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Ethics - You built it! Now what are you going to do with it!?

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  • #16
    publicly disclosing info

    Hi Cody,

    Put it into a pdf with all details and make sure you copyright it just for
    the record. It won't stop people from using it but that isn't the point, it
    is just for a record that it is yours. If you have a bank account, do what
    I do with a lot of my work, post the text and graphics into a
    standard notary public verbiage and if you have a bank account, notaries
    are usually free. Have them notarize it with a stamp and signature and date
    and they will record it in their book with a description. That notarized
    copy is a legally acceptable way to prove you possessed whatever info
    at whatever date. It isn't necessary to even mail it to yourself for postmark
    proof. I'd make copies of that notarized statement and give some to your
    trusted friends and family and keep the original and a few copies safe

    If you're going to give it away anyway, it almost doesn't matter but
    personally, I like to make a record of everything - just for the record.

    That is really only to record the facts that it is your info as of whatever
    date and it is free - won't cost a dime for most bank account holders and
    most banks and credit unions.

    You don't have to post the notarized copy online, just put the info into a
    document and put a standard copyright notice on it as well as a notice that
    you give people permission to use it and share it as long as everything is
    kept exactly how it is (without alterations).

    I'm not an attorney and am not giving you legal advice, I'm just telling
    you what I have done and continue to do.

    Here is a template you can use if you're in the states:
    This is the EXACT one I use because it is all that is needed. Just put your
    own personalized info in the obvious places.

    Now you can number the pages if you want, which is a good idea, but
    this is what I do. The last time I had something notarized was about 2
    months ago. That document went to 2 pages so after the notary (I always
    use the same one and she knows how I like to do things) - she put the
    pages side by side AFTER she did her regular stamp, signature, and date -
    then when they were side by side, she put a stamp that overlapped both
    pages proving that those 2 pages go together.

    If you have 3 pages, 4 pages, etc... at the very end, just position them
    so that the notary can put one extra stamp that overlaps all pages at
    once so each page has a fractional part of the stamp proving all those
    pages go together. It is just going the extra step for a little bit more
    peace of mind.

    Notaries can charge $20 or more so again, if you have a bank or credit
    union account, they'll usually offer notary services for free for their
    customers - don't pay for it if you don't have to. And there is no limit
    to the amount of notarization they'll do from my experience.
    Last edited by Aaron; 04-05-2010, 03:24 AM.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #17
      notary example


      Here is an example of my last one...

      The big blanked out square had a paragraph and under was a large image.

      You can see that the final thing was the stamp that overlapped both
      pages, which is better than just having page numbers, which I usually
      don't use because of this.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #18
        Ok Dude here it goes:

        New technology to improve efficiency of solar energy

        Using MHD you can heat up an expandable liquid metal like mercury, with cheap reflectors that reflects the sun light directing it to a black aluminum tube, heating up the liquid metal. This liquid metal cross permanent magnets field generating dc voltage. Using a kind of solenoid to control the flow, you can create AC. The efficiency will be very much higher than today solar panels.

        The liquid will flow by convection for this a source of cold (differential of temperature is needed) like a river... between the heat exchanger and the river Peltier modules can be used to improve the efficiency even further!!!

        something like Magneto Hydro Dynamic electrical generator

        This is a good starting point!

        Another technology witch is simple easy and cheap is thermal solar panels that heats up water for using at home instead of using gas or electricity to heat. Between the solar panel and the heat exchanger again the peltier modules can be used to generate electricity while hot water is heated!

        The dude

        I don't really care about my future for now but remember
        galileu was burned
        tesla died very poor
        stanley meyer was killed
        History tells us that inventors tend to be robed and screwed in all ways investors and business mans, Politicians, and their attorneys may find ways to do so.

        ethics in todays world is almost non existent everyone will aways try to screw you (you may find one friend in 1 million)( by todays world i mean the last 10 thousand years) Most Humans are selfish and thinks only on them selves. When i realized that i was trying to make a better world and understood that was not possible do this to this majority i got shocked. Anyway i want to change the world, is my mission! Every thing is very easy for me and might be because its my mission. I believe!

        Best Regards
        Hope you find value people


        • #19
          Thanks Aaron! How do you go about copyrighting the documents?


          • #20


            You can actually register the copyright with the copyright office, but it
            really isn't necessary. At the bottom of the documents you post, just put
            this at the bottom - I'd do it on each page - that is sufficient:

            Copyright 2010 - Your Name - All Rights Reserved

            As a matter of fact, with the digital millenium copyright act, I believe
            anything posted online, the copyright is actually automatically assumed
            for the author even if the author does not explicitly post a copyright.
            But post it anyway as indicated above.

            If you want all the gory details, get them here:

            Here are some basic tips:
            10 Big Myths about copyright explained

            Although it isn't really required to indicate a copyright, you might as
            well do it anyway because it is simple preventive medicine that doesn't
            cost you a dime... just post this at the bottom of each page:
            Copyright 2010 - Your Name - All Rights Reserved
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #21
              United States Patent Law: Title 35, Part II, Chapter 17, Sections 181-188

              Hi everyone,

              There is one "exclusive" draw back to having the big alternative energy device when doing a patent .... and at the present time there is some 5,000 odd that has been taken by this amendment added in the late 1950's

              United States Patent Law: Title 35, Part II, Chapter 17, Sections 181-188 (page 44 of 88)
              35 U.S.C. 181 Secrecy of certain inventions and withholding of patent.

              Whenever publication or disclosure by the publication of an application or by the grant of a patent on an invention in which the Government has a property interest might, in the opinion of the head of the interested Government agency, be detrimental to the national security, the Commissioner of Patents upon being so notified shall order that the invention be kept secret and shall withhold the publication of an application or the grant of a patent therefor under the conditions set forth hereinafter.
              Whenever the publication or disclosure of an invention by the publication of an application or by the granting of a patent, in which the Government does not have a property interest, might, in the opinion of the Commissioner of Patents, be detrimental to the national security, he shall make the application for patent in which such invention is disclosed available for inspection to the Atomic Energy Commission, the Secretary of Defense, and the chief officer of any other department or agency of the Government designated by the President as a defense agency of the United States.
              Each individual to whom the application is disclosed shall sign a dated acknowledgment thereof, which acknowledgment shall be entered in the file of the application. If, in the opinion of the Atomic Energy Commission, the Secretary of a Defense Department, or the chief officer of another department or agency so designated, the publication or disclosure of the invention by the publication of an application or by the granting of a patent therefor would be detrimental to the national security, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Secretary of a Defense Department, or such other chief officer shall notify the Commissioner of Patents and the Commissioner of Patents shall order that the invention be kept secret and shall withhold the publication of the application or the grant of a patent for such period as the national interest requires, and notify the applicant thereof. Upon proper showing by the head of the department or agency who caused the secrecy order to be issued that the examination of the application might jeopardize the national interest, the Commissioner of Patents shall thereupon maintain the application in a sealed condition and notify the applicant thereof. The owner of an application which has been placed under a secrecy order shall have a right to appeal from the order to the Secretary of Commerce under rules prescribed by him.
              An invention shall not be ordered kept secret and the publication of an application or the grant of a patent withheld for a period of more than one year. The Commissioner of Patents shall renew the order at the end thereof, or at the end of any renewal period, for additional periods of one year upon notification by the head of the department or the chief officer of the agency who caused the order to be issued that an affirmative determination has been made that the national interest continues to so require. An order in effect, or issued, during a time when the United States is at war, shall remain in effect for the duration of hostilities and one year following cessation of hostilities. An order in effect, or issued, during a national emergency declared by the President shall remain in effect for the duration of the national emergency and six months thereafter. The Commissioner of Patents may rescind any order upon notification by the heads of the departments and the chief officers of the agencies who caused the order to be issued that the publication or disclosure of the invention is no longer deemed detrimental to the national security.
              (Amended Nov. 29, 1999, Public Law 106-113, sec. 1000(a)(9), 113 Stat. 1501A-566, 582 (S. 1948 secs. 4507(7) and 4732(a)(10)(B)).)
              Sections 182 through 188 are really interesting !!

              Good Luck !!

              Best Regards,
              Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 04-05-2010, 08:21 AM. Reason: added info
              Open Source Experimentalist
              Open Source Research and Development


              • #22
                I appreciate the info on this thread, thanks.
                Does this mean that everything we write in this thread or any other place on the web is automatically copyrighted? This is interesting ...
                Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by elias View Post
                  I appreciate the info on this thread, thanks.
                  Does this mean that everything we write in this thread or any other place on the web is automatically copyrighted? This is interesting ...
                  Nope, but its close as you get, unless you go through the process Aaron laid out, or the actual copyright process.
                  But it does become a matter of Public Record. Nullifying the ability for some else to file a patent application on your stuff. I am sure you would have to police that yourself and make the patent people aware.



                  • #24
                    [QUOTE=Matthew Jones;90936]I am putting the final touches on a very big Tesla switch, 5 kw AC system.

                    Please show me I want to make one too.


                    • #25
                      Awesome info

                      Thanks to all who responded. I have a sense of many great things afoot.

                      This thread has given me a lot of things to think about.

                      Thanks Aaron for your examples and explanations.
             - Where technology goes Live!
             - Your Portal Here on Earth


                      • #26
                        commitment to open source?

                        Anytime Dude!

                        So, any commitments from anyone reading this to simply open source
                        something you've been holding close to your chest?

                        Cody seems to be prepping to do it... anyone else?

                        Why don't we make a date this month that on the same day - to
                        post at the same time some of these things? Any takers?
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • #27
                          I would but im pretty sure it wont be ready this month, more tests, research, building and money to be spent I might just start a new thread and forget about the whole patent/copyright deal. Sounds like matt has something way cooler than i have. Looking forward to seeing it.


                          • #28
                            anyone else?

                            Anyone else?
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • #29

                              Originally posted by cody View Post
                              I would but im pretty sure it wont be ready this month, more tests, research, building and money to be spent I might just start a new thread and forget about the whole patent/copyright deal. Sounds like matt has something way cooler than i have. Looking forward to seeing it.

                              There is no better way than to have a bunch of people that may be
                              interested get involved in helping with development if they find it interesting
                              enough. If you're open to releasing something anyway, you will have a lot of
                              valuable input into the validity of it - a major point of open source.

                              Many of the software packages that are open source are released
                              at every stage with a list of what is updated or modified as it is developed.
                              They don't wait until everything is done or perfected then release it.
                              They release version 1.0 of the idea and then go from there.

                              In short time, you'll see what the real potential of the idea is.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • #30
                                h2opower did try and open source his work here and we all see where that got him.

                                He built the Gas Processor and tried to get others to start building by making a builders challenge.

                                He got help with the circuitry and now has some circuits in hand.

                                He made the VIC transformer and gave lots of explanations of how one should be built, even explaining Stanley Meyer's strange words that until he explained them made no sense to anyone as far as I know.

                                Some of the people that turned on him where admittedly totally in the dark without his work on Stanley Meyer technology by their own account.

                                Senior Member Join Date: Sep 2008
                                Posts: 298

                                I'm an italian private researcher... As many peoples I was focalized on standard ho cells but when I have read thred of H2OPOWER my mind has been illuminated. The way for obtain high amount of energyu is work in this direction but I think isn't present only one solution.. Importat is understand concept of functionality.... after is only question of intuition.. For it I think that isn't needed complicated circuits .. in nature don't exist anything of complicated.. all is simple.. and for this concept must be created an water system energy... simply using HV fields and imagination.. Regards
                                He fully admits he was lost without h2opowers work, as where the majority if not all of us myself included. But now he is the spreader of misinformation for all of his efforts to try and get all of us working on the technology that could bring us all energy independence.

                                He ask the hard questions and instead of just answering his questions his real name came up as a threat to back off with all the hard questions. He is one that shared freely what he was doing to everyone, and that is how he was repaid for all of his sharing. This time line graph of the events as they take place that he made shows he didn't ask questions he himself was unwilling to answer:

                                Now he is called a misinforment and I ask "why?" is it for sharing with us all?
                                When I read this thread I can't help to think of the one person that was doing all of this with us all, sharing his work freely, and answering the many questions that came his way from us. The one thing I like about him most is he was willing to admit if he was wrong about anything and would own up to it, correct himself, and move on. He would even thank the person that found an error in his work. That seems like a very humble man if you ask me.

                                Well, that's my two cents.

                                Last edited by chasson321; 04-06-2010, 07:39 AM.

