Go Bottle Rockets....
In my opinion, you are on sound legal ground. I hope Ash responds to me. I think he is needlessly fearful. Somehow these people have scared him. If you come to Atlanta I would like to meet you.
As to the rocket idea, I believe you are correct in saying the effect is on the side of the ascending bouyant capsule. The source of energy is the compressed air. The energy can be recaptured as the capsule ascends. A demonstration project would be required to provide a proof of concept. A full theoretic explaination would include all the factors you mention.
OK, I broke away and read the physics paper. Cool. Adiabatics ... Getting energy from converting water vapor to liquid state is an idea I had not considered recently. I can't actually remember ever thinking of water vapor as an energy source. But, this is the perfect forum in which to consider it out loud.
Evaporative cooling, yeah, we've all heard of that. Right? The more I think about it, the more I like it. The capsule ascends, pressure decreases. Vapor turns to liquid. Energy is released, etc. So, we have a possible second source of energy. OU, here we come!
There is a problem with that thought, however. As pressure decreases the liquid should turn to vapor, not the other way around. Oops.
Originally posted by ltseung888
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As to the rocket idea, I believe you are correct in saying the effect is on the side of the ascending bouyant capsule. The source of energy is the compressed air. The energy can be recaptured as the capsule ascends. A demonstration project would be required to provide a proof of concept. A full theoretic explaination would include all the factors you mention.
OK, I broke away and read the physics paper. Cool. Adiabatics ... Getting energy from converting water vapor to liquid state is an idea I had not considered recently. I can't actually remember ever thinking of water vapor as an energy source. But, this is the perfect forum in which to consider it out loud.
Evaporative cooling, yeah, we've all heard of that. Right? The more I think about it, the more I like it. The capsule ascends, pressure decreases. Vapor turns to liquid. Energy is released, etc. So, we have a possible second source of energy. OU, here we come!
There is a problem with that thought, however. As pressure decreases the liquid should turn to vapor, not the other way around. Oops.