

          Why cant violent crazy people attack monsanto VIP's like they do the schools and universities? Even retaliations are misdirected!

          Something much larger then a man is behind all of this. There is no way a plan, formed by a man could have concocted this perfect evil. The plan's of man are doomed to failure always so why does this domination of genetic material seem to be so flawless?!?!

          Its been this way since the start.

          Your life is just a story.

          You are a character in a book.

          The only difference is you are also the author.

          Would you rather read a boring book or an exciting one?

          Make decisions. Each second you write another page.
          Do not let the television write your book for you.

          No matter what situation you are in you still have the power of change.

          Violence is not the answer.



          • #35
            Hi folks, Hi CosmicFarmer, you said
            Something much larger then a man is behind all of this. There is no way a plan, formed by a man could have concocted this perfect evil. The plan's of man are doomed to failure always so why does this domination of genetic material seem to be so flawless?!?!
            You have a very good intuition here. Something, someone or a group has the knowledge of how things really operate here and are using it for control purposes. And as you seem to be aware of, this entity is very adept at mind control as well. Be not in fear over any of this, it is all a learning experience and we never cease to exist.
            peace love light


            • #36
              Originally posted by CosmicFarmer View Post
              As I grow my paltry garden in my back yard and harvest what free power the earth offers up, I can only think of the ones who cant' afford what I have.

              In his Manifesto Marx described the following ten steps as necessary steps to be taken to destroy a free enterprise society!! Notice how many of these conditions, foreign to the principles that America was founded upon, have now, in 2010, been realized by the concerted efforts of corporatist? Remember, government interference in your private life and business is intrusion and deprivation of our liberties!

              First Plank: Abolition of property in land and the application of all rents of land to public purposes. (Zoning - Model ordinances proposed by Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover widely adopted. Supreme Court ruled, "zoning" to be "constitutional" in 1921. Private owners of property required getting permission from government relative to the use of their property. Federally owned lands are leased for grazing, mining, timber usages, the fees being paid into the U.S. Treasury.)

              Second Plank: A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. (Corporate Tax Act of 1909. The 16th Amendment, allegedly ratified in 1913. The Revenue Act of 1913, section 2, Income Tax. These laws have been purposely misapplied against American citizens to this day.)

              Third Plank: Abolition of all rights of inheritance. (Partially accomplished by enactment of various state and federal "estate tax" laws taxing the "privilege" of transferring property after death and gift before death.)

              Fourth Plank: CONFISCATION OF THE PROPERTY OF ALL EMIGRANTS AND REBELS. (The confiscation of property and persecution of those critical - "rebels" - of government policies and actions, frequently accomplished by prosecuting them in a courtroom drama on charges of violations of non-existing administrative or regulatory laws.)

              Fifth Plank: Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly. (The Federal Reserve Bank, 1913- -the system of privately owned Federal Reserve banks, which maintain a monopoly on the valueless debt "money" in circulation.)

              Sixth Plank: Centralization of the means of communications and transportation in the hands of the State. (Federal Radio Commission, 1927; Federal Communications Commission, 1934; Air Commerce Act of 1926; Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938; Federal Aviation Agency, 1958; becoming part of the Department of Transportation in 1966; Federal Highway Act of 1916 (federal funds made available to States for highway construction); Interstate Highway System, 1944 (funding began 1956); Interstate Commerce Commission given authority by Congress to regulate trucking and carriers on inland waterways, 1935-40; Department of Transportation, 1966.)

              Seventh Plank: Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. (Department of Agriculture, 1862; Agriculture Adjustment Act of 1933 -- farmers will receive government aid if and only if they relinquish control of farming activities; Tennessee Valley Authority, 1933 with the Hoover Dam completed in 1936.)

              Eighth Plank: Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies especially for agriculture. (First labor unions, known as federations, appeared in 1820. National Labor Union established 1866. American Federation of Labor established 1886. Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 placed railways under federal regulation. Department of Labor, 1913. Labor-management negotiations sanctioned under Railway Labor Act of 1926. Civil Works Administration, 1933. National Labor Relations Act of 1935, stated purpose to free inter-state commerce from disruptive strikes by eliminating the cause of the strike. Works Progress Administration 1935. Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, mandated 40-hour work week and time-and-a-half for overtime, set "minimum wage" scale. Civil Rights Act of 1964, effectively the equal liability of all to labor.)

              Ninth Plank: Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries, gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of population over the country. (Food processing companies, with the co-operation of the Farmers Home Administration foreclosures, are buying up farms and creating "conglomerates.")

              Tenth Plank: Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production. (Gradual shift from private education to publicly funded began in the Northern States, early 1800's. 1887: federal money (unconstitutionally) began funding specialized education. Smith-Lever Act of 1914, vocational education; Smith-Hughes Act of 1917 and other relief acts of the 1930's. Social Security Act 1934, Federal school lunch program of 1935; National School Lunch Act of 1946. National Defense Education Act of 1958; Create NASA (1600 ardent Nazis imported at the end of WWII and employed by NAZA) as a reaction to Russia's Sputnik satellite demonstration, fake space race/moon landings and provided grants to education specialties. Federal school aid law passed, 1965, greatly enlarged federal role in education, "head-start" programs, textbooks, library books.

              Currently, more than 50% of the American workforce is employed by a FEDERAL (corporation) or STATE (franchise). A government employee produces nothing and consumes much!

              - Schpankme

              "It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future." - Yogi Berra

