Sorry to hear about your dilema. I too, am growing most of my food. I have been growing a garden the last 12 years or so. If I do not grow enough, or have a bad year, I try to buy my produce from the local farmers market. I know some of the farmers and trust what they say about their produce. You can't always be entirely sure unless you grow your own. I like the verticle farming concept, but in my rural neighborhood it would probably not be practicle. I am looking into building a greenhouse to grow vegetables year around. This is the way to utilize small acreage land to produce year around food crops. I don't use pestcides or fungicides on my garden or fruit trees, and haven't had a problem with pests as of yet. Ladybugs are a gardeners best friend, as are praying mantis. Good Luck. Stealth
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PANACEA urgent message
For some, securing real organic produce is easier than for others, depending on location and funds. My wife and I bought shares in a CAS farm last year, and got a box of organic vegs each week. We'll do it again this year. We try to buy organic when it's available. Coffee and apples are some of the most heavily sprayed, so we make a point of getting those organic. Carrots and bananas are usually available organic as well. But that's about it where we are (small town). We try to go to farmers' market in spring, summer and fall for organic produce as well. We buy local organic grass-fed beef. The rest is what it is, tho' I think the organic demand is growing. As consumer demand grows, vendors hopefully will want to secure organic goods to sell them. Not all of us have access, but people are slowly waking up. -So point well-taken, Ash.
Doc, sorry to hear about your bout with food poisoning. FWIW, I've found activated charcoal a Godsend after eating food that turned out to be tainted. Seems to soak up any toxins lurking in GI tract and lower nausea. Hope you're feeling better soon.
Originally posted by Matthew Jones View PostComplete Rhetoric and BS!!! You won't put your money where your superstition is I am for sure of that.
No one is being stopped from growing there own food. Whole neighborhoods are using there Flower beds and any piece of land they can to grow community food. Its Encouraged.
The best and most effective pesticide if needed is Nicotine. It easy to grow low grade tobacco and boil to liquid. The liquid is safe and will not absorb into the plant. Kill's everything. Organic is easy. If you don't have land barder for an area to grow your own. If you have to shop at the super market send samples of meats and fish to the county or state labs for testing of Mercury and carcinogens. If they show up approach the store you shop at. At best you'll get a deal to keep your mouth shut. Most state and county governments have free testing, you may have to look for it.
There is alot of solutions as long you don't lock your self in some superstitious box and believe there is no hope for any good thing.
A smart man told one time if your house is on fire throw water on it, you never know what you'll save by trying.
MattComplete Rhetoric and BS!!! You won't put your money where your superstition is I am for sure of that.
If you have not maybe read the Bill and sort through the truth, if it can be found.
[FLXPERMACULTURE.NET] FW: bill HR 875: backed by Monsanto to legally outlaw ALL organic farming
I'm sure you can understand that when a Bill does not exclude something, it is implied to include it.
If you have not maybe read the Bill and sort through the truth, if it can be found.
Thats all I got to say on the subject, as it has no bearing in this forum.
I am sorry to hear that Doc, you really are bullet proof you know that. I wish you were in Australia doc, you could come and eat here every night for free, you can trust me on that. Guys i feel for you all, you know that, and yep i know i spend all my money on expensive organic, it sucks, first thing i am going to do with a free energy device is look at the vertical farming aspect. Count on that.
What a great bunch of info guys, try and at least go HALF organic, dont eat those chemicals guys.
@Aaron Dam man i gotta archive that brilliant.Last edited by ashtweth; 03-23-2010, 02:39 AM.
Originally posted by ashtweth View PostVertical Farming
Look for the bio algae method its organic
Originally posted by Jbignes5 View PostAsh the problem I see with this is that most of the organic grown food is twice the normal price.
Remind me the story of the meatrix and pig flues.
Just like my friends attempt to use the "weird way" of farming. A farmin that need more man power but much less pesticide, less water and less fertilizer. He got so much resistance from around him to the point of isolation. But after the others including local official see the result, all become quiet and start to accept it and willing to learn. Double profit with less toxin, good thing for farmer and consumer. Hopefully someone can start it at everyone place. So no one will experience what Dr Stiffler had. Sorry for the illness. I hope you always well.
For herbal persticide, in indonesia ( google translator can't access it) edited by sucahyo; 03-23-2010, 03:20 AM.
Dr Stiffler, I'll just quote from one of the two links you gave:
"much of the e-mail circulating about the DeLauro bill like this one
scare-tactic lingo aside, the common e-mail alert is not even remotely
grounded in fact, according to
Organic home-gardener Lori Robertson of
the misconceptions about H.R. 875 floating in cyberspace, including the
supposed threat to private gardens: “It seems quite a stretch to think that
anyone's personal vegetable patch would be considered a ‘farm, ranch or
orchard.’ First Lady Michelle Obama showed no signs of concern last week as
she broke ground on a sizable 1,100-foot garden plot on the White House
lawn. Organic, of course.” "
The above was all right in that link. While there have been attempts at such as you can see from that link you gave they state (my emphasis in bold and italics) that it simply is not true. It would never really fly to pass such a law and to police everyone's personal garden simply will not happen. But I'm not going to say to let your guard down on someone trying to slip such nonsense through in a bill - just don't expect to see it succeed myself.There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine
food fascism
There are misconceptions about the bill.
While "ms president" was planting her organic garden,
"mr president" was trying to place an "ex"-monsanto attorney
at the head of the usda AT THE SAME TIME. Talk about a
a double talking snake with their token media circus acts
about organic gardening. There is NO SUCH THING as an
"ex"-attorney, ceo, president, etc... with these criminals.
There is no question as to what monsanto's goals are,
which is to be the only source of seed for food on the
entire planet.
If you give them 1 inch they take a mile. And any step
towards them having more control over the food supply and
"safety" is another step closer to them dominating all aspects
of what can be or can't be done with food. They absolutely
will move towards dominating our rights to grow our own food
out of concern for "our safety". History repeats itself.
Fool me once shame on them, fool me twice, shame on me.
If anyone wants to trust them to oversee our food safety,
go ahead and support their bills that will inevitably lead to
food fascism plain and simple.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos
Originally posted by Matthew Jones View PostIt is attempting to regulate the aggro growers and to prevent food born illness as well as steroid and hormone use in foods.
Five Acres and Independence
Land Patent
Passive Solar Home (Compressed Earth Block, Earth Bag, COB, Strawbale, Concrete)
Rain Water Collection / Bio-Filtration
Grey Water System
Black Water System
Permaculture Water Harvesting
Food Forest
Aquaponics (Deep Water Culture)
Bio-Intensive Gardening (Double Digging) / French Intensive Gardening System
Heirloom Seeds
Seed Collection / Storage
Food Storage
Animal Husbandry
Farm Animals (your choice) Milk, Meat, Fiber, other
Rottweiler (2) Working Dog, Protector, Companion
Originally posted by Aaron View PostThere are misconceptions about the bill.
While "ms president" was planting her organic garden,
"mr president" was trying to place an "ex"-monsanto attorney
at the head of the usda AT THE SAME TIME. Talk about a
a double talking snake with their token media circus acts
about organic gardening. <snip...There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine
food safety scammers
Meet Michael R. Taylor, J.D., Deputy Commissioner for Foods
Other positions held by Mr. Taylor include senior fellow, Resources for the Future; professor, School of Medicine, University of Maryland; partner, King & Spalding law firm; and vice president for public policy, Monsanto Company.
That is who Obama put in - Obama might as well be Bush's Siamese Twin.
Taylor is the one that got rGBH into the American food supply! It causes
cancer and more. Check the Florida lawsuit that the reports uncovered all
of this, fox refused to air what they showed unless they severely edited it,
their jobs were threatened and in a law suit, the judge ruled that there is
no legal obligation for a news station to report the truth! So the man
responsible for our "food safety" now is the one who got rGBH into our
food supply and has it deemed safe.
PLEASE WATCH THIS: "Falsifying the news is not against the law."
YouTube - Monsanto & Cancer Milk: FOX NEWS KILLS STORY & FIRES Reporters.
Then while the ongoing talks about who Obama was going to put in for
"food safety", Michele Obama does her dog and pony show about planting
an organic garden.
I personally don't see how anyone can possibly believe that Michelle Obama
doing that represents any official stance on the Obama Administration's
opinion on organic foods. It is nothing but a show that is trying to appease
the natural food believers to think they care about healthy food,
while he puts in Mr. rGBH in charge of our food safety. That is setting a
new standard for hypocrisy on Obama's part.
Was hard to believe anyone could surpass Bush, but Obama is well on his
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos
Speaking of the deception..
I had taken the opportunity to write the president on the subject of the health care bill and a proposal to change the current system from a corporate controlled health care system to a system that was all volunteer and support for those volunteers while in service for the american people. Some what like the army but a lot looser in control and mind control methods removed.
This is the reply I had gotten:
Dear Friend:
Thank you for writing. I have heard from countless
Americans struggling to afford health insurance, as well as health
professionals striving to provide care, and I appreciate your
I recently released my proposal to reform our health
insurance system. To learn more about this plan, please visit:
Putting Americans In Control of Their Health Care | The White House
Health Reform
Reform must provide more security and stability to those
who have health insurance; give those without insurance affordable
options; and lower the cost of health care for our families, our
businesses, and our government.
I share the sense of urgency that many Americans have
voiced to improve health care in our country. Together, we will fix
Barack Obama
To be a part of our agenda for change, join us at The White House
I really wanted to explain that the reason for the problems that now exist is because these huge corporations are holding our real heath hostage. Unless we pay we get nothing and in this day and age this should be a natural right not a payed system. Unfortunately this is not what our government wants. They want the Businesses like in the Health care industry to be a paid system because it generates so much taxes for them. Instead of being concerned with our health they are concerned with budgets and Businesses when this should not even be figured into to our health system.
I seem to think that everything will be taxed at one point. We will be walking around with breathers that will have a counter on them and pedometers that will count our steps and that will be taxed as well. It's all about money for them and not about us! They are supposed to be there to represent us and they are only representing "their" income stream and not our concerns. This goes for the Food situation as well and to tell you the truth we should do what the constitution says and revolt. We have that right or once did guaranteed by our constitution. I bet the national guard or other military would be used to squash any attempt at saying we have had enough. This is not what was intended by our forefathers and this is evident by all the amendments to our sacred document by a mostly Corporate influence to amend that document to quell any opposition to those unconstitutional amendments.
*Edit do you see the reference to the Health Insurance system and not the word "Care". This bill is not about Health Care it is about the Insurance system. The funny thing is I watched the debate that he had with the parties involved. And not once did I hear citizen or people. All I heard was consumers.Last edited by Jbignes5; 03-24-2010, 03:24 PM.