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Where to begin ?

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  • Where to begin ?

    I have been reading many threads on this forum for a few weeks . what brought me here was a John Bedini site. I am very interested in all these energy ideas, especially power generation and battery bank charging .
    unfortunatly I am not an EE , I am just an electrical contractor I know the basics and heory but do get lost in some of the conversations on some of the threads . This is where I need your input , I want to learn more , what do you suggest for me to read ( bearden bedini books ? ) ? I have to say this has seemed to be the most intellegent group of people on these subjects I have found . I am honored to just have access to read all of your interesting thoughts and experiments. Everybodys suggestions are thankfully welcomed.


  • #2

    Hello and welcome to the forum. I am also quite new here, and found my way here through John Bedinis site. so I know how you must feel. although Bedini and Bearden are both brilliant minds to learn from, you will find it hard to comprehend their terminology without first learning the fundamentals. I have found that most of the circuits are not hard to build, but until you really know how a transistor,capacitor,inductor,resistor etc.. really work you are merely just replicating a device. start with basic electronics books or just do a search for the particular component you would like to learn about. take Johns advice and build the SSG (if you havent yet) and figure out exactly how it works. the transistor is the heart of the system. good luck on your journey. this is the best place (that I have found) to learn, since finding this forum I have not watched TV once


    • #3
      Where to start...

      Originally posted by Transcend View Post
      I have been reading many threads on this forum for a few weeks . what brought me here was a John Bedini site. I am very interested in all these energy ideas, especially power generation and battery bank charging .
      unfortunatly I am not an EE , I am just an electrical contractor I know the basics and heory but do get lost in some of the conversations on some of the threads . This is where I need your input , I want to learn more , what do you suggest for me to read ( bearden bedini books ? ) ? I have to say this has seemed to be the most intellegent group of people on these subjects I have found . I am honored to just have access to read all of your interesting thoughts and experiments. Everybodys suggestions are thankfully welcomed.

      Basic suggestions.

      1. If you have electronic questions look for tutors on youtube.

      2. Don't expect overunity overnight. I would suggest start simple and work up. Much depends on what you wish to accomplish as target, but watching videos on Youtube will give you a sampling of what is out there.

      Here are some links...

      Overall best link has TONS of info.
      Directory:Bedini SG - PESWiki

      Your first SSG

      My videos are not as good as others..
      YouTube - More on the heart of the SSG the Transistor 9

      Much better
      YouTube - How to Build a Bedini Motor ... Part 1

      Good how to..
      Erwin's Work Shop

      Another good how to..
      YouTube - Bounty Hunter Energy Projects Bedini Circuit Build Step by

      Great basics..
      AionAlchemy™ - radiant

      How to identify the wave on a scope / use a led for pulsing.
      YouTube - Inductor In Trigger Circuit

      Per the Standard... But you must do it exactly as they put out,

      Here are some lists that you might consider for continued pursuit of this topic:

      * beginners, public
      * intermediate, by invitation, private
      * most advanced, private
      * newsletter, info
      * advanced, members only

      List of Bedini topic groups at YahooGroups:
      Yahoo! Groups: Search Results

      And some related websites to consider:
      - - John's company website
      - - Rick Friedrich's promotion of John's commercial products
      See my experiments here...

      You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


      • #4
        Thank you . yes I have basic electronics knowledge. I have limited internet only dial -up ( yes I live in the stone age ) vids take a really long time to download. but I will check out all the links possible . I have also spent
        long hours on line looking at and for information . There is so much dis-information that one just gets fed up some times , that is why I have been sticking much to this site. I have started my basic SG motor and would really like to sit with a good book that has the basic information for reference instead of turning to online searches for information .

        Thanks T.


        • #5
          Where to start?

          Hi Transcend,

          What you ask is a very hard question to answer since everyone has their own individual interests and on this forum there are just so many different areas to be studied. If you are not locked into the Bedini magnetic motor, I'd suggest looking at the directory on the home page of the 20 most popular threads. There are so many other different areas that it would take you years to study all of the subject material here. The main thing is to probably find an area of interest in the 20 most popular areas of study and then pick your poison to study. Once you have studied a particular thread, you can start asking questions on that thread and more than likely someone will respond to your question.

          Best Regards,


          • #6
            Build the easiest one ($10 solid state version) and observed. And then read Harold Aspden book especially the one explaining the B-H knee utilization.

