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  • Positronium

    Maybe I don't think like mainstream people, or people are happy with simple explanations, then get on with their lives.

    I've often thought about the nature of electricity - that only deals with the negative electrons. They are the ones that do all the work don't they......don't they ?

    By inducing an electrical charge in a wire by a rotating magnet - the electrons move - hopping from one atom shell to another all the way around the circuit. This is how we're taught.

    I have thought differently that it is the atoms constantly in vibration, yet held in their positions by chemical bonds and nuclear forces, that can knock together if a voltage is supplied at one end - the force will travel like a newtons cradel - untill the force emerges at the other end.
    I suggested it is like a pipe of snooker balls.

    I have just read that this is an accepted theory

    But - what of the positively charged particles?

    What if we can strip electrons from an atom - we also release the positron - the electrons' nemesis ?
    Then just as the electron moves around the circuit in one direction, (jumping atoms) the positron moves in the opposite direction - untill they meet and annihilate each other - resulting in a production of heat.

    From research - it seems that there is a moment when the electron and positron are captivated in a spin - and this particle is called a positronium.
    positroniums would consist of an electron and the positron (a particle of equal mass), making Positroniums about a thousand times less massive than hydrogen.

    It only lasts nanoseconds - before exploding (imploding?) - emitting gamma radiation in (in the experiment)

    It is theorised, that 1 miligram of positronium particles - would explode with the force of 25 kilotons of dynamite.

    Would like to hear your views.

    Introduction to Positron Research

  • #2
    Originally posted by Richie_asg1 View Post
    From research - it seems that there is a moment when the electron and positron are captivated in a spin - and this particle is called a positronium.
    positroniums would consist of an electron and the positron (a particle of equal mass), making Positroniums about a thousand times less massive than hydrogen
    Do you really think the more elaborate the store the more believable the tale?


    "It's lovely to live on a raft. We had the sky up there, all speckled with stars, and we used to lay on our backs and look up at them, and discuss about whether they was made or only just happened." - Huckleberry Finn

