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Ethics - You built it! Now what are you going to do with it!?

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  • #31
    only the facts

    Originally posted by chasson321 View Post
    h2opower did try and open source his work here and we all see where that got him.
    Please keep the record straight without implying that him open sourcing
    his viewpoint resulted in his removal. That has nothing to do with why
    his account was disabled.

    Insulting other members because he disagrees and accusing us of being MIB's
    and spreading disinformation was completely unnecessary and untrue.
    He could have simply promoted his viewpoint in his thread without all of
    that and he would still be there posting his viewpoint even if others
    disagree with him.

    His thread is still publicly viewable by anyone that wants to read it as a
    matter of fact.

    Here it is:
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #32
      Where are we going to post our stuff.

      I'll write it up over the next week, with all the detail I have. The current build tends to be sloppy and "Little problem prone" but I have started on the next version, at least on paper which will be far more robust.
      I am having a few problems that I probably could solve quicker with someone who is a little better in the Electronics department. Top it off to get the parts you have to wait a while, and there good bit of money in it.

      I already have some details in "Use for Tesla Switch" thread I just didn't want to be double posting all over the place until I had a finished product.

      If some body would be interested in duplicated, I'll stick it out there.

      Let me know where and when.



      • #33
        The facts

        This is h2opower's post that started all of this ( I highlighted the part that got him into trouble and the questions he had that to this date have gone unanswered):
        Senior Member Join Date: Oct 2007
        Posts: 644


        One inventor did make use of atomic hydrogen, plus he also made use of atomic oxygen which is far more powerful than atomic hydrogen. He would strip four or more electrons from the oxygen atoms from the incoming air supply. His injectors worked on the oxygen and the hydrogen atoms. The inventors name is Stanley Meyer and on this site I posted just how he made use of water as a source of fuel. In two threads I created I show the energy calculations with only the oxygen atom having it's electrons stripped of four electrons as told by the patent. Guess what? At the fourth energy level the resulting reaction surpasses the energy content of gasoline by more than 1000 kJ/mol and I left the hydrogen atomic out of the calculations which would add another 1312 kJ/mol times two since there are two hydrogens used to form the water molecule. That for me gives the best answer to the question, "How did Stanley Meyer run a 1.6L engine with an hho production rate of only 7 L/min.?"

        Now recently my theories on how Stanley Meyer made use of water as a fuel source have come under attack by people thinking Nitrogen is apart of the reaction (gtnt) when it is a none combustible gas and really only takes the action of absorbing the heat of the said reaction expanding as it does aidding in pushing down the piston. They don't have a complete understanding of Chemistry so they are unable to see the reactions clearly and/or show the full sets of reactions along with the rates of the reactions and energy content calculations that go along with it. What I found out was one only has under .76 seconds and lower as the engine RPM's build up to get all the reactions set for explosion inside the combustion chambers.

        Now the only reason I mention nitrogen at all is if you do take the time to read my thread you will read these two theories.
        In the most basic sense the difference between the two theories is this:

        My theory = ionized air gases(focusing on the oxygen atoms by choice of coherent light wavelengths used) + polarized dividing and splitting of water mist -> then mixed, compressed, and ignited. And it is also stated in the patent as doing exactly that.

        The other theory = ionized air gases + hho -> making new molecules while being mixed, compressed, and then being ignited.

        Take the time to read my post for they are up for everyone to have with no charge for the information given. Enjoy!

        Then you went and posted his true name out of the clear blue after reading this post by him, those are the facts. Everything that took place afterwords was a reaction to that event and you know it. Who knew he would react so strongly to what you did, I sure didn't know he would, but the fact is you started it all by doing what you did? You went and attacked the man instead of just answering his questions about rates of reactions, energy content calculations, and such.

        Just setting the record straight,



        • #34


          This thread is not for that but if you want to be honest about it, post
          all dozen or so posts by him insulting everyone, claiming we're MIB's
          spreading disinformation, etc... It was NOT just one post, it was many
          that persisted over weeks - you conveniently appear to have forgotten
          all of this. As I said, FACTS.

          Threatening to murder was the last straw, period, end of story.

          Manipulating the facts is not appreciated and will not be tolerated.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #35
            Here's one for open scource then

            It's a Solar heating system using the coffee percolator system .

            Half fill with a nice safe solvent like Ethyl Ether that boils at 34.6 degrees, and incorporate a check valve at the inlet to the heating pipes in the solar collectors.
            The collectors fill under gravity, but as soon as the solvent reaches 35 degrees - pressure builds up to expell the liquid into the heating (header)tank.
            Only when it has been cooled will it return.

            You can select the solvent dependent on the temperature differential you want.
            If the header tank is already at maximum temperature, the process will stop automatically, as all fluid is in a gasseous state.
            You can have a secondary system - cooling the first tank - and adding the heat to a hotter tank - al the way up to 100degrees C if you wanted.

            All - without any additional power. It is self running. Oh - and won't freeze either.


            • #36
              @THE DUDE
              Good subject. Keep it up. Maybe one of these days it won't go sour in the end and we can get something done.



              • #37
                Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                @THE DUDE
                Good subject. Keep it up. Maybe one of these days it won't go sour in the end and we can get something done.

                Wow. Sorry Matt. I have to assume that your only "unsubscribing" to this particular thread I hope. As with many online discussion threads, differences of opinions are a definite reality. Par for the course to be honest. You have to admit, there isn't really another discussion thread around like it.

                I think there is still some good to come out of it.

                Actually i'm planning on documenting the process of taking a small device to market while offering full technical disclosure here on these forums. (maybe even this very thread) Its not that consequential and still has some work before it will be completely ready for public scrutiny, but the device does offer some unique operating characteristics and usefulness. I'll have some pictures and some better descriptive tomorrow as it is late.

                I felt a disturbance in the "Force" and had to come check the threads. :P

                Thanks again for everyone involved in this topic. I know that unrelated issues can sometimes take premise, and thats ok, as long as we can get some resonance going again.

                Love and Light!
       - Where technology goes Live!
       - Your Portal Here on Earth


                • #38
                  potential device

                  Well its far too soon to make any kind of actual declaration about what my device can or can not do. Until i can complete some further experimentation with the first 10 prototype units that I am currently building, I will actually refrain from making any sort of substantial claims. What i can say is, that when adjusted properly for impedance on both the primary and secondary input/output and the device is powered on, that there can be a substantial and immediate increase in voltage levels in both battery positions and that the devices can be connected to batteries in parallel/series. (battery-device-battery-device)

                  A self resonating disruptive discharge is inexpensively generated producing a fluffy sort of increased voltage on the battery banks. I have tested with two and three devices in place and have discovered this effect to be cumulative. Although this radiant voltage is not entirely effective at charging batteries quickly (although it clearly will operate strictly as a battery charger and will come with a DC adaptor as well as dual banana lead input and output connections) it is my hope to discover that the excess voltage can effectively be tapped and inverted, providing much greater efficiency than if the batteries are simply inverted to AC directly. I believe that i have already observed this to be true, but i really need to test a lot more before making this claim.

                  Any way thats my introduction to my proposed device. There isn't a lot of new technology here. I think that how the technology is arranged is more important in this case. I know that i'm probably not the first to try to make something like this work and it could be i'm chasing phantoms around my lab! lol

                  As soon as i am able to put together some testing video content i will update here. At the same time any one wanting more details could look at the schematic in my Dual oscillator thread (in my signature) for something very similar. Eventually if i am successful, I might start a dedicated thread.

                  Please feel free to comment. Take it easy on me though, i am not an electrical engineer, and i'm really trying to approach this project modestly here.

                  Thanks for interest.

                  Last edited by thedude; 04-07-2010, 08:26 PM.
         - Where technology goes Live!
         - Your Portal Here on Earth


                  • #39
                    My Statement on behalf of the open source commmunity

                    Not that i want to post the obvious, ill just make a statement for all here i think we all know is self evident, if you build it and release it, we will find it and back engineer it and release it also

                    Sorry, 2010 we are still killing each other, think i care about any thing else?
                    sorry, you should know me by now.


