I got impression that many people here think that learning about aura is useless when researching Tesla radiant energy. Am I right?
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Is aura necessary for learning radiant technology?
I am with you on this one. Although not absolutely necessary, I think it goes a long way to understanding the nuances of Tesla's thoughts. He was a devoted reader of the bible, and found much inspiration there, as well as some hints to actual parameters of motor theology. There is much more to Aether than is concieved of in our realm of reality. Aether is at the center of life itself. Much information has been left here to uncover in several places around the globe, just waiting until we have the intelligence to unravel the mysteries of them. The information may even be hidden in our DNA as well. Good Luck. Stealth
Tesla is an od sensitive
I am sure you all that learning Tesla have read at least part of Gery Vassilatos work. The part that I want you all put attention to is:
"Throughout his life he was blessed, or haunted, by vivid visions. In the terminology of Reichenbach he would be termed an extreme sensitive. It was through these remarkable visions that Nikola Tesla invented devices, which the Victorian world had never seen."
"The excessive labors and mental exertions nearly drove him to the brink of madness. He was, for as time, seized with strange maladies and sensitivities which physicians could not address. Reichenbach accurately describes these symptoms, characteristic of extreme sensitives."
"He observed the curious manner in which these white discharges seemed to "race" around the disc edge at times, blending and separating with all the other sparks. Here was a greatly magnified example of Reichenbach's Od force perhaps!"
Life Force: Nikola Tesla is an Od-sensitive - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com
Life Force: Odic Phenomena Observed by Nikola Tesla on His Spark Gap - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com
The implication of Tesla being an extreme od-sensitive is:
- Tesla have super memory. In a dream people recall memory better, and thus an awaking somnambulist has better memory recollection than in normal condition
- Tesla can see through things, extreme od-sensitive see with od senses. While all 5 senses is dull, the od senses allow them to see through wall, copper, iron, as though they are glass. Od permeate all solid including metal and glass.
- Tesla can see aura, with od sense he can see the behaviour of electrical circuit or magnetic. Every change in circuit would produce different aura. This enhance his ability to tune the circuit in a way normal people can't. Tuning his device to produce healthy cool breeze is easy for him. Normal people can only make prickling hot device which sold as health device.
- If his state of mind is calm, it is possible that he goes into self clairvoyance or super deep thinking.
- Radiant energy effect IS od phenomena. The effect from spark gap felt by Tesla is an od phenomena. The behaviour of radiant energy which Tesla found never described in classical physics already explained in detail by Reichenbach.
Based from Gary Vassilatos info, learning odyle is a must for me.Last edited by sucahyo; 04-01-2010, 03:43 AM.
All the great inventers and thinkers of the latter part of the last century and early part of this century experienced these symptoms to some extent. Tesla was probably more effected than others, but Edison, Keely,Einstien,Morey and others, slept little or dozed a few minutes at a time during the day, and rarely slept at night. An overactive mind seems to need very little time to rest and rejuvenate. I have known some people myself who hardly slept, and could concentrate on a project for 24 hour stetches at a time. I guess you could say these people are driven to complete a project or task. It becomes an obsession to these people and they seem to be tuned into the universal knowledge and can accomplish tasks that we can't even comprehend. Leedskalnin also was eccentric in the eyes of his neighbors, working all night and most of the day. It is incredible the things they accomplished by themselves. Tesla and Edison had more patents than anyone else before or after.They were able to think outside the box, because they looked at things differently than we do. Our education is the limiting factor in our thinking. Good Luck. Stealth
There is so much similarity
Hi Sucahyo,
I believe that life is a type of Radiant Technology coupled with consciousness.
Consider the heartbeat, the breathing, the nerve impulses, the blinking of the eye. it is in tune when consciousness is at the present moment, and any dis-ease is caused by consciousness getting distracted from eternity which resides here and now.
Now the aura or the Aetheric body is in my opinion something that is in direct connection with the Aether, and it is the "thing" that energises the body.
Understanding how our body works is the same as understanding how a battery gets charged in a Bedini energizer.
Food is not the energy that the body uses to operate on, but it is more like a catalyst.
I would love to hear about this subject from you or anyone else here,
Thanks for bringing this up.
EliasLast edited by elias; 04-03-2010, 04:54 AM.
Thank you all.
When people get a severe trauma, they can get to somnambulist state. They can be a permanent somnambulist if they experience it while growing up.
I just notice that Walter Russel should be a aura reader too since he give color to periodic table and magnet exactly like Reichenbach sources:
Life Force: Aura of a Straight Bar Magnet - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com
Reichenbach said that we can observe aura most distinctly with no light or completely isolated from sun or moon od radiation. Inside room isolated with black loosely woven material. I have reiki book that show how to train aura but still don't have result yet.
Human body emit aura and also can accumulate aura. In odyle accumulation of either positive or negative is not good. However negative od is more preverable. like from magnetic north, crystal point, right hand, postive of battery, north east wind, cool water, etc.
This bellow use assumption that radiant IS odyle and od flow between positive and negative of battery will be called heavy ion flow.
Assumed that there is two current running in a wire: heavy ion and electron. Electron explanation use wiki interpretation. Heavy ion is od flow/ radian flow that run in and outside the wire which is slow maybe at 30 meter per second.
Heavy ion do not neutralize each other. When heavy ion from +12 and 0V pole meet each other it is not 12V in total but it still +12V and 0V existing together which will dissapear in time. With this the difference of heavy ion polarity between two electric pole can not be called potential.
When a selenoid coil is powered by electricity, the selenoid magnetism will produce radiant right away. But when disconnected the radiant do not die right away but still produce the radiant for some time longer enough for human to observe the difference. How long is not mentioned but it must be exceed seconds. If radiant energy can be tapped, we can get radiant power longer than the power we use to activate it. And we can tap it even after more than a couple of seconds. No need to aim for 4ns voltage without current.
Heavy ion can travel through any solid. Because of this, if circuit use transistor as switch, even when transistor is shutting off the heavy ion still see the circuit as a closed loop circuit. Transistor is a solid and heavy ion will see it as conductor no matter what the electron condition inside the transistor is. As we see in magnet, closing the loop of magnet with iron bar do not reduce its power. Same way should happen with heavy ion, closing the loop of a heavy ion source do not reduce its power. Crystal or human body do not reduce its heavy ion power if put in a closed loop. It is wrong to assume that closing the loop of heavy ion dipole will kill it.
Whether coil switched with transistor will produce radiant when there is heavy ion flow but without electron current is UNKOWN to me. If you have friend that can see aura, please ask them.
About radiant utilization, proof that geometry and air gap is very important, and indication that observation can only be done by aura reader:
Nikola Tesla - The Complete Patents of Nikola Tesla - The Man who invented the 20th Century
Copper cylinders produced remarkable volumes of white discharges. The discharges from certain sized cylinders were actually larger than those being applied. This inferred that an energy transformation effect was taking place within the cylinder. This reminded him of his initial observation with the shock-excited wires. Those which did not explode gave forth far greater voltages than were initially used. He had never understood why this was occurring. Here was another instance in which applied energy was seemingly magnified by a conductor. Why was this happening?
The key to understanding this bizarre phenomenon might be found here, he thought. He observed the discharges from copper cylinders of various diameters. Each became edged with white brush discharges when held near or actually placed within the conductive copper strap of the impulser. The discharge effect was most pronounced when cylinders were placed within the periphery of the copper strap.
Tesla noticed that white corona sheaths were actually covering the outer cylinder wall at times. These would appear, build in strength, and disappear on sudden discharge with a surprising length. The sheathing action was repetitive when the cylinder had a critically small volume. Very small cylinders behaved like rods, where discharges only appeared at their edges. The stability of these strange sheath discharges varied with cylinder diameter and length. Tesla noticed that not every cylinder performed well near the impulser. Only cylinders of specific volume produced stable and continuous white electrical sheaths. If the cylinders were too small, then the sheaths were intermittent and unstable. There was an obvious connection between the supplied impulse train and the cylinder volume. But what was it?
Tesla surveyed the entire range of his recent discoveries. Impulses produced a radiant electrical effect. Radiant electricity was mysteriously flowing through space. As it flowed, it focused over metal conductors as a white fluidic corona. When the shape and volume of the metal conductors were just right, the energy appeared as a stable white corona of far greater voltage than the impulse generator supplied. More questions. More discoveries.
Rods produced sparks from their edges, but not as long as copper cylinders did. Tesla selected a cylinder, which worked very well, and placed several horizontal "cuts" all around its surface. He was totally surprised when, on testing, the spark discharge from the cut cylinder was notably larger than before. Increased spark length means increased voltage. But why did this diminished conductivity force the voltage up?
The cuts diminished conductivity in the cylinder by forcing the energy into a tighter "squeeze". He had noted that electrical impulses displayed a tendency to traverse the outer surface of metal conductors. Certain cylinders were often ensheathed in a fluidic white discharge, which smoothly traveled between coil ends in a tightly constricted layer. Here was something truly notable. His input voltage was far less than that produced from the upper coil terminal. But why from end to end?
The essential reason why current preferred outer surface conduction was precisely because they were impulsing. The sudden shock, which any conductor experienced, produced an expansive effect, where the electrical charge was rejected by the conductive interior. This "skin effect" was a function of impulse time and conductor resistance. Highly resistant objects forced all of the impulse energy to the surface.
Now he was getting somewhere. Frustrated radiant electricity constricted into a tighter surface volume when encountering metal surfaces. This intense surface focusing effect brought the voltage up to tremendous values. Here was a new transformer effect! He believed it was an electrostatic transforma*tion. Impulse currents each possessed an electrostatic nature. The bunching of charge in the impulser brings this electrostatic field to a peak in a small instant of time.
Constricting this field volume produces a greatly magnified voltage. Placement of any conductor in the field space alters the field by constricting its shape. When symmetrical conductors of special shape, volume, and resistance are placed in this space, the field is greatly constricted. Because the impulsing electrostatic field is very abrupt, it "snaps" over the conductor from end to end.
Tesla knew that here is where the secret lies. If resistance in the conductor is great enough, the snapping electrostatic force cannot move any charges. It is forced to "grow" over the conductor surface until it discharges at the end point, where greatly magnified voltages are obtained. When the wire diameter is small enough, the wire explodes under electrostatic pressures, which exceed those seen in dynamite.
In effect, Tesla had managed to interrupt a high voltage direct current several thousand times per second. In doing so, he had discovered a way to completely separate electrostatic energy from current impulses. Tesla pondered these facts, wondering if it was possible to force the magnification effect beyond the limits of standard electromagnetic transformers. In other words, how high could voltage be raised? Was there a limit to the process?
In order to achieve such enormous voltage levels, he needed a conductive shape, which offered so much resistance to charge movement, that all the applied energy would become electrostatic. In effect, Tesla wanted to convert a quantity of supply power into a pure electrostatic voltage. This phenomenon suggested that his goal was not impossible.
Tesla extended his idea of the cut copper cylinder to coils. From the viewpoint of electrostatic impulses, flat copper coils appear to be "continuously cut" cylinders. The electrostatic field focuses over the coil as it did with the cylinders, from end to end. A simple magnet coil of specific volume would offer so much resistance that it would be difficult to predict the actual resultant voltage, which results without an empirical test.
Constructing several of these, he was ready for the test. When each copper magnet coil was impulsed, Tesla saw tremendous white brushes leaping from their free ends: discharges approaching one million volts! But his supply power was nowhere near these voltages, and the coil was not wrapped in thousands of windings. These previously unexpected voltage magnifications were the result of an energy transformation, one that took electrical power and converted it completely into pressure. Watts into Volts, an unheard thing. It was the key to a new and explosive technology.
Tesla also found that such coils required very thin coil forms. He ceased using cellulose and cardboard forms, preferring "squirrel cage" type forms made of thin end-braced wooden rods. Wire was wound about these cylindrically disposed rods, producing the very best effects. Spacings were also tried between successive coil windings with excellent results. Spaced windings reduced sparking to a minimum.
Tesla remarked that the electrostatic potentials along the coil surface (from end to end) could be as much as ten thousand volts per inch of winding! A ten-inch coil of proper volume could produce one hundred thousand volt discharges. In addition, and in confirmation of his suspicions, no current was ever measured at the free terminals of these coils. A "zero coil current" condition! It was simply another paradox, which would occupy the academicians for several more argumentative decades. Tesla suddenly realized that coils represented a truly special and valuable component in his quest. The instantaneous resistance which any coil offered to an applied impulse was so immense that current could not flow through the wire length. As a phenomenal consequence, no current flowed through the coil windings at all! But sparking was observed, traveling from coil end to end. Here was yet another anomaly!
He began placing these "secondary" coils within his "primary" impulser circuit. The strap, which connected his magnetic arc to the capacitors, formed the "primary". He made necessary distinctions among his Transformer components. Few engineers actually appreciate these distinctions. The "primary" and "secondary" of Tesla Transformers are not magnetic inductors. They are resistive capacitors. Coil-shaped capacitors! Tesla Transformer action is electrostatic induction."Last edited by sucahyo; 04-03-2010, 01:41 AM.
Eric Dollard mention orgone
For me Orgone is a less detailed version of Odyle science.
PowerPedia:Eric Dollard - PESWiki
Magneto-dielectric Energy link to Orgone Energy
Eric: If you take a low pressure gas (in a bulb) and place it in two superimposed dielectric fields then you get spiral formations such as Reich wrote about in his book COSMIC SUPERIMPOSITION. These formations appear as spheres, galaxies and other cosmic forms.
T: I get the feeling that you don't approce of Tesla's final vision for the earth.
E: Not the way he represented the ideas, but what's interesting about the technology he made available, when used in perspective, is actually quite healthy for the planet. Then you're dealing with energies that take on organic shapes and you're one step closer to the type of energy that Reich theorized and made some actual physical discoveries of.
John Bedini read Walter Russell works:
Coached by an enigmatic and renegade Intelligence agent, John Bedini studied Russell's works, and initially applied it to his quest to give his Hi-Fi business a competitive advantage in the industry in the '80s. After exhaustive experimentation on the bench, John was producing "crystals" with bizarre acoustic properties that were also gating in energy from the vacuum that he harnessed for amplification purposes.
But the one thing that shines through in this DVD above all is John Bedini's love of the natural world and all its secrets, secrets that were explained in the 1920s by the late Walter Russell, with whom Nicola Tesla studied after he came to the United States. Not surprisingly, John Bedini has also spent countless hours mastering Russell's work, and translating it onto the bench top.
Gery Vassilatos said that Tesla radiant is Karl Reichenbach Odyle
Eric Dollard said that Tesla radiant is Wilhelm Reich orgone
and John Bedini is inspired by Walter Russell unified theory
Anyone know who else has connection with aura?Last edited by sucahyo; 04-09-2010, 02:38 AM.
Edgar Casey was another man who could read auras. He also would fall into a trance and whatever questions were asked of him, he would give an answer.He mostly was asked about diseases and cures for them, but on one occasion he was asked about a self running motor and told about how to build one. I don't think anyone succeeded in building one that actually did, but a motor was built using his discription. There is a picture of it online somewhere, because I have seen it. Good Luck. Stealth
Originally posted by Stealth View PostEdgar Casey was another man who could read auras.. The motor would be interesting
The description of his trance mimic Reichenbach observation, from wiki:
When out of the trance he entered to perform a reading, Cayce said he generally did not remember what he had said during the reading. The unconscious mind, according to Cayce, has access to information which the conscious mind does not
The somnambulist, when awake, does not remember the impressions made on his mind in sleepwaking, and therefore his memory in the abnormal, is much more comprehensive than in the normal state.
As the odic rays have no insulator but pass through all substances, so everything is "diodanous," or permeable to the odic rays, and consequently translucent to the nerves of acute odic perception. Thus the high sensitive, under favorable condition, can see into and through the human body, and see the internal organs, and perceive whether they are sound or diseased.
Casey's motor answer
(Q) Will we discover the design for a self-fueling perpetual motiom machine?
(A)You will have before you the gasless motor invented by(4666)."Yes,we have the body and inquiring mind of (4666)also the associations and those conditions surrounding the perfection of motor which will develope power in its own action.As has been given,the idea and the plans as have been worked out in part along those lines that pull more of the power as produced in compression in drum,with the leads made in these forms that gather vibrations from the air as is forced through the drum,are,as we find,the application of the created energy.In the cams(as)have been used too much slack or play is allowed in their rotation.This is in the drums head action that these must be shortened in play.The connection of (195) and (900)with same-best that these have(4666)operation closer under their observations when the completed product is near attained".(Q)How may we bring him under our observation?(A)Bring him to Ohio or N.Y.(Q)Is this machine the same as brought to Washington now by Lindberg?(A)No, is here,the(4666)machine would operate on staionary conditions impelling forces;even for now that in gas motors-for,as tested by others, has more to do with that thrown in air and gaining its impelling force from that source.(Q)Would it operate perpetually if perfected?(A)Not perpetually,but once started could be kept in motion by created energy of its own source.Other has to have same source of impellation.Edgar Cayce reading March8,1928. Good Luck. Stealth
Jesus.... what more can we see
Just learn how to trasmute anything to gold and your whole life problems will vanish in an instant!Last edited by baroutologos; 04-11-2010, 06:50 PM.