Let shoot them! ;-)
Hi all.
After numerous fun designs, i think its time to build someting.
I started thinking about this after my buoyancy design ( http://www.energeticforum.com/renewa...cy-hacked.html ) And linear pick up coils.
After watching a few clips on the web of people shooting stuff away with HHO (potato guns, bottle rockets) i was thinking.. We all try to run existing engines on HHO, why not try to use what we are able to do right now.
Here is a good example of a person shooting some stuff on a very small scale: 9V battery, 20 seconds will give him a projectile. :
YouTube - The RED-Tipped MICRO ROCKET
This kind of power i'm trying to use.
( See it as a reversed coil gun. A coil gun: Input a lots of energy and shoot a projectile. This design:
Shoot a projectile and harvest the energy )
Also keep in mind the “shake lights” .. See it as a huge line of shake lights and fire a magnets trough them.
I designed a ring generator, i want to build. I'm not claiming overunity. I'm just think it would be a good learning project and some fun.
The concept is based on HHO combustion (or any other combustible substance) , linear generators and a magnet bullet.
First i was thinking of a linear set-up, easy with no valves:

A very easy concept:
1.The water at the bottom of the sphere will be under continues current to produce hydrogen.
2.When the magnet falls down it will trigger the spark swith above the water and the produced HHO will combust
3.Magnet shoots up, along the coils, at the dead point on the top, gravity will take over and the magnet falls down.
4.Repeat 1.2.3.
Then i was thinking.. There are two dead points, that should be eliminated as well as unnessesary air resistance.
So i came up with a ring design, i want to build. I'm not claiming overunity. I'm just think it would be a good learning project and some fun.
Here is an impression of the set-up:

How it works:
1.The (for the time being) external power source will produce HHO gas
2.The Spark will be triggered by a magnetic switch as soon as the “bullit” passes the valve.
3.The HHO combustion
4.The combustion will force the valve open
5.The opened valve closes of the ring behind the bullit to provide force and direction
6.The bullet will shoot away inside the ring
7.The pressure valve will release air and pressure to enable the bullet to travel
8.The bullet passes the pressure valves and due to speed will pass the combustion valve again
Notes: Due to the rotating force, the bullet will only touch the outer wall, so at the inside wall you have some “liberty” of placing parts (Valves, censors etc)
Also the pressure in front of the bullet will close the valve before hitting it. Once the combustion valve and the pressure valve are closed, the bullit will travel inside the ring with very little resistance because the air around it will travel at the same speed.
Animation of inside :

Close up of valve working:

So.. This is the plan. :-)
As i do not want a fragmentation bomb in my house, i decided to make a trial set-up from soft materials. I do not want huge power in the beginning, just a proof of concept. And after seeing in the above vid the guy shooting of a tic-tac box, i think the reinforced hose will be able to resist the forces with single shots. ( Yes i do realise it will melt when you fire it continuesly )
For the ring I'm going to use a thick reinforced transparent hose. Easy to bend, and I'm able to see what happens.
For the magnet bullet i will use a soft ball at first
As combustion chamber i think i will use the same hose. First I was thinking of a tennis ball, but i like the transparent nature of the hose.
As for the valve, i will us a slightly soft rubber flap. That has the advantage of not having to design a hinge and doe to the explosive force it will bend itself into the right shape to close of the ring for a short period.
The linear pick up coils will be of later worries, after the concept works.
I will first power it up with an external power source, just to see if can get the “bullet” flying around.
First step:

Ofcourse I will run in a few problems and help and ideas will be appreciated.
I know nothing about electricity so there is problem number one:
As an ignition i need the “cheapest” and most simple way to create an ignition spark. For now I have a electronic lighter, but at the end it need to be an integrated solution.
Any suggestions for a cheap and easy spark?
If it works i have some things in the future planned:
- Make the ring of solid copper with one small isolation and wire the ends
and shoot the magnet trough. Will the Lenz effect create power? Will the Lenz effect keep the magnet from hitting the outer wall?

- What if u put more magnets in at the same time? That could be interesting!
- What if you give the combustion chamber more exits, as in in the spokes of a wheel ?

- Is there a possibility of using the pressure from the pressure release valve ?
Thanks for reading. Any input will be appreciated.
Hi all.
After numerous fun designs, i think its time to build someting.
I started thinking about this after my buoyancy design ( http://www.energeticforum.com/renewa...cy-hacked.html ) And linear pick up coils.
After watching a few clips on the web of people shooting stuff away with HHO (potato guns, bottle rockets) i was thinking.. We all try to run existing engines on HHO, why not try to use what we are able to do right now.
Here is a good example of a person shooting some stuff on a very small scale: 9V battery, 20 seconds will give him a projectile. :
YouTube - The RED-Tipped MICRO ROCKET
This kind of power i'm trying to use.
( See it as a reversed coil gun. A coil gun: Input a lots of energy and shoot a projectile. This design:
Shoot a projectile and harvest the energy )
Also keep in mind the “shake lights” .. See it as a huge line of shake lights and fire a magnets trough them.
I designed a ring generator, i want to build. I'm not claiming overunity. I'm just think it would be a good learning project and some fun.
The concept is based on HHO combustion (or any other combustible substance) , linear generators and a magnet bullet.
First i was thinking of a linear set-up, easy with no valves:

A very easy concept:
1.The water at the bottom of the sphere will be under continues current to produce hydrogen.
2.When the magnet falls down it will trigger the spark swith above the water and the produced HHO will combust
3.Magnet shoots up, along the coils, at the dead point on the top, gravity will take over and the magnet falls down.
4.Repeat 1.2.3.
Then i was thinking.. There are two dead points, that should be eliminated as well as unnessesary air resistance.
So i came up with a ring design, i want to build. I'm not claiming overunity. I'm just think it would be a good learning project and some fun.
Here is an impression of the set-up:

How it works:
1.The (for the time being) external power source will produce HHO gas
2.The Spark will be triggered by a magnetic switch as soon as the “bullit” passes the valve.
3.The HHO combustion
4.The combustion will force the valve open
5.The opened valve closes of the ring behind the bullit to provide force and direction
6.The bullet will shoot away inside the ring
7.The pressure valve will release air and pressure to enable the bullet to travel
8.The bullet passes the pressure valves and due to speed will pass the combustion valve again
Notes: Due to the rotating force, the bullet will only touch the outer wall, so at the inside wall you have some “liberty” of placing parts (Valves, censors etc)
Also the pressure in front of the bullet will close the valve before hitting it. Once the combustion valve and the pressure valve are closed, the bullit will travel inside the ring with very little resistance because the air around it will travel at the same speed.
Animation of inside :

Close up of valve working:

So.. This is the plan. :-)
As i do not want a fragmentation bomb in my house, i decided to make a trial set-up from soft materials. I do not want huge power in the beginning, just a proof of concept. And after seeing in the above vid the guy shooting of a tic-tac box, i think the reinforced hose will be able to resist the forces with single shots. ( Yes i do realise it will melt when you fire it continuesly )
For the ring I'm going to use a thick reinforced transparent hose. Easy to bend, and I'm able to see what happens.
For the magnet bullet i will use a soft ball at first
As combustion chamber i think i will use the same hose. First I was thinking of a tennis ball, but i like the transparent nature of the hose.
As for the valve, i will us a slightly soft rubber flap. That has the advantage of not having to design a hinge and doe to the explosive force it will bend itself into the right shape to close of the ring for a short period.
The linear pick up coils will be of later worries, after the concept works.
I will first power it up with an external power source, just to see if can get the “bullet” flying around.
First step:

Ofcourse I will run in a few problems and help and ideas will be appreciated.
I know nothing about electricity so there is problem number one:
As an ignition i need the “cheapest” and most simple way to create an ignition spark. For now I have a electronic lighter, but at the end it need to be an integrated solution.
Any suggestions for a cheap and easy spark?
If it works i have some things in the future planned:
- Make the ring of solid copper with one small isolation and wire the ends
and shoot the magnet trough. Will the Lenz effect create power? Will the Lenz effect keep the magnet from hitting the outer wall?

- What if u put more magnets in at the same time? That could be interesting!
- What if you give the combustion chamber more exits, as in in the spokes of a wheel ?

- Is there a possibility of using the pressure from the pressure release valve ?
Thanks for reading. Any input will be appreciated.